
Defines functions addOffset4ModelFrame predictDesign

Documented in addOffset4ModelFrame predictDesign

##' Internal function to Calculate Predicted Competing Risks Probability.
##' Calculate predicted probabilities for a competing risks regression model
##' @title Internal function to Calculate Predicted Competing Risks Probability.
##' @param fit a saved crr model fit crated by function
##' \code{crr.fit}
##' @param newdata data frame for prediction. Each row of the data
##' frame   contains values of covariates that are required in the crr
##' model. If   missing, the original data set that was used to
##' develop the crr model   will be used for prediction.
##' @return A vector with the length equal to the number of rows in the data
##'   frame, which was used to make prediction. Each element corresponds to a
##'   predicted failure probability at the expected time point.
##' @importFrom Hmisc na.keep num.intercepts matxv %nin%
predictDesign <-
        fit, newdata = NULL,
        type = c(
            "lp", "x", "data.frame", "terms", "adjto", "adjto.data.frame",
        se.fit = FALSE, conf.int = FALSE,
        conf.type = c("mean", "individual"),
        incl.non.slopes = NULL, non.slopes = NULL, kint = 1,
        na.action = na.keep, expand.na = TRUE, center.terms = TRUE, ...) {
        type <- match.arg(type)
        conf.type <- match.arg(conf.type)
        ## R does not preserve missing(x):   31jul02
        mnon.slopes <- missing(non.slopes) || !length(non.slopes)
        # was missing( ) 6jan04
        at <- fit$Design
        if (!length(at)) at <- getOldDesign(fit)
        assume <- at$assume.code
        Limval <- Getlim(at, allow.null = TRUE, need.all = FALSE)
        Values <- Limval$values
        non.ia <- assume != 9
        non.strat <- assume != 8
        f <- sum(non.ia)
        nstrata <- sum(assume == 8)
        somex <- any(non.strat)
        rnam <- NULL
        cox <- inherits(fit, "cph") ||
            (length(fit$fitFunction) && any(fit$fitFunction == "cph"))
        ## 14Nov00 22May01
        naa <- fit$na.action
        if (!expand.na) naresid <- function(a, b) b
        # don't really call naresid if drop NAs
        parms <- at$parms
        name <- at$name
        coeff <- fit$coefficients
        nrp <- num.intercepts(fit)
        if (mnon.slopes) {
            non.slopes <- rep(0, nrp)
            non.slopes[kint] <- 1 # 13Sep94
        } else if (nrp > 0 & length(non.slopes) != nrp) {
            stop("length of non.slopes incompatible with fit")
        int.pres <- nrp > 0 # was !(cox|lrm)
        if (somex) cov <- Varcov(fit, regcoef.only = TRUE) # remove scale params
        # if(missing(incl.non.slopes))   6jan04
        if (missing(incl.non.slopes) || !length(incl.non.slopes)) {
            incl.non.slopes <- !mnon.slopes | (!missing(kint)) |
                int.pres | type != "x"
        ## added 12Feb93   !missing() added 18Feb93, 2nd one 13Sep94
        int.pres <- int.pres & incl.non.slopes
        assign <- fit$assign
        nama <- names(assign)[1]
        asso <- 1 * (nama == "Intercept" | nama == "(Intercept)")
        Center <- if (cox) fit$center else 0
        oldopts <- options(
            contrasts = c(factor = "contr.treatment", ordered = "contr.poly"),
            Design.attr = at
        ## 20Nov00   In SV4 options(two lists) causes problems
            options(contrasts = oldopts$contrasts)
            options(Design.attr = NULL)
        ## Terms <- delete.response(terms(attr(fit$terms,"formula"),
        ## specials="strat"))
        Terms <- if (.R.) {
                stats::terms(stats::formula(fit), specials = "strat"))
        } else {
            stats::delete.response(stats::terms(fit$terms, specials = "strat"))
        } ## 17Apr02  30may02
        attr(Terms, "response") <- 0
        attr(Terms, "intercept") <- 1 # was int.pres 12Feb93
        ## Need intercept whenever design matrix is generated to get
        ## current list of dummy variables for factor variables
        stra <- attr(Terms, "specials")$strat
        offset <- 0 # used if no newdata
        Terms.ns <- Terms
        if (length(stra)) {
            Terms.ns <- Terms[-stra] 
            # Uses [.terms function. 3.0 did not add 1!
            ## was [1-stra], changed 7June94
            ## For some reason attr(...) <- pmin(attr(...)) changed a detail
            ## in factors attribute in R but R and SV4 don't seem to need this
            ## anyway   1may02
            if (!.R.) {
                tfac <- attr(Terms.ns, "factors")
                if (length(tfac) && any(tfac > 1)) {
                    attr(Terms.ns, "factors") <- pmin(tfac, 1)
        if (conf.int) {
            vconstant <- 0
            if (conf.type == "individual") {
                vconstant <- fit$stats["Sigma"]^2
                if (is.na(vconstant)) {
                        'conf.type="individual" requires", 
                        "that fit be from ols')
            zcrit <- if (length(idf <- fit$df.residual)) {
                stats::qt((1 + conf.int) / 2, idf)
            } else {
                stats::qnorm((1 + conf.int) / 2)
        if (type != "adjto" & type != "adjto.data.frame") {
            X <- NULL
            if (missing(newdata) || !length(newdata)) {
                if (type == "lp" && length(fit$linear.predictors)) {
                    LP <- naresid(naa, fit$linear.predictors)
                    # changed 8June94
                    if (kint > 1) LP <- LP - fit$coef[1] + fit$coef[kint]
                    # added 13Sep94
                    if (length(stra<-attr(fit$linear.predictors, "strata"))) {
                        attr(LP, "strata") <- naresid(naa, stra)
                    if (!se.fit && !conf.int) {
                    } ## 7Mar99
                    else if (length(fit$se.fit)) {
                        if (kint > 1) {
                                "se.fit is retrieved from the fit",
                                "but it corresponded to kint=1"
                        retlist <- list(
                            linear.predictors = LP,
                            se.fit = naresid(naa, fit$se.fit)
                        if (conf.int) {
                            plminus <- zcrit * sqrt(
                                retlist$se.fit^2 + vconstant
                            retlist$lower <- LP - plminus
                            retlist$upper <- LP + plminus
                } else if (type == "x") {
                        naresid(naa, fit$x),
                        strata = if (length(stra <- attr(fit$x, "strata"))) {
                            naresid(naa, stra)
                        } else {
                X <- fit$x
                rnam <- dimnames(X)[[1]]
                if (!any(names(fit) == "x")) X <- NULL # fit$x can get fit$xref
                if (!length(X)) {
                    stop("newdata not given and fit did not store x")
            if (!length(X)) {
                if (!is.data.frame(newdata)) {
                    if (is.list(newdata)) {
                        loc <- if (!length(names(newdata))) {
                            seq(1, f)
                        } else {
                            name[assume != 9]
                        new <- matrix(
                            if (.R.) double(1) else single(1),
                            nrow = length(newdata[[1]]),
                            ncol = length(newdata)
                        for (j in seq(1, ncol(new))) {
                            new[, j] <- newdata[[loc[j]]]
                        newdata <- new
                    if (!is.matrix(newdata)) {
                        newdata <- matrix(newdata, ncol = f)
                    if (ncol(newdata) != f) {
                        stop("# columns in newdata not= # factors in design")
                    X <- list()
                    k <- 0
                    ii <- 0
                    for (i in (seq(1, length(assume)))[non.ia]) {
                        ii <- ii + 1
                        xi <- newdata[, ii]
                        as <- assume[i]
                        allna <- all(is.na(xi))
                        ## if(as!=10 && allna) xi <- at$limits[3,ii]
                        if (as == 5 | as == 8) {
                            xi <- as.integer(xi)
                            levels(xi) <- parms[[name[i]]]
                            oldClass(xi) <- "factor"
                        } else if (as == 10) {
                            if (i == 1) {
                                ifact <- 1
                            } else {
                                ifact <- 1 + sum(assume[seq(1, (i - 1))] != 8)
                            ## Accounts for assign not being output
                            ## for strata factors
                            ncols <- length(assign[[ifact + asso]])
                            if (allna) {
                                xi <- matrix(
                                    if (.R.) double(1) else single(1),
                                    nrow = length(xi), ncol = ncols
                                for (j in seq(1, ncol(xi))) {
                                    xi[, j] <- parms[[name[i]]][j]
                            } else {
                                xi <- matrix(
                                    if (.R.) xi else as.single(xi),
                                    nrow = length(xi), ncol = ncols
                        ## Duplicate single value for all parts of matrix
                        k <- k + 1
                        X[[k]] <- xi
                    names(X) <- name[non.ia]
                    attr(X, "row.names") <- as.character(seq(1, nrow(newdata)))
                    oldClass(X) <- "data.frame"
                    newdata <- X
                    ## Note: data.frame() converts matrix variables to
                    ## individual variables
                    if (type == "data.frame") {
                } else {
                    ## Need to convert any factors to have all levels in
                    ## original fit Otherwise, wrong dummy variables will
                    ## be generated by model.matrix
                    nm <- names(newdata)
                    for (i in seq(1, ncol(newdata))) {
                        j <- match(nm[i], name)
                        if (!is.na(j)) {
                            asj <- assume[j]
                            w <- newdata[, i]
                            V <- NULL
                            if (asj == 5 | asj == 7 | asj == 8 |
                                (name[j] %in% names(Values) &&
                                length(V <- Values[[name[j]]]) &&
                                is.character(V))) {
                                if (length(Pa <- parms[[name[j]]])) V <- Pa
                                # added 8Apr94
                                ## if(is.null(V)) V <- parms[[name[j]]]
                                # subtracted 8Apr94
                                newdata[, i] <- factor(w, V)
                                ## Handles user specifying numeric values
                                ## without quotes, that are levels
                                ww <- is.na(newdata[, i])&!is.na(oldUnclass(w))
                                if (any(ww)) {
                                        "Error in predictDesign: Values in",
                                        "not in", V, ":\n"
                                    print(as.character(w[ww]), quote = FALSE)
                newdata <- addOffset4ModelFrame(Terms, newdata) ## 23nov02
                X <- stats::model.frame(
                    newdata, na.action = na.action, ...)
                if (type == "model.frame") {
                naa <- attr(X, "na.action")
                rnam <- row.names(X)
                offs <- attr(Terms, "offset")
                if (!length(offs)) {
                    offset <- rep(0, length(rnam))
                } else {
                    offset <- X[[offs]]
                ## if(ncol(X) != sum(non.ia))
                ##     stop("improperly formed model frame")
                strata <- list()
                nst <- 0
                ii <- 0 ## 23nov02
                for (i in setdiff(seq(1, ncol(X)), offs)) {
                    ## setdiff() was 1:ncol(X) 23nov02
                    ii <- ii + 1
                    xi <- X[[i]]
                    asi <- attr(xi, "assume.code")
                    as <- assume[ii] ## was i 23nov02
                    if (!length(asi) && as == 7) {
                        attr(X[, i], "contrasts") <-
                            attr(scored(xi, name = name[ii]), "contrasts")
                        ## was i 23nov02
                        if (length(xi) == 1) {
                                "a bug in model.matrix can produce",
                                "incorrect results\n",
                                "when only one observation is being",
                                "predicted for an ordered variable"
                    if (as == 8) {
                        nst <- nst + 1
                        strata[[nst]] <- paste(
                            name[ii], "=",
                            parms[[name[ii]]][X[, i]],
                            sep = ""
                        ## was name[i] 23nov02
                if (!somex) {
                    X <- NULL
                } else if (int.pres && nrp == 1) {
                    X <- stats::model.matrix(Terms.ns, X)
                } # nrp Jan94
                else {
                    X <- stats::model.matrix(Terms.ns, X)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
                } # 12Feb93
                if (nstrata > 0) {
                    names(strata) <- paste("S", seq(1, nstrata), sep = "")
                    strata <- factor(interaction(
                        drop = TRUE
                    levels = fit$strata
            } else {
                strata <- attr(X, "strata")
            added.col <- if (
                incl.non.slopes & (nrp > 1 | !int.pres)) nrp else 0
            # nrp>1 Jan94
            ## & !scale.pres removed from following statement 20Feb93
            if (incl.non.slopes & nrp > 0 & somex & added.col > 0) {
                xx <- matrix(
                    if (.R.) double(1) else single(1),
                    nrow = nrow(X), ncol = added.col
                for (j in seq(1, nrp)) xx[, j] <- non.slopes[j]
            } else {
                xx <- NULL
        ## For models with multiple intercepts, delete elements of
        ## covariance matrix containing unused intercepts
        elements.to.delete <- 9999
        if (somex && nrp > 1) {
            i <- seq(1, nrp)[non.slopes == 0]
            cov <- cov[-i, -i, drop = FALSE]
            elements.to.delete <- i
        if (type == "adjto" | type == "adjto.data.frame" |
            (center.terms && type == "terms") |
            (cox & (se.fit | conf.int))) {
            ## Form design matrix for adjust-to values
            adjto <- list()
            ii <- 0
            for (i in seq(1, length(assume))[non.ia]) {
                ii <- ii + 1
                xi <- Getlimi(name[i], Limval, need.all = TRUE)[2]
                # was =F  5Feb94
                if (assume[i] == 5 | assume[i] == 8) {
                    xi <- factor(xi, parms[[name[i]]])
                } else if (assume[i] == 7) {
                    xi <- scored(xi, name = name[i])
                } else if (assume[i] == 10) {
                    xi <- matrix(parms[[name[i]]], nrow = 1)
                # matrx col medians
                adjto[[ii]] <- xi
            names(adjto) <- name[non.ia]
            ##   adjto <- data.frame(adjto,check.names=FALSE)
            ##   data.frame will take matrix factors and convert into 
            ##   individual vars
            attr(adjto, "row.names") <- "1"
            oldClass(adjto) <- "data.frame"
            if (type == "adjto.data.frame") {
            adjto <- addOffset4ModelFrame(Terms, adjto) ## 23nov02
            adjto <- stats::model.frame(Terms, adjto)
            adjto <- if (int.pres) {
                stats::model.matrix(Terms.ns, adjto)
            } else {
                stats::model.matrix(Terms.ns, adjto)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
            } # -1 added 12Feb93
            ## added drop=FALSE 27feb03
            if (type == "adjto") {
                k <- (if (int.pres) {
                    seq(1, length(coeff))
                } else {
                    seq(nrp + 1, length(coeff))
                if (is.matrix(adjto)) {
                    dimnames(adjto) <- list(
                } else {
                    names(adjto) <- names(coeff)[k]
        if (length(xx) & type != "terms" & incl.non.slopes) {
            X <- cbind(xx, X)
            dimnames(X) <- list(rnam, names(coeff))
            if ((center.terms && type == "terms") |
                (cox & (se.fit | conf.int))) {
                adjto <- c(xx[1, ], adjto)
            } # 12Feb93
        } else if (somex) {
            dimnames(X) <-
                ## list(rnam,names(coeff)[
                ## (nrp+1-(int.pres & incl.non.slopes)):length(coeff)])
                list(rnam, names(coeff)[
                    seq(1 + length(coeff) - ncol(X), length(coeff))
        } # 22Jun95
        storage.mode(X) <- "double"
        if (type == "x") {
                    naresid(naa, X),
                    strata = if (nstrata > 0) naresid(naa, strata) else NULL,
                    offset = if (length(offs)) naresid(naa, offset) else NULL,
                    na.action = if (expand.na) NULL else naa
        if (type == "lp") {
            if (somex) {
                ## if( ) 28apr02
                if (any(elements.to.delete == 9999)) {
                    cof <- coeff
                } else {
                    cof <- coeff[-elements.to.delete]
                    X <- X[, -elements.to.delete, drop = FALSE]
                xb <- matxv(X, cof) + offset - Center
                names(xb) <- rnam
                if (!.R.) storage.mode(xb) <- "single"
            } else {
                if (!length(offs)) xb <- NULL else xb <- offset
            xb <- naresid(naa, xb)
            if (nstrata > 0) attr(xb, "strata") <- naresid(naa, strata)
            if ((se.fit | conf.int) & somex) {
                if (cox) X <- sweep(X, 2, adjto) # Center columns
                se <- drop(sqrt(((X %*% cov) * X) %*% rep(1, ncol(X))))
                names(se) <- rnam
                if (!.R.) storage.mode(se) <- "single"
                retlist <- structure(list(
                    linear.predictors = xb,
                    se.fit = naresid(naa, se)
                na.action = if (expand.na) NULL else naa
                if (conf.int) {
                    plminus <- zcrit * sqrt(retlist$se.fit^2 + vconstant)
                    retlist$lower <- xb - plminus
                    retlist$upper <- xb + plminus
            } else {
                return(structure(xb, na.action = if (expand.na) NULL else naa))
        if (type == "terms") {
            if (!somex) {
                    'type="terms" may not be given',
                    "unless covariables present"
            fitted <- array(
                0, c(nrow(X), sum(non.strat)),
                list(rnam, name[non.strat])
            if (se.fit) se <- fitted
            j <- 0
            if (center.terms) {
                ## 31jul02: lrm and perhaps others put out fit$x without
                ## column of intercepts but model has intercept
                if (ncol(adjto) != ncol(X)) {
                    if (dimnames(adjto)[[2]][1] %in% c(
                    ) &&
                    dimnames(X)[[2]][1] %nin% c(
                    )) {
                        adjto <- adjto[, -1, drop = FALSE]
                # if (ncol(adjto) != ncol(X)) stop("program logic error")
                X <- sweep(X, 2, adjto) # center columns
            # PROBLEM: adjto = c(Intercept=1, sexmale=0); no 1s col in f$x
            num.intercepts.not.in.X <- length(coeff) - ncol(X) # 23Jan95
            for (i in seq(1, length(assume))[non.strat]) {
                j <- j + 1
                k <- assign[[j + asso]] # ; m <- k+int.pres
                ko <- k - num.intercepts.not.in.X # 23Jun95
                fitted[, j] <- matxv(X[, ko, drop = FALSE], coeff[k])
                ## was X[,m], coeff[nrp+k]
                if (se.fit) {
                    se[, j] <- (((
                        X[, ko, drop = FALSE] %*%
                            cov[ko, ko, drop = FALSE]) *
                            X[, ko, drop = FALSE]) %*% rep(1, length(ko)))^.5
            if (!.R.) storage.mode(fitted) <- "single"
            fitted <- structure(
                naresid(naa, fitted),
                strata = if (nstrata == 0) {
                } else {
                    naresid(naa, strata)
            if (se.fit) {
                if (!.R.) storage.mode(se) <- "single"
                    fitted = fitted,
                    se.fit = naresid(naa, se)
                na.action = if (expand.na) NULL else naa
            } else {
                    na.action = if (expand.na) NULL else naa

##' Internal function to Calculate Offset for Data
##' Internally calculate offset for a data
##' @title Internal function to Calculate Offset for Data
##' @param Terms term value
##' @param newdata data frame for prediction. Each row of the data
##' frame   contains values of covariates that are required in the crr
##' model. If   missing, the original data set that was used to
##' develop the crr model   will be used for prediction.
##' @return newdata
##' @importFrom Hmisc %nin%
addOffset4ModelFrame <- function(Terms, newdata, offset = 0) {
    offs <- attr(Terms, "offset")
    if (!length(offs)) {
    ##  offsetVarname <- all.names(attr(Terms,'variables')[offs+1])[1] 12mar04
    offsetVarname <- setdiff(
        all.names(attr(Terms, "variables")[offs + 1]),
    if (length(offsetVarname) > 1) {
            "More than one offset variable, only first used:",
        offsetVarname <- offsetVarname[1]
    ##  offsetVarname <- offsetVarname[offsetVarname != 'offset']
    if (offsetVarname %nin% names(newdata)) {
        newdata[[offsetVarname]] <- rep(offset, length = nrow(newdata))
            "offset variable set to",
jixccf/QHScrnomo documentation built on Dec. 21, 2021, 12:08 a.m.