
Defines functions skeleton skeleton.data.frame skel_reader

Documented in skeleton skeleton.data.frame skel_reader

##' Generic function to build a skeleton for codebook input from an R object
##' To make metadata input more efficient, this function builds out a custom 
##' csv file that can be edited in an outside text editor and read back into R 
##' and then used to construct a metadata object. 
##' @param data a data object to construct a codebook skeleton for
##' @param file a character string indicating where the file should be saved, if 
##' NULL codebook object is printed to the console
##' @param replace logical, should an existing codebook skeleton file be 
##' overwritten, default is FALSE
##' @param fileEncoding file encoding to be passed to \code{\link{write.csv}}, 
##' default is "latin1"
##' @param ... additional arguments to pass to \code{\link{write.csv}}
##' @return A CSV file
##' @export skeleton
##' @rdname skeleton
##' @author Jared Knowles
skeleton <- function(data, file=NULL, replace=FALSE, fileEncoding="latin1", ...){

#' @rdname skeleton
#' @method skeleton data.frame
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
#' @export
skeleton.data.frame <- function(data, file=NULL, replace=FALSE, fileEncoding="latin1", ...) {
  varNames <- c("OVERALL", colnames(data))
  colNames <- c("variable", "labels", "units", "notes", "sources.name", "sources.year", 
                "sources.citation", "sources.notes", "revisions")
  md_skel <- as.data.frame(setNames(replicate(length(colNames),
                                             rep(" ", length(varNames)), 
                                             simplify = F), colNames), 
                          row.names = 1:length(varNames), 
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  md_skel$variable <- varNames
  numSum <- meta.summary(data)$numericSummary
  otherSum <- meta.summary(data)
  md_skel <- merge(md_skel, numSum, by = "variable",all.x=TRUE)
    if(tools::file_ext(file)!= "csv"){
      warning("File other than csv specified, overriding to filename codebook.csv")
      file <- "codebook.csv"
  if (is.null(file)) {
  } else {
    if (file.exists(file)) {
      if (replace) {
        message(paste("Overwriting", file))
        write.csv(md_skel, file = file, fileEncoding = fileEncoding, row.names = FALSE, ...)
      } else {
        stop(paste("File", file, "already exists. Set replace = TRUE to overwrite"))
    } else {
      write.csv(md_skel, file = file, fileEncoding = fileEncoding, row.names = FALSE, ...)

#' @title Read in an external metadata file formatted by skeleton
#' @param object an R data.frame containing metadata to convert to a metadata object
#' @param file a file path to read in a csv file
#' @param fileEncoding character, encoding of the csv file to read, default is "latin1"
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass to \code{\link{read.csv}} 
#' @return an object of class meta.data
#' @description Read in a skeleton of metadata
#' @details The csv file should match the format of that produced by the appropriate 
#' skeleton method
#' @export
skel_reader <- function(object = NULL, file = NULL, fileEncoding = "latin1", ...){
  if(!is.null(file) & !is.null(object)){
    stop("Specify only a file or an object name, not both")
  if(is.null(file) & is.null(object)){
    stop("Specify a file or an object name to convert to metadata")
    md_skel <- read.csv(file = file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding = fileEncoding, ...)
  } else if(!is.null(object)){
    md_skel <- object
  # Add some validity checks here
  labels <- as.list(md_skel$labels); names(labels) <- md_skel$variable
  units <- as.list(md_skel$units); names(units) <- md_skel$variable
  notes <- as.list(md_skel$notes); names(notes) <- md_skel$variable
  revisions <- as.list(md_skel$revisions); names(revisions) <- md_skel$variable
    srcList <- vector(mode = "list", length = 4)
    names(srcList) <- c("Name", "Year", "Citation", "Notes")
    sources <- rep(list(srcList), length(md_skel$variable))
    names(sources) <- md_skel$variable
    for(i in 1:length(sources)){
      for(j in 1:length(sources[[i]])){
        p <- names(sources[[i]])[[j]]
        if(p == "Name"){ 
          var <- md_skel$sources.name
        } else if(p == "Year"){
          var <- md_skel$sources.year
        } else if(p == "Citation"){
          var <- md_skel$sources.citation
        } else if(p == "Notes"){
          var <- md_skel$sources.notes
        sources[[i]][[j]] <- var[i]
    numSum <- data.frame(min = md_skel$min, Q1 = md_skel$Q1, 
                         median = md_skel$median, Q3 = md_skel$Q3, 
                         max = md_skel$max, sd = md_skel$sd, 
                         missing = md_skel$missing, 
                         nunique = md_skel$nunique, 
                         mode = md_skel$mode, class = md_skel$class)
    # Should this be consistent with the non-skeleton version?
    row.names(numSum) <- md_skel$variable
    #highObs, lowObs, dims, classes
    newClasses <- as.character(md_skel$class); names(newClasses) <- md_skel$variable
    summaryData <- list("numericSummary" = numSum, 
                   "highObs" = NA, 
                   "lowObs" = NA, 
                   'dims' = NA,
                   "classes" = newClasses)
    outMD <- meta.data(sources = sources,
                       units = units, 
                       labels = labels, 
                       notes = notes, 
                       revisions = revisions, 
                       var_names = md_skel$variable, 
                       obs_names = "Missing", 
                       summary = summaryData, 
                       Rname = paste("from file", file, sep = " "))
jknowles/metaframe documentation built on May 19, 2019, 11:43 a.m.