make_point_hull: Make alpha hull from points

make_point_hullR Documentation

Make alpha hull from points


Make alpha hull from points


  expand = 0.1,
  buffer = NULL,
  alpha = NULL,
  seed = 123,
  col = "#FF000033",
  border = "#FF0000FF",
  lwd = 2,
  lty = 1,
  max_iterations = 100,
  do_plot = FALSE,
  add = FALSE,
  hull_method = c("default", "alphahull", "igraph", "sf", "chull"),
  smooth = TRUE,
  shape = 1/2,
  label = NULL,
  label.cex = 1,
  label.x.nudge = 0,
  label.y.nudge = 0,
  label_preset = "bottom",
  label_adj_preset = label_preset,
  verbose = FALSE,



numeric matrix with 2 columns that contains the coordinate of each point.


numeric value indicating the buffer width around each point, scaled based upon the total range of coordinates, used only when buffer is not supplied.


numeric value indicating the absolute buffer width around each point. This value is used if provided, otherwise expand is used to derive a value for buffer.


numeric value passed to alphahull::ashape() when hull_method is "alphahull". This value determines the level of detail of the resulting hull.


numeric seed used with set.seed() to define reproducible behavior.

lwd, lty

line width and line type parameters, respectively.


integer number of attempts to call alphahull::ashape() with varying values of alpha. Each iteration checks to confirm the resulting polygon includes all input points.


logical indicating whether to plot the polygon output.


logical used when do_plot=TRUE to indicate whether the hull should be drawn onto an existing plot device, or whether to open a new plot prior to drawing the hull.


character string indicating the hull method to use:

  • "default" - will use "alphahull" if the alphahull R package is available.

  • "alphahull" - use alphahull::ashape() which is the preferred method, in fact the only available option that will allow a concave shape in the output.

  • "igraph" - calls hidden function igraph:::convex_hull() as used when drawing mark.groups around grouped nodes.

  • "sf" - calls sf::st_convex_hull(), with same effective output as "igraph".

  • "chull" - calls grDevices::chull(), again with same effective output as "igraph", but with benefit of not incurring additional R package dependencies.


logical indicating whether to smooth the final polygon using graphics::xspline().


logical indicating whether to print verbose output.


additional arguments are ignored.

color, border

character colors used when do_plot=TRUE to draw the resulting hull polygon.


This function makes an alpha hull around points, calling alphahull::ashape() then piecing together the somewhat random set of outer edges into a coherent polygon.


numeric matrix with polygon coordinates, where each polygon is separated by one row that contains NA values. This output is sufficient for vectorized plotting in base R graphics using graphics::polygon().

See Also

Other jam utility functions: avg_angles(), avg_colors_by_list(), call_fn_ellipsis_deprecated(), cell_fun_bivariate(), collapse_mem_clusters(), colorRamp2D(), deconcat_df2(), display_colorRamp2D(), enrichList2geneHitList(), filter_mem_genes(), filter_mem_sets(), find_colname(), get_igraph_layout(), gsubs(), handle_igraph_param_list(), isColorBlank(), make_legend_bivariate(), mem_find_overlap(), order_colors(), rank_mem_clusters(), rotate_coordinates(), subgraph_jam(), subset_mem(), summarize_node_spacing(), xyAngle()


n <- 22
xy <- cbind(x=sample(seq_len(n), size=n, replace=TRUE),
   y=sample(seq_len(n), size=n, replace=TRUE));
xy <- rbind(xy, xy[1,,drop=FALSE])
x4 <- sf::st_multipoint(xy)

if (jamba::check_pkg_installed("alphahull")) {
   plot(x4, col="red", pch=20, cex=3,
   phxy <- make_point_hull(x=xy, expand=0.05, do_plot=TRUE,
      add=TRUE, xpd=TRUE)

plot(x4, col="red", pch=20, cex=3,
phxy2 <- make_point_hull(x=xy, expand=0.05, do_plot=TRUE,
   add=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, xpd=TRUE, hull_method="chull")

plot(x4, col="red", pch=20, cex=3,
phxy2 <- make_point_hull(x=xy, expand=0.05, do_plot=TRUE,
   add=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, xpd=TRUE, hull_method="igraph")

plot(x4, col="red", pch=20, cex=3,
phxy2 <- make_point_hull(x=xy, expand=0.05, do_plot=TRUE,
   add=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, xpd=TRUE, hull_method="sf")

jmw86069/multienrichjam documentation built on June 30, 2024, 11:16 p.m.