Man pages for jmw86069/jamses
Jam SummarizedExperiment Stats

check_sedesignCheck SEDesign object
choose_annotation_colnamesChoose interesting annotation colnames from a data.frame
contrast2compConvert contrast to short-form comp, convert comp to contrast
contrast2comp_devConvert contrast to short-form comp, convert comp to contrast...
contrast_colors_by_groupDefine contrast colors by group colors
contrast_names_to_sedesignConvert contrast names to sedesign object
contrasts_to_factorsConvert SEDesign contrasts to data.frame of design factors
contrasts_to_venn_setlistsConvert contrast names to Venn setlists for visual comparison
detect_heatmap_componentsDetect ComplexHeatmap Heatmap grid layout components
draw_oneway_contrastDraw one-way contrast using block arrows
draw_twoway_contrastDraw two one-way contrasts using block arrows, showing a...
ebayes2dfsConvert limma eBayes fit to data.frame with annotated hits
filter_contrast_namesFilter contrast names
fold_to_log2foldConvert normal signed fold change to log2 fold change
format_hitsFormat list of hit vectors into summary counts
groups_to_sedesignCreate SEDesign from experimental groups
handle_na_valuesHandle NA values in a numeric matrix
heatmap_column_group_labelsAdd Heatmap column group labels
heatmap_seHeatmap for SummarizedExperiment data
hit_array_to_listQuick conversion of hit_array to hit_list
intercalateIntercalate two or more vectors
list2im_optConvert list to incidence matrix
log2fold_to_foldConvert log2 fold change to signed fold change
make_block_arrow_polygonMake block arrow polygon coordinates for line segments
mark_stat_hitsMark statistical hits by threshold cutoffs
matrix_normalizeNormalize a numeric data matrix
plot_sedesignPlot sedesign object contrasts
point_handednessDetermine which side one point is to another, given a slope...
point_slope_interceptconvert point-slope to axis intercept
process_sestats_to_hitimProcess sestats input into a hit incidence matrix
run_limma_replicateRun limma contrasts with optional probe replicates
save_sestatsSave SE contrast stats output
se_collapse_by_columnCollapse SummarizedExperiment data by column
se_collapse_by_rowCollapse SummarizedExperiment data by row
se_contrast_statsCompute contrast statistics on SummarizedExperiment data
sedesign_to_factorsConvert SEDesign to data.frame of design factors
se_detected_rowsSummarizedExperiment heuristics to define detected rows
se_normalizeNormalize SummarizedExperiment data
se_rbindCombine SummarizedExperiment objects by row
sestats_to_dfConvert sestats to table summary
shrinkDataFrameShrink data.frame by row groups
shrink_dfMock-up shrink data.frame function
sort_samplesSort biological sample labels for experimental design
stack_contrastsStack a vector of contrasts into a full string
strsplitOrderedSplit the elements of an ordered factor vector
sub_split_vectorSub-split a split vector (Internal)
update_function_paramsUpdate function default parameters
update_list_elementsUpdate a subset of list elements
validate_sedesignValidate SEDesign object contents
voom_jamLimma-voom customized for Jam
jmw86069/jamses documentation built on May 31, 2024, 1:36 p.m.