
## x... optional, the database file name.
## v... verbosity
## function to load the database...
EnsDb <- function( x ){
    options( useFancyQuotes=FALSE )
    if( missing( x ) ){
        stop( "No sqlite file provided!" )
    lite <- dbDriver("SQLite")
    con <- dbConnect(lite, dbname = x, flags=SQLITE_RO )
    tables <- dbListTables( con )
    ## read the columns for these tables.
    Tables <- vector( length=length( tables ), "list" )
    for( i in 1:length( Tables ) ){
        Tables[[ i ]] <- colnames( dbGetQuery( con, paste0( "select * from ", tables[ i ], " limit 1" ) ) )
    names( Tables ) <- tables
    EDB <- new( "EnsDb", ensdb=con, tables=Tables )
    return( EDB )

## x is the connection to the database, name is the name of the entry to fetch
.getMetaDataValue <- function( x, name ){
    return( dbGetQuery( x, paste0( "select value from metadata where name='", name, "'" ) )[ 1, 1] )

## Note: that's the central function that checks which tables are needed for the
## least expensive join!!! The names of the tables should then also be submitted
## to any other method that calls prefixColumns (e.g. where of the Filter classes)
## this function checks:
## a) for multi-table columns, selects the table with the highest degree
## b) pre-pend (inverse of append ;) ) the table name to the column name.
## returns a list, names being the tables and the values being the columns
## named: <table name>.<column name>
## clean: whether a cleanColumns should be called on the submitted columns.
## with.tables: force the prefix to be specifically on the submitted tables.
prefixColumns <- function( x, columns, clean=TRUE, with.tables ){
    if( missing( columns ) )
        stop( "columns is empty! No columns provided!" )
    ## first get to the tables that contain these columns
    Tab <- listTables( x )   ## returns the tables by degree!
    if( !missing( with.tables ) ){
        with.tables <- with.tables[ with.tables %in% names( Tab ) ]
        if( length( with.tables ) > 0 ){
            Tab <- Tab[ with.tables ]
            warning( "The submitted table names are not valid in the database and were thus dropped." )
        if( length( Tab )==0 )
            stop( "None of the tables submitted with with.tables is present in the database!" )
    if( clean )
        columns <- cleanColumns( x, columns )
    if( length( columns )==0 ){
        return( NULL )
    ## group the columns by table.
    columns.bytable <- sapply( Tab, function( z ){
        return( z[ z %in% columns ] )
    }, simplify=FALSE, USE.NAMES=TRUE )
    ## kick out empty tables...
    columns.bytable <- columns.bytable[ unlist( lapply( columns.bytable, function( z ){
        return( length( z ) > 0)
    } ) ) ]
    if( length( columns.bytable )==0 )
        stop( "No columns available!" )
    have.columns <- NULL
    ## new approach! order the tables by number of elements, and after that, re-order them.
    columns.bytable <- columns.bytable[ order( unlist( lapply( columns.bytable, length ) ),
                                              decreasing=TRUE ) ]
    ## has to be a for loop!!!
    ## loop throught the columns by table and sequentially kick out columns for the current table if they where already
    ## in a previous (more relevant) table
    ## however, prefer also cases were fewer tables are returned.
    for( i in 1:length( columns.bytable ) ){
        bm <- columns.bytable[[ i ]] %in% have.columns
        keepvals <- columns.bytable[[ i  ]][ !bm ]   ## keep those
        if( length( keepvals ) > 0 ){
            have.columns <- c( have.columns, keepvals )
        if( length( keepvals ) > 0 ){
            columns.bytable[[ i ]] <- paste( names( columns.bytable )[ i ], keepvals, sep="." )
            columns.bytable[[ i ]] <- keepvals
    ## kick out those tables with no elements left...
    columns.bytable <- columns.bytable[ unlist( lapply( columns.bytable, function( z ){
        return( length( z ) > 0)
    } ) ) ]
    ## re-order by degree.
    columns.bytable <- columns.bytable[ tablesByDegree( x, names( columns.bytable ) ) ]
    return( columns.bytable )

## define a function to create a join query based on columns
## this function has to first get all tables that contain the columns,
## and then select, for columns present in more than one
## x... EnsDb
## columns... the columns
joinQueryOnColumns <- function( x, columns ){
    columns.bytable <- prefixColumns( x, columns )
    ## based on that we can build the query based on the tables we've got. Note that the
    ## function internally
    ## adds tables that might be needed for the join.
    Query <- joinQueryOnTables( x, names( columns.bytable ) )
    return( Query )

## only list direct joins!!!
.JOINS <- rbind(
    c( "gene", "tx", "join tx on (gene.gene_id=tx.gene_id)" ),
    c( "gene", "chromosome", "join chromosome on (gene.seq_name=chromosome.seq_name)" ),
    c( "tx", "tx2exon", "join tx2exon on (tx.tx_id=tx2exon.tx_id)" ),
    c( "tx2exon", "exon", "join exon on (tx2exon.exon_id=exon.exon_id)" )
## tx is now no 1:
## .JOINS <- rbind(
##     c( "tx", "gene", "join gene on (tx.gene_id=gene.gene_id)" ),
##     c( "gene", "chromosome", "join chromosome on (gene.seq_name=chromosome.seq_name)" ),
##     c( "tx", "tx2exon", "join tx2exon on (tx.tx_id=tx2exon.tx_id)" ),
##     c( "tx2exon", "exon", "join exon on (tx2exon.exon_id=exon.exon_id)" )
##     )

joinQueryOnTables <- function( x, tab ){
    ## just to be on the save side: evaluate whether we have all required tables to join;
    ## this will also ensure that the order is by degree.
    tab <- addRequiredTables( x, tab )
    Query <- tab[ 1 ]
    previous.table <- tab[ 1 ]
    for( i in 1:length( tab ) ){
        if( i > 1 ){
            Query <- paste( Query, .JOINS[ .JOINS[ , 2 ]==tab[ i ], 3 ] )
    return( Query )

## Add additional tables in case the submitted tables are not directly connected
## and can thus not be joined. That's however not so complicated, since the database
## layout is pretty simple.
## The tables are:
##  exon -(exon_id=t2e_exon_id)- tx2exon -(t2e_tx_id=tx_id)- tx -(gene_id=gene_id)- gene
##                                                                                   |
##                                                   chromosome -(seq_name=seq_name)-ยด
addRequiredTables <- function( x, tab ){
    ## dash it, as long as I can't find a way to get connected objects in a
    ## graph I'll do it manually...
    ## if we have exon and any other table, we need definitely tx2exon
    if( any( tab=="exon" ) & length( tab ) > 1 ){
        tab <- unique( c( tab, "tx2exon" ) )
    ## if we have chromosome and any other table, we'll need gene
    if( any( tab=="chromosome" ) & length( tab ) > 1 ){
        tab <- unique( c( tab, "gene" ) )
    ## if we have exon and we have gene, we'll need also tx
    if( ( any( tab=="exon" ) | (any( tab=="tx2exon" )) ) & any( tab=="gene" ) ){
        tab <- unique( c( tab, "tx" ) )
    return( tablesByDegree( x, tab ) )

.buildQuery <- function(x, columns, filter=list(), order.by="", order.type="asc",
                        group.by, skip.order.check=FALSE, return.all.columns=TRUE){
    resultcolumns <- columns    ## just to remember what we really want to give back
    ## 1) get all column names from the filters also removing the prefix.
        stop("parameter filter has to be a list of BasicFilter classes!")
    if(length(filter) > 0){
        ## check filter!
        ## add the columns needed for the filter
        filtercolumns <- unlist(lapply(filter, column, x))
        ## remove the prefix (column name for these)
        filtercolumns <- sapply(filtercolumns, removePrefix, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
        columns <- unique(c(columns, filtercolumns))
    ## 2) get all column names for the order.by:
    if( order.by!=""){
        ## if we have skip.order.check set we use the order.by as is.
            order.by <- unlist(strsplit(order.by, split=",", fixed=TRUE))
            order.by <- gsub(order.by, pattern=" ", replacement="", fixed=TRUE)
            ## allow only order.by that are also in the columns.
            order.by.nocolumns <- order.by[ !(order.by %in% columns) ]
            order.by <- order.by[ order.by %in% columns ]
            if(length(order.by.nocolumns) > 0){
                warning("columns provided in order.by (",
                        paste(order.by.nocolumns, collapse=","),
                        ") are not in columns and were thus removed." )
                order.by <- ""
        order.by <- ""
    ## Note: order by is now a vector!!!
    ## columns are now all columns that we want to fetch or that we need to
    ## filter or to sort.
    ## 3) check which tables we need for all of these columns:
    need.tables <- names( prefixColumns( x, columns ) )
    ## Now we can begin to build the query parts!
    ## a) the query part that joins all required tables.
    joinquery <- joinQueryOnColumns(x, columns=columns)
    ## b) the filter part of the query
    if( length( filter ) > 0 ){
        filterquery <- paste(" where",
                            paste(unlist(lapply(filter, where, x,
                                  collapse=" and "))
        filterquery <- ""
    ## c) the order part of the query
    if( order.by!="" ){
        if( !skip.order.check ){
            order.by <- paste(unlist(prefixColumns(x=x, columns=order.by,
                                     use.names=FALSE), collapse=",")
        orderquery <- paste( " order by", order.by, order.type )
        orderquery <- ""
    ## And finally build the final query
        resultcolumns <- columns
    finalquery <- paste0("select distinct ",
                                      use.names=FALSE), collapse=","),
                         " from ",
    return( finalquery )

## the buildQuery function; basically create the SQL query.
## x... EnsDb
## columns... the columns to retrieve.
## filter... list of filters
.buildQueryOld <- function( x, columns, filter=list(), order.by="", order.type="asc", group.by, skip.order.check=FALSE ){
    resultcolumns <- columns    ## just to remember what we really want to give back
    if( !missing( filter ) ){
        if( class( filter )!="list" )
            stop( "parameter filter has to be a list of BasicFilter classes!" )
    ## first checking the filters and eventually add required columns to the columns:
    if( length( filter ) > 0 ){
        ## check filter!
        ## add the columns needed for the filter
        filtercolumns <- unlist( lapply( filter, column, x ) )   ## this returns
        ## the full named columns!
        filtercolumns <- sapply( filtercolumns, removePrefix, USE.NAMES=FALSE )
        columns <- unique( c( columns, filtercolumns ) )
        ## next we're building the where query.
        wherequery <- paste( " where", paste( unlist( lapply( filter, where, x ) ),
                                             collapse=" and " ) )
        wherequery <- ""
    ## should we do an order.by?
    if( !missing( order.by ) & order.by!="" ){
        ## if we have skip.order.check set we use the order.by as is.
        if( !skip.order.check ){
            order.by <- unlist( strsplit( order.by, split=",", fixed=TRUE ) )
            order.by <- gsub( order.by, pattern=" ", replacement="", fixed=TRUE )
            ## allow only order.by that are also in the columns.
            order.by.nocolumns <- order.by[ !( order.by %in% columns ) ]
            order.by <- order.by[ order.by %in% columns ]
            if( length( order.by.nocolumns ) > 0 ){
                warning( "columns provided in order.by (",
                        paste( order.by.nocolumns, collapse=","),
                        ") are not in columns and were thus removed."  )
            if( length( order.by )==0 ){
                order.by <- ""
                ## have to pre-pend the database table name...
                order.by <- paste( unlist( prefixColumns( x=x, columns=order.by ), use.names=FALSE ), collapse="," )
        order.by <- ""
    ## OK, build that query.
    if( order.by!="" ){
        orderquery <- paste( " order by", order.by, order.type )
        orderquery <- ""
    ## now build the join query that joins all required tables.
    joinquery <- joinQueryOnColumns( x, columns=columns )
    finalquery <- paste0( "select distinct ",
                         paste( unlist( prefixColumns( x, resultcolumns ),
                                       use.names=FALSE ), collapse="," ),
                         " from ",
    return( finalquery )

## remove the prefix again...
removePrefix <- function( x, split=".", fixed=TRUE ){
    return( sapply( x, function( z ){
        tmp <- unlist( strsplit( z, split=split, fixed=fixed ) )
        return( tmp[ length( tmp ) ] )
    } ) )

## just to add another layer; basically just calls buildQuery and executes the query
.getWhat <- function( x, columns, filter=list(), order.by="",
                     order.type="asc", group.by, skip.order.check=FALSE ){
    ## build the query
    Q <- .buildQuery( x=x, columns=columns, filter=filter,
                     order.by=order.by, order.type=order.type, group.by=group.by,
                     skip.order.check=skip.order.check )
    ## get the data
    Res <- dbGetQuery( dbconn( x ), Q )
    if( any( columns=="tx_cds_seq_start" ) ){
            ## column contains "NULL" if not defined and coordinates are characters
            ## as.numeric transforms "NULL" into NA, and ensures coords are numeric.
            Res[ , "tx_cds_seq_start" ] <- as.numeric( Res[ , "tx_cds_seq_start" ] )
    if( any( columns=="tx_cds_seq_end" ) ){
            ## column contains "NULL" if not defined and coordinates are characters
            ## as.numeric transforms "NULL" into NA, and ensures coords are numeric.
            Res[ , "tx_cds_seq_end" ] <- as.numeric( Res[ , "tx_cds_seq_end" ] )
    return( Res )
jotsetung/ensembldb-old documentation built on May 19, 2019, 9:41 p.m.