groups_to_sedesign: Create SEDesign from experimental groups

groups_to_sedesignR Documentation

Create SEDesign from experimental groups


Create SEDesign from experimental groups


  group_colnames = NULL,
  isamples = NULL,
  idesign = NULL,
  factor_order = NULL,
  omit_grep = "[-,]",
  max_depth = 2,
  factor_sep = "_",
  contrast_sep = "-",
  remove_pairs = NULL,
  pre_control_terms = NULL,
  add_contrastdf = NULL,
  contrast_names = NULL,
  current_depth = 1,
  rename_first_depth = TRUE,
  return_sedesign = TRUE,
  default_order = c("asis", "sort_samples", "mixedSort"),
  verbose = FALSE,



data.frame or character vector.

  • When data.frame is supplied, each column is used as a design factor, and rownames are recognized as sample identifiers.

  • When character vector is supplied, it is converted to data.frame by splitting values with a delimiter factor_sep, and names are recognized as sample identifiers.


character vector or NULL, used to define a subset of columns to use when ifactors is supplied as a data.frame. When ifactors is supplied as a character vector, this argument is used to define the colnames.


character vector or NULL, optionally used to subset the sample identifiers used in subsequent steps. Note that only groups and contrasts that contain samples will be defined.


numeric matrix or NULL, intended as an optional method to use an existing design matrix.


integer or character vector, used to define a specific order of factors when generating contrasts, useful when there are multiple experimental factors. It can be helpful to force a secondary factor to be compared before a primary factor especially in two-way contrasts. Note that factor_order refers to the columns (factors) and not the factor levels (not column values).


character regular expression pattern used to exclude secondary factors from contrasts.


integer value indicating the maximum depth of statistical contrasts to create. For example max_depth=2 will allow two-way contrasts, and max_depth=1 will only create one-way contrasts.


character string used as a delimiter to separate experimental factors, when recognizing or creating experimental group names.


character string used as a delimiter to separate groups within each contrast name.


list of character vectors of factors that should not be compared. Each character vector should contain two factor levels for any given experimental factor, where those two factor levels should not be compared in the same pairwise contrast. For example, consider an experimental factor defined treatment <- c("control", "dex", "compoundx"). To prevent a direct comparison of "dex" to "compoundx", use argument remove_pairs=list(c("dex", "compoundx")).


character vector used to place factor levels first in the order of levels, so these terms will be the denominator for contrasts. This approach is useful when the input ifactors does not already contain a factor with a specific order of factor levels.


data.frame or character or NULL, intended to include a specific contrast in the output. This argument is typically used during iterative processing, and is not usually user-defined. It must contain


character optional vector of specific contrasts to use when creating the contrast matrix. When contrast_names=NULL as default, the function defines contrasts using its internal logic. When contrast_names is supplied, only these contrast_names are used, with no other contrasts.


integer value used during iterative operations of this function.


logical value used during iterative operations of this function.


logical used during iterative operations of this function. When return_sedesign=FALSE this function returns a list:

  • "contrast_df": a data.frame as used in argument add_contrastdf, which describes each unique contrast.

  • "contrast_names": a character vector of contrast names, which become colnames() of the contrast matrix.

  • "idesign": a numeric design matrix as defined by the input data, suitable for debugging purposes for example.


logical indicating whether to print verbose output.


additional arguments are ignored.


logical indicating whether to make output contrasts unique.


This function creates SEDesign with appropriate design and contrasts, based upon experimental groups. This approach will use multiple experimental factors to create appropriate one-way and n-way contrasts, where each contrast represents a symmetric comparison of each independent factor.

Input can be provided in one of two ways:

  1. SummarizedExperiment where experiment design is derived from SummarizedExperiment::colData() of the se object, and uses columns defined by group_colnames. This input should be equivalent to providing a data.frame whose rownames() are equal to colnames(se).

  2. data.frame where each column represents a design factor.

    • An example of data.frame input:

    ifactors <- data.frame(
       treatment=c("Control", "Control", "Treated", "Treated"),
       genotype=c("Wildtype", "Knockout", "Wildtype", "Knockout"))
  3. character vector, where design factor levels are separated by a delimiter such as underscore "_". This input will be converted to data.frame before processing.

    • An example of character input:

    ifactors <- c(

When rownames are provided in the data.frame, or names are provided with a character vector, they are retained and used as sample identifiers.

Note: This function will change any "-" in a factor name to "." prior to detecting valid contrasts, in order to prevent confusion and potential problems using the contrast names in downstream analyses. This step does not call base::make.names(), so that step should be run beforehand if required.


  • When this function returns no contrasts, or returns an unexpected error during processing, it is most likely due to the limitation of comparing one factor at a time. For example, the logic will not define contrast time1_treatment1-time2_treatment2, because this contrast changes two factors, it will only permit either time1_treatment1-time1_treatment2 or time1_treatment1-time2_treatment1.

  • max_depth and factor_order are used to define the order in which factors are compared, but do not affect the order of factors used for things like group names.


SEDesign object with the following slots:

  • design: numeric matrix with sample-to-group association

  • contrasts: numeric matrix with group-to-contrast association

  • samples: character vector that represents individual sample replicates, equivalent to rownames() of the design matrix.

See Also

Other jam experiment design: check_sedesign(), contrast_colors_by_group(), contrasts_to_factors(), filter_contrast_names(), plot_sedesign(), sedesign_to_factors()


# first define a vector of sample groups
igroups <- jamba::nameVector(paste(rep(c("WT", "KO"), each=6),
   rep(c("Control", "Treated"), each=3),
igroups <- factor(igroups, levels=unique(igroups));

sedesign <- groups_to_sedesign(igroups);

# plot the design and contrasts

# the two-way contrasts can be visibly flipped, since they are equivalent
plot_sedesign(sedesign, flip_twoway=TRUE)

# the design can be subset by sample
all_samples <- samples(sedesign)
subset_samples1 <- all_samples[-1:-3];
plot_sedesign(sedesign[subset_samples1, ])

# the group n=# replicates are updated
subset_samples2 <- all_samples[c(-1, -6, -11)];
plot_sedesign(sedesign[subset_samples2, ])

# The design * contrast matrix can be displayed in full
design(sedesign) %*%  contrasts(sedesign);

# make "KO" the control term instead of "WT"
contrast_names(groups_to_sedesign(igroups, pre_control_terms=c("KO")))

# change the order of factors compared
contrast_names(groups_to_sedesign(igroups, factor_order=2:1))

# prevent comparisons of WT to WT, or KO to KO
sedesign_2 <- groups_to_sedesign(as.character(igroups),
   remove_pairs=list(c("WT"), c("KO")))

# prevent comparisons of Treated to Treated, or Control to Control
sedesign_3 <- groups_to_sedesign(as.character(igroups),
   remove_pairs=list(c("Treated"), c("Control")))

# input as a data.frame with ordered factor levels
ifactors <- data.frame(Genotype=factor(c("WT","WT","KO","KO"),
# not necessary, but define rownames
rownames(ifactors) <- jamba::pasteByRow(ifactors);

# you can still override factor levels with pre_control_terms
plot_sedesign(groups_to_sedesign(ifactors, pre_control_terms=c("KO")))

# input as design matrix
design_matrix <- design(groups_to_sedesign(ifactors))

# again the "KO" group can be the control by using pre_control_terms
contrast_names(groups_to_sedesign(design_matrix, pre_control_terms="KO"))

# default_order="asis"
# contrasts show A-B, because B appears fist
# contrasts show Untreated-Treated because Treated appears first
df_test <- data.frame(
   set=c("B", "B", "A", "A"),
   treat=c("Treated", "Untreated"))

# default_order="sort_samples"
# contrasts show B-A, because A is sorted first
# contrasts show Treated-Untreated because sort_samples()
#    determines "Untreated" is a preferred control term

# default_order="mixedSort"
# contrasts show B-A, because A is sorted first
# contrasts show Untreated-Treated because Treated is sorted first

jmw86069/jamses documentation built on May 31, 2024, 1:36 p.m.