Import datasets


    error = FALSE,
    tidy  = FALSE,
    message = FALSE,
    warning = FALSE)

Basicly, for epigenomic datasets, there are methylation datasets (we only consider whole genome bisulfite seuqencing datasets), expression datasets (e.g. RNA-seq) and ChIP-seq datasets. We assume in the study, methylation and expression are the major datasets that more samples are sequenced and only part of sammples have ChIP-seq datasets.

Methylation datasets

Since methylation datasets are always huge, they are stored and processed by chromosome. In epik package, users should define how to get the methylation data so that it will be used in further analysis. To define reading methylation datasets is simple that users only need to define a function for methylation_hooks$get_by_chr. The self-defined function only accepts one argument which is the chromosome name and it returnes a list that contains:

It should be noted that rows in gr should be sorted and rows in all four elements should be corresponded.

Following code shows how to read methylation data from roadmap datasets. Here the methylation has already been smoothed by bsseq package.

PROJECT_DIR = "/icgc/dkfzlsdf/analysis/B080/guz/epik_roadmap/"

methylation_hooks$get_by_chr = function(chr) {
    obj = readRDS(qq("@{PROJECT_DIR}/rds_methylation/@{chr}_roadmap_merged_bsseq.rds"))
    sample_id = c("E003", "E004", "E005", "E006", "E007", "E011", "E012", "E013", "E016",
              "E024", "E050", "E065", "E066", "E071", "E079", "E094", "E095", "E096",
              "E097", "E098", "E100", "E104", "E105", "E106", "E109", "E112", "E113")
    obj2 = list(gr = granges(obj),
                raw = getMeth(obj, type = "raw")[, sample_id],
                cov = getCoverage(obj, type = "Cov")[, sample_id],
                meth = getMeth(obj, type = "smooth")[, sample_id]

After you defined get_by_chr hook, you can load data for a chromosome by set_chr():


Then there are following variables you can directly access: methylation_hooks$gr, methylation_hooks$meth, methylation_hooks$cov, methylation_hooks$raw and methylation_hooks$sample_id:


The data will be reloaded when you switch to a different chromosome, and the values in the five variables will change.


ChIP-seq datasets

We assume sometimes, only a subset of samples have ChIP-seq data and across different histone marks, the samples under sequenced are not exactly the same. In this case, the data structure for ChIP-seq datasets is loose and will be stored as a simple list.

There are following functions that users should define:

mark = "H3K4me1"
chipseq_hooks$sample_id = function(mark) {
    sample_id = dir(qq("@{PROJECT_DIR}/data/narrow_peaks"), pattern = qq("E\\d+-@{mark}.narrowPeak.gz"))
    sample_id = gsub(qq("-@{mark}.narrowPeak.gz"), "", sample_id)
    sample_id[1:4] # just for fast producing the document

chipseq_hooks$peak = function(mark, sid, ...) {
    df = read.table(qq("@{PROJECT_DIR}/data/narrow_peaks/@{sid}-@{mark}.narrowPeak.gz"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    GRanges(seqnames = df[[1]], ranges = IRanges(df[[2]] + 1, df[[3]]), density = df[[5]])

sample_id = chipseq_hooks$sample_id(mark)
chipseq_hooks$peak(mark, sample_id[1])

After these two hooks are defined, there is a get_peak_list() function which gives peaks in all supported samples for a given histome mark.

peak_list = get_peak_list(mark)

In chipseq_hooks$peak, ... is useful, e.g. you can only read peaks in a single chromosome:

chipseq_hooks$peak = function(mark, sid, chr) {
    df = read.table(pipe(qq("zcat @{PROJECT_DIR}/data/narrow_peaks/@{sid}-@{mark}.narrowPeak.gz | grep @{chr}")), 
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    GRanges(seqnames = df[[1]], ranges = IRanges(df[[2]] + 1, df[[3]]), density = df[[5]])
chipseq_hooks$peak(mark, sample_id[1], "chr21")

Then these additional arguments can be passed in get_peak_list():

peak_list = get_peak_list(mark, chr = "chr21")

There is also another hook for reading chromHMM results if it is available. The returned GRanges object must have a state column which contains prediced chromatin states.

And also you can set addition arguments by ....

chipseq_hooks$chromHMM = function(sid, ...) {
    f = qq("@{PROJECT_DIR}/data/chromatin_states/@{sid}_15_coreMarks_mnemonics.bed.gz")
    gr = read.table(f, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    GRanges(seqnames = gr[[1]], ranges = IRanges(gr[[2]] + 1, gr[[3]]), states = gr[[4]])

Or get the data for all samples:

chromHMM_list = get_chromHMM_list(sample_id)

Expression datasets

The expression datasets are always represented as matrix, so the data importing is straightforward.

Processing Gencode annotations

Normally, we can use GenomicFeatures::makeTranscriptDbFromGFF() to import the GTF file into R. Here import_gencode_as_txdb() is a modified version which additionally allows to do pre-filtering on the GTF file and also retrieve some mapping information which cannot be provided by the original function.

GTF_FILE = qq("@{PROJECT_DIR}/data/gen10.long.chr21.gtf")
txdb = import_gencode_as_txdb(GTF_FILE)

The TxDb database which only contains protein coding genes:

txdb = import_gencode_as_txdb(GTF_FILE, gene_type == "protein_coding")

In Gencode annotation file, there are some additional useful information such as gene symbols and gene types, this information can be retrieved later by extract_field_from_gencode(). This function uses an external Perl script.

mapping = extract_field_from_gencode(GTF_FILE, level = "gene", primary_key = "gene_id", field = "gene_name")

In Roadmap project, the transcriptome annotation is Gencode v10 which is quite out-of-date. In this analysis, we removed genes which have different annotation to Gencode v19 which is the newest annotation for human genome hg19. Genes are kept only if the positions are exactly the same in the two annotations. The matching can be done by match_gencode() function. In following example, we also filter transcripts by `transcript_type == "protein_coding".

g19 = qq("@{PROJECT_DIR}/data/gencode.v19.annotation.chr21.gtf")
match_by_gencode(GTF_FILE, g19, transcript_type == "protein_coding")

jokergoo/epik documentation built on Sept. 28, 2019, 9:20 a.m.