
Defines functions sim_mainland

Documented in sim_mainland

#' Simulates mainland extinction as a species-level moran process with
#' species extinction immediately replaced via the speciation of an exisiting
#' mainland species.
#' @inheritParams default_params_doc
#' @return a list where each element is a mainland clade. Each element of the
#' list is a data frame with nine columns. The columns contain:
#' 1. Species identity (spec_id)
#' 2. Mainland ancestor identity (main_anc_id)
#' 3. Species type (spec_type)
#' 4. Branching code (branch_code)
#' 5. Branching time (forwards in time from the start of the simulation)
#'     (branch_t)
#' 6. Species origination time (spec_origin_t)
#' 7. Species extinction time (spec_ex_t)
#' @author Joshua W. Lambert
#' @examples
#' ## Simulate mainland for 1 million years with a size of 100 species and a
#' ## mainland extinction rate of 1 (SpMy^-1).
#' set.seed(
#'   1,
#'   kind = "Mersenne-Twister",
#'   normal.kind = "Inversion",
#'   sample.kind = "Rejection"
#' )
#' mainland <- sim_mainland(
#'   total_time = 1,
#'   m = 100,
#'   mainland_ex = 1
#' )
#' @export
sim_mainland <- function(total_time,
                         mainland_ex) {
  testit::assert(total_time >= 0)
  testit::assert(m >= 1)
  testit::assert(mainland_ex >= 0)

  timeval <- 0
  max_spec_id <- m
  mainland <- vector(mode = "list", length = m)
  for (i in seq_len(m)) {
    mainland[[i]] <- data.frame(
      spec_id = i,
      main_anc_id = i,
      spec_type = "I",
      branch_code = "A",
      branch_t = NaN,
      spec_origin_t = 0,
      spec_ex_t = NA
  spec_id_sample <- 1:m
  if (mainland_ex == 0) {
    timeval <- total_time
  } else {
    timeval <- stats::rexp(n = 1, rate = m * mainland_ex)
  while (timeval < total_time) {
    extinct_spec <- DDD::sample2(spec_id_sample, 1)
    for (i in seq_along(mainland)) {
      if (any(mainland[[i]][, "spec_id"] == extinct_spec)) {
        clade <- i
    spec_to_die <- which(mainland[[clade]][, "spec_id"] == extinct_spec)
    mainland[[clade]][spec_to_die, "spec_type"] <- "E"
    mainland[[clade]][spec_to_die, "spec_ex_t"] <- timeval
    index_to_remove <- which(spec_id_sample == extinct_spec)
    testit::assert(length(index_to_remove) == 1)
    spec_id_sample <- spec_id_sample[-index_to_remove]
    testit::assert(length(spec_id_sample) == m - 1)

    branch_spec <- DDD::sample2(spec_id_sample, 1)
    for (i in seq_along(mainland)) {
      if (any(mainland[[i]][, "spec_id"] == branch_spec)) {
        clade <- i
    spec_to_split <- which(mainland[[clade]][, "spec_id"] == branch_spec)
    # CLADOGENESIS - this splits species into two new species
    # for daughter A
    oldstatus <- mainland[[clade]][spec_to_split, "branch_code"]
    mainland[[clade]][spec_to_split, "spec_type"] <- "E"
    mainland[[clade]][spec_to_split, "spec_ex_t"] <- timeval
    mainland[[clade]] <- rbind(
        spec_id = max_spec_id + 1,
        main_anc_id = mainland[[clade]][spec_to_split, "main_anc_id"],
        spec_type = "C",
        branch_code = paste0(oldstatus, "A"),
        branch_t = timeval,
        spec_origin_t = timeval,
        spec_ex_t = NaN
    # for daughter B
    mainland[[clade]] <- rbind(
        spec_id = max_spec_id + 2,
        main_anc_id = mainland[[clade]][spec_to_split, "main_anc_id"],
        spec_type = "C",
        branch_code = paste0(oldstatus, "B"),
        branch_t = timeval,
        spec_origin_t = timeval,
        spec_ex_t = NaN

    index_to_remove <- which(spec_id_sample == branch_spec)
    testit::assert(length(index_to_remove) == 1)
    spec_id_sample <- spec_id_sample[-index_to_remove]
    testit::assert(length(spec_id_sample) == m - 2)
    spec_id_sample <- c(spec_id_sample, max_spec_id + 1, max_spec_id + 2)
    testit::assert(length(spec_id_sample) == m)

    max_spec_id <- max_spec_id + 2
    timeval <- timeval + stats::rexp(n = 1, rate = m * mainland_ex)
  mainland <- lapply(mainland, function(x) {
    x[, "spec_ex_t"][is.na(x[, "spec_ex_t"])] <- total_time
joshwlambert/DAISIEmainland documentation built on July 14, 2024, 5:40 p.m.