
Jam SummarizedExperiment Stats (jamses)

This package is under active development, as these functions make up a core set of methods used across multiple Omics analysis projects. A summary of goals and relevant features are described below.


The core goal is to make data analysis of SummarizedExperiment objects straightforward for common scenarios:

*Note: The Limma User's Guide describes alternate approaches for one-way and two-way contrasts. The approach used in jamses uses the ~0 + x style of grouping, which defines each experiment group with independent replicates. In this context, a two-way contrast is defined as testing the fold change of one-way fold changes. The jamses methods ensure that two-way contrasts compare the same factors in proper order, for example (A_treated - A_control) can be compared to (B_treated - B_control), but will not be compared to (B_treated - B_knockout). Similarly, one-way contrasts will only compare one factor change at a time, and would not generate a contrast (A_treated - B_control).

Define experiment design and contrasts

New object class: SEDesign

SEDesign is an S4 object that contains the following slots:

Use cases for SEDesign:

Accessor functions to SEDesign:

Data normalization

SummarizedExperiment objects are normalized by:


heatmap_se() is a convenient wrapper for ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap(). Some useful arguments and features are described below:

Other options can be passed to ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap():

Statistical comparisons

se_contrast_stats() is the central function

jmw86069/jamses documentation built on May 31, 2024, 1:36 p.m.