
Defines functions random_matrix_unif random_matrix_norm scores_matrix init_out out_from_scaled_PCA out_from_runif out_from_rnorm out_from_matrix out_from_PCA

# Functions for initializing the output embedding.

# Output Initializers
# These methods deal with initializing the output coordinates of an embedding.
# They have names that begin with 'out_from' to indicate that they are only
# used to initialize the output data, not the input data.
# @seealso
# The return value of the initializers should be assigned to the
# \code{init_out} parameter of an embedding function such as
# \code{embed_dist} and \code{embed_prob}.
# @examples
# \dontrun{
# # pass to the init_out parameter of an embedding function
# # initialize from PCA
# embed_dist(init_out = out_from_PCA(), ...)
# # initialize from small random differences
# embed_prob(init_out = out_from_rnorm(sd = 1e-4), ...)
# }
# @keywords internal
# @name output_initializers
# @family sneer output initializers

# Initialize Output Coordinates from PCA
# Output initialization function.
# The first \code{k} scores of the PCA of the input coordinates are used to
# initialize the \code{k} dimensions of the embedded coordinates. Input
# coordinates are centered but not scaled before the PCA is carried out.
# @param k Number of output dimensions. For 2D visualization this is always 2.
# @param verbose If \code{TRUE}, log information about the initialization.
# @return Output initializer.
# @family sneer output intializers
# @seealso \code{embed_dist} and \code{embed_prob}
#   for how to use this function to configure an embedding.
# @examples
# \dontrun{
# # Should be passed to the init_out argument of an embedding function:
# embed_dist(init_out = out_from_PCA(), ...)
# }
out_from_PCA <- function(k = 2, verbose = TRUE) {
  init_out(function(inp, out) {
    if (is.null(inp$xm)) {
      message("PCA: Calculating ", k,
              " scores by classical MDS on distance matrix")
      x <- stats::as.dist(inp$dm)
    else {
      x <- inp$xm
    out$ym <- scores_matrix(x, ncol = k, verbose = verbose)

# Initialize Output Coordinates from Matrix
# Output initialization function.
# Creates output data and initialize coordinates from the specified matrix.
# @param k Number of output dimensions. For 2D visualization this is always 2.
# @param init_config Configuration to initialize the coordinates from. Must
# be a matrix with the same dimensions as the desired output coordinates.
# @param verbose If \code{TRUE}, log information about the initialization.
# @return Output initializer.
# @family sneer output intializers
# @seealso \code{embed_dist} and \code{embed_prob}
#   for how to use this function to configure an embedding.
# @examples
# \dontrun{
# # create a scores matrix using R PCA
# pca_scores <- prcomp(iris[, 1:4], center = TRUE, retx = TRUE)$x[, 1:2]
# # Should be passed to the init_out argument of an embedding function:
# embed_dist(init_out = out_from_matrix(pca_scores), ...)
# }
out_from_matrix <- function(init_config, k = 2, verbose = TRUE) {
  init_out(function(inp, out) {
    n <- nrow(inp$dm)
    if (nrow(init_config) != n | ncol(init_config) != k) {
      stop("init_config does not match necessary configuration for ym")
    if (verbose) {
      message("Initializing from matrix")
    out$ym <- init_config

# Initialize Output Coordinates from Normal Distribution
# Output initialization function.
# Creates output data and initializes embedding coordinates from a normal
# distribution centered at zero.
# @param k Number of output dimensions. For 2D visualization this is always 2.
# @param sd The standard deviation of the distribution.
# @param verbose If \code{TRUE}, log information about the initialization.
# @return Output initializer.
# @family sneer output intializers
# @seealso \code{embed_dist} and \code{embed_prob}
#   for how to use this function to configure an embedding.
# @examples
# \dontrun{
# # Should be passed to the init_out argument of an embedding function:
#  embed_dist(init_out = out_from_rnorm(sd = 1e-4), ...)
# }
out_from_rnorm <- function(k = 2, sd = 1e-4, verbose = TRUE) {
  init_out(function(inp, out){
    n <- nrow(inp$dm)
    message("Initializing from normal distribution with sd = ",
    out$ym <- random_matrix_norm(n, ncol = k, sd = sd)

# Initialize Output Coordinates from Uniform Distribution
# Output initialization function.
# Creates output data and initializes embedding coordinates from a random
# uniform distribution. This is the initialization method suggested for use
# by the authors of the \code{nerv} method.
# @param k Number of output dimensions. For 2D visualization this is always 2.
# @param min Lower limit of the distribution.
# @param max Upper limit of the distribution.
# @param verbose If \code{TRUE}, log information about the initialization.
# @return Output initializer.
# @references
# Venna, J., Peltonen, J., Nybo, K., Aidos, H., & Kaski, S. (2010).
# Information retrieval perspective to nonlinear dimensionality reduction for
# data visualization.
# \emph{Journal of Machine Learning Research}, \emph{11}, 451-490.
# @family sneer output intializers
# @seealso \code{embed_dist} and \code{embed_prob}
#   for how to use this function to configure an embedding.
# @examples
# \dontrun{
# # Should be passed to the init_out argument of an embedding function:
#  embed_dist(init_out = out_from_runif(min = -10, max = 10), ...)
# }
out_from_runif <- function(k = 2, min = 0, max = 1, verbose = TRUE) {
  init_out(function(inp, out){
    n <- nrow(inp$dm)
    message("Initializing from uniform distribution between ", formatC(min),
            ", ", formatC(max))
    out$ym <- random_matrix_unif(n, ncol = k, min = min, max = max)

# Initialize Output Coordinates from Scaled PCA
# Output initialization function.
# The first \code{k} scores of the PCA of the input coordinates are used to
# initialize the \code{k} dimensions of the embedded coordinates. Input
# coordinates are centered but not scaled before the PCA is carried out.
# Each score column is then scaled to the specified standard deviation.
# This method allows for a deterministic initialization like standard PCA,
# but with the initial distances guaranteed to be small, similar to the
# suggested random initialization used in t-SNE. This also prevents problems
# with very large squared distances leading to zero weights.
# @param k Number of output dimensions. For 2D visualization this is always 2.
# @param sd Standard deviation each score vector will be scaled to.
# @param verbose If \code{TRUE}, log information about the initialization.
out_from_scaled_PCA <- function(k = 2, sd = 1e-4, verbose = TRUE) {
  init_out(function(inp, out) {
    if (is.null(inp$xm)) {
      message("PCA: Calculating ", k,
              " scores by classical MDS on distance matrix")
      x <- stats::as.dist(inp$dm)
    else {
      x <- inp$xm
    out$ym <- scores_matrix(x, ncol = k, verbose = verbose)
    out$ym <- scale(out$ym, scale = apply(out$ym, 2, stats::sd) / sd)

# Output Initializer Wrapper
# Wrapper function to creates the input data list and runs the specific
# initializer function provided as a parameter.
# @param initializer Initializer function.
# @return Input data.
init_out <- function(initializer) {
  function(inp) {
    out <- list()
    out <- initializer(inp, out)
    out$dirty <- TRUE
    out$dim <- ncol(out$ym)

# PCA Scores Matrix
# @param xm Matrix to carry out PCA on. No scaling is carried out.
# @param ncol The number of score columns to include in the output matrix.
# Cannot be larger than the smaller of the number of rows or columns. Columns
# are included in order of decreasing eigenvalue.
# @param verbose If true, then information about variance explained by the
# chosen number of columns will be logged.
# @return A column matrix of the PCA scores. The number of rows of the matrix
# is the same as that of \code{xm}.
# @examples
# \dontrun{
# # first two components of PCA
# scores <- scores_matrix(iris[, 1:4], ncol = 2)
# # all scores
# scores <- scores_matrix(iris[, 1:4])
# }
scores_matrix <- function(xm, ncol = min(nrow(xm), base::ncol(xm)),
                          verbose = TRUE) {
  ncomp <- ncol
  if (methods::is(xm, "dist")) {
    res_mds <- stats::cmdscale(xm, x.ret = TRUE, eig = TRUE, k = ncol)
    if (verbose) {
      lambda <- res_mds$eig
      varex <- sum(lambda[1:ncomp]) / sum(lambda)
      message("Classical MDS: ", ncomp, " components explained ",
              formatC(varex * 100), "% variance")
  else {
    xm <- scale(xm, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
    # do SVD on xm directly rather than forming covariance matrix
    sm <- svd(xm, nu = ncomp, nv = 0)
    dm <- diag(c(sm$d[1:ncomp]))
    if (verbose) {
      # calculate eigenvalues of covariance matrix from singular values
      lambda <- (sm$d ^ 2) / (nrow(xm) - 1)
      varex <- sum(lambda[1:ncomp]) / sum(lambda)
      message("PCA: ", ncomp, " components explained ",
              formatC(varex * 100), "% variance")
    return(sm$u %*% dm)

# Random Matrix (Normal Distribution)
# Creates a matrix of normally distributed data with zero mean.
# @param nrow Number of rows of the matrix.
# @param ncol Number of columns of the matrix.
# @param sd Standard deviation of the distribution.
# @return Random matrix with \code{nrow} rows and \code{ncol} columns.
# @examples
# \dontrun{
# # matrix with 5 rows, 3 columns and standard deviation of 0.1
# xm <- random_matrix_norm(5, 3, 0.1)
# # matrix with 100 rows
# xm <- random_matrix_norm(100)
# }
random_matrix_norm <- function(nrow, ncol = 2, sd = 1.0e-4) {
  matrix(stats::rnorm(ncol * nrow, mean = 0, sd = sd), nrow = nrow)

# Random Matrix (Uniform Distribution)
# Creates a matrix of uniformly distributed data.
# @param nrow Number of rows of the matrix.
# @param ncol Number of columns of the matrix.
# @param min Lower limit of the distribution.
# @param max Upper limit of the distribution.
# @return Random matrix with \code{nrow} rows and \code{ncol} columns.
# @examples
# \dontrun{
# # matrix with 5 rows, 3 columns distribution between -10 and 10
# xm <- random_matrix_unif(nrow = 5, ncol = 3, min = -10, max = 10)
# # 2D matrix with 100 rows and default range of 0 to 1
# xm <- random_matrix_unif(100)
# }
random_matrix_unif <- function(nrow, ncol = 2, min = 0, max = 1) {
  matrix(stats::runif(n = ncol * nrow, min = min, max = max), nrow = nrow)
jlmelville/sneer documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 9:58 p.m.