#' Calculate row group means, or other statistics
#' Calculate row group means, or other statistics, where: `rowGroupMeans()`
#' calculates row summary stats; and `rowGroupRmOutliers()` is a convenience
#' function to call `rowGroupMeans(..., rmOutliers=TRUE, returnType="input")`.
#' This function by default calculates group mean values
#' per row in a numeric matrix. However, the stat function
#' can be changed to calculate row medians, row MADs, etc.
#' An added purpose of this function is optional outlier
#' filtering, via calculation of MAD values and applying
#' a MAD threshold cutoff. The intention is to identify
#' technical outliers that otherwise adversely affect the
#' calculated group mean or median values. To inspect the
#' data after outlier removal, use the parameter `returnType="input"`
#' which will return the input data matrix with `NA`
#' substituted for outlier points. Outlier detection and
#' removal is performed by `jamba::rowRmMadOutliers()`.
#' @family jam numeric functions
#' @return
#' When `returnType="output"` the output is a numeric matrix
#' with the same number of columns as the number of unique
#' `groups` labels. When `groups` is a factor and
#' `keepNULLlevels=TRUE`, the number of columns will be the
#' number of factor levels, otherwise it will be the number of
#' factor levels used in `groups`.
#' When `returnType="input"` the output is a numeric matrix
#' with the same dimensions as the input data. This output is
#' intended for use with `rmOutliers=TRUE` which will replace
#' outlier points with `NA` values. Therefore, this matrix can
#' be used to see the location of outliers.
#' The function also returns attributes that describe the
#' number of samples per group overall:
#' \describe{
#' \item{attr(out, "n")}{The attribute `"n"` is used to describe
#' the number of replicates per group.}
#' \item{attr(out, "nLabel")}{The attribute `"nLabel"` is
#' a simple text label in the form `"n=3"`.}
#' }
#' Note that when `rmOutliers=TRUE` the number of replicates per
#' group will vary depending upon the outliers removed. In that
#' case, remember that the reported `"n"` is always the total
#' possible columns available prior to outlier removal.
#' @param x `numeric` data matrix
#' @param groups `character` or `factor` vector of group labels,
#' either as a character vector, or a factor. See the parameter
#' `groupOrder` for ordering of group labels in the output
#' data matrix.
#' @param useMedian `logical` indicating whether the default
#' stat should be "mean" or "median".
#' @param rmOutliers `logical` indicating whether to apply outlier
#' detection and removal.
#' @param crossGroupMad `logical` indicating whether to calculate
#' row MAD values using the median across groups for each row.
#' The median is calculated using non-NA and non-zero row group
#' MAD values. When `crossGroupMad=TRUE` it also calculates
#' the non-NA, non-zero median row MAD across all rows,
#' which defines the minimum difference from median applied across
#' all values to be considered an outlier.
#' @param madFactor `numeric` value indicating the multiple of the
#' MAD value to define outliers. For example `madFactor=5`
#' will take the MAD value for a group multiplied by 5,
#' 5*MAD, as a threshold for outliers. So any points more than
#' 5*MAD distance from the median per group are outliers.
#' @param returnType `character` value indicating the return data
#' type, `"output"` returns one summary stat value per group, per row;
#' `"input"` is useful when `rmOutliers=TRUE` in that it returns
#' a matrix with the same dimensions as the input, except with
#' outlier points replaced with NA.
#' @param rowStatsFunc optional `function` which takes a numeric matrix
#' as input, and returns a numeric vector equal to the number of
#' rows of the input data matrix. Examples: `base::rowMeans()`,
#' `matrixStats::rowMedians()`, `matrixStats::rowMads`.
#' @param groupOrder `character` string indicating how character group
#' labels are ordered in the final data matrix, when `returnType="output"`.
#' Note that when `groups` is a factor, the factor levels are kept
#' in that order. Otherwise, `"same"` keeps groups in the same
#' order they appear in the input matrix; `"sort"` applies
#' `jamba::mixedSort()` to the labels.
#' @param keepNULLlevels `logical` indicating whether to keep factor
#' levels even when there are no corresponding columns in `x`.
#' When `TRUE` and `returnType="output"` the output matrix will
#' contain one colname for each factor level, with NA values used
#' to fill empty factor levels. This mechanism can be helpful to
#' ensure that output matrices have consistent colnames.
#' @param includeAttributes `logical` indicating whether to include
#' attributes with `"n"` number of replicates per group, and `"nLabel"`
#' with replicate label in `n=#` form.
#' @param verbose `logical` indicating whether to print verbose output.
#' @param ... additional parameters are passed to `rowStatsFunc`,
#' and if `rmOutliers=TRUE` to `jamba::rowRmMadOutliers()`.
#' @examples
#' x <- matrix(ncol=9, rnorm(90));
#' colnames(x) <- LETTERS[1:9];
#' rowGroupMeans(x, groups=rep(letters[1:3], each=3))
#' @export
rowGroupMeans <- function
## Purpose is to provide rowMeans() but using groups of columns
## If rmOutliers==TRUE and madFactor is not NULL, then replicates within each group will
## be tested for outliers using rowRmMadOutliers(). madFactor represents the fold threshold
## from the mad() of each group, for each row, and a default of 5 is fairly lenient in that it
## only filters outliers when one point is 5 times the MAD away from median.
## rmOutliers=FALSE, madFactor=5,
## if rowStatsFunc is not NULL, it is expected to be a function which takes a matrix of data
## and produces row-based numeric summary statistics. If na.rm=TRUE is required, it must be
## encoded into the function definition, for example
## rowStatsFunc=function(x){rowMeans(x, na.rm=TRUE)}
## groupOrder="same" will order groups in the order they're defined in groups,
## groupOrder="sort" will use mixedSort
## keepNULLlevels=TRUE, if groups is a factor, then all factor levels
## will be maintained even if no values exist with that factor level.
## keepNULLlevels=FALSE, if groups is a factor, then only factor levels
## containing values will be returned.
groupOrder <- match.arg(groupOrder);
returnType <- match.arg(returnType);
#if (useMedian || rmOutliers) {
#if (!suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(matrixStats))) {
# stop("The matrixStats package is required for rowMADs().");
if (verbose && rmOutliers && length(madFactor) > 0) {
printDebug("rowGroupMeans(): ",
"running with rmOutliers=",
" and madFactor=",
if (verbose && length(rowStatsFunc) > 0) {
printDebug("rowGroupMeans(): ",
"running custom rowStatsFunc");
if (!igrepHas("factor|order", class(groups))) {
if (groupOrder %in% "same") {
if (verbose) {
printDebug("rowGroupMeans(): ",
"Using groups in observed order:",
groups <- factor(groups,
} else {
if (verbose) {
printDebug("rowGroupMeans(): ",
"Using groups in mixedSort order:",
groups <- factor(groups,
## Define row functions
# - support sparse Matrix objects
# inherits(x, "sparseMatrix")
is_sparse <- FALSE;
use_fn_type <- "base";
# fn_rowMedians <- matrixStats::rowMedians
if (length(rowStatsFunc) > 0) {
use_fn_type <- "custom";
} else if (inherits(x, "sparseMatrix")) {
is_sparse <- TRUE;
if (check_pkg_installed("sparseMatrixStats")) {
use_fn_type <- "sparseMatrixStats";
fn_rowMedians <- sparseMatrixStats::rowMedians
fn_rowMeans <- sparseMatrixStats::rowMeans2
rowStatsFunc <- fn_rowMeans;
if (TRUE %in% useMedian) {
rowStatsFunc <- fn_rowMedians;
} else if (check_pkg_installed("matrixStats")) {
use_fn_type <- "matrixStats";
fn_rowMedians <- matrixStats::rowMedians
# fn_rowMeans <- function(x, na.rm=TRUE){base::rowMeans(x, na.rm=na.rm)}
fn_rowMeans <- base::rowMeans
rowStatsFunc <- fn_rowMeans;
if (TRUE %in% useMedian) {
rowStatsFunc <- fn_rowMedians;
if ("base" %in% use_fn_type) {
fn_rowMedians <- function(x, ...){
apply(x, 1, function(i){
fn_rowMeans <- function(x, ...){
apply(x, 1, function(i){
rowStatsFunc <- fn_rowMeans;
if (TRUE %in% useMedian) {
rowStatsFunc <- fn_rowMedians;
if (verbose) {
printDebug("rowGroupMeans(): ",
"Using stat functions from:",
# optionally calculate cross-group MAD values
rowMadValues <- NULL;
minDiff <- NULL;
if (rmOutliers && length(madFactor) > 0 && crossGroupMad) {
if (verbose) {
printDebug("rowGroupMeans(): ",
"Applying rmOutliers with crossGroupMad")
if ("sparseMatrixStats" %in% use_fn_type) {
mad_rowStatsFunc <- function(x, ...){
} else if ("matrixStats" %in% use_fn_type) {
mad_rowStatsFunc <- function(x, ...){
} else {
mad_rowStatsFunc <- function(x, ...){
apply(x, 1, function(i){
x_mads <- rowGroupMeans(x=x,
x_mads[x_mads == 0] <- NA;
# take median of each row group MAD value
rowMadValues <- fn_rowMedians(x_mads,
minDiff <- median(rowMadValues[rowMadValues > 0],
# iterate each group and apply rowStatsFunc
x2L <- tapply(X=colnames(x),
iM <- x[, i, drop=FALSE];
if (rmOutliers && length(madFactor) > 0) {
## Optionally filter for outliers before aggregation
iM <- rowRmMadOutliers(iM,
if ("input" %in% returnType) {
## All logic now applies rowStatsFunc
if (length(rowStatsFunc) > 0) {
## If given a custom function, use it and not anything else
iV <- rowStatsFunc(iM,
} else {
# unnecessary
stop("rowStatsFunc was not properly defined.")
if (length(rownames(iM)) > 0) {
if (is.vector(iV)) {
names(iV) <- rownames(iM);
} else if (is.matrix(iV)) {
rownames(iV) <- rownames(iM);
if (verbose > 1) {
printDebug("rowGroupMeans(): ",
", head(iV, 10):");
print(head(iV, 10));
if (keepNULLlevels && any(lengths(x2L) == 0)) {
if (verbose) {
printDebug("rowGroupMeans(): ",
"keeping NULL factor levels, converting to NA.");
# jamba::rmNULL() is used to force jamba function
x2 <- do.call(cbind,
} else {
x2 <- do.call(cbind, x2L);
## Return the replicate count as an attribute
if ("output" %in% returnType && TRUE %in% includeAttributes) {
nReps <- nameVector(rmNA(naValue=0,
nRepsLabel <- nameVector(paste0("n=", nReps), colnames(x2));
attr(x2, "n") <- nReps;
attr(x2, "nLabel") <- nRepsLabel;
if (verbose > 1) {
printDebug("rowGroupMeans(): ",
"Added n and nLabel as attributes.");
#' @rdname rowGroupMeans
#' @export
rowGroupRmOutliers <- function
# wrapper to rowGroupMeans()
returnType <- match.arg(returnType);
groupOrder <- match.arg(groupOrder);
#' Remove outlier points per row by MAD factor threshold
#' Remove outlier points per row by MAD factor threshold
#' This function applies outlier detection and removal per
#' row of the input numeric matrix.
#' * It first calculates MAD per row.
#' * The MAD threshold cutoff is a multiple of the MAD value,
#' defined by `madFactor`, multiplying the per-row MAD by the
#' `madFactor`.
#' * The absolute difference from median is calculated for each
#' point.
#' * Outlier points are defined:
#' 1. Points with MAD above the MAD threshold, and
#' 2. Points with difference from median at or above `minDiff`
#' The `minDiff` parameter affects cases such as 3 replicates,
#' where all replicates are well within a known threshold
#' indicating low variance, but where two replicates might
#' be nearly identical. Consider:
#' * Three numeric values: `c(10.0001, 10.0002, 10.001)`.
#' * The third value differs from median by only 0.0008.
#' * The third value `10.001` is 5x MAD factor away from median.
#' * `minDiff = 0.01` would require the minimum difference from
#' median to be at least 0.01 to be eligible to be an outlier point.
#' One option to define `minDiff` from the data is to use:
#' `minDiff <- median(rowMads(x))`
#' In this case, the threshold is defined by the median difference
#' from median across all rows.
#' This type of threshold will only be reasonable if the variance
#' across all rows is expected to be fairly similar.
#' This function is substantially faster when the
#' `matrixStats` package is installed, but will use the
#' `apply(x, 1, mad)` format as a last option.
#' ## Assumptions
#' 1. This function assumes the input data is appropriate for
#' the use of MAD as a summary statistic.
#' 2. Specifically, numeric values per row are expected to be roughly
#' normally distributed.
#' 3. Outlier points are assumed to be present in less than half overall
#' non-NA data.
#' 4. Outlier points are assumed to be technical outliers, and therefore
#' not the direct result of the experimental measurements being studied.
#' Technical outliers are often caused by some instrument measurement,
#' methodological failure, or other upstream protocol failure.
#' The default threshold of 5x MAD factor is a fairly lenient
#' criteria, above which the data may even be assumed not to conform
#' to most downstream statistical techniques.
#' For measurements considered to be more robust, or required to be more
#' robust, the threshold 2x MAD is applied. This criteria is usually a
#' reasonable expectation of housekeeper gene expression across replicates
#' within each sample group.
#' @return
#' A numeric matrix is returned, with the same dimensions
#' as the input `x` matrix. Outliers are replaced with `NA`.
#' If `includeAttributes=TRUE` then attributes will be
#' included:
#' * `outlierDF` which is a `data.frame` with colnames
#' * rowMedians: `numeric` median on each row
#' * rowMadValues: `numeric` MAD for each row
#' * rowThresholds: `numeric` threshold after applying `madFactor` and
#' `minDiff`
#' * rowReps: `integer` number of non-NA values in the input data
#' * rowTypes: `factor` indicating the type of threshold: `"madFactor"`
#' means the row applied the normal `MAD * madFactor` threshold;
#' `"minDiff"` means the row applied the `minDiff` threshold which
#' was the larger threshold.
#' * `minDiff` with the `numeric` value supplied
#' * `madFactor` with the `numeric` MAD factor threshold supplied
#' * `outliersRemoved` with the `integer` total number of new NA values
#' produced by the outlier removal process.
#' @family jam numeric functions
#' @param x numeric matrix
#' @param madFactor `numeric` value to multiply by each row MAD
#' to define the threshold for outlier detection.
#' @param na.rm `logical` indicating whether to ignore NA values
#' when calculating the MAD value. It should probably always be
#' `TRUE`, however setting to `FALSE` will prevent any
#' calculations in rows that contain `NA` values, which could
#' be useful.
#' @param minDiff `numeric` value indicating the minimum difference
#' from median to qualify as an outlier. This value protects
#' against removing outliers which are already extremely
#' similar. Consider this example:
#' * Three numeric values: `c(10.0001, 10.0002, 10.001)`.
#' * The third value differs from median by only 0.0008.
#' * The third value `10.001` is 5x MAD factor away from median.
#' * `minDiff = 0.01` would require the minimum difference from
#' median to be at least 0.01 to be eligible to be an outlier point.
#' @param minReps `numeric` minimum number of non-NA values per row
#' for outliers to be filtered on the row. This argument is typically
#' only relevant for rows with `n=2` non-NA values, and when
#' `rowMadValues` is supplied and may define a threshold less than
#' half the difference in the two points on the given row.
#' Otherwise, n=2 defines each point at exactly 1x MAD from median,
#' and would therefore never be considered an outlier.
#' @param includeAttributes `logical` indicating whether to return
#' attributes that describe the threshold and type of threshold
#' used per row, in addition to the madFactor and minDiff values
#' defined.
#' @param rowMadValues `numeric` optional set of row MAD values to use,
#' which is mostly helpful when combining MAD values across multiple
#' samples groups on each row of data, where the combined MAD values
#' may be more reliable than individual group MAD values.
#' @param verbose `logical` indicating whether to print verbose output.
#' @param ... additional parameters are ignored.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123);
#' x <- matrix(ncol=5, rnorm(25))*5 + 10;
#' ## Define some outlier points
#' x[1:2,3] <- x[1:2,3]*5 + 50;
#' x[2:3,2] <- x[2:3,2]*5 - 100;
#' rownames(x) <- head(letters, nrow(x));
#' rowRmMadOutliers(x, madFactor=5);
#' x2 <- rowRmMadOutliers(x, madFactor=2,
#' includeAttributes=TRUE);
#' x2
#' x3 <- rowRmMadOutliers(x2,
#' madFactor=2,
#' rowMadValues=attr(x2, "outlierDF")$rowMadValues,
#' includeAttributes=TRUE);
#' x3
#' @export
rowRmMadOutliers <- function
## Purpose is to perform rmMadOutlier() function of removing outliers
## outside madFactor times the MAD for each row.
## It take a matrix input, and returns a matrix output with outliers
## converted to NA values.
## minDiff defines a minimum difference required in order to be an outlier,
## for example if three values are c(10.110, 10.112, 10.141) the third value
## is a MAD outlier, but differs from median by only 0.009 even though it
## is 10x MAD units away from median.
## Typically, minDiff in log2 space would be something like log2(1.2)
if (length(minDiff) == 0) {
minDiff <- 0;
# define custom functions based upon object type and packages available
use_fn_type <- "base";
if (inherits(x, "sparseMatrix")) {
is_sparse <- TRUE;
if (check_pkg_installed("sparseMatrixStats")) {
use_fn_type <- "sparseMatrixStats";
fn_rowMads <- sparseMatrixStats::rowMads
fn_rowMedians <- sparseMatrixStats::rowMedians
fn_rowSums <- sparseMatrixStats::rowSums2
} else if (check_pkg_installed("matrixStats")) {
use_fn_type <- "matrixStats";
fn_rowMads <- matrixStats::rowMads
fn_rowMedians <- matrixStats::rowMedians
fn_rowSums <- base::rowSums
if ("base" %in% use_fn_type) {
fn_rowMads <- function(x, ...) {
apply(x, 1, function(i){mad(i, ...)})}
fn_rowMedians <- function(x, ...) {
apply(x, 1, function(i){median(i, ...)})}
fn_rowSums <- base::rowSums
# re-use MAD values, or calculate MAD values per row
if (length(rowMadValues) > 0) {
if (length(names(rowMadValues)) > 0 &&
length(rownames(x)) > 0) {
if (!all(rownames(x) %in% names(rowMadValues))) {
stop(paste0("all rownames(x) must be present in names(rowMadValues), ",
"or rowMadValues must have length equal to nrow(x)."));
stop("rownames(x) must all be present in names(rowMadValues)");
xMads <- rowMadValues[rownames(x)];
} else if (length(rowMadValues) == nrow(x)) {
xMads <- rowMadValues;
} else {
stop(paste0("rowMadValues must have length equal to nrow(x), ",
"or all rownames(x) must be present in names(rowMadValues)."));
} else {
xMads <- fn_rowMads(x,
# calculate median and non-NA replicates per row
xMedians <- fn_rowMedians(x,
xReps <- fn_rowSums(!is.na(x));
# rowThresholds is the threshold difference from median for each row
# and must be at least minDiff
rowThresholds <- noiseFloor(xMads * madFactor,
x_NA_before <- sum(is.na(x));
# set any points that exceed this threshold to NA
x[abs(x - xMedians) > rowThresholds & xReps >= minReps] <- NA;
x_NA_after <- sum(is.na(x));
if (TRUE %in% includeAttributes) {
rowTypes <- ifelse((xMads * madFactor) < minDiff,
attr(x, "outlierDF") <- data.frame(
attr(x, "minDiff") <- minDiff;
attr(x, "madFactor") <- madFactor;
attr(x, "outliersRemoved") <- (x_NA_after - x_NA_before);
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