
Defines functions pradel_unvd_gam

Documented in pradel_unvd_gam

#' Internal function used to calculate the likelihood of the Pradel CMR model using the seniority as input.
#' @param gam Seniority in the Pradel model. Either one value or one for each of the n-1 last intervals.
#' @param ext Extinction probabilities. Same size as fec.
#' @param p Sampling probabilities.
#' @param u,n,v,d Values for number observations, each of length equal to number of intervals. u - number of taxa first observed, n - number of taxa observed, v - number of taxa observed for last time. d should be vector of 0's.
#' @param minval Minimum probabilities used for calculations. No probabilities are allowed be be smaller than minval or larger than 1-minval. Defaults to 1e-5.
#' @return  Returns $LogL (log likelihood), and $Ll.numerator and $Ll.denominator.
#' @export

pradel_unvd_gam = function(gam,ext,p,u,n,v,d,minval=1e-5){
  # JOS: 242020: made the checking for values close to 0 and 1 into a funtion()
  # JOS: 120219: changed the indexing so that INPUTTED GAM is length 1 OR t=s-1. Then internally here, the first gam is set to 0.
  # JOS: 180917
  # JOS: 271117 corrected a bug in the denominator. Now identical to Tenan suppmat.
  # JOS: 281117 reparameterized with gam - seniority.
  # Pradel model with data give as
  # u - number of animals/species/taxa obs for the first time at [t]
  # n - number of --- " --- obs at [t]
  # v - number of --- " --- obs for the last time at [t]
  # d - number of --- " --- removed, incase of incomplete sampling. Always 0 for Paleoapplications.
  # These data have length [s], i.e. number of intervals.
  # Thus there are [s-1] transitions.
  # Parameters:
  # fec - fecundity, i.e. speciation probability, length = s-1;
  # ext - extinction probability, length = s-1;
  # p - sampling probability, length = s.
  s = length(u); # number of intervals.
  t = s -1;      # number of transitions.
  if (length(gam)==1){gam = rep(gam,s);}
  if (length(ext)==1){ext = rep(ext,t);}
  if (length(p)==1){p = rep(p,s)};
  if (any(is.nan(c(gam,ext,p)))){
    LogL = -Inf
    out <- list(LogL,gam,ext,p);
    names(out)<- c('LogL','gam','ext','p')
  } else {

    # PAd gam,
    gam = c(0,gam);

    # So Speciation probability is not fecundity?
    # Spec = 1- seniority, which is gamma?
    # gamma = phi / (fec + phi)
    # 1 - (1-ext) / (fec + (1-ext))

    # Actually, fec is 's the fecundity rate of the population, so that f(i) is the number of new animals in the population at time i per animal in the population at time i-1, or N(i+1) = N(i) f(i) + N(i) phi(i) '
    # so need not be limited to <1.
    # Changing parameterization.
    # IMplementing some min/max here, so that these do not
    # go to 1 or 0. Say they need to min be 1e-5 and 1-1e-5 resp?
    gam = mypmin(gam,minval);#pmin(1-minval,pmax(gam,minval));
    ext = mypmin(ext,minval);# pmin(1-minval,pmax(ext,minval));
    p   = mypmin(p,minval);# pmin(1-minval,pmax(p,  minval));
    phi = 1 - ext; # Survival is 1 - extinction.
    #phi[t] = 0;    # set to 0, since unestimatable.
    # THis is the confusing with Tenan, they have transition
    # parameters with length (s), which means first or last is
    # not really used. I think that's why they set gamma[1]<- 0 and
    # phi[s] <- 0.
    # Could repar this as 'seniority' - gamma, so spec.prob = 1 - gamma.
    # rho = lambda in Pradel descript.
    # rho = fec + phi; #Growth, fecundity + survival.
    # gam = array(0,s);
    # gam[1] = 0;
    # gam[2:s] = phi[1:t]/rho[1:t];
    rho = phi[1:t]/gam[2:s]
    mu = array(1,s); # Nobody dies because of sampling.
    xi = array(NA,s);
    xi[1] = 1;
    for (ii in 2:s){
      xi[ii] <- (1 - gam[ii]) + (gam[ii]*((1-p[ii-1])))*xi[ii-1];

    chi = array(NA,s);
    chi[s] = 1;
    for (ii in seq(t,1,by=-1)){
      chi[ii] = (1 - phi[ii]) + (phi[ii]*(1 - p[ii+1])*chi[ii+1])
    ll.n <- array(NA,s); #log likelihood numerators.
    # First is slightly different due to summations.
    ll.n[1] <- u[1] * log(xi[1]) +
      (n[1] * log(p[1])) +
      (sum(u[1]) - 0 - n[1]) * (log( 1 - p[1])) +
      (sum(v[2:s]) * log(phi[1])) +
      #(sum(u[2:s]) * log(1 - phi[1]*(1-mu[1]))) +
      (v[1] - d[1])* log(chi[1])
    # ALso last
    ll.n[s] <- u[s]*log(xi[s]) +
      (sum(u[1:t])*(log(phi[t]) - log(rho[t]))) +
      (n[s] * log(p[s])) +
      (sum(u[1:s]) - sum(v[1:t]) - n[s]) * (log(1 - p[s])) +
      (v[s] - d[s]) * log(chi[s])

    # resdt
    for (ii in 2:t){
      ll.n[ii] <- u[ii] * log(xi[ii]) +
        (sum(u[1:(ii-1)])*(log(phi[ii-1]) - log(rho[ii-1]))) +
        n[ii] * log(p[ii]) +
        (sum(u[1:ii]) - sum(v[1:(ii-1)]) - n[ii]) * log( 1 - p[ii]) +
        (sum(v[(ii+1):s]) * log(phi[ii])) +
        #     (n[ii]-d[ii])*log(µ) --> 0
        #     d[ii]*log(1-µ)--> 0
        #      (sum(u[(ii+1):s]) * log(1 - (p[ii]*(1-mu[ii])))) +
        (v[ii]-d[ii]) * log(chi[ii]);
    # Then the denominator. Assuming all(mu) = 1,
    # i.e. sampling does not kill. Makes this a lot easier.
    pm1 = phi; # when µ=1, this collapses to phi
    pm2 = gam; # rho[j-1]/phi[j-1]
    # tmp <- ksi * cumprod(pm1) * cumprod(gam) * p
    ll.d <- sum(u)*log(sum(xi * c(1,cumprod(phi))*  c(sapply(1:(s-2),function(ii){prod(gam[(ii+1):s])}),gam[s],1) * p))
    # Below is old (i.e. before 271117)
    # ll.d <- sum(u) * log(sum(xi * c(1,cumprod(phi))*rev(c(1,cumprod(gam[2:s])))*p));

    LogL <- sum(ll.n) - ll.d;
    out <- list(LogL,ll.n,ll.d,xi,chi,gam,phi,p);
    names(out)<- c('LogL','Ll numerator','Ll','xi','chi','gam','phi','p')

josteist/Compadre documentation built on June 3, 2021, 1:02 p.m.