
Defines functions make_quality_reporter make_final_reporter make_reporter

# Functions to be run at a fixed frequency during the optimization.

# Reporter
# Factory function which returns a function which will be invoked by the
# embedding algorithm at regular intervals during the optimization.
# @param report_every Number of steps between callback invocations.
# @param min_cost If the cost function used by the embedding falls below this
#  value, the optimization process is halted.
# @param reltol If the relative tolerance of the cost function between
#  consecutive reports falls below this value, the optimization process is
#  halted.
# @param disttol If not \code{NULL}, should be a numeric value that represents
#  the minimum allowed RMSD between output distance matrices calculated
#  between consecutive reports. If the RMSD falls below this value, the
#  optimization process is halted. If \code{verbose} is \code{TRUE} the RMSD
#  will be logged to console as the \code{dtol} value.
# @param plot Function for plotting embedding. Signature should be
#  \code{plot(out)} where \code{out} is the output data list. Return value
#  of this function is ignored.
# @param normalize_cost If \code{TRUE}, the cost calculated by the cost
#  function will be normalized and both values logged.
# @param keep_costs If \code{TRUE}, all costs (including those specified in
#  \code{extra_costs}) and the iteration number at
#  which they were calculated will be stored on result list returned by the
#  reporter callback.
# @param extra_costs List containing the names of cost functions to be
#  reported, in addition to the cost associated with the embedding method,
#  which will always be logged. Possible cost functions include:
#  \itemize{
#    \item \code{"kl"} (Kullback Leibler Divergence).
#    \item \code{"kruskal_stress"}.
#    \item \code{"mean_relative_error"}.
#    \item \code{"metric_sstress"}.
#    \item \code{"metric_stress"}.
#    \item \code{"normalized_stress"}.
#    \item \code{"rms_metric_stress"}.
#    \item \code{"sammon_stress"}.
#  }
#  Note that not all costs are compatible with all embedding methods, because
#  they may require specific matrices or other values to be precalculated in
#  the Input and Output data. See the help text for each cost function for
#  details.
# @param opt_report If \code{TRUE}, summary of the state of the optimization
#  (e.g. step size, momentum, gradient length) will be reported.
# @param out_report If \code{TRUE}, summary of the state of the output data
#  (e.g. coordinates, probabilities, weights) will be reported.
# @param verbose If \code{TRUE}, report results such as cost values
#  will be logged to screen. If set to false, you will have to export the
#  report from the embedding routine to access any of the information.
# @return Reporter callback used by the embedding routine. The callback has the
# signature \code{reporter(iter, inp, out, method, report)} where:
#  \item{\code{iter}}{Iteration number.}
#  \item{\code{inp}}{Input data.}
#  \item{\code{method}}{Embedding method.}
#  \item{\code{report}}{Report from previous reporter invocation.}
#  \item{\code{force}}{If TRUE, then the report will be generated even if the
#  iteration number doesn't meet the \code{report_every} criterion.}
# The return value of the callback is an updated
# version of the \code{report} passed as a parameter to the callback. A list
# containing:
#  \item{\code{stop_early}}{If \code{TRUE} then optimization stopped before
#  the maximum number of iterations specified by the embedding algorithm.}
#  \item{\code{reltol}}{Relative convergence value.}
#  \item{\code{iter}}{Iteration number that the callback was invoked at.}
#  \item{\code{cost}}{Cost for this reporter.}
#  \item{\code{norm}}{Normalized cost for the most recent iteration. Only
#  present if \code{normalize_cost} was \code{TRUE}.}
#  \item{\code{costs}}{Matrix of all costs calculated for all invocations of
#  the reporter callback and the value of \code{iter} the reporters were
#  invoked at. Only present if \code{keep_costs} was \code{TRUE}.}
# The result list is reused on each invocation of the callback so that the cost
# from the previous report can be compared with that of the current report,
# allowing for relative convergence early stopping, and appending of costs
# if \code{keep_costs} is \code{TRUE}.
# @seealso \code{embed_prob} for how to use this function for configuring
# an embedding, and \code{make_plot} for 2D plot generation.
# @examples
# # reporter calculation every 100 steps of optimization, log cost and also the
# # normalized cost
# make_reporter(report_every = 100, normalize_cost = TRUE)
# # Stop optimization early if relative tolerance of costs falls below 0.001
# make_reporter(report_every = 100, reltol = 0.001)
# # For s1k dataset, plot 2D embedding at every reporter, with "Label" factor
# # to identify each point on the plot
# make_reporter(report_every = 100, plot = make_plot(s1k, label_name = "Label"))
# # For iris dataset, plot 2D embedding at every reporter, with first two
# # characters of the "Species" factor to identify each point on the plot
# make_reporter(report_every = 100,
#               plot = make_plot(iris, label_name = "Species",
#                                label_fn = make_label(2)))
# # Keep all costs calculated during reporters, can be exported from the
# # embedding routine and plotted or otherwise used.
# make_reporter(report_every = 100, keep_costs = TRUE)
# # Report normalized stress, Kruskal stress and Sammon stress:
# make_reporter(extra_costs =
#                 c("normalized_stress", "kruskal_stress", "sammon_stress"))
# # Should be passed to the reporter argument of an embedding function:
# \dontrun{
#  embed_prob(reporter = make_reporter(report_every = 100,
#                                     normalize_cost = TRUE,
#                                     plot = make_plot(iris,
#                                                      label_name = "Species")),
#                                     ...)
# }
make_reporter <- function(report_every = 100, min_cost = 0,
                          reltol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
                          disttol = NULL,
                          plot = NULL,
                          normalize_cost = TRUE, keep_costs = FALSE,
                          extra_costs = NULL, opt_report = FALSE,
                          out_report = FALSE,
                          show_time = TRUE,
                          convergence_iter = 0,
                          verbose = TRUE) {
  reporter <- list()

  reporter$cost_log <- function(iter, inp, out, method, opt, result) {
    cost <- calculate_cost(method, inp, out)
    if (normalize_cost) {
      norm_fn <- make_normalized_cost_fn(method$cost$fn)
      norm_cost <- norm_fn(inp, out, method)

    if (verbose) {
      cost_str <- paste0(" cost = ", formatC(cost))
      if (normalize_cost) {
        cost_str <- paste0(cost_str, " norm = ", formatC(norm_cost))

    if (!is.null(extra_costs)) {
      for (extra_cost_name in extra_costs) {
        # append "_cost" to the name in the array to get the actual func name
        extra_cost_fn <- get(paste0(extra_cost_name, "_cost"))
        extra_cost <- extra_cost_fn(inp, out, method)
        if (verbose) {
          cost_str <- paste0(cost_str, " ", extra_cost_name, " = ",
        result[[extra_cost_name]] <- extra_cost

    rtol <- NULL
    if (!is.null(result$cost)) {
      rtol <- reltol(cost, result$cost)
      if (verbose) {
        cost_str <- paste0(cost_str, " rtol = ", formatC(rtol))
      result$reltol <- rtol

    rmsd <- NULL
    if (!is.null(disttol)) {
      if (is.null(result$dm)) {
        if (!is.null(out$dm)) {
          result$dm <- upper_tri(out$dm)
        else {
          result$dm <- upper_tri(distance_matrix(out$ym))
      else {
        if (!is.null(out$dm)) {
          dm <- upper_tri(out$dm)
        else {
          dm <- upper_tri(distance_matrix(out$ym))
        rmsd <- sqrt(sum((result$dm - dm) ^ 2) / length(dm))
        result$dm <- dm
        if (verbose) {
          cost_str <- paste0(cost_str, " dtol = ", formatC(rmsd))

    if (verbose) {
      it_msg <- ""
      if (show_time) {
        it_msg <- paste0(format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S"), " ")
      message(it_msg, "Iteration #", iter, cost_str)

    if (iter > convergence_iter) {
      if (!is.null(result$cost) && cost > result$cost) {
        if (verbose) {
          message("cost increased, solution diverging")
        result$stop_early <- TRUE
      if (cost < min_cost) {
        if (verbose) {
          message("minimum cost ", formatC(min_cost), " convergence reached")
        result$stop_early <- TRUE
      else if (!is.null(reltol) && !is.null(rtol) && rtol < reltol) {
        if (verbose) {
          message("relative tolerance ", formatC(reltol), " convergence reached")
        result$stop_early <- TRUE
      else if (!is.null(rmsd) && rmsd < disttol) {
        if (verbose) {
          message("distance tolerance ", formatC(rmsd), " convergence reached")
        result$stop_early <- TRUE

    result$cost <- cost

    if (normalize_cost) {
      result$norm <- norm_cost

    if (keep_costs) {
      if (normalize_cost) {
        names <- c("iter", "cost", "norm", extra_costs)
      } else {
        names <- c("iter", "cost", extra_costs)
      cost_row <- matrix(unlist(result[names]), nrow = 1)
      result$costs <- rbind(result$costs, cost_row)
      colnames(result$costs) <- names


  if (!is.null(plot)) {
    reporter$plot_embedding <- function(iter, inp, out, method, opt, result) {
      plot(out, title = paste0("iter: ", iter, " cost: ", formatC(result$cost)))

  if (opt_report) {
    reporter$opt_report <- function(iter, inp, out, method, opt, result) {
      opt_data <- opt$report(opt)
      opt_str <- ""
      for (name in names(opt_data)) {
        opt_str <- paste0(opt_str, name, ": ", formatC(opt_data[[name]]), " ")
      if (nchar(opt_str) > 0) {

  if (out_report) {
    reporter$out_report <- function(iter, inp, out, method, opt, result) {
      for (name in names(out)) {
        if (methods::is(out[[name]], "matrix")) {
          summarize(out[[name]], name)

  function(iter, inp, out, method, opt, report, force = FALSE) {
    report$stop_early <- FALSE
    if (iter %% report_every == 0 || force) {
      report$iter <- iter
      for (name in names(reporter)) {
        report <- reporter[[name]](iter, inp, out, method, opt, report)

# Report Embedding Quality After Embedding Terminates
# Calculates the AUC of the log RNX metric, the scaled neighbor retrieval
# calculated for multiple neighbor values, with a logarithmic weighting to
# favour smaller neighbor values.
# Additionally, if a set of labels are provided for the dataset, the average
# ROC AUC and PR AUC will be calculated for each observation in the dataset,
# using its label as the positive class. If there are more than two labels
# in the dataset, then the other classes are all treated as negative.
# @param labels Vector of labels associated with the dataset, one for each
# observation, in the same order that the data is presented to the embedding
# algorithm.
# @return A function suitable for calling after embedding, which will in turn
# return the output data, with the quality metrics appended in a list called
# \code{quality}.
# @seealso \code{\link{pr_auc_embed}}, \code{\link{roc_auc_embed}} and
# \code{\link{rnx_auc_embed}} for definitions of these metrics.
make_final_reporter <- function(labels = NULL) {
  fs <- c(rnx_auc)
  if (!is.null(labels)) {
    if (!requireNamespace("PRROC", quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)) {
      stop("ROC and PR AUC calculations requires 'PRROC' package")
    fs <- c(roc_auc, pr_auc, fs)

  make_quality_reporter(fs, labels)

# Create Embedding Quality Reporter
# Quality functions should have the signature \code{f(inp, out)} where
# \code{inp} is the input data and \code{out} is the output data, and return
# a list consisting of: \code{name}, the name of the quality measure; and
# \code{value}, the value of the quality measure.
# @param fs Vector of quality functions.
# @param labels Vector of labels to apply to the data.
# @return A function suitable for calling after embedding, which will in turn
# return the output data, with the quality metrics appended in a list called
# \code{quality}.
make_quality_reporter <- function(fs, labels) {
  function(inp, out) {
    if (is.null(out$dm)) {
      out$dm <- distance_matrix(out$ym)
    out$quality <- list()
    inp$labels <- labels
    for (f in fs) {
      res <- f(inp, out)
      message(res$name, " ", formatC(res$value))
      out$quality[[res$name]] <- res$value
jlmelville/sneer documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 9:58 p.m.