ebayes2dfs: Convert limma eBayes fit to data.frame with annotated hits

ebayes2dfsR Documentation

Convert limma eBayes fit to data.frame with annotated hits


Convert limma eBayes fit to data.frame with annotated hits


  lmFit3 = NULL,
  lmFit1 = NULL,
  lmFit4 = NULL,
  define_hits = TRUE,
  adjp_cutoff = 0.05,
  p_cutoff = NULL,
  fold_cutoff = 1.5,
  int_adjp_cutoff = adjp_cutoff,
  int_p_cutoff = p_cutoff,
  int_fold_cutoff = fold_cutoff,
  mgm_cutoff = NULL,
  ave_cutoff = NULL,
  confint = FALSE,
  use_cutoff_colnames = TRUE,
  rename_headers = TRUE,
  return_fold = TRUE,
  merge_df = FALSE,
  include_ave_expr = FALSE,
  include_group_means = TRUE,
  transform_means = c("none", "exp2signed", "10^"),
  rowData_df = NULL,
  collapse_by_gene = FALSE,
  rename_contrasts = FALSE,
  sep = " ",
  int_grep = "[(].+-.+-.+[)]|-.+-",
  trim_colnames = c("t", "B", "F", "sca.t"),
  posthoc_test = c("none", "DEqMS"),
  verbose = FALSE,



object returned by limma::eBayes().


object returned by limma::lmFit(), optional.


object returned by posthoc_test="DEqMS" in run_limma_replicate().


logical indicating whether to define hits using the statistical thresholds.

adjp_cutoff, p_cutoff, fold_cutoff, mgm_cutoff, ave_cutoff

numeric values representing the appropriate statistical threshold, or NULL when a threshold should not be applied.

int_adjp_cutoff, int_p_cutoff, int_fold_cutoff

numeric thresholds to apply only to interaction contrasts.


logical passed to limma::topTable(), which defines whether to return confidence intervals for each log2 fold change.


logical whether to include the statistical thresholds abbreviated in the "hit" colname, when define_hits=TRUE.


logical indicating whether to rename statistical colnames returned by limma::topTable() to the colnames include the contrast name.


logical whether to return an additional column with the signed fold change, see log2fold_to_fold().


logical indicating whether to merge the final data.frame list into one data.frame.


logical indicating whether to retain the column "AveExpr". This column can be misleading, especially if the mgm (max group mean) threshold is used when determining statistical hits. This column is mainly useful in reviewing limma output, since it uses the "AveExpr" values to apply its moderated variance statistic.


logical indicating whether to include each group mean along with the relevant contrast. These values are helpful, in that they should exactly represent the reported logFC value. Sometimes it is helpful and comforting to see the exact values used in that calculation.


data.frame representing optional rowData annotation to be retained in the resulting stat data.frame. This argument is usually defined using rowData_colnames in se_contrast_stats(), which uses corresponding columns from rowData(se).


logical indicating whether to apply collapse_stats_by_gene which chooses one "best" exemplar per gene when there are multiple rows that represent the same gene.


logical (inactive) which will in future allow for automated renaming of contrasts.


character string used as a delimiter in certain output colnames.


character string used to recognize contrasts which are considered "interaction contrasts". The default pattern recognizes any contrasts that contain multiple fold changes, recognized by the presence of more than one hypen "-" in the contrast name.


logical indicating whether to print verbose output.


This function is called by run_limma_replicate() as an extension to limma::topTable(), that differs in that it is performed for each contrast in the input lmFit3 object.

By default the columns include the contrast, so that each data.frame is self-described.

When define_hits=TRUE, then statistical thresholds are applied to define a set of statistical hits. The thresholds available include:

  1. adjp_cutoff - applied to "adj.P.Val" for adjusted P-value.

  2. p_cutoff - applied to "P.Value" for raw, unadjusted P-value.

  3. fold_cutoff - normal space fold change, applied to "logFC" by using log2(fold_cutoff).

  4. mgm_cutoff - max group mean, applied to the highest group mean value involved in each specific contrast.

  5. ave_cutoff - applied to "AveExpr" which represents the mean value across all sample groups.

Note that mgm_cutoff requires input lmFit1 which stores the group mean values used in the limma workflow.

Note also there are optional arguments specific to interaction contrasts, which in this context is assumed to be a "fold change of fold changes" style of contrast, for example: (groupA-groupB)-(groupC-groupD). The purpose is distinct interaction thresholds is to enable reasonable data mining, sometimes with somewhat more lenient thresholds for interaction contrasts. For example, one may use adjp_cutoff=0.01 and int_adjp_cutoff=0.05, or fold_cutoff=2 and int_fold_cutoff=1.5.

By default, rename_headers=TRUE causes colnames to include the contrast, for example renaming colname "logFC" to "logFC contrastA". This change helps reinforce the source of the statistical results, and allows the data.frame results to be merged together using base::merge().

Indeed, merge_df=TRUE will cause all data.frame results to be merged into one large data.frame, using jamba::mergeAllXY().


list with one data.frame per contrast defined in the input lmFit3 object. When define_hits=TRUE there will be one column per statistical threshold, named "hit" followed by an abbreviation of the statistical thresholds which were applied. When merge_df=TRUE the returned data will be one data.frame object.

See Also

Other jamses stats: handle_na_values(), matrix_normalize(), run_limma_replicate(), se_contrast_stats(), se_normalize(), voom_jam()

jmw86069/jamses documentation built on May 31, 2024, 1:36 p.m.