# R6 class for a Recipe --------------------------------------------------------
Recipe <- R6Class(
classname = "recipe",
public = list(
# formula the model formula.
formula = NULL,
# term_info information about original and predicted variable.
term_info = NULL,
# steps the recipe steps.
steps = list(),
# template the data.
template = list(),
# levels variable factor levels.
levels = NULL,
# orig_lvls original factor levels
orig_lvls = NULL,
# retained variables that are retained.
retained = NA,
# requirements packages required
requirements = NULL,
# tr_info training info
tr_info = NULL,
# whether the model is trained.
trained = NULL,
# bake time for each step
time_bake = NULL,
# prep time for each step
time_prep = NULL,
# result list that holds the created model features.
result = list(),
# vars The variables available from the provided data set.
vars = NULL,
initialize = function(formula = NULL, data = NULL, ...) {
# specify data used with formula notation
# if (!is.formula(formula)) {
# stop("You must specify a valid formula")
# }
if (is.null(data) & is.null(formula)) {
if (!any(class(data) %in% c("list", "data.frame", "data.table", "tbl"))) {
stop("data must be a data.frame like object or list")
self$formula <- formula
# parse the formula
vars_list <- get_formula_vars(formula = formula, data = unclass(data))
roles <- rep.int(
x = c("predictor", "outcome"),
times = vapply(vars_list,
FUN = length,
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L)
self$vars <- unlist(vars_list, use.names = FALSE)
# add variables as a initial step
self$add_step(StepAddVars$new(terms = self$vars, role = roles))
self$steps[[1L]]$columns <- self$vars
self$requirements <- list(
bake = setNames(object = logical(),
nm = character())
# @description
# Add a step to the recipe.
# @param step The step to add.
# @return An updated `Recipe` object with a step addded.
add_step = function(step) {
self$steps <- append(self$steps, step)
# @description
# Do prep operations.
# @param retain retain the step.
# @return An updated `Recipe` object.
prep = function(retain = TRUE, steps = NULL) {
if (is.null(steps)) {
steps <- 1:length(self$steps)
self$time_prep <- c()
nms <- self$get_step_column_names()
for (i in steps) {
start_time <- Sys.time()
# set the columns that are used for the step
# currently don't specify as a selector
self$steps[[i]]$columns <- get_terms_from_info(self$steps[[i]]$terms,
# print(self$steps[[i]]$columns)
# We need to grab the data from previously created steps
end_time <- Sys.time()
elapsed_time <- end_time - start_time
self$time_prep <- c(self$time_prep, elapsed_time)
self$retained <- retain
# @description
# Create the dataset.
# @param data The input data to the recipe. If it is not specified it uses
# the data initially provided to the Recipe.
# @return An updated `Recipe` object with a result that holds a list of
# features.
bake = function(data = NULL, steps = NULL) {
types <- self$get_step_types()
types_loop <- seq_along(types)
if (!is.null(steps)) {
types_loop <- steps
} else {
status <- self$get_step_status() # rerun a step
types_loop <- types_loop[which(status)]
if (!is.null(data)) {
self$steps[[1L]]$columns <- self$vars
for (i in types_loop) {
start_time <- Sys.time()
columns <- self$steps[[i]]$columns
if (is.null(columns)) {
columns <- names(self$result)[1L]
# The template from step_add_vars is now in self$steps[[1]]
# "add" = self$steps[[i]]$bake(unclass(self$result)[columns]),
# "modify" = self$steps[[i]]$bake(unclass(self$result)[columns]),
# "supervise_add" = self$steps[[i]]$bake(unclass(self$result),
# self$term_info),
# # "add_from_template" = self$steps[[i]]$bake(unclass(self$template)[columns]),
# "supervise_augment" = self$steps[[i]]$bake(unclass(self$result),
# self$term_info,
# self$steps),
# default
# self$steps[[i]]$bake(unclass(self$template)[columns])
"model" = self$steps[[i]]$bake(self),
# default
end_time <- Sys.time()
elapsed_time <- end_time - start_time
self$time_bake <- c(self$time_bake, elapsed_time)
step_name = self$steps[[i]]$step_name,
step_index = i,
roles = self$steps[[i]]$role
self$steps[[i]]$rerun <- FALSE
# @description
# Reduce the recipe to tabular form. Bake and coerce to the desired output
# type.
# @param type The output data type: data.frame, data.table, matrix, tibble,
# @return tabular output of baked Recipe.
plate = function(type = "df",
steps = NULL,
step_dont_rerun = NULL,
...) {
# prep and bake recipe if it hasn't been done
if (is.null(steps)) {
steps <- 1:length(self$steps)
step_prep_bake <- setdiff(steps, step_dont_rerun)
return_type(x = self$prep(steps = step_prep_bake)$
bake(steps = step_prep_bake)$
get_result(steps = steps),
type = type, ...)
# @description
# get info about steps
# @param type The output data type: data.frame, data.table, matrix, tibble,
# @return tabular output of baked Recipe.
tidy = function(type = "df") {
info <- list()
for (i in seq_along(self$steps)) {
info[[i]] <- self$steps[[i]]$tidy(i)
# # short summary of training set.
# # @description
# # Get info about the training set.
# # @return data.frame with limited info on the training set
# train_info = function(x) {
# data.frame(
# nrows = length(self$template[[1L]])
# # ncomplete = collapse::fsum(!collapse::missing_cases(self$template))
# )
# },
# @description
# Update the term info after baking a step.
# @param source Where did the new terms come from: derived, original
# @param roles The step role.
# @param type The type of the step: add, modify, delete, etc.
# @param step_name The name of the step
# @param step_index The order the step was added
# @return updated term_info
update_term_info = function(source = "derived",
roles = "predictor",
type = "numeric",
step_index) {
nms <- names(self$result)
variable <- setdiff(nms, self$term_info$variable)
variable_rem <- setdiff(self$term_info$variable, nms)
n_rem <- length(variable_rem)
n <- length(variable)
if (length(roles) == 1L) {
roles <- rep.int(roles, times = n)
if (length(source) == 1L) {
source <- rep.int(source, times = n)
if (n > 0L) {
self$term_info$variable <- c(self$term_info$variable, variable)
self$term_info$roles <- c(
self$term_info$source <- c(
self$term_info$type <- c(
rep.int(type, times = n)
self$term_info$sub_type <- c(
rep.int(type, times = n)
self$term_info$step_index <- c(
rep.int(step_index, times = n)
self$term_info$step_name <- c(
rep.int(step_name, times = n)
if (n_rem > 0L) {
wh <- which(self$term_info$variable %in% variable_rem)
self$term_info$source[wh] <- "removed"
self$term_info$step_index[wh] <- step_index
# @description
# Get the type of the step.
# @return character vector for the step types
check_result_lengths = function() {
n <- collapse::fnunique(collapse::vlengths(self$results))
if (n > 1L) {
warning('Result lengths are not equal')
# @description
# Get the indices of previously baked steps.
# @return integer vector of indices
is_baked = function() {
if (is.null(self$term_info)) {
# @description
# Get the number of steps.
# @return integer
n_steps = function() {
# @description
# Remove a step
# @return recipe with a step(s) removed
remove_steps = function(step_numbers) {
self$steps <- self$steps[-step_numbers]
# @description
# update a step value
# @return recipe
update_steps = function(pars, varying) {
step_nums <- sort(unique(varying$step_number))
# loop through each step
for (i in step_nums) {
wh <- varying[["step_number"]] == i
p <- pars[wh]
n <- varying[['name']][wh]
if (all(n == "coef")) {
for (j in which(wh)) {
self$steps[[i]]$update_step(n[j], p[j])
# @description
# update parameters for step_nls
# @return updated parameters
update_pars = function(pars, varying) {
n_new_columns <- self$get_step_number_columns()
is_coef <- self$get_step_is_coef()
step_nums <- collapse::funique(varying[["step_number"]], sort = TRUE)
# loop through each step
p <- vector("list", length(step_nums))
for (i in step_nums) {
if (is_coef[i]) {
wh <- varying[["step_number"]] == i
p[[i]] <- pars[wh]
} else {
n_new <- n_new_columns[i]
p[[i]] <- rep.int(1.0, n_new)
unlist(p, use.names = FALSE)
get_step_is_coef = function() {
vapply(self$steps, FUN = function(x) x$is_coef(), FUN.VALUE = logical(1L))
# @description
# Get the type of the step.
# @return character vector for the step types
get_step_types = function() {
vapply(self$steps, FUN = function(x) x[["type"]], FUN.VALUE = character(1L))
# @description
# Get the type of the step.
# @return character vector for the step types
get_step_status = function() {
vapply(self$steps, FUN = function(x) x[["rerun"]], FUN.VALUE = logical(1L))
# @description
# Get the type of the step.
# @return character vector for the step types
get_varying = function() {
n <- length(self$steps)
nm <- vector("list", n)
s <- nm
u <- nm
l <- nm
ind <- nm
for (i in seq_along(self$steps)) {
v <- self$steps[[i]][["varying"]]
if (is.null(v)) {
nm[[i]] <- v[["name"]]
s[[i]] <- v[["start"]]
u[[i]] <- v[["upper"]]
l[[i]] <- v[["lower"]]
ind[[i]] <- rep.int(i, length(v[["name"]]))
list(name = unlist(nm, use.names = FALSE),
start = unlist(s, use.names = FALSE),
upper = unlist(u, use.names = FALSE),
lower = unlist(l, use.names = FALSE),
step_number = unlist(ind, use.names = FALSE))
# @description
# Get the type of the step.
# @return character vector for the step types
get_step_field = function(field_name) {
lapply(self$steps, "[[", field_name)
# @description
# Get the result data
# @return table of results
get_step_column_names = function() {
lapply(self$steps, "[[", "columns")
# @description
# Get the number of new columns
# @return table of results
get_step_number_columns = function() {
FUN = function(x) x$get_number_columns(),
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L))
# @description
# start of term and length of terms
# Get the result data
# @return table of results
get_term_index = function(nms) {
nc <- lapply(self$steps, "[[", "new_columns")
inds <- lapply(nc, function(x) {
if (is.null(x)) {
wh <- which(nms %in% x)
if(length(wh) == 0L) {
c(min(wh) - 1L, max(wh) - min(wh) + 1L)
inds[lengths(inds) != 0L]
# @description
# Get the outcome data
# @return table of results
get_outcome_variable = function(type = "df", steps = NULL) {
self$steps[[1L]]$result[which(self$steps[[1L]]$role == "outcome")]
# @description
# Get the result data
# @return table of results
get_result = function(type = "df", steps = NULL) {
if (is.null(steps)) {
steps <- 1:length(self$steps)
unlist(lapply(self$steps[steps], "[[", "result"), recursive = FALSE)
# @description
# Get the type of the step.
# @return character vector for the step types
get_step_columns = function(column_names) {
nms <- names(self$steps[[1L]]$result)
# @description
# Get responses separated by step
# @return response table from regression
get_response_data = function(type = "df") {
resp <- self$get_step_data("response_data", type = "dt")
if (is.null(resp)) return(NULL)
if(is.data.frame(resp)) {
return(return_type(resp, type = type))
resp <- collapse::rowbind(resp, use.names = FALSE)
return_type(resp, type = type)
# @description
# Get the predictions separated by step
# @return predicted values based on regression
get_predict_data = function(type = "df") {
# at the moment we don't handle multiple ols runs
pred <- self$get_step_data("decomposition")
pred <- collapse::rowbind(pred)
return_type(pred, type = type)
# @description
# Get the transfer function for steps
# @return data from a specific step
get_transfer_data = function(type = "raw") {
data <- list()
for (i in seq_along(self$steps)) {
tmp <- self$steps[[i]][["fft_result"]]
if (!is.null(tmp)) {
data[[i]] <- tmp
data <- data[!sapply(data, is.null)]
if (type == "raw") {
if (type %in% c("df", "dt")) {
type_name <- "data.frame"
if (type == "dt") type_name <- "data.table"
tf <- collapse::rowbind(
lapply(data, function(z) {
collapse::rowbind(lapply(z, function(x) {
dt <- collapse::qDT(x)
nms <- names(dt)
if (ncol(dt) == 3L) {
dt[, variable := nms[1L]]
setnames(dt, nms[1L], c("value"))
return(return_type(dt, type = type))
d <- collapse::pivot(data = dt,
ids = c("frequency", "id"),
how = "longer")
}), use.names = TRUE)
return(return_type(tf, type = type))
# @description
# Get the data from a step by name
# @return data from a specific step
get_step_data = function(field_name,
type = "raw",
additional_columns = NULL) {
data <- list()
for (i in seq_along(self$steps)) {
n_list <- self$steps[[i]][[field_name]]
if (!is.null(n_list)) {
if (!is.null(additional_columns)) {
for (j in seq_along(additional_columns)) {
to_add <- self$steps[[i]][[additional_columns[j]]]
if (is.null(to_add)) {
to_add <- NA
to_add <- list(to_add)
names(to_add) <- additional_columns[j]
n_list <- modifyList(x = n_list, val = to_add)
n_list <- list(n_list)
data <- append(data, (n_list))
data <- data[!sapply(data, is.null)]
if (length(data) == 0L) {
warning("There were no steps with the provided field_name.")
if (type == "raw") {
} else {
collapse::rowbind(lapply(data, function(x) {
collapse::qDT(x)}), use.names = FALSE), type)
# @description
# Get the time required for prep and bake
# @return table of elapsed times
get_elapsed_times = function() {
data.frame(step_id = sapply(self$steps, "[[", "id"),
time_prep = self$time_prep,
time_bake = self$time_bake)
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