matrix_normalize: Normalize a numeric data matrix

matrix_normalizeR Documentation

Normalize a numeric data matrix


Normalize a numeric data matrix


  method = c("quantile", "jammanorm", "limma_batch_adjust", "TMM", "TMMwsp", "RLE"),
  apply_log2 = c("ifneeded", "no", "always"),
  floor = 0,
  floor_value = floor,
  enforce_norm_floor = TRUE,
  params = list(quantile = list(ties = TRUE), jammanorm = list(controlGenes = NULL,
    minimum_mean = 0, controlSamples = NULL, centerGroups = NULL, useMedian = FALSE,
    noise_floor = NULL, noise_floor_value = NULL), limma_batch_adjust = list(batch =
    NULL, group = NULL), TMM = list(refColumn = NULL, logratioTrim = 0.3, sumTrim = 0.05,
    doWeighting = TRUE, Acutoff = NULL), TMMwsp = list(refColumn = NULL, logratioTrim =
    0.3, sumTrim = 0.05, doWeighting = TRUE, Acutoff = NULL)),
  normgroup = NULL,
  subset_columns = NULL,
  debug = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



numeric matrix with sample columns, and typically gene rows, but any measured assay row will meet the assumptions of the method.


character string indicating which normalization method to apply.

  • "quantile": quantile normalization via limma::normalizeQuantiles()

  • "jammanorm": log-ratio normalization via jamma::jammanorm()

  • "limma_batch_adjust": batch adjustment via limma::removeBatchEffect(), recommended for data visualization, but not recommended for downstream statistical comparisons.

  • "TMM": trimmed mean of M-values via edgeR::calcNormFactors()

  • "TMMwsp": TMM with singleton pairing via edgeR::calcNormFactors()

  • "RLE": relative log expression via edgeR::calcNormFactors()


character string indicating whether to apply log2 transformation: "ifneeded" will apply log2 transform when any absolute value is greater than 40; "no" will not apply log2 transformation; "always" will apply log2 transform. Note the log2 transform is applied with jamba::log2signed(x, offset=1) which is equivalent to log(1 + x) except that negative values are also transformed using the absolute value, then multiplied by their original sign.


numeric value indicating the lowest accepted numeric value, below which values are assigned to this floor. The default floor=0 requires all values are 0, and any values below 0 are assigned 0. Note that the floor is applied after log2 transform, when the log2 transform is performed.


numeric or NA used to replace values in x when they are at or below floor, default floor_value=floor, however it can be useful to assign NA to replace zero in circumstances when that is preferable.


logical indicating whether to enforce the floor for the normalized results, default is TRUE. For example, when floor=0 any values at or below 0 are set to 0 before normalization. After normalization some of these values will be above or below 0. When enforce_norm_floor=TRUE these values will again be set to 0 because they are considered to be below the noise threshold of the protocol, and adjustments are not relevant; also any normalized values below the floor will also be set to floor.


list of parameters relevant to the method of normalization. The params should be a list named by the method, whose values are a list named by the relevant method parameter. See examples.


character or equivalent vector that defines subgroups of samples to be normalized indendently of each normgroup. When NULL then all data is normalized together as default. The normgroup vector is expected to be in the order of colnames(x) in the same order.


integer intended for internal use when normgroups is provided. This argument is used to instruct each normalization method to use an appropriate subset of params based upon the subset of columns being analyzed.


logical indicating whether to print verbose output.


This function is a wrapper for several relevant normalization methods that operate on a numeric matrix.


numeric matrix with the same dimensions as the input matrix x. Additional information may be returned as attributes(x):

  • "norm_method": a character string with the method used.

  • "nf": a numeric vector with normalization factors, returned only by "jammanorm", "TMM", and "TMMwsp".

  • "hk": a character vector of rownames(x) used as housekeeper controlGenes by "jammanorm".

Normalization Methods Implemented:


Quantile-normalization performed by limma::normalizeQuantiles(). This method has one parameter "ties" passed to limma::normalizeQuantiles(), the default here ties=TRUE which handles tied numeric expression values in a robust way to avoid unpredictability otherwise. This option is especially relevant with expression count data, where integer counts cause a large number of values to be represented multiple times.


Median-normalization performed by jamma::jammanorm(). This method shifts expression data as shown on MA-plots, so the median expression is zero across all samples, using only the rows that meet the relevant criteria.

Some relevant criteria to define rows used for normalization:

  • controlGenes defines specific genes to use for normalization, such as housekeeper genes. It may also be useful to use detected genes here, so the normalization only considers those genes defined as detected by the protocol.

  • minimum_mean sets a numeric threshold and requires the mean expression (shown on the x-axis of the MA-plot) to be at least this value.

Note that when both controlGenes and minimum_mean are defined, both criteria are enforced. So the controlGenes are also required to have expression of at least minimum_mean.

Also note that all rows of data are normalized by this method, only the subset of rows defined by controlGenes and minimum_mean are used to compute the normalization factor.


Batch adjustment performed by limma::removeBatchEffect() which is intended to apply batch-adjustment as a form of normalization, but which does not represent full normalization itself. There are two relevant parameters: "batch" which is a vector of batch values in order of colnames(x), and "group" which is a vector of sample groups in order of colnames(x).

Normalization groups via normgroup

The normgroup argument is intended as a convenient method to apply a normalization method to each independent normgroup. This situation is especially useful when a study contains multiple tissue types, or multiple data types, that may not be appropriate to normalize directly relative to one another.

For example, one could normalize total RNA-seq and nascent 4sU-seq data independently, without expectation that the two would ever have a common frame of reference to normalize one relative to another. However, both may be amenable to "quantile" or "jammanorm" median normalization.

Similarly, one could normalize each tissue type independently, which may be appropriate when analyzing data that contains very different mammalian tissue organ samples, such as muscle and brain.

It would generally not be appropriate to use quantile normalization across muscle and brain samples, since the overall pattern and distribution of expression values is not expected to be similar. Quantile normalize assumes (and imposes) a common distribution, by adjusting mean expression signal at each quantile to a common mean expression across all samples.

For a rough approximation of cross-tissue normalization, one could apply "quantile" normalization within each normgroup defined by tissue type, then apply "jammanorm" median normalization to apply a linear adjustment of signal across tissue types. The median normalization does not affect distribution, thus will not affect intra-tissue contrasts, except by adjusting its overall signal which may change downstream assumptions regarding signal thresholds.

It is recommended not to compare directly across tissue types. In some cases a two-way contrast may be appropriate, where fold change within one tissue type is compared to the fold change within another tissue type. However, even in that case the two tissue types do not need to be normalized relative to each other upfront - the within-tissue fold change serves as one method of normalizing the observations across tissue types.

Other useful parameters

Note the floor and enforce_norm_floor have recommended default values floor=0 and enforce_norm_floor=TRUE.

  • floor is applied prior to normalization, typically to minimize effects of low, noisy signal on the normalization process itself. Specifically, this floor is used to remove negative values, which may be by-products of upstream signal processing. "A measured signal at or below the noise floor of a platform technology is effectively the same as a signal at the noise floor."

  • enforce_norm_floor is applied after normalization, typically as a convenience, also to prevent low, noisy signal from contributing to downstream analysis steps.

These defaults will set any assay value at or below 0 to 0, and after normalization any values whose input values were at or below 0 will also be set to 0 to prevent normalizing a value of 0 to non-zero. Any normalized value at or below 0 will also be set to 0 to prevent results from containing negative normalized values.

The assumption for this default is that a value of zero is not a measurement but represents the lack of a measurement. Similarly, the intent of floor is a numeric threshold at or below there is no confidence in the reported measurement, therefore values at or below this threshold are treated as equivalent to the threshold for the purpose of downstream analyses.

Some platforms like QPCR for example, have substantially lower confidence at high CT values, where expression values using the equation 2^(40-CT) might impose a noise threshold at expression 32 or lower. This noise threshold for QPCR means any expression measurement of 32 or lower is as likely to be 32 as it is to be 2, and therefore any differences between reported expression of 32 and 2 should not be considered relevant. Applying floor=32 in this case accomplishes this goal by setting all values at or below 32 to 32. Of course when using this method matrix_normalize() the data should be log2 transformed, which means the floor should also be log2 transformed, e.g. floor=log2(32) which is floor=5.

One alternative might be to set values at or below zero to NA prior to normalization, and before calling matrix_normalize(). In this case, only non-NA values will be used during normalization according to the method being used.

See Also

Other jamses stats: ebayes2dfs(), handle_na_values(), run_limma_replicate(), se_contrast_stats(), se_normalize(), voom_jam()


# use farrisdata real world data if available
if (jamba::check_pkg_installed("farrisdata")) {


   # test matrix_normalize()
   GeneSE <- farrisdata::farrisGeneSE;
   imatrix <- assays(GeneSE)$raw_counts;
   genes <- rownames(imatrix);
   samples <- colnames(imatrix);

   # matrix_normalize()
   # normalize the numeric matrix directly
   imatrix_norm <- matrix_normalize(imatrix,

   # review normalization factors
   round(digits=3, attr(imatrix_norm, "nf"));

   # example for quantile normalization
   imatrix_quant <- matrix_normalize(imatrix,

# simulate reasonably common expression matrix
x <- matrix(rnorm(9000)/4, ncol=9);
colnames(x) <- paste0("sample", LETTERS[1:9]);
rownames(x) <- paste0("gene", jamba::padInteger(seq_len(nrow(x))))
rowmeans <- rbeta(nrow(x), shape1=2, shape2=5)*14+2;
x <- x + rowmeans;
for (i in 1:9) {
   x[,i] <- x[,i] + rnorm(1);

# display MA-plot with jamma::jammaplot()

# normalize by jammanorm
xnorm <- matrix_normalize(x, method="jammanorm")
jamma::jammaplot(xnorm, maintitle="method='jammanorm'")

# normalize by jammanorm with housekeeper genes
hk_genes <- sample(rownames(x), 10);
xnormhk <- matrix_normalize(x,

   maintitle="method='jammanorm' with housekeeper genes",

xnormhk6 <- matrix_normalize(x,
hk_used <- attr(xnormhk6, "hk")[[1]];
   maintitle="method='jammanorm' with housekeeper genes, minimum_mean=6",
   highlightColor=c("red", "green"));

# normalize by quantile
xquant <- matrix_normalize(x, method="quantile")

# simulate higher noise for lower signal
rownoise <- rnorm(prod(dim(x))) * (3 / ((rowmeans*1.5) - 1.5));
xnoise <- x;
xnoise <- xnoise + rownoise;
   maintitle="simulated higher noise at lower signal");

# simulate non-linearity across signal
# sin(seq(from=pi*4/10, to=pi*7/10, length.out=100))-0.8
rowadjust <- (sin(pi * jamba::normScale(rowmeans, from=3.5/10, to=5.5/10)) -0.9) * 20;
xwarp <- xnoise;
xwarp[,3] <- xnoise[,3] + rowadjust;
   maintitle="signal-dependent noise and non-linear effects");

# quantile-normalization is indicated for this scenario
xwarpnorm <- matrix_normalize(xwarp,
jp <- jamma::jammaplot(xwarpnorm,
   maintitle="quantile-normalized: signal-dependent noise and non-linear effects");

jmw86069/jamses documentation built on May 31, 2024, 1:36 p.m.