se_detected_rows: SummarizedExperiment heuristics to define detected rows

se_detected_rowsR Documentation

SummarizedExperiment heuristics to define detected rows


SummarizedExperiment heuristics to define detected rows


  assay_name = 1,
  normgroup_colname = NULL,
  detect_mincounts = 0,
  detect_totalreps = 1,
  detect_minreps = 2,
  detect_minpct = 0.65,
  detect_mingroups = 1,
  isamples = colnames(se),
  verbose = FALSE,



SummarizedExperiment object


character or integer index, referring to the entry in assays(se) to use when determining valid measurements.


character vector of colnames in colData(se) which defines sample grouping.


character string with optional colname in colData(se) to use for normgroups.


numeric value at or above which a measurement is considered "valid".


numeric minimum total number of replicates that must contain "valid" measurements.


numeric minimum replicates which must contain "valid" measurements in any given sample group.


numeric minimum fraction of available replicates in a sample group that must contain "valid" measurements.


numeric minimum number of sample groups that are considered "valid" based upon other criteria.


character optional vector of colnames(se) to use during this analysis. This vector is useful for example, when excluding outlier samples that were defined by other methods.


logical indicating whether to print verbose output.


additional arguments are ignored.


This function is intended to help apply common logical rules to define valid, "detected" rows for downstream analysis.

The rules:

  • minimum value at or above which a measurement is "valid"

  • minimum total replicates with "valid" measurement, across all sample columns

  • minimum replicates with "valid" measurement required in any sample group

  • minimum percent replicates with "valid" measurement required in any sample group

  • minimum sample groups with "valid" criteria above required


Consider an experiment with 7 groups, and n=3 replicates, which contains 21 total samples.

Assume one row of data that contains 6 "valid" measurements.

  • If these 6 "valid" measurements are found in only 2 groups, both groups contain n=3 "valid" measurements. This row may have sufficient data for a statistical comparison across these two groups.

  • However, if the 6 "valid" measurements are also found across 6 different groups, it may not be suitable for statistical testing.

Use of normgroups

Detection can be carried out within "normgroups", which are independent subsets of sample columns. In most cases this method is not necessary, but is intended when the detected rows should be independently calculated for two or more subsets of sample columns.

A specific example might be an experiment that measures treatment effects in two very different tissue types, like lung and muscle. The detected genes in lung may well not be the same as detected genes in lung. And in fact, statistical comparisons may not be intended to compare muscle and lung directly. (That judgement is left to the analyst.) One may define a column in colData(se) that represents tissue type, with values "muscle", and "lung", then define this column with argument normgroup_colname. The detection will be done within each independent normgroup, returned as a list named "detected_normgroup". The detected rows are also combined into "detected_rows" which returns rows detected across all normgroups.


list with the following elements:

  • detected_rows is a character vector of detected rownames(se)

  • detected_normgroup is a list of logical vectors for each normgroup, where the vectors encode whether a row is detected within each normgroup.

  • detected_df is a data.frame with summary information for each normgroup.

jmw86069/jamses documentation built on May 31, 2024, 1:36 p.m.