
context("Tests with random data")

expect_equals <- function(...) expect_equal(..., tolerance=0.0001, scale=1, check.attributes=FALSE)
expect_near <- function(...) expect_equal(..., tolerance=0.03, scale=1, check.attributes=FALSE)

test_that("treatment specific mean point treatment matches Susan Gruber tmle package", {
  skip_on_cran() #requires tmle package
  if (requireNamespace("tmle")) { #winbuilder crashes without this
    niter <- 10
    tmle.outputs <- ltmle.outputs <- matrix(NA, niter, 7)
    for (i in 1:niter) {
      n <- 1000
      w <- cbind(matrix(rnorm(n), ncol=1), -999) #-999 doesn't do anything, but this is a hack to make sure w stays a matrix (there's a weird bug with environments in tmle)
      colnames(w) <- c("W1", "W2")
      A <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(w[, 1]))
      Y <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(A + w[, 1]))
      Qform <- c("Y ~ A + W1")
      gform <- "A ~ W1"
      lgbound <- 0.01
      gbounds <- c(lgbound, 1)
      r1 <- tmle::tmle(Y, A, w, Qform = Qform, gform = gform, family = "binomial", Qbounds=c(0,1), alpha=0.9999, gbound=lgbound)
      data <- data.frame(W = w[, 1], A, Y)
      r2 <- ltmle(data, Anodes="A", Ynodes="Y", Qform=c(Y="Q.kplus1 ~ A + W"), gform="A ~ W", abar=list(1, 0), gbounds=gbounds, survivalOutcome=TRUE, estimate.time=FALSE, variance.method="ic")
      s <- summary(r2)
      tmle.outputs[i, ] <- c(r1$estimates$ATE$psi, sqrt(r1$estimates$ATE$var.psi), r1$estimates$ATE$pvalue, r1$estimates$RR$psi, r1$estimates$RR$pvalue, r1$estimates$OR$psi, r1$estimates$OR$pvalue)
      ltmle.outputs[i, ] <- c(s$effect.measures$ATE$estimate, s$effect.measures$ATE$std.dev, s$effect.measures$ATE$pvalue, s$effect.measures$RR$estimate, s$effect.measures$RR$pvalue, s$effect.measures$OR$estimate, s$effect.measures$OR$pvalue)
    z <- (colMeans(ltmle.outputs) - colMeans(tmle.outputs)) / apply(tmle.outputs, 2, sd)
    expect_true(all(abs(z) < 1), info = paste("z = ", paste(z, collapse=" ")))
  } else {
    print("skipping tmle check because tmle namespace is not available")

test_that("simple longitudinal data matches code from Susan Gruber paper", {
  niter <- 10
  for (i in 1:niter) {
    n <- 1000
    W1 <- rbinom(n,1, .5)    
    W2 <- rbinom(n, 1, .5) 
    W3 <- rnorm(n, 4, 1)
    A0 <- rbinom(n, 1, .5)   
    logitA1 <- .1 +.5*W1 + W2 - .1*(W3) + A0  
    A1 <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(logitA1))
    L1 <- 3 + A0 - 2*W1*W2 - .5*W3  + rnorm(n, 1)
    Y1 <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(W1 + A1))
    logitA2 <- (-1.2  - .2*W2 +.1* W3 + .4*L1)
    A2 <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(logitA2))
    A2[A0==0] <- 0   # no switching from ctl to treatment
    logitA3 <-  1.8 + .1*W2 - .05*(W3) - .4*L1 + 1.5*A2 
    A3 <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(logitA3))
    Y2 <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(3 - .3*A0 - .5*A2 + .1*W2 - .5*L1 + rnorm(n)))
    data <- data.frame(W1, W2, W3, A0, A1, L1, A2, Y1, A3, Y2)
    data$A1[data$A0==0] <- 0
    data$L1[data$A1==0] <- 0
    data$A2[data$A1==0] <- 0
    data$Y1[data$A2==0] <- 0
    data$A3[data$A2==0] <- 0
    data$A3[data$Y1==1] <- 1
    data$Y2[data$A3==0] <- 0
    data$Y2[data$Y1==1] <- 1
    Anodes <- grep("^A", names(data))
    Ynodes <- grep("^Y", names(data))
    Lnodes <- grep("^L", names(data))
    Qform <- c(L1="Q.kplus1 ~ W1 + W2 + W3 + A0", Y1="Q.kplus1~W1+A1", Y2="Q.kplus1 ~ A0 + A2 + W2 + L1")
    gform <- c("A0 ~ 1", "A1 ~ W1 + W2 + W3", "A2 ~ W2 + W3 + L1", "A3 ~ W2 + W3 + L1 + A2")
    lgbound <- 0.01
    r1 <- SuppressGivenWarnings(ltmle.sg(data, Inodes=Anodes, Lnodes=sort(c(Lnodes, Ynodes)), Ynodes=Ynodes, Qform=Qform, gform=gform, gbd=lgbound, move.to.weight=FALSE), "prediction from a rank-deficient fit may be misleading")
    r1.weight <- SuppressGivenWarnings(ltmle.sg(data, Inodes=Anodes, Lnodes=sort(c(Lnodes, Ynodes)), Ynodes=Ynodes, Qform=Qform, gform=gform, gbd=lgbound, move.to.weight=TRUE), "prediction from a rank-deficient fit may be misleading")
    r2 <- ltmle(data, Anodes=Anodes, Lnodes=Lnodes, Ynodes=Ynodes, Qform=Qform, gform=gform, abar=c(1, 1, 1, 1), stratify=TRUE, gbounds=c(lgbound, 1), survivalOutcome=TRUE, estimate.time=FALSE, variance.method="ic")
    #these don't match exactly because 1/g was moved to weight and iptw was changed to mhte
    expect_near(r1["iptw"], r2$estimates["iptw"])
    expect_near(r1["tmle"], r2$estimates["tmle"])
    expect_near(sqrt(r1["var.tmle"]), summary(r2)$treatment$std.dev)
    expect_equals(r1.weight["tmle"], r2$estimates["tmle"])
    expect_equals(sqrt(r1.weight["var.tmle"]), summary(r2)$treatment$std.dev)
joshuaschwab/ltmle documentation built on April 20, 2023, 12:05 p.m.