This document describes plans for enhancements to the multienrichjam R package.

Freshen gene symbols

The genejam R package provides freshenGenes() to update gene symbols to the most current nomenclature per gene.

Current recommendation is to run genejam::freshenGenes() before running pathway enrichment. Install from Github:


Why use gene symbol?

There are multiple strategies widely used that attempt to maintain stable references to genes, such as using an authoritative gene identifier like NCBI Entrez Gene ID, or EnsEMBL Gene ID. In these cases, the official gene symbol can be obtained from resources like HGNC (Human Genome Nomenclature Committee). No solution is perfect, but the current rationale for using gene symbol in multienrichjam:

Desired Outcomes

Ideal Strategy: Run freshenGenes() upfront

Follow-up Strategy: Run freshenGenes() on each enrichment table

Specific Challenges

jmw86069/multienrichjam documentation built on June 30, 2024, 11:16 p.m.