se_collapse_by_column: Collapse SummarizedExperiment data by column

se_collapse_by_columnR Documentation

Collapse SummarizedExperiment data by column


Collapse SummarizedExperiment data by column


  columns = colnames(se),
  assay_names = NULL,
  colDataColnames = colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(se)),
  keepNULLlevels = FALSE,
  groupFunc = jamba::rowGroupMeans,
  noise_floor = 0,
  noise_floor_value = 0,
  rmOutliers = FALSE,
  madFactor = 5,
  useMedian = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE,



SummarizedExperiment object


character vector of colnames(se) to include in the process.


character vector of column groupings, or character vector of colnames(colData(se)) used to define the column groupings.


character vector with one or more assayNames(se) to apply the column grouping calculation defined in groupFunc. By default, all assay names in assayNames(se) are used.


character vector of colData(se) colnames to be included in the returned SummarizedExperiment after the column grouping. This argument is used to subset the columns, in cases where some columns do not need to be combined and returned in the output data.


logical indicating whether to return empty columns when there are not factor levels present in the data. This option is intended when column_group references a factor type, whose factor levels are not present in the current data, using columns. When keepNULLlevels=TRUE any missing levels will be present with NA values, which can be helpful for generating a consistent output.


function used to perform row group calculations on a numeric matrix. The default is passed to jamba::rowGroupMeans(), but can be substituted with another row-based function. It must accept arguments x and groups, but the other arguments are passed only if groupFunc permits these argument names, or ...:

  • x as a numeric matrix (required),

  • groups as a character vector of column groups, in order of colnames(x) (required)

  • rmOutliers a logical indicating whether to apply outlier removal, though the function can ignore this value (optional).

  • madFactor a numeric value indicating the MAD threshold used when rmOutliers=TRUE; though again the function can ignore this value (optional).

  • useMedian=FALSE is logical and when useMedian=FALSE it disables calculating the median() value per group, and instead takes the group mean() value.

  • ... additional arguments in ... will be passed only if permitted by groupFunc.


numeric value indicating the minimum numeric value permitted, at or below this value will be replaced with noise_floor_value. The default value noise_floor=0 will therefore change all values at or below zero to noise_floor_value=0 by default. Another alternative is to change abnormally low values such as zero 0 to NA so these values are not treated as actual measurements during the group summary calculation. This value and the replacement should be adjusted with caution. Use noise_floor=NULL or noise_floor=-Inf to disable this step.


numeric or NA used as a replacement for numeric values at or below noise_floor, which occurs prior to calling the groupFunc summary calculation.

rmOutliers, madFactor

logical and numeric, respectively, passed to groupFunc which by default is jamba::rowGroupMeans().


logical passed to argument groupFunc(), intended to be used by jamba::rowGroupMeans() to specify taking the mean and not the median value per row group.


logical indicating whether to print verbose output.


additional arguments are passed through groupFunc.


Purpose is to collapse columns of a SummarizedExperiment object, where measurements for a given entity, usually a gene, are split across multiple rows in the source data. The output of this function should be measurements appropriately summarized to the gene level.

The driving use case is slightly different than with se_collapse_by_row(), in this case the function is mostly convenient method to calculate group mean values in context of a SummarizedExperiment object, so it can be used with jamses::heatmap_se() for example.

This function retains associated column annotations colData(se), after combining multiple values in an appropriate manner.

Optionally, this function will detect and remove individual outlier values before calculating the group mean.


SummarizedExperiment object with these changes:

  • columns will be collapsed by column_groups, for each assays(se) numeric matrix defined by assay_names.

  • colData(se) will also be collapsed by shrinkDataFrame() to combine unique values from each column annotation.

See Also

Other jamses utilities: fold_to_log2fold(), log2fold_to_fold(), mark_stat_hits(), se_collapse_by_row(), se_rbind(), shrinkDataFrame(), shrink_df(), strsplitOrdered(), sub_split_vector(), update_function_params(), update_list_elements()

jmw86069/jamses documentation built on May 31, 2024, 1:36 p.m.