
mvar.gencast <- function(x.acf,z,C.mat,delta,debug=FALSE)

  #	mvar.gencast
  # 	    Copyright (C) 2021  Tucker McElroy
  #    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  #    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  #    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  #    (at your option) any later version.
  #    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  #    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  #    GNU General Public License for more details.
  #    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  #    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

  ################# Documentation #####################################
  #	Purpose: compute multi-step imputations and predictors of a multivariate process
  #		via Levinson-Durbin algorithm with partial information
  #	Background:
  #		A multivariate difference-stationary process x_t with
  #			w_t = delta(B) x_t
  #		may be observed with missing values, and one wants to compute
  #		Gaussian conditional expectations of missing values (midcasts),
  #		or future values (forecasts), or past values (aftcasts).
  #		Also of interest is the Gaussian likelihood resulting from
  #		such a sample, and the residuals.
  #		It is required that at least d
  #		contiguous values be observed, where d is the order of delta(B).
  #		If the first d values are contiguous, we can do a forward pass;
  #		otherwise, the first set of d contiguous values starts after
  #		time index 1, and is marked by t.hash.  In this case, we must
  #		also do a backward pass, involving aftcasts.
  #	Inputs:
  #		x.acf: array of dimension N x T x N of autocovariances for process w_t,
  #			where there are N series, of total length T each.
  #		z: raw data as N x T matrix with missing values at various time points.
  #			Missing values are at any 1 <= t <= T, and occur for some of the N series
  #     (the ragged case), and are denoted with a 1i.  That is,
  #			Im(z[,t]) = rep(1i,N) or subset thereof encodes missing values.
  #   C.mat: list of length N of information matrices,
  #     each list element is a q_k x T dimensional lo-tri matrix
  #		delta: differencing polynomial (corresponds to delta(B) in Background)
  #			written in format c(delta0,delta1,...,deltad)
  #   debug: set to TRUE if lik values should be printed to screen
  #	Outputs:
  #		list containing casts.x, casts.var, c(Qseq,logdet), and eps
  #		casts.x: N x T matrix of generalized casts
  #		casts.var: NT x NT matrix of covariances of casting errors.
  #			note that casts.var.array <- array(casts.var,c(N,T,N,T))
  #			corresponds to cast.var.array[,j,,k] equal to the
  #			covariance between the jth and kth casting errors.
  #     If a subset is missing at some time t, the corresponding block of casts.var
  #     will have zeros corresponding to the known values.
  #		Qseq: quadratic form portion of the Gaussian divergence based on
  #			missing value formulation (McElroy and Monsell, 2015 JASA)
  #		logdet: log determinant portion of the Gaussian divergence
  #		eps: residuals from casting recursions, defined in the manner
  #			discussed in Casting paper.  Dimension is N x T-(H+d)

  thresh <- 10^(-16)
  N <- dim(x.acf)[1]
  T <- dim(x.acf)[2]

  # Obtain updated Z and C matrix
  C.array <- array(0,c(N,T,N,T))
  for(k in 1:N)
    C.tilde <- C.mat[[k]]
    C.tilde <- rbind(matrix(0,nrow=(T-dim(C.tilde)[1]),ncol=T),C.tilde)
    C.array[k,,k,,drop=FALSE] <- C.tilde
#    col.inds <- NULL
#    for(t in 1:dim(C.tilde)[1])
#    {
#      col.inds <- c(col.inds,max(which(C.tilde[t,] != 0)))
#    }

#  all.series <- seq(1,N)
#  all.indices <- seq(1,T)
#  full.indices <- all.indices[colSums(Im(z)==1)==0]
  cast.indices <- seq(1,T)
#  ragged <- list()
#  leads.rag <- NULL
#  for(t in 1:length(cast.indices))
#  {
#    rag.series <- all.series[Im(z[,cast.indices[t]])==1,drop=FALSE]
#    if(length(rag.series)<=N)
#    {
#      ragged[[length(ragged)+1]] <- rag.series
#      leads.rag <- c(leads.rag,cast.indices[t])
#    }
#  }
  d <- length(delta) - 1

  # This version does not presume that the first d values are not missing
  # Find t.hash, earliest time for which d contiguous values follow,
  #	such that data at times t.hash+1,...,t.hash+d exists
  t.hash <- NULL <- c(0,cast.indices,(T+1))
  gaps <- c(diff(,0)
  if(max(gaps) > d) { t.hash <- min([gaps > d]) }

  if(d > 0) {
    # t=t.hash+d case as initialization
    #  get predictors based on observations t.hash+1:t
    l.pred <- t(-1*delta[1]^{-1}*delta[(d+1):2] %x% diag(N))
    l.derp <- t(-1*delta[d+1]^{-1}*delta[d:1] %x% diag(N))
    v.pred <- as.matrix(delta[1]^{-2}*x.acf[,1,])
    v.derp <- as.matrix(delta[d+1]^{-2}*x.acf[,1,])
    #  get casts and covars of observations t.hash+1:t based on sigma-field_{t.hash+1:t}
    #   Note: store more than needed in preds.x, makes it easier for indexing later
    preds.x <- Re(z[,1:(t.hash+d),drop=FALSE])
    new.covar <- NULL
    casts.x <- NULL
    casts.var <- NULL
    eps <- NULL
    Qseq <- 0
    logdet <- 0
    # track indices of casted variables up to present time
    cast.index.t <- intersect(cast.indices,seq(t.hash+1,t.hash+d)) <- T
    t.len <- d

    # Forward Pass:
    if(t.hash < T-d) {
      for(t in (t.hash+d+1):T)
        # determine information matrix
        info.mat <- matrix(C.array[,t,,(t.hash+d+1):t,drop=FALSE],

        # #  base case: full info
        # select.mat <- diag(N)
        # omit.mat <- NULL
        # raggeds <- NULL
        # rags.ind <- leads.rag %in% t
        # if(sum(rags.ind)>0) # partial/completely missing
        # {
        #   raggeds <- ragged[[seq(1,length(leads.rag))[rags.ind]]]
        #   if(length(raggeds)<N) # partial missing
        #   {
        #     select.mat <- diag(N)[-raggeds,,drop=FALSE]
        #     omit.mat <- diag(N)[raggeds,,drop=FALSE]
        #   } else # completely missing
        #   {
        #     select.mat <- NULL
        #     omit.mat <- diag(N)
        #   }
        # }
        # non.raggeds <- setdiff(seq(1,N),raggeds)

        #  get casts and covars of observations t.hash+1:t based on sigma-field_{t.hash+1:t}
        # first, construct preds.x from known (unstored) entries and stored casts;
        #   preds.x is E [ X_{t-1} | F_{t-1} ]
        if(length(cast.index.t) > 0) { preds.x[,cast.index.t] <- casts.x }
        # obtain E [ x_t | F_{t-1} ]
        new.pred <- l.pred %*% matrix(preds.x[,(t-t.len):(t-1)],ncol=1)

        # second, get prediction variance, to obtain new.var given by Var [ x_t | F_{t-1} ]
        #   cast.index.tlen tracks cast indices up to now, looking back t.len time points,
        #   where t.len is the range at which all dependence is effectively nil
        cast.index.tlen <- intersect(cast.indices,seq(t-t.len,t-1))
        cast.len <- length(cast.index.tlen)
        if(cast.len==0) # no casts within t.len time points
          new.var <- v.pred
        } else # at least one cast within t.len time points
          casts.var.array <- array(casts.var,c(N,length(cast.index.t),N,length(cast.index.t)))
          range.t <- (length(cast.index.t)-cast.len+1):length(cast.index.t)
          casts.var.array <- casts.var.array[,,,range.t,drop=FALSE]
          if(t-1-t.len>0) { l.pred <- cbind(matrix(0,N,N*(t-1-t.len)),l.pred) }
          l.array <- array(l.pred,c(N,N,t-1))
          l.array <- l.array[,,cast.index.tlen,drop=FALSE]
          l.pred.tlen <- matrix(l.array,nrow=N)
          new.var <- v.pred + l.pred.tlen %*%
            matrix(casts.var.array[,range.t,,,drop=FALSE],nrow=cast.len*N,ncol=cast.len*N) %*% t(l.pred.tlen)

        # third, update casts.x by changing the stored portions of
        #   E [ X_{t-1} | F_{t-1} ] to E [ X_{t-1} | F_t ] and
        #   appending E [ x_t | F_t ] if partially/completely missing
        if(cast.len>0)  # at least one cast within t.len time points
         if(sum(info.mat^2)>0)  # update if info matrix is non-zero
            if(t == (t.hash+d+1)) { factor <- t(pred.tlen) %*% t(info.mat) } else {
              factor <- cbind(diag((t-t.hash-d-1)*N),t(l.pred.tlen)) %*% t(info.mat) }
            new.covar <- matrix(casts.var.array,nrow=length(cast.index.t)*N,ncol=cast.len*N) %*% factor
            update <- matrix(new.covar %*% solve(t(factor) %*% new.covar +
                              C.array[,t,,t] %*% v.pred %*% t(C.array[,t,,t])) %*%
                              t(factor) %*% t(Re(z[,(t.hash+d+1):t,drop=FALSE]) - casts.x),nrow=N)
            casts.x <- casts.x + update


        if(length(raggeds)>0)   # add new cast E [ x_t | F_t ] if partially/completely missing
          new.cast <- Re(z[,t,drop=FALSE])
          partial.cast <- omit.mat %*% new.pred
          if(length(raggeds)<N)  # partial missing case
            partial.cast <- partial.cast + omit.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat) %*%
              solve(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat)) %*%
              (Re(z[non.raggeds,t,drop=FALSE]) - select.mat %*% new.pred)
          new.cast[raggeds,1] <- partial.cast
          casts.x <- cbind(casts.x,new.cast)

        # fourth, update casts.var by changing the stored portions of
        #   Var [ X_{t-1} | F_{t-1} ] to Var [ X_{t-1} | F_t ] and
        #   appending new covariances if partially/completely missing
        if(cast.len>0)  # at least one cast within t.len time points
          new.covar <- matrix(casts.var.array,nrow=length(cast.index.t)*N,ncol=cast.len*N) %*% t(l.pred.tlen)
          if(length(raggeds)<N)  # update only if full info or partially missing (do nothing if fully missing)
            update <- new.covar %*% t(select.mat) %*% solve(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat)) %*%
              select.mat %*% t(new.covar)
            casts.var <- casts.var - update
        if(length(raggeds)>0)   # add new covar [ x_t | F_t ] if partially/completely missing
          proj <- diag(N) # completely missing case
          if(length(raggeds)<N)  # partial missing case
            proj <- diag(N) - t(select.mat) %*% solve(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat)) %*%
              select.mat %*% new.var
          # now augment casts.var
          # special case: no cast within t.len time points.
          #   Either: (i) this is the first cast,
          #   Or: (ii) previous casts were long ago
          if(cast.len==0) # special case
            if(length(casts.var)==0)  # (i) of special case
              new.block <- NULL
            } else  # (ii) of special case
              new.covar <- matrix(0,nrow=length(cast.index.t)*N,ncol=N)
              new.block <- new.covar %*% proj
          } else
            new.block <- new.covar %*% proj
          # do regular case (and special case) augmentation
          casts.var <- rbind(cbind(casts.var,new.block),
                             t(rbind(new.block,t(new.var %*% proj))))

        # fifth, get ragged residuals
        if(length(raggeds)>0)  # case of partially/completely missing
          new.eps <- matrix(rep(1i,N),ncol=1)
          new.det <- 1
          if(length(raggeds)<N)  # partial missing case
            partial.eps <- solve(t(chol(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat)))) %*%
              (Re(z[non.raggeds,t,drop=FALSE]) - select.mat %*% new.pred)
            new.eps[non.raggeds,1] <- partial.eps
            new.det <- det(chol(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat)))
        } else # case of full info
          new.eps <- solve(t(chol(new.var))) %*% (Re(z[,t,drop=FALSE]) - new.pred)
          new.det <- det(new.var)
        eps <- rbind(eps,new.eps)
        Qseq <- Qseq + t(Re(new.eps)) %*% Re(new.eps)
        logdet <- logdet + log(new.det)

        # updating
        cast.index.t <- intersect(cast.indices,seq(t.hash+1,t))
        preds.x <- Re(z[,1:t,drop=FALSE])

        #  get fore and aft predictors based on observations (t.hash+1):t
        #  Notes: in non-stationary case, we obtain predictors for time t+1,
        #   based on data over times t.hash+1,...,t.hash+d,...,t.
        #   That is, the predictors computed below are used in the next
        #   increment of the t-loop.

          u.seq <- solve(x.acf[,1,]) %*% x.acf[,2,]
          l.seq <- solve(x.acf[,1,]) %*% t(x.acf[,2,])
          gam.Seq <- x.acf[,2,]
          gam.Flip <- x.acf[,2,]
          c.mat <- x.acf[,1,] - t(gam.Flip) %*% u.seq
          d.mat <- x.acf[,1,] - gam.Seq %*% l.seq
          a.seq <- (delta[(d+1):1] %x% diag(N)) %*% u.seq
          b.seq <- (delta[(d+1):1] %x% diag(N)) %*% l.seq

          u.qes <- solve(x.acf[,1,]) %*% t(x.acf[,2,])
          l.qes <- solve(x.acf[,1,]) %*% x.acf[,2,]
          gam.qeS <- t(x.acf[,2,])
          gam.pilF <- t(x.acf[,2,])
          c.tam <- x.acf[,1,] - t(gam.pilF) %*% u.qes
          d.tam <- x.acf[,1,] - gam.qeS %*% l.qes
          a.qes <- (delta[(d+1):1] %x% diag(N)) %*% u.qes
          b.qes <- (delta[(d+1):1] %x% diag(N)) %*% l.qes

        } else # case of t.hash+d+2 <= t <= T
          if( == T)

            pacf <- x.acf[,t+1-d-t.hash,] - gam.Seq %*% u.seq
            l.factor <- solve(c.mat) %*% t(pacf)
            new.l <- l.seq - u.seq %*% l.factor
            u.factor <- solve(d.mat) %*% pacf
            new.u <- u.seq - l.seq %*% u.factor
            l.seq <- rbind(l.factor,new.l)
            u.seq <- rbind(new.u,u.factor)
            gam.Seq <- cbind(x.acf[,t+1-d-t.hash,],gam.Seq)
            gam.Flip <- rbind(gam.Flip,x.acf[,t+1-d-t.hash,])
            c.mat <- x.acf[,1,] - t(gam.Flip) %*% u.seq
            d.mat <- x.acf[,1,] - gam.Seq %*% l.seq
   <- a.seq - b.seq %*% u.factor
   <- b.seq - a.seq %*% l.factor
            a.seq <- rbind(,0*diag(N)) + (c(rep(0,t-d-1-t.hash),delta[(d+1):1]) %x% diag(N)) %*% u.factor
            b.seq <- rbind(0*diag(N), + (c(delta[(d+1):1],rep(0,t-d-1-t.hash)) %x% diag(N)) %*% l.factor

            fcap <- t(x.acf[,t+1-d-t.hash,]) - gam.qeS %*% u.qes
            l.rotcaf <- solve(c.tam) %*% t(fcap)
            wen.l <- l.qes - u.qes %*% l.rotcaf
            u.rotcaf <- solve(d.tam) %*% fcap
            wen.u <- u.qes - l.qes %*% u.rotcaf
            l.qes <- rbind(l.rotcaf,wen.l)
            u.qes <- rbind(wen.u,u.rotcaf)
            gam.qeS <- cbind(t(x.acf[,t+1-d-t.hash,]),gam.qeS)
            gam.pilF <- rbind(gam.pilF,t(x.acf[,t+1-d-t.hash,]))
            c.tam <- x.acf[,1,] - t(gam.pilF) %*% u.qes
            d.tam <- x.acf[,1,] - gam.qeS %*% l.qes
   <- a.qes - b.qes %*% u.rotcaf
   <- b.qes - a.qes %*% l.rotcaf
            a.qes <- rbind(0*diag(N), + (c(delta[(d+1):1],rep(0,t-d-1-t.hash)) %x% diag(N)) %*% u.rotcaf
            b.qes <- rbind(,0*diag(N)) + (c(rep(0,t-d-1-t.hash),delta[(d+1):1]) %x% diag(N)) %*% l.rotcaf

          if(sqrt(sum(diag(l.factor %*% t(l.factor)))) < thresh)
   <- min(,t)
        t.len <- dim(b.seq)[1]/N
        l.pred <- t(-1*delta[1]^{-1}*c(rep(0,t.len-d),delta[(d+1):2]) %x% diag(N))
        l.derp <- t(-1*delta[d+1]^{-1}*c(delta[d:1],rep(0,t.len-d)) %x% diag(N))
        l.pred <- l.pred + delta[1]^{-1}*t(b.seq)
        l.derp <- l.derp + delta[d+1]^{-1}*t(b.qes)
        v.pred <- delta[1]^{-2}*(x.acf[,1,] - matrix(aperm(x.acf[,(t.len-d+1):2,,drop=FALSE],c(1,3,2)),nrow=N) %*% l.seq)
        v.derp <- delta[d+1]^{-2}*(x.acf[,1,] - matrix(aperm(x.acf[,(t.len-d+1):2,,drop=FALSE],c(3,1,2)),nrow=N) %*% l.qes)
      } }

    # Backward Pass:
    if(t.hash > 0) {
      for(t in (t.hash):1)
        # determine whether full info, or partial/completely missing
        #  base case: full info
        select.mat <- diag(N)
        omit.mat <- NULL
        raggeds <- NULL
        rags.ind <- leads.rag %in% t
        if(sum(rags.ind)>0) # partial/completely missing
          raggeds <- ragged[[seq(1,length(leads.rag))[rags.ind]]]
          if(length(raggeds)<N) # partial missing
            select.mat <- diag(N)[-raggeds,,drop=FALSE]
            omit.mat <- diag(N)[raggeds,,drop=FALSE]
          } else # completely missing
            select.mat <- NULL
            omit.mat <- diag(N)
        non.raggeds <- setdiff(seq(1,N),raggeds)

        #  get casts and covars of observations t:T based on sigma-field_{t:T}
        # first, construct preds.x from known (unstored) entries and stored casts;
        #   preds.x is E [ X_{t-1} | F_{t+1} ]
        if(length(cast.index.t) > 0) { preds.x[,cast.index.t] <- casts.x }
        # obtain E [ x_t | F_{t-1} ]
        new.pred <- l.derp %*% matrix(preds.x[,(t+1):(t+t.len)],ncol=1)

        # second, get prediction variance, to obtain new.var given by Var [ x_t | F_{t+1} ]
        #   cast.index.tlen tracks cast indices up to now, looking forward t.len time points,
        #   where t.len is the range at which all dependence is effectively nil
        cast.index.tlen <- intersect(cast.indices,seq(t+1,t+t.len))
        cast.len <- length(cast.index.tlen)
        if(cast.len==0) # no casts within t.len time points
          new.var <- v.derp
        } else # at least one cast within t.len time points
          casts.var.array <- array(casts.var,c(N,length(cast.index.t),N,length(cast.index.t)))
          #		  range.t <- (length(cast.index.t)-cast.len+1):length(cast.index.t)
          range.t <- 1:cast.len
          casts.var.array <- casts.var.array[,,,range.t,drop=FALSE]
          l.array <- array(l.derp,c(N,N,T-t))
          l.array <- l.array[,,cast.index.tlen-t,drop=FALSE]
          l.pred.tlen <- matrix(l.array,nrow=N)
          new.var <- v.derp + l.pred.tlen %*%
            matrix(casts.var.array[,range.t,,,drop=FALSE],nrow=cast.len*N,ncol=cast.len*N) %*% t(l.pred.tlen)

        # third, update casts.x by changing the stored portions of
        #   E [ X_{t+1} | F_{t+1} ] to E [ X_{t+1} | F_t ] and
        #   appending E [ x_t | F_t ] if partially/completely missing
        if(cast.len>0)  # at least one cast within t.len time points
          if(length(raggeds)<N)  # update only if full info or partially missing (do nothing if fully missing)
            new.covar <- matrix(casts.var.array,nrow=length(cast.index.t)*N,ncol=cast.len*N) %*% t(l.pred.tlen)
            update <- matrix(new.covar %*% t(select.mat) %*% solve(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat)) %*%
                               (Re(z[non.raggeds,t,drop=FALSE]) - select.mat %*% new.pred),nrow=N)
            casts.x <- casts.x + update
        if(length(raggeds)>0)   # add new cast E [ x_t | F_t ] if partially/completely missing
          new.cast <- Re(z[,t,drop=FALSE])
          partial.cast <- omit.mat %*% new.pred
          if(length(raggeds)<N)  # partial missing case
            partial.cast <- partial.cast + omit.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat) %*%
              solve(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat)) %*%
              (Re(z[non.raggeds,t,drop=FALSE]) - select.mat %*% new.pred)
          new.cast[raggeds,1] <- partial.cast
          casts.x <- cbind(new.cast,casts.x)

        # fourth, update casts.var by changing the stored portions of
        #   Var [ X_{t+1} | F_{t+1} ] to Var [ X_{t+1} | F_t ] and
        #   appending new covariances if partially/completely missing
        if(cast.len>0)  # at least one cast within t.len time points
          new.covar <- matrix(casts.var.array,nrow=length(cast.index.t)*N,ncol=cast.len*N) %*% t(l.pred.tlen)
          if(length(raggeds)<N)  # update only if full info or partially missing (do nothing if fully missing)
            update <- new.covar %*% t(select.mat) %*% solve(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat)) %*%
              select.mat %*% t(new.covar)
            casts.var <- casts.var - update
        if(length(raggeds)>0)   # add new covar [ x_t | F_t ] if partially/completely missing
          proj <- diag(N) # completely missing case
          if(length(raggeds)<N)  # partial missing case
            proj <- diag(N) - t(select.mat) %*% solve(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat)) %*%
              select.mat %*% new.var
          # now augment casts.var
          # special case: no cast within t.len time points.
          #   Either: (i) this is the first cast,
          #   Or: (ii) previous casts were long ago
          if(cast.len==0) # special case
            if(length(casts.var)==0)  # (i) of special case
              new.block <- NULL
            } else  # (ii) of special case
              new.covar <- matrix(0,nrow=length(cast.index.t)*N,ncol=N)
              new.block <- new.covar %*% proj
          } else
            new.block <- new.covar %*% proj
          # do regular case (and special case) augmentation
          casts.var <- rbind(t(rbind(t(new.var %*% proj),new.block)),

        # fifth, get ragged residuals
        if(length(raggeds)>0)  # case of partially/completely missing
          new.eps <- matrix(rep(1i,N),ncol=1)
          new.det <- 1
          if(length(raggeds)<N)  # partial missing case
            partial.eps <- solve(t(chol(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat)))) %*%
              (Re(z[non.raggeds,t,drop=FALSE]) - select.mat %*% new.pred)
            new.eps[non.raggeds,1] <- partial.eps
            new.det <- det(chol(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat)))
        } else # case of full info
          new.eps <- solve(t(chol(new.var))) %*% (Re(z[,t,drop=FALSE]) - new.pred)
          new.det <- det(new.var)
        eps <- rbind(eps,new.eps)
        Qseq <- Qseq + t(Re(new.eps)) %*% Re(new.eps)
        logdet <- logdet + log(new.det)

        # updating
        cast.index.t <- intersect(cast.indices,seq(t,T))
        preds.x <- Re(z[,1:T,drop=FALSE])

        #  get predictors based on observations t+1:T
        #  Notes: in non-stationary case, we obtain predictors for time t-1,
        #   based on data over times t,...,T.
        #   That is, the predictors computed below are used in the next
        #   increment of the t-loop.
        if(t==(T-d))	# if no forward pass happened, initialize

          u.seq <- solve(x.acf[,1,]) %*% x.acf[,2,]
          l.seq <- solve(x.acf[,1,]) %*% t(x.acf[,2,])
          gam.Seq <- x.acf[,2,]
          gam.Flip <- x.acf[,2,]
          c.mat <- x.acf[,1,] - t(gam.Flip) %*% u.seq
          d.mat <- x.acf[,1,] - gam.Seq %*% l.seq
          a.seq <- (delta[(d+1):1] %x% diag(N)) %*% u.seq
          b.seq <- (delta[(d+1):1] %x% diag(N)) %*% l.seq

          u.qes <- solve(x.acf[,1,]) %*% t(x.acf[,2,])
          l.qes <- solve(x.acf[,1,]) %*% x.acf[,2,]
          gam.qeS <- t(x.acf[,2,])
          gam.pilF <- t(x.acf[,2,])
          c.tam <- x.acf[,1,] - t(gam.pilF) %*% u.qes
          d.tam <- x.acf[,1,] - gam.qeS %*% l.qes
          a.qes <- (delta[(d+1):1] %x% diag(N)) %*% u.qes
          b.qes <- (delta[(d+1):1] %x% diag(N)) %*% l.qes

        } else # case of 1 <= t <= t.hash and t.hash < T-d
          if( == T)

            pacf <- x.acf[,T-d-t+2,] - gam.Seq %*% u.seq
            l.factor <- solve(c.mat) %*% t(pacf)
            new.l <- l.seq - u.seq %*% l.factor
            u.factor <- solve(d.mat) %*% pacf
            new.u <- u.seq - l.seq %*% u.factor
            l.seq <- rbind(l.factor,new.l)
            u.seq <- rbind(new.u,u.factor)
            gam.Seq <- cbind(x.acf[,T-d-t+2,],gam.Seq)
            gam.Flip <- rbind(gam.Flip,x.acf[,T-d-t+2,])
            c.mat <- x.acf[,1,] - t(gam.Flip) %*% u.seq
            d.mat <- x.acf[,1,] - gam.Seq %*% l.seq
   <- a.seq - b.seq %*% u.factor
   <- b.seq - a.seq %*% l.factor
            a.seq <- rbind(,0*diag(N)) + (c(rep(0,T-d-t),delta[(d+1):1]) %x% diag(N)) %*% u.factor
            b.seq <- rbind(0*diag(N), + (c(delta[(d+1):1],rep(0,T-d-t)) %x% diag(N)) %*% l.factor

            fcap <- t(x.acf[,T-d-t+2,]) - gam.qeS %*% u.qes
            l.rotcaf <- solve(c.tam) %*% t(fcap)
            wen.l <- l.qes - u.qes %*% l.rotcaf
            u.rotcaf <- solve(d.tam) %*% fcap
            wen.u <- u.qes - l.qes %*% u.rotcaf
            l.qes <- rbind(l.rotcaf,wen.l)
            u.qes <- rbind(wen.u,u.rotcaf)
            gam.qeS <- cbind(t(x.acf[,T-d-t+2,]),gam.qeS)
            gam.pilF <- rbind(gam.pilF,t(x.acf[,T-d-t+2,]))
            c.tam <- x.acf[,1,] - t(gam.pilF) %*% u.qes
            d.tam <- x.acf[,1,] - gam.qeS %*% l.qes
   <- a.qes - b.qes %*% u.rotcaf
   <- b.qes - a.qes %*% l.rotcaf
            a.qes <- rbind(0*diag(N), + (c(delta[(d+1):1],rep(0,T-d-t)) %x% diag(N)) %*% u.rotcaf
            b.qes <- rbind(,0*diag(N)) + (c(rep(0,T-d-t),delta[(d+1):1]) %x% diag(N)) %*% l.rotcaf

          if(sqrt(sum(diag(l.factor %*% t(l.factor)))) < thresh)
   <- min(,t)
        t.len <- dim(b.seq)[1]/N
        l.pred <- t(-1*delta[1]^{-1}*c(rep(0,t.len-d),delta[(d+1):2]) %x% diag(N))
        l.derp <- t(-1*delta[d+1]^{-1}*c(delta[d:1],rep(0,t.len-d)) %x% diag(N))
        l.pred <- l.pred + delta[1]^{-1}*t(b.seq)
        l.derp <- l.derp + delta[d+1]^{-1}*t(b.qes)
        v.pred <- delta[1]^{-2}*(x.acf[,1,] - matrix(aperm(x.acf[,(t.len-d+1):2,,drop=FALSE],c(1,3,2)),nrow=N) %*% l.seq)
        v.derp <- delta[d+1]^{-2}*(x.acf[,1,] - matrix(aperm(x.acf[,(t.len-d+1):2,,drop=FALSE],c(3,1,2)),nrow=N) %*% l.qes)
      } }

  } else  # d = 0

    # initializations based on no data
    new.pred <- matrix(0,nrow=N,ncol=1)
    v.pred <- as.matrix(x.acf[,1,])
    new.covar <- NULL
    casts.x <- NULL
    casts.var <- NULL
    eps <- NULL
    Qseq <- 0
    logdet <- 0
    cast.index.t <- NULL
    cast.index.tlen <- NULL <- T
    t.len <- 0

    # Forward Pass:
    if(t.hash < T) {
      for(t in (t.hash+1):T)
        # determine whether full info, or partial/completely missing
        #  base case: full info
        select.mat <- diag(N)
        omit.mat <- NULL
        raggeds <- NULL
        rags.ind <- leads.rag %in% t
        if(sum(rags.ind)>0) # partial/completely missing
          raggeds <- ragged[[seq(1,length(leads.rag))[rags.ind]]]
          if(length(raggeds)<N) # partial missing
            select.mat <- diag(N)[-raggeds,,drop=FALSE]
            omit.mat <- diag(N)[raggeds,,drop=FALSE]
          } else # completely missing
            select.mat <- NULL
            omit.mat <- diag(N)
        non.raggeds <- setdiff(seq(1,N),raggeds)

        #  get casts and covars of observations t.hash+1:t based on sigma-field_{t.hash+1:t}
        # first, construct preds.x from known (unstored) entries and stored casts;
        #   preds.x is E [ X_{t-1} | F_{t-1} ]
        if(length(cast.index.t) > 0) { preds.x[,cast.index.t] <- casts.x }
        # obtain E [ x_t | F_{t-1} ]
        if(t.len > 0) { new.pred <- l.pred %*% matrix(preds.x[,(t-t.len):(t-1)],ncol=1) }

        # second, get prediction variance, to obtain new.var given by Var [ x_t | F_{t-1} ]
        #   cast.index.tlen tracks cast indices up to now, looking back t.len time points,
        #   where t.len is the range at which all dependence is effectively nil
        if(t.len > 0) { cast.index.tlen <- intersect(cast.indices,seq(t-t.len,t-1)) }
        cast.len <- length(cast.index.tlen)
        if(cast.len==0) # no casts within t.len time points
          new.var <- v.pred
        } else # at least one cast within t.len time points
          casts.var.array <- array(casts.var,c(N,length(cast.index.t),N,length(cast.index.t)))
          range.t <- (length(cast.index.t)-cast.len+1):length(cast.index.t)
          casts.var.array <- casts.var.array[,,,range.t,drop=FALSE]
          if(t-1-t.len>0) { l.pred <- cbind(matrix(0,N,N*(t-1-t.len)),l.pred) }
          l.array <- array(l.pred,c(N,N,t-1))
          l.array <- l.array[,,cast.index.tlen,drop=FALSE]
          l.pred.tlen <- matrix(l.array,nrow=N)
          new.var <- v.pred + l.pred.tlen %*%
            matrix(casts.var.array[,range.t,,,drop=FALSE],nrow=cast.len*N,ncol=cast.len*N) %*% t(l.pred.tlen)

        # third, update casts.x by changing the stored portions of
        #   E [ X_{t-1} | F_{t-1} ] to E [ X_{t-1} | F_t ] and
        #   appending E [ x_t | F_t ] if partially/completely missing
        if(cast.len>0)  # at least one cast within t.len time points
          if(length(raggeds)<N)  # update only if full info or partially missing (do nothing if fully missing)
            new.covar <- matrix(casts.var.array,nrow=length(cast.index.t)*N,ncol=cast.len*N) %*% t(l.pred.tlen)
            update <- matrix(new.covar %*% t(select.mat) %*% solve(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat)) %*%
                               (Re(z[non.raggeds,t,drop=FALSE]) - select.mat %*% new.pred),nrow=N)
            casts.x <- casts.x + update
        if(length(raggeds)>0)   # add new cast E [ x_t | F_t ] if partially/completely missing
          new.cast <- Re(z[,t,drop=FALSE])
          partial.cast <- omit.mat %*% new.pred
          if(length(raggeds)<N)  # partial missing case
            partial.cast <- partial.cast + omit.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat) %*%
              solve(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat)) %*%
              (Re(z[non.raggeds,t,drop=FALSE]) - select.mat %*% new.pred)
          new.cast[raggeds,1] <- partial.cast
          casts.x <- cbind(casts.x,new.cast)

        # fourth, update casts.var by changing the stored portions of
        #   Var [ X_{t-1} | F_{t-1} ] to Var [ X_{t-1} | F_t ] and
        #   appending new covariances if partially/completely missing
        if(cast.len>0)  # at least one cast within t.len time points
          new.covar <- matrix(casts.var.array,nrow=length(cast.index.t)*N,ncol=cast.len*N) %*% t(l.pred.tlen)
          if(length(raggeds)<N)  # update only if full info or partially missing (do nothing if fully missing)
            update <- new.covar %*% t(select.mat) %*% solve(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat)) %*%
              select.mat %*% t(new.covar)
            casts.var <- casts.var - update
        if(length(raggeds)>0)   # add new covar [ x_t | F_t ] if partially/completely missing
          proj <- diag(N) # completely missing case
          if(length(raggeds)<N)  # partial missing case
            proj <- diag(N) - t(select.mat) %*% solve(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat)) %*%
              select.mat %*% new.var
          # now augment casts.var
          # special case: no cast within t.len time points.
          #   Either: (i) this is the first cast,
          #   Or: (ii) previous casts were long ago
          if(cast.len==0) # special case
            if(length(casts.var)==0)  # (i) of special case
              new.block <- NULL
            } else  # (ii) of special case
              new.covar <- matrix(0,nrow=length(cast.index.t)*N,ncol=N)
              new.block <- new.covar %*% proj
          } else
            new.block <- new.covar %*% proj
          # do regular case (and special case) augmentation
          casts.var <- rbind(cbind(casts.var,new.block),
                             t(rbind(new.block,t(new.var %*% proj))))

        # fifth, get ragged residuals
        if(length(raggeds)>0)  # case of partially/completely missing
          new.eps <- matrix(rep(1i,N),ncol=1)
          new.det <- 1
          if(length(raggeds)<N)  # partial missing case
            partial.eps <- solve(t(chol(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat)))) %*%
              (Re(z[non.raggeds,t,drop=FALSE]) - select.mat %*% new.pred)
            new.eps[non.raggeds,1] <- partial.eps
            new.det <- (det(chol(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat))))^2
        } else # case of full info
          new.eps <- solve(t(chol(new.var))) %*% (Re(z[,t,drop=FALSE]) - new.pred)
          new.det <- det(new.var)
        eps <- rbind(eps,new.eps)
        Qseq <- Qseq + t(Re(new.eps)) %*% Re(new.eps)
        logdet <- logdet + log(new.det)

        # updating
        cast.index.t <- intersect(cast.indices,seq(t.hash+1,t))
        preds.x <- Re(z[,1:t,drop=FALSE])

        #  get fore and aft predictors based on observations (t.hash+1):t
        #  Notes: in stationary case, we obtain predictors for time t+1,
        #   based on data over times t.hash+1,...t.
        #   That is, the predictors computed below are used in the next
        #   increment of the t-loop.

          u.seq <- solve(x.acf[,1,]) %*% x.acf[,2,]
          l.seq <- solve(x.acf[,1,]) %*% t(x.acf[,2,])
          gam.Seq <- x.acf[,2,]
          gam.Flip <- x.acf[,2,]
          c.mat <- x.acf[,1,] - t(gam.Flip) %*% u.seq
          d.mat <- x.acf[,1,] - gam.Seq %*% l.seq
          a.seq <- u.seq
          b.seq <- l.seq

          u.qes <- solve(x.acf[,1,]) %*% t(x.acf[,2,])
          l.qes <- solve(x.acf[,1,]) %*% x.acf[,2,]
          gam.qeS <- t(x.acf[,2,])
          gam.pilF <- t(x.acf[,2,])
          c.tam <- x.acf[,1,] - t(gam.pilF) %*% u.qes
          d.tam <- x.acf[,1,] - gam.qeS %*% l.qes
          a.qes <- u.qes
          b.qes <- l.qes

        } else # case of t.hash+2 <= t <= T
          if(( == T) && (t<T))

            pacf <- x.acf[,t+1-t.hash,] - gam.Seq %*% u.seq
            l.factor <- solve(c.mat) %*% t(pacf)
            new.l <- l.seq - u.seq %*% l.factor
            u.factor <- solve(d.mat) %*% pacf
            new.u <- u.seq - l.seq %*% u.factor
            l.seq <- rbind(l.factor,new.l)
            u.seq <- rbind(new.u,u.factor)
            gam.Seq <- cbind(x.acf[,t+1-t.hash,],gam.Seq)
            gam.Flip <- rbind(gam.Flip,x.acf[,t+1-t.hash,])
            c.mat <- x.acf[,1,] - t(gam.Flip) %*% u.seq
            d.mat <- x.acf[,1,] - gam.Seq %*% l.seq
   <- a.seq - b.seq %*% u.factor
   <- b.seq - a.seq %*% l.factor
            a.seq <- rbind(,0*diag(N)) + (c(rep(0,t-1-t.hash),1) %x% diag(N)) %*% u.factor
            b.seq <- rbind(0*diag(N), + (c(1,rep(0,t-1-t.hash)) %x% diag(N)) %*% l.factor

            fcap <- t(x.acf[,t+1-t.hash,]) - gam.qeS %*% u.qes
            l.rotcaf <- solve(c.tam) %*% t(fcap)
            wen.l <- l.qes - u.qes %*% l.rotcaf
            u.rotcaf <- solve(d.tam) %*% fcap
            wen.u <- u.qes - l.qes %*% u.rotcaf
            l.qes <- rbind(l.rotcaf,wen.l)
            u.qes <- rbind(wen.u,u.rotcaf)
            gam.qeS <- cbind(t(x.acf[,t+1-t.hash,]),gam.qeS)
            gam.pilF <- rbind(gam.pilF,t(x.acf[,t+1-t.hash,]))
            c.tam <- x.acf[,1,] - t(gam.pilF) %*% u.qes
            d.tam <- x.acf[,1,] - gam.qeS %*% l.qes
   <- a.qes - b.qes %*% u.rotcaf
   <- b.qes - a.qes %*% l.rotcaf
            a.qes <- rbind(0*diag(N), + (c(1,rep(0,t-1-t.hash)) %x% diag(N)) %*% u.rotcaf
            b.qes <- rbind(,0*diag(N)) + (c(rep(0,t-1-t.hash),1) %x% diag(N)) %*% l.rotcaf

          if(sqrt(sum(diag(l.factor %*% t(l.factor)))) < thresh)
   <- min(,t)
        t.len <- dim(b.seq)[1]/N
        l.pred <- t(b.seq)
        l.derp <- t(b.qes)
        v.pred <- (x.acf[,1,] - matrix(aperm(x.acf[,(t.len+1):2,,drop=FALSE],c(1,3,2)),nrow=N) %*% l.seq)
        v.derp <- (x.acf[,1,] - matrix(aperm(x.acf[,(t.len+1):2,,drop=FALSE],c(3,1,2)),nrow=N) %*% l.qes)
      } }

    # Backward Pass:
    if(t.hash > 0) {
      for(t in (t.hash):1)
        # determine whether full info, or partial/completely missing
        #  base case: full info
        select.mat <- diag(N)
        omit.mat <- NULL
        raggeds <- NULL
        rags.ind <- leads.rag %in% t
        if(sum(rags.ind)>0) # partial/completely missing
          raggeds <- ragged[[seq(1,length(leads.rag))[rags.ind]]]
          if(length(raggeds)<N) # partial missing
            select.mat <- diag(N)[-raggeds,,drop=FALSE]
            omit.mat <- diag(N)[raggeds,,drop=FALSE]
          } else # completely missing
            select.mat <- NULL
            omit.mat <- diag(N)
        non.raggeds <- setdiff(seq(1,N),raggeds)

        #  get casts and covars of observations t:T based on sigma-field_{t:T}
        # first, construct preds.x from known (unstored) entries and stored casts;
        #   preds.x is E [ X_{t-1} | F_{t+1} ]
        if(length(cast.index.t) > 0) { preds.x[,cast.index.t] <- casts.x }
        # obtain E [ x_t | F_{t-1} ]
        if(t.len > 0) { new.pred <- l.derp %*% matrix(preds.x[,(t+1):(t+t.len)],ncol=1) }

        # second, get prediction variance, to obtain new.var given by Var [ x_t | F_{t+1} ]
        #   cast.index.tlen tracks cast indices up to now, looking forward t.len time points,
        #   where t.len is the range at which all dependence is effectively nil
        if(t.len > 0) { cast.index.tlen <- intersect(cast.indices,seq(t+1,t+t.len)) }
        cast.len <- length(cast.index.tlen)
        if(cast.len==0) # no casts within t.len time points
          new.var <- v.derp
        } else # at least one cast within t.len time points
          casts.var.array <- array(casts.var,c(N,length(cast.index.t),N,length(cast.index.t)))
          #	    range.t <- (length(cast.index.t)-cast.len+1):length(cast.index.t)
          range.t <- 1:cast.len
          casts.var.array <- casts.var.array[,,,range.t,drop=FALSE]
          l.array <- array(l.derp,c(N,N,T-t))
          l.array <- l.array[,,cast.index.tlen-t,drop=FALSE]
          l.pred.tlen <- matrix(l.array,nrow=N)
          new.var <- v.derp + l.pred.tlen %*%
            matrix(casts.var.array[,range.t,,,drop=FALSE],nrow=cast.len*N,ncol=cast.len*N) %*% t(l.pred.tlen)

        # third, update casts.x by changing the stored portions of
        #   E [ X_{t+1} | F_{t+1} ] to E [ X_{t+1} | F_t ] and
        #   appending E [ x_t | F_t ] if partially/completely missing
        if(cast.len>0)  # at least one cast within t.len time points
          if(length(raggeds)<N)  # update only if full info or partially missing (do nothing if fully missing)
            new.covar <- matrix(casts.var.array,nrow=length(cast.index.t)*N,ncol=cast.len*N) %*% t(l.pred.tlen)
            update <- matrix(new.covar %*% t(select.mat) %*% solve(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat)) %*%
                               (Re(z[non.raggeds,t,drop=FALSE]) - select.mat %*% new.pred),nrow=N)
            casts.x <- casts.x + update
        if(length(raggeds)>0)   # add new cast E [ x_t | F_t ] if partially/completely missing
          new.cast <- Re(z[,t,drop=FALSE])
          partial.cast <- omit.mat %*% new.pred
          if(length(raggeds)<N)  # partial missing case
            partial.cast <- partial.cast + omit.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat) %*%
              solve(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat)) %*%
              (Re(z[non.raggeds,t,drop=FALSE]) - select.mat %*% new.pred)
          new.cast[raggeds,1] <- partial.cast
          casts.x <- cbind(new.cast,casts.x)

        # fourth, update casts.var by changing the stored portions of
        #   Var [ X_{t+1} | F_{t+1} ] to Var [ X_{t+1} | F_t ] and
        #   appending new covariances if partially/completely missing
        if(cast.len>0)  # at least one cast within t.len time points
          new.covar <- matrix(casts.var.array,nrow=length(cast.index.t)*N,ncol=cast.len*N) %*% t(l.pred.tlen)
          if(length(raggeds)<N)  # update only if full info or partially missing (do nothing if fully missing)
            update <- new.covar %*% t(select.mat) %*% solve(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat)) %*%
              select.mat %*% t(new.covar)
            casts.var <- casts.var - update
        if(length(raggeds)>0)   # add new covar [ x_t | F_t ] if partially/completely missing
          proj <- diag(N) # completely missing case
          if(length(raggeds)<N)  # partial missing case
            proj <- diag(N) - t(select.mat) %*% solve(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat)) %*%
              select.mat %*% new.var
          # now augment casts.var
          # special case: no cast within t.len time points.
          #   Either: (i) this is the first cast,
          #   Or: (ii) previous casts were long ago
          if(cast.len==0) # special case
            if(length(casts.var)==0)  # (i) of special case
              new.block <- NULL
            } else  # (ii) of special case
              new.covar <- matrix(0,nrow=length(cast.index.t)*N,ncol=N)
              new.block <- new.covar %*% proj
          } else
            new.block <- new.covar %*% proj
          # do regular case (and special case) augmentation
          casts.var <- rbind(t(rbind(t(new.var %*% proj),new.block)),

        # fifth, get ragged residuals
        if(length(raggeds)>0)  # case of partially/completely missing
          new.eps <- matrix(rep(1i,N),ncol=1)
          new.det <- 1
          if(length(raggeds)<N)  # partial missing case
            partial.eps <- solve(t(chol(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat)))) %*%
              (Re(z[non.raggeds,t,drop=FALSE]) - select.mat %*% new.pred)
            new.eps[non.raggeds,1] <- partial.eps
            new.det <- (det(chol(select.mat %*% new.var %*% t(select.mat))))^2
        } else # case of full info
          new.eps <- solve(t(chol(new.var))) %*% (Re(z[,t,drop=FALSE]) - new.pred)
          new.det <- det(new.var)
        eps <- rbind(eps,new.eps)
        Qseq <- Qseq + t(Re(new.eps)) %*% Re(new.eps)
        logdet <- logdet + log(new.det)

        # updating
        cast.index.t <- intersect(cast.indices,seq(t,T))
        preds.x <- Re(z[,1:T,drop=FALSE])

        #  get predictors based on observations t+1:T
        #  Notes: in stationary case, we obtain predictors for time t-1,
        #   based on data over times t,...T.
        #   That is, the predictors computed below are used in the next
        #   increment of the t-loop.
        if(t==T)	# if no forward pass happened, initialize

          u.seq <- solve(x.acf[,1,]) %*% x.acf[,2,]
          l.seq <- solve(x.acf[,1,]) %*% t(x.acf[,2,])
          gam.Seq <- x.acf[,2,]
          gam.Flip <- x.acf[,2,]
          c.mat <- x.acf[,1,] - t(gam.Flip) %*% u.seq
          d.mat <- x.acf[,1,] - gam.Seq %*% l.seq
          a.seq <- u.seq
          b.seq <- l.seq

          u.qes <- solve(x.acf[,1,]) %*% t(x.acf[,2,])
          l.qes <- solve(x.acf[,1,]) %*% x.acf[,2,]
          gam.qeS <- t(x.acf[,2,])
          gam.pilF <- t(x.acf[,2,])
          c.tam <- x.acf[,1,] - t(gam.pilF) %*% u.qes
          d.tam <- x.acf[,1,] - gam.qeS %*% l.qes
          a.qes <- u.qes
          b.qes <- l.qes

        } else # case of 1 <= t <= t.hash and t.hash < T
          if(( == T) && (t>1))

            pacf <- x.acf[,T-t+2,] - gam.Seq %*% u.seq
            l.factor <- solve(c.mat) %*% t(pacf)
            new.l <- l.seq - u.seq %*% l.factor
            u.factor <- solve(d.mat) %*% pacf
            new.u <- u.seq - l.seq %*% u.factor
            l.seq <- rbind(l.factor,new.l)
            u.seq <- rbind(new.u,u.factor)
            gam.Seq <- cbind(x.acf[,T-t+2,],gam.Seq)
            gam.Flip <- rbind(gam.Flip,x.acf[,T-t+2,])
            c.mat <- x.acf[,1,] - t(gam.Flip) %*% u.seq
            d.mat <- x.acf[,1,] - gam.Seq %*% l.seq
   <- a.seq - b.seq %*% u.factor
   <- b.seq - a.seq %*% l.factor
            a.seq <- rbind(,0*diag(N)) + (c(rep(0,T-t),1) %x% diag(N)) %*% u.factor
            b.seq <- rbind(0*diag(N), + (c(1,rep(0,T-t)) %x% diag(N)) %*% l.factor

            fcap <- t(x.acf[,T-t+2,]) - gam.qeS %*% u.qes
            l.rotcaf <- solve(c.tam) %*% t(fcap)
            wen.l <- l.qes - u.qes %*% l.rotcaf
            u.rotcaf <- solve(d.tam) %*% fcap
            wen.u <- u.qes - l.qes %*% u.rotcaf
            l.qes <- rbind(l.rotcaf,wen.l)
            u.qes <- rbind(wen.u,u.rotcaf)
            gam.qeS <- cbind(t(x.acf[,T-t+2,]),gam.qeS)
            gam.pilF <- rbind(gam.pilF,t(x.acf[,T-t+2,]))
            c.tam <- x.acf[,1,] - t(gam.pilF) %*% u.qes
            d.tam <- x.acf[,1,] - gam.qeS %*% l.qes
   <- a.qes - b.qes %*% u.rotcaf
   <- b.qes - a.qes %*% l.rotcaf
            a.qes <- rbind(0*diag(N), + (c(1,rep(0,T-t)) %x% diag(N)) %*% u.rotcaf
            b.qes <- rbind(,0*diag(N)) + (c(rep(0,T-t),1) %x% diag(N)) %*% l.rotcaf

          if(sqrt(sum(diag(l.factor %*% t(l.factor)))) < thresh)
   <- min(,t)
        t.len <- dim(b.seq)[1]/N
        l.pred <- t(b.seq)
        l.derp <- t(b.qes)
        v.pred <- (x.acf[,1,] - matrix(aperm(x.acf[,(t.len+1):2,,drop=FALSE],c(1,3,2)),nrow=N) %*% l.seq)
        v.derp <- (x.acf[,1,] - matrix(aperm(x.acf[,(t.len+1):2,,drop=FALSE],c(3,1,2)),nrow=N) %*% l.qes)
      } }


  eps <- matrix(eps,nrow=N)
  if(length(cast.index.t) > 0) { preds.x[,cast.index.t] <- casts.x }
  lik <- Qseq + logdet

  if(debug) { print(lik) }

jlivsey/sigex documentation built on March 20, 2024, 3:17 a.m.