
context("Whole ACE pipeline from loading to post")

raw_explorer <- load_ace_bulk(aceR_sample_data_path("explorer"), data_type = "explorer", verbose = F)

raw_email <- load_ace_bulk(aceR_sample_data_path("email"),
                           exclude = "bad-data",
                           pattern = ".csv",
                           data_type = "email",
                           verbose = F)

test_that("ACE data loads properly", {
  expect_s3_class(raw_explorer, "tbl_df")
  expect_s3_class(raw_email, "tbl_df")

test_that("ACE loading errors when expected", {
  # when data_type not specified
  expect_error(load_ace_bulk(aceR_sample_data_path("explorer"), verbose = F))
                             exclude = "bad-data",
                             pattern = ".csv",
                             data_type = "classroom",
                             verbose = F),
               "not an allowed setting of data_type")

range_cutoff <- c(150, 2000)

sd_cutoff <- 2

trimmed_range_ace_email <- raw_email %>%
  filter(!(module %in% c(SPATIAL_SPAN, BACK_SPATIAL_SPAN, ISHIHARA))) %>% 
  mutate(rt_within_pre = map_int(data, ~sum(.x$rt >= range_cutoff[1] & .x$rt <= range_cutoff[2] & !is.na(.x$rt))),
         rt_nogo_pre = map_int(data, ~sum(.x$rt == -99 & !is.na(.x$rt)))) %>%
  trim_rt_trials_range(cutoff_min = range_cutoff[1], cutoff_max = range_cutoff[2]) %>%
  mutate(rt_within_post = map_int(data, ~sum(.x$rt >= range_cutoff[1] & .x$rt <= range_cutoff[2] & !is.na(.x$rt))),
         rt_without_post = map_int(data, ~sum((.x$rt < range_cutoff[1] | .x$rt > range_cutoff[2]) & !is.na(.x$rt))),
         rt_nogo_post = map_int(data, ~sum(.x$rt == -99 & !is.na(.x$rt))))

trimmed_range_ace_explorer <- raw_explorer %>%
  filter(!(module %in% c(DEMOS, SPATIAL_SPAN, BACK_SPATIAL_SPAN, ISHIHARA))) %>% 
  mutate(rt_within_pre = map_int(data, ~sum(.x$rt >= range_cutoff[1] & .x$rt <= range_cutoff[2] & !is.na(.x$rt))),
         rt_nogo_pre = map_int(data, ~sum(.x$rt == -99 & !is.na(.x$rt)))) %>%
  trim_rt_trials_range(cutoff_min = range_cutoff[1], cutoff_max = range_cutoff[2]) %>%
  mutate(rt_within_post = map_int(data, ~sum(.x$rt >= range_cutoff[1] & .x$rt <= range_cutoff[2] & !is.na(.x$rt))),
         rt_without_post = map_int(data, ~sum((.x$rt < range_cutoff[1] | .x$rt > range_cutoff[2]) & !is.na(.x$rt))),
         rt_nogo_post = map_int(data, ~sum(.x$rt == -99 & !is.na(.x$rt))))

trimmed_sd_ace_explorer <- raw_explorer %>%
  mutate(data = map(data, ~.x %>% 
                      group_by(!!Q_COL_BID) %>% 
                      mutate(rt_scaled_test = na_if(!!Q_COL_RT, -99),
                             rt_scaled_test = c(scale(rt_scaled_test))) %>% 
                      ungroup())) %>%
  trim_rt_trials_sd(cutoff = 2) %>% 
  mutate(rt_within_aligned = map_int(data, ~.x %>%
                                   filter(abs(rt_scaled_test) <= sd_cutoff & is.na(rt)) %>% 
         rt_without_aligned = map_int(data, ~.x %>%
                           filter(abs(rt_scaled_test) > sd_cutoff & !is.na(rt)) %>% 

test_that("trimming: throws warning when range min < 150 ms", {
  expect_warning(trim_rt_trials_range(raw_explorer, cutoff_min = 100),
                 "Minimum allowable RT specified less than 150 ms")

test_that("trimming: range cutoff behaves", {
  expect_equal(trimmed_range_ace_email$rt_within_pre, trimmed_range_ace_email$rt_within_post)
  expect_equal(trimmed_range_ace_explorer$rt_within_pre, trimmed_range_ace_explorer$rt_within_post)
  expect_equal(trimmed_range_ace_email$rt_without_post, trimmed_range_ace_email$rt_nogo_post)
  expect_equal(trimmed_range_ace_explorer$rt_without_post, trimmed_range_ace_explorer$rt_nogo_post)

test_that("trimming: sd cutoff behaves", {
  # Check that no trials where pre-calculated SD was outside of range remain un-scrubbed
  expect_setequal(trimmed_sd_ace_explorer$rt_within_aligned, 0)
  expect_setequal(trimmed_sd_ace_explorer$rt_without_aligned, 0)

test_that("trimming: nogo trials are untouched", {
  expect_equal(trimmed_range_ace_email$rt_nogo_pre, trimmed_range_ace_email$rt_nogo_post)
  expect_equal(trimmed_range_ace_explorer$rt_nogo_pre, trimmed_range_ace_explorer$rt_nogo_post)

test_that("trimming: first ns behave", {
  for (i in 1:nrow(raw_email)) {
    if (raw_email$module[i] %in% c(FLANKER, STROOP, TASK_SWITCH)) {
      # these are modules where condition isn't blocked
      # thus trial_number doesn't restart with condition
      # and incidentally is stored in another column name
      # make dummy trial number col that is condition-specific
      if (raw_email$module[i] == TASK_SWITCH) {
        cond_col = sym("taskswitch_state")
      } else {
        cond_col = Q_COL_TRIAL_TYPE
      expect_equal(raw_email$data[[i]] %>% 
                     arrange(!!Q_COL_BID, trial_number) %>% 
                     group_by(!!Q_COL_BID, !!cond_col) %>% 
                     mutate(trial_number_temp = 0:(n()-1)) %>% 
                     filter(trial_number_temp >= 10) %>% 
                   raw_email %>% 
                     trim_initial_trials(n = 10, verbose = F) %>% 
                     pull(data) %>% 
                     pluck(raw_email$module[i]) %>% 
      expect_equal(raw_email$data[[i]] %>% 
                     arrange(!!Q_COL_BID, trial_number) %>% 
                     group_by(!!Q_COL_BID, !!cond_col) %>% 
                     mutate(trial_number_temp = 0:(n()-1)) %>% 
                     filter(trial_number_temp > .1*max(trial_number_temp)) %>% 
                   raw_email %>% 
                     trim_initial_trials(n = .1, verbose = F) %>% 
                     pull(data) %>% 
                     pluck(raw_email$module[i]) %>% 
    } else if (!(raw_email$module[i] %in% c(DEMOS, ISHIHARA, SPATIAL_SPAN, BACK_SPATIAL_SPAN))) {
      expect_equal(raw_email$data[[i]] %>% 
                     group_by(!!Q_COL_BID) %>% 
                     filter(trial_number >= 10) %>% 
                   raw_email %>% 
                     trim_initial_trials(n = 10, verbose = F) %>% 
                     pull(data) %>% 
                     pluck(raw_email$module[i]) %>% 
      expect_equal(raw_email$data[[i]] %>% 
                     group_by(!!Q_COL_BID) %>% 
                     filter(trial_number > .1*max(trial_number)) %>% 
                   raw_email %>% 
                     trim_initial_trials(n = .1, verbose = F) %>% 
                     pull(data) %>% 
                     pluck(raw_email$module[i]) %>% 
  for (i in 1:nrow(raw_explorer)) {
    if (raw_explorer$module[i] %in% c(ADP, FLANKER, STROOP, SPATIAL_CUE, TASK_SWITCH)) {
      # these are modules where condition isn't blocked
      # thus trial_number doesn't restart with condition
      # and incidentally is stored in another column name
      # make dummy trial number col that is condition-specific
      if (raw_explorer$module[i] == TASK_SWITCH) {
        cond_col = sym("taskswitch_state")
      } else if (raw_explorer$module[i] == ADP) {
        cond_col = sym("expression")
      } else {
        cond_col = Q_COL_TRIAL_TYPE
      expect_equal(raw_explorer$data[[i]] %>% 
                     arrange(!!Q_COL_BID, trial_number) %>% 
                     group_by(!!Q_COL_BID, !!cond_col) %>% 
                     mutate(trial_number_temp = 0:(n()-1)) %>% 
                     filter(trial_number_temp >= 10) %>% 
                   raw_explorer %>% 
                     trim_initial_trials(n = 10, verbose = F) %>% 
                     pull(data) %>% 
                     pluck(raw_explorer$module[i]) %>% 
      expect_equal(raw_explorer$data[[i]] %>% 
                     arrange(!!Q_COL_BID, trial_number) %>% 
                     group_by(!!Q_COL_BID, !!cond_col) %>% 
                     mutate(trial_number_temp = 0:(n()-1)) %>% 
                     filter(trial_number_temp > .1*max(trial_number_temp)) %>% 
                   raw_explorer %>% 
                     trim_initial_trials(n = .1, verbose = F) %>% 
                     pull(data) %>% 
                     pluck(raw_explorer$module[i]) %>% 
    } else if (!(raw_explorer$module[i] %in% c(DEMOS, ISHIHARA, SPATIAL_SPAN, BACK_SPATIAL_SPAN))) {
      expect_equal(raw_explorer$data[[i]] %>% 
                     group_by(!!Q_COL_BID) %>% 
                     filter(trial_number >= 10) %>% 
                   raw_explorer %>% 
                     trim_initial_trials(n = 10, verbose = F) %>% 
                     pull(data) %>% 
                     pluck(raw_explorer$module[i]) %>% 
      expect_equal(raw_explorer$data[[i]] %>% 
                     group_by(!!Q_COL_BID) %>% 
                     filter(trial_number > .1*max(trial_number)) %>% 
                   raw_explorer %>% 
                     trim_initial_trials(n = .1, verbose = F) %>% 
                     pull(data) %>% 
                     pluck(raw_explorer$module[i]) %>% 

  # expect error if n > 1 and not integer
  expect_error(trim_initial_trials(raw_email, n = 1.1))

test_that("nesting: unnesting is long", {
  expect_false("list" %in% (raw_email %>%
                              unnest_ace_raw(app_type = "classroom") %>%
  expect_false("list" %in% (raw_explorer %>%
                              unnest_ace_raw(app_type = "explorer") %>%

test_that("nesting: re-nesting yields identical", {
  renest_explorer <- raw_explorer %>%
    unnest_ace_raw(app_type = "explorer") %>%
    nest_ace_raw(app_type = "explorer") %>% 
  renest_email <- raw_email %>%
    unnest_ace_raw(app_type = "classroom") %>%
    nest_ace_raw(app_type = "classroom") %>% 
  for (i in 1:nrow(raw_explorer)) {
    if (raw_explorer$module[i] == DEMOS) {
                      # force rows to be in same order
    } else {
  for (i in 1:nrow(raw_email)) {
    expect_mapequal(raw_email$data[[raw_email$module[i]]], renest_email$data[[raw_email$module[i]]])
    expect_mapequal(raw_email$demos[[raw_email$module[i]]], renest_email$demos[[raw_email$module[i]]])

test_that("module proc: ACE Ishihara works", {
  expect_named(attempt_module(raw_explorer$data[[ISHIHARA]], ISHIHARA, verbose = FALSE),
               expected = c(COL_BID, "colorblind"))

test_that("module proc: ACE ADP works", {
  expect_gt(nrow(attempt_module(raw_explorer$data[[ADP]], ADP, verbose = FALSE)), 1)

test_that("module proc: ACE BRT works", {
  expect_gt(ncol(attempt_module(raw_explorer$data[[BRT]] %>% 
                                  reconstruct_pid() %>%
                                  left_join(raw_explorer$data[[DEMOS]] %>%
                                              select(COL_PID, COL_HANDEDNESS),
                                            by = COL_PID),
                                BRT, verbose = FALSE)),
  expect_warning(attempt_module(raw_explorer$data[[BRT]], BRT, verbose = FALSE),
                 regexp = "No handedness data found")

test_that("module proc: ACE backwards spatial span works", {
  expect_gt(nrow(attempt_module(raw_explorer$data[[BACK_SPATIAL_SPAN]], BACK_SPATIAL_SPAN, verbose = FALSE)), 1)

test_that("module proc: ACE forward spatial span works", {
  expect_gt(nrow(attempt_module(raw_explorer$data[[SPATIAL_SPAN]], SPATIAL_SPAN, verbose = FALSE)), 1)

test_that("module proc: ACE Boxed works", {
  expect_gt(nrow(attempt_module(raw_explorer$data[[BOXED]], BOXED, verbose = FALSE)), 1)

test_that("module proc: ACE Color Selection works", {
  expect_gt(nrow(attempt_module(raw_explorer$data[[COLOR_SELECT]], COLOR_SELECT, verbose = FALSE)), 1)

test_that("module proc: ACE Filter works", {
  expect_gt(nrow(attempt_module(raw_explorer$data[[FILTER]], FILTER, verbose = FALSE)), 1)

test_that("module proc: ACE Flanker works", {
  expect_gt(nrow(attempt_module(raw_explorer$data[[FLANKER]], FLANKER, verbose = FALSE)), 1)

test_that("module proc: ACE SAAT sustained works", {
  expect_gt(nrow(attempt_module(raw_explorer$data[[SAAT_SUS]], SAAT_SUS, app_type = "explorer", verbose = FALSE)), 1)

test_that("module proc: ACE SAAT impulsive works", {
  expect_gt(nrow(attempt_module(raw_explorer$data[[SAAT_IMP]], SAAT_IMP, app_type = "explorer", verbose = FALSE)), 1)

test_that("module proc: ACE Flanker works", {
  expect_gt(nrow(attempt_module(raw_explorer$data[[FLANKER]], FLANKER, verbose = FALSE)), 1)

test_that("module proc: ACE spatial cueing works", {
  expect_gt(nrow(attempt_module(raw_explorer$data[[SPATIAL_CUE]], SPATIAL_CUE, verbose = FALSE)), 1)

test_that("module proc: ACE Stroop works", {
  expect_gt(nrow(attempt_module(raw_explorer$data[[STROOP]], STROOP, verbose = FALSE)), 1)

test_that("module proc: ACE task switching works", {
  expect_gt(nrow(attempt_module(raw_explorer$data[[TASK_SWITCH]], TASK_SWITCH, verbose = FALSE)), 1)

test_that("module proc: ACE tap and trace works", {
  expect_gt(nrow(attempt_module(raw_explorer$data[[TNT]], TNT, verbose = FALSE)), 1)

proc_explorer_long = proc_by_module(raw_explorer, app_type = "explorer", output = "long", verbose = F)
proc_explorer_wide = proc_by_module(raw_explorer, app_type = "explorer", output = "wide", verbose = F)

proc_email_wide = proc_by_module(raw_email, app_type = "classroom", output = "wide", verbose = F)

test_that("module proc: ACE Explorer data bulk processes properly", {
  # Data exists
  expect_gt(nrow(proc_explorer_long), 0)
  expect_gt(nrow(proc_explorer_wide), 0)
  # Make sure name binding did not duplicate names accidentally
  expect_false(any(endsWith(unlist(map(proc_explorer_long$proc, names), use.names = F), ".x") | endsWith(unlist(map(proc_explorer_long$proc, names), use.names = F), ".y")))
  expect_false(any(endsWith(names(proc_explorer_wide), ".x") | endsWith(names(proc_explorer_wide), ".y")))

test_that("module proc: ACE Classroom email data bulk processes properly", {
  long = proc_by_module(raw_email, app_type = "classroom", output = "long", verbose = F)
  wide = proc_by_module(raw_email, app_type = "classroom", output = "wide", verbose = F)
  expect_gt(nrow(long), 0)
  expect_gt(nrow(wide), 0)
  expect_false(any(endsWith(unlist(map(long$proc, names), use.names = F), ".x") | endsWith(unlist(map(long$proc, names), use.names = F), ".y")))
  expect_false(any(endsWith(names(wide), ".x") | endsWith(names(wide), ".y")))

test_that("module post-processing: reducing cols works", {
  long = post_reduce_cols(proc_explorer_long,
                          demo_names = c("age", "gender", "handedness"),
                          metric_names = c("rt_", "dprime", "object_count_span"),
                          metric_names_exclude = "length")
  wide = post_reduce_cols(proc_explorer_wide,
                          demo_names = c("age", "gender", "handedness"),
                          metric_names = c("rt_", "dprime", "object_count_span"),
                          metric_names_exclude = "length")
  # test that it works with emailed data
                                demo_names = c("pid", "age", "gender", "handedness"),
                                metric_names = c("bid", "rt_", "dprime", "object_count_span")), 
               regexp = NA)
  # test that works when metric_names_exclude is empty
                                demo_names = c("age", "gender", "handedness"),
                                metric_names = c("rt_", "dprime", "object_count_span")), 
               regexp = NA)
                                demo_names = c("age", "gender", "handedness"),
                                metric_names = c("rt_", "dprime", "object_count_span")), 
               regexp = NA)
  # test that metric_names works
  expect_true(long %>%
                pull(proc) %>%
                map(names) %>%
                map(~grepl("age|gender|handedness|rt_|dprime|object_count_span", .)) %>%
                map_lgl(all) %>%
  expect_true(wide %>%
                names() %>%
                grepl("age|gender|handedness|rt_|dprime|object_count_span", .) %>%
  # test that metric_names_exclude works
  expect_false(long %>%
                pull(proc) %>%
                map(names) %>%
                map(~grepl("length", .)) %>%
                map_lgl(any) %>%
  expect_false(wide %>%
                names() %>%
                grepl("length", .) %>%

test_that("module post-processing: cleaning below-chance trials works", {
  # In the testing data currently loaded with the package,
  # There are 3 participants with Flanker acc_mean.overall below 0.6
  # So if we forcibly set the cutoff_2choice to 0.6 only those guys should get trimmed
  # Does not test all conditions but better than nothing
  this_cutoff_2choice <- 0.6
  long = post_clean_chance(proc_explorer_long, app_type = "explorer", cutoff_2choice = this_cutoff_2choice)
  wide = post_clean_chance(proc_explorer_wide, app_type = "explorer", cutoff_2choice = this_cutoff_2choice)
  test_flanker_long <- proc_explorer_long$proc$FLANKER %>%
    filter(!is.na(!!Q_COL_BID)) %>%
    select(!!Q_COL_BID, acc_mean.overall) %>% 
    full_join(long$proc$FLANKER %>%
                filter(!is.na(!!Q_COL_BID)) %>%
                select(!!Q_COL_BID, acc_mean.overall),
              by = COL_BID) %>% 
    mutate(below_cutoff = acc_mean.overall.x <= this_cutoff_2choice)
  test_flanker_wide <- proc_explorer_wide %>%
    select(!!Q_COL_BID, FLANKER.acc_mean.overall) %>%
    filter(!is.na(FLANKER.acc_mean.overall)) %>% 
    full_join(wide %>%
                select(!!Q_COL_BID, FLANKER.acc_mean.overall) %>%
              by = COL_BID) %>% 
    mutate(below_cutoff = FLANKER.acc_mean.overall.x <= this_cutoff_2choice)
  expect_identical(is.na(test_flanker_long$acc_mean.overall.y), test_flanker_long$below_cutoff)
  expect_identical(is.na(test_flanker_wide$FLANKER.acc_mean.overall.y), test_flanker_wide$below_cutoff)
  # Just to test ACE Classroom not bonking
                                 app_type = "classroom"),
               regexp = NA)

test_that("module post-processing: cleaning below-chance trials handles extra demos", {
  long = post_clean_chance(proc_explorer_long %>% 
                             mutate(proc = map(proc, ~mutate(.x, extrademo = rnorm(nrow(.))))),
                           app_type = "explorer",
                           extra_demos = "extrademo")
  wide = post_clean_chance(proc_explorer_wide %>% 
                             mutate(extrademo = rnorm(n())),
                           app_type = "explorer",
                           extra_demos = "extrademo")
  expect_true(all(map_lgl(long$proc, ~"extrademo" %in% names(.x))))
  expect_true("extrademo" %in% names(wide))
  # Doesn't work for long because not easy to readily check which cols are task
  expect_warning(post_clean_chance(proc_explorer_wide %>% 
                                     mutate(extrademo = rnorm(n())),
                                   app_type = "explorer"),
                 "Possible extra demo cols detected")

test_that("mega wrapper works", {
  # Without writing anything out
  expect_s3_class(proc_ace_complete(path_in = aceR_sample_data_path("explorer"),
                                    path_out = NULL,
                                    data_type = "explorer",
                                    verbose = F),
  expect_s3_class(proc_ace_complete(path_in = paste0(aceR_sample_data_path("email"), "/t3"),
                                    path_out = NULL,
                                    data_type = "email",
                                    verbose = F),
  # With writing stuff out
  proc <- proc_ace_complete(path_in = aceR_sample_data_path("explorer"),
                            data_type = "explorer",
                            verbose = F)
  expect_true(paste0("ace_averaged_data_", Sys.Date(), ".csv") %in% list.files(paste0(aceR_sample_data_path("explorer"), "/..")))
  file.remove(paste0(aceR_sample_data_path("explorer"), "/../", "ace_averaged_data_", Sys.Date(), ".csv"))
josegallegos07/aceR documentation built on June 27, 2022, 10:25 a.m.