
Defines functions pred

Documented in pred

#' Predict the exposure status of an independent sample.
#' @param comb List containing both negtive (n) and positive (v) clonotype percentages.
#' @param indpt Vector of independent samples file paths.
#' @param names Vector of labels for independent samples.
#' @param field String containing the column or columns (space-delimited) of interest.
#' @return Matrix with \% correct predictions from training data.
#' @export
pred <- function(comb, indpt, names, field) {
  fs <- strsplit(field, ' ')[[1]]
  nums <- length(indpt)

  greplistppost <- lapply(indpt, function(x) {
    dat <- fread(x, select = fs)
    x <- rep("", length(dat[[1]]))
    for (i in 1:length(fs))
      x <- paste(x, dat[[i]])
    x <- substring(x, 2)
    dat <-
    dat <- dat[c(grep("^[A-Z*]", dat$x)), , drop=F]
    dat <- unique(dat[,freq := .N, by = x], drop=F) # similar to sort | uniq -c
    h <- hash::hash(dat$x, dat$freq) # build hash of counts

  idcounts <- list()
  for (i in 1:nums)
    idcounts[i] <-
      lapply(lib$names, function(x)

  idtotals <- lapply(greplistppost, function(x) sum(hash::values(x)))

  idpercs <- (as.numeric(idcounts) / as.numeric(idtotals)) * 100

  navpercs <- comb$n
  vacpercs <- comb$v

  navmean <- mean(navpercs)
  navmean <- navmean * 3 # accounting for overfitting

  navsd <- sd(navpercs)
  navsd <- navsd * 3 # accounting for overfitting

  vacmean <- mean(vacpercs)

  vacsd <- sd(vacpercs)

  idnavdnorm <- dnorm(idpercs,
                       mean = navmean,
                       sd = navsd,
                       log = FALSE)

  idvacdnorm <- dnorm(idpercs,
                       mean = vacmean,
                       sd = vacsd,
                       log = FALSE)

  class <- ifelse(idnavdnorm > idvacdnorm, "Negative", "Positive")

  df <- cbind(basename(names), class, idpercs)
  colnames(df) <- c("Sample", "Prediction", "% TARS")

jonathan-mcmillan/csci3500 documentation built on Jan. 31, 2020, 12:25 a.m.