
Defines functions growth.pp

Documented in growth.pp

##' This function helps you visualize what are the possible factors that limit the
##'     growth of primary producers. Primary producers in Atlantis are limited in
##'     their biomass by variables such as: nutrients, light, space, and by processes
##'     such as acidification and the presence of eddies (Audijyontze et al. 2017). In this
##'     function, most of these factors are analyzed, except for the acidification
##'     process and the spatial limitation.
##' \itemize{
##'    \item \bold{Nutrient limitation}: The nutrients limitation scalar
##'     (\eqn{\delta_{nutrients}}) in the case of species limited only by nitrogen is
##'     calculated as:
##'     \deqn{\delta_{nutrients}  = \frac{DIN}{KN + DIN}} \cr
##'     were \eqn{DIN} is the concentration of \eqn{NH_{3}} + \eqn{NO_{3}} and
##'     \eqn{KN} is the half-saturation constant of nutrient uptake. \cr
##'     For species that are limited for multiple nutrients like diatoms that can be
##'     limited by silicate \eqn{Si} and nitrogen you have 3 different options to choose on
##'     Atlantis (\emph{flagnut}) and the nutrient limitation can have different options:
##'     \itemize{
##'       \item \emph{Leibig limitation \bold{flagnut = 0}}
##'       \deqn{\delta_{nutrients} = min(\frac{DIN}{KN + DIN}, \frac{Si}{KS + Si})}
##'       \item \emph{multiplicative limitation \bold{flagnut = 1}}
##'       \deqn{\delta_{nutrients} = \sqrt{\frac{DIN}{KN + DIN} * \frac{Si}{KS + Si}}}
##'       \item \emph{ERSEM WQI limitation \bold{flagnut = 2}}
##'       \deqn{\delta_{nutrients} = \frac{2}{\frac{DIN}{KN + DIN} * \frac{Si}{KS + Si}}}
##'     were \eqn{KS} is the growth half-saturation constant for the functional group.
##'        }
##'   \item \bold{Light limitation}: In Atlantis photosynthesis in  primary producers
##'     can be limited by light. The light limitation factor \eqn{\delta_{light}} is calculated by:
##'  \deqn{\delta_{light} = min(\frac{IRR}{KI}, 1)} \cr
##'  were \eqn{IRR} is irradiance or available light  and\eqn{KI} is the light
##'     saturation coefficient. \cr
##' In Atlantis there is a second option \emph{flaglight = 1} that allows the calculation of the light
##'     limitation factor allowing for light adaptation. This is intended to capture
##'     the ability of the primary producers to rapidly adapt to different light
##'     conditions (Audijyontze et al. 2017). This option was not considered in this version
##'     of the tool but would be implemented in future updates.
##'  \item \bold{Effect of eddies on primary production}: The eddy effect on primary
##'     produces \eqn{\delta_{eddy}}  is calculated by multiplying the scale parameter \eqn{eddy_{scale}}
##'     (\emph{eddy_scale} on Atlantis) by the eddy strength \eqn{eddy_{strength}}.
##'    \deqn{\delta_{eddy} = eddy_{scale} * eddy_{strength} }
##' }
##' @title Limitation Growth primary producers
##' @param ini.nc.file Character string with the path to the netcdf file to
##'     read in. This netcdf file contains the initial conditions for the Atlantis
##'     model usually ends in \emph{.nc}.
##' @param grp.file Character string with the path to the Groups \emph{*.csv}
##'     file (Atlantis input file).
##' @param prm.file Character string with the path to the biology parameter
##'     file \emph{*.prm}.
##' @param out.nc.file Character string with the path to the netcdf file to
##'     read in. This netcdf file is a generic output from an Atlantis run and
##'     usually starts with output and ends in \emph{.nc}.
##' @return  A shiny::reactive shiny::HTML with graphical output by functional group, for layer and box
##'     of the following variables:
##' \itemize{
##'   \item \bold{Growth}:  This variable is the  Primary producer growth (\eqn{G_{pp}}) which is
##'     determined by the biomass for the primary producer (\eqn{Biom_{pp}}),  the maximum effective
##'     growth (\eqn{mum}) and the limiting factors: Light limitation (\eqn{\delta_{light}}),
##'     Nutrients limitation \eqn{\delta_{nutrients}}, and Eddy scalar (\eqn{\delta_{eddy}}).
##'     \deqn{G_{pp} = Biom_{pp} * mum * \delta_{light} * \delta_{nutrients} *
##'     \delta_{eddy}}
##' \item \bold{Light limitation}: The available light by box and layer. This option
##'     uses only the basic formula (\eqn{\delta_{light}}, described before) and currently does not use the light adaptation
##'     option. The light attenuation values used for the calculations are the values
##'     estimated by Atlantis and reported in the \bold{\emph{out.nc.file}}.
##' \item \bold{Nutrient limitation}: Nutrient limitation is calculated by layer and
##'     by box, using the option chosen by the user in the Atlantis run
##'     (\emph{flagnut = 0, 1 or 2}).
##' \item \bold{Eddy scalar}: This value is calculated by functional group and by
##'     box. The values of eddies strength (\eqn{eddy_{strength}}) used are from the
##'     Atlantis output and the value of eddy scale (\eqn{eddy_{scale}}) is read from
##'     the Atlantis configuration file.
##'   }
##' @import utils grDevices ggplot2 graphics
##' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_bar coord_flip scale_color_manual geom_line facet_wrap theme_minimal update_labels geom_hline
##' @author Demiurgo
##' @export
growth.pp <- function(ini.nc.file, grp.file, prm.file, out.nc.file){
    general.col    <- c(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Reds") [4 : 9], RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Purples")[4 : 9],  RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Blues") [4 : 9])
    color    <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "BrBG")[2 : 9]
    color2   <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "RdBu")
    ## reading information
    nc.ini    <- ncdf4::nc_open(ini.nc.file)
    group.csv <- utils::read.csv(grp.file)
    colnames(group.csv) <- tolower(colnames(group.csv))
    is.off    <- which(group.csv$isturnedon == 0)
    nc.out    <- ncdf4::nc_open(out.nc.file)
    time.years <- time_calc(nc.out)
    prm       <- readLines(prm.file, warn = FALSE)
    ## Selecting primary producers
    pp.grp    <- with(group.csv, which(grouptype %in% c('PHYTOBEN', 'SM_PHY', 'LG_PHY', 'SEAGRASS', 'DINOFLAG', 'TURF','MICROPHTYBENTHOS'))) ## Just primary producer
    if(length(which(pp.grp %in% is.off)) > 0){
        pp.grp    <- pp.grp[ - which(pp.grp %in% is.off)]
    cod.fg    <- with(group.csv, as.character(code[pp.grp])) ## cod
    nam.fg    <- with(group.csv, as.character(name[pp.grp])) ## name
    coh.fg    <- with(group.csv, numcohorts[pp.grp]) ## name
    options(warn =  - 1)
    flagnut   <- text2num(prm, 'flagnut ', FG = 'look')
    flaglight <- text2num(prm, 'flaglight ', FG = 'look')
    flaghabd  <- text2num(prm, 'flaghabdepend ', FG = 'look')
    ##Parameters needed
    mum <- matrix(NA, length(pp.grp), max(coh.fg))
    Hdep  <- sp.dep <- KI <- KS <- KN <- NULL
    Kiop.min <- Kiop.shift <- Ki.avail <- K.depth <- NULL

    for(i in 1: length(pp.grp)) {
        KN     <- rbind(KN, text2num(prm, paste0('KN_', cod.fg[i]), FG = cod.fg[i]))
        if(coh.fg[i] == 1){
            mum[i, 1]              <- text2num(prm, paste0('mum_', cod.fg[i], '_T15'), FG = cod.fg[i])$Value
        } else {
            mum[i, 1 : coh.fg[i]]    <- text2num(prm, paste0('mum_', cod.fg[i]), FG = cod.fg[i] , Vector=TRUE)
        KS     <- rbind(KS, text2num(prm, paste0('KS_', cod.fg[i]), FG = cod.fg[i]))
        KI     <- rbind(KI, text2num(prm, paste0('KI_', cod.fg[i]), FG = cod.fg[i]))
        if(flaghabd == 1){
            Hdep   <- rbind(Hdep, text2num(prm, paste0(cod.fg[i], '_habdepend'), FG = cod.fg[i]))
            if(Hdep$Value[i] != 0){
                sp.dep <- rbind(sp.dep, text2num(prm, paste0('habitat_', cod.fg[i]), FG = cod.fg[i], Vector = TRUE))
        if(flaglight$Value == 1){
            Kiop.min   <-rbind(Kiop.min, text2num(prm, paste0('KIOP_min', cod.fg[i]), FG = cod.fg[i]))
            Kiop.shift <-rbind(Kiop.shift, text2num(prm, paste0('KIOP_shift', cod.fg[i]), FG = cod.fg[i]))
            Ki.avail   <-rbind(Ki.avail, text2num(prm, paste0('KIOP_avail', cod.fg[i]), FG = cod.fg[i]))
            K.depth    <-rbind(K.depth, text2num(prm, paste0('KIOP_addepth', cod.fg[i]), FG = cod.fg[i]))
    ed.scl   <- text2num(prm, 'eddy_scale', FG = 'look')[, 2]
    options(warn =  0)
    ## nutrient
    DIN      <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, 'NO3') + ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, 'NH3')
    Si       <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, 'Si')
    l.eddy   <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, 'eddy') * ed.scl
    nlayers  <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, 'numlayers')[, 1]
    IRR      <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, 'Light')
    l.space  <- l.light <- l.nut <- biom<- list()
    color    <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(color)(max(nlayers, na.rm = TRUE))
    ## type of sediments
    for(fg in 1 : length(nam.fg)){
        ## nutrients
        if(flagnut$Value == 0){
            l.nut[[fg]] <- pmin((DIN / (KN$Value[fg] + DIN)) ,  (Si /(KS$Value[fg] + Si)), na.rm = TRUE)
        } else if(flagnut$Value == 1){
            l.nut[[fg]] <- sqrt((DIN / (KN$Value[fg] + DIN)) * (Si /(KS$Value[fg] + Si)))
        } else if(flagnut$Value == 2){
            l.nut[[fg]] <- 2 / ((DIN / (KN$Value[fg] + DIN)) + (Si /(KS$Value[fg] + Si)))
        } else if(is.null(flagnut$Value )){
            l.nut[[fg]] <- (DIN / (KN$Value[fg] + DIN))
        } else {
            stop('No such nut_case defined: ', KN$Value[fg],  '- value must be between 0 and 3 currently\n')
        ## Light
        if(flaglight$Value == 0){
            l.light[[fg]] <- pmin((IRR / KI$Value[fg]) , 1, na.rm = TRUE)
        } else if(flagnut$Value > 0){
            ## not implemented
            stop('Option: ', flagnut$Value, 'for light limitation, not implemented yet\n')
        ## space limitation for Phytobentos and seagrass
        if(group.csv$grouptype[pp.grp[fg]] %in% c('PHYTOBEN', 'SEAGRASS', 'TURF')){
            ratio  <- 1 # I used this value just to avoid the calculation of area
            SPmax  <- text2num(prm, paste0(cod.fg[fg], 'max'), FG = 'look')[, 2]
            ## removing nan and non - finite numbers
            l.space[[fg]] <- (SPmax * ratio)
        } else {
            l.space[[fg]] <- NA

    ## Primary producer by boc ## it would be nice to checlk this tool
    pp.pos  <- with(group.csv, which(grouptype %in% c('MED_ZOO', 'LG_ZOO', 'LG_PHY', 'SM_PHY', 'PHYTOBEN', 'DINOFLAG', "TURF",'MICROPHTYBENTHOS', 'LAB_DET', 'REF_DET') & isturnedon == 1))
    pp.fg   <- group.csv$name[pp.pos]
    pp.cod  <- as.character(group.csv$code[pp.pos])
    pp.list <- list()
    for(l.pp in 1 : length(pp.fg)){
        pp.list[[l.pp]]      <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, paste0(pp.fg[l.pp], '_N'))
        names(pp.list)[l.pp] <- pp.cod[l.pp]
    pp.list[['DIN']]   <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, 'NO3') + ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, 'NH3')
    pp.list[['Det_Si']]    <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, 'Det_Si')
    pp.list[['Si']]    <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, 'Si')
    pp.list[['DON']]    <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, 'DON')
    pp.list[['Light']] <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, 'Light')
    pp.list[['Eddy']]  <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, 'eddy')
    numlay             <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, 'numlayers')
    n.box              <- dim(pp.list[['Light']])[2]
        ui <- shiny::navbarPage('Growth primary producers',
                         shiny::tabPanel('Growth  - Limiting factors',
                                                 shiny::tags$h3('Functional Group'),
                                                 shiny::selectInput('sp', 'Functional Group', as.character(cod.fg)),
                                                 shiny::selectInput('coh', 'Age-Class', seq(1, max(coh.fg))),
                                                 shiny::selectInput('box', 'Box', seq(0, (length(nlayers) - 1))),
                                                 shiny::checkboxInput("log", "Logarithmic scale", FALSE)
                                             shiny::plotOutput('plot1', width = "100%", height = "700px")
                         shiny::tabPanel('Growth curves Zoo and PPs',
                                                 shiny::tags$h3('Functional Group'),
                                                 shiny::selectInput('sp.pp', 'Functional Group 1', as.character(c(pp.cod, 'Eddy', 'Light','DIN', 'Det_Si', 'Si', 'DIN', 'DON'))),
                                                 shiny::selectInput('sp2.pp', 'Functional Group 2', as.character(c('Light', 'Eddy', 'DIN', 'Det_Si', 'Si', 'DIN', 'DON', pp.cod))),
                                                 shiny::selectInput('s.box', 'Box', 0 : (n.box - 1)),
                                                 shiny::checkboxInput('l.prop', 'Layer-Proportion', TRUE),
                                                 shiny::checkboxInput('b.prop', 'Box-Proportion', FALSE),
                                                 shiny::checkboxInput('log.v', 'Logarithm', FALSE)
                                             shiny::plotOutput('plot3', width = "100%", height = "800px")
                         ## -- Exit --
                             shiny::actionButton("exitButton", "Exit")
        function(input, output, session){
            p.fg <- shiny::reactive({
                which(cod.fg %in% input$sp)})
            biom <- shiny::reactive({
                 if(coh.fg[p.fg()] == 1){
                    biom <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, paste0(nam.fg[p.fg()], '_N'))
                } else {
                    biom <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, paste0(nam.fg[p.fg()], '_N', input$coh))
            lay  <- shiny::reactive({
                    ((max(nlayers) + 1) - nlayers[as.numeric(input$box) + 1]) : (max(nlayers) + 1)
                } else {
                    (((max(nlayers) + 1) - nlayers[as.numeric(input$box) + 1]) : (max(nlayers) + 1))[1]
            name.lay <- shiny::reactive({
                if(length(lay()) == 1){
                } else {
                    c(paste0('Layer_', seq(from = 0, to = (length(lay()) - 2))), 'Sediment')
            lim.nut   <- shiny::reactive({l.nut[[p.fg()]][lay(), as.numeric(input$box) + 1, ]})
            lim.light <- shiny::reactive({l.light[[p.fg()]][lay(), as.numeric(input$box) + 1, ]})
            lim.eddy  <- shiny::reactive({l.eddy[as.numeric(input$box) + 1, ]})
            step1     <- shiny::reactive({mum[p.fg(), as.numeric(input$coh)] * lim.nut() * lim.light()})
            step2     <- shiny::reactive({
                    biom.tm <- biom() / l.space[[p.fg()]]
                    if(any(is.finite(biom.tm))) biom.tm[which(is.finite(biom.tm))] <- 0
                    temp1 <- unlist(step1() * unlist(biom()[as.numeric(input$box) + 1, ]) * lim.eddy())
                } else {
                    temp <- step1() * biom()[lay(), as.numeric(input$box) + 1, ]
                    apply(temp, 1, FUN = function(x) x * lim.eddy())
            growth.fin    <- shiny::reactive({
                if(isTRUE(input$log) == TRUE){
                    if(all(step2() == 0)){
                    } else {
            lim.nut.fin   <- shiny::reactive({
                if(isTRUE(input$log) == TRUE){
                } else {
            lim.light.fin <- shiny::reactive({
                if(isTRUE(input$log) == TRUE){
                } else {
            lim.eddy.fin  <- shiny::reactive({
                if(isTRUE(input$log) == TRUE){
                } else {

            ## Out Primary producers List
            o.pp <- shiny::reactive({
                box         <- as.numeric(input$s.box) + 1
                ly.box      <- numlay[box]
                out.pp.list <- list()
                nam.plot    <- paste0('layer ', c(ly.box : 1))
                #nam.plot    <- c('Time', 'FG', paste0(nam.plot[1], ' [Deepest]'), nam.plot[c( - 1,  - ly.box)],
                #                 paste0(nam.plot[ly.box], ' [Surface]'))
                nam.plot    <- c('Time', 'FG', 'alpha', paste0(nam.plot[1], ' [Deepest]'), nam.plot[c( - 1,  - ly.box)],
                                 paste0(nam.plot[ly.box], ' [Surface]'))
                for( i in 1 : length(pp.list)){
                    if(length(dim(pp.list[[i]])) == 3){
                        nr               <- nrow(pp.list[[i]])
                        out.pp.list[[i]] <- pp.list[[i]][c((nr - ly.box) : (nr - 1)), box, ]
                    } else {
                        out.pp.list[[i]]       <- array(0, dim = c(ly.box, length(pp.list[[i]][box, ])))
                        out.pp.list[[i]][1, ]  <- pp.list[[i]][box, ]
                        if(names(pp.list)[i]  == 'Eddy'){
                            out.pp.list[[i]] <- matrix(rep(pp.list[[i]][box, ], ly.box), nrow = ly.box, byrow = TRUE)
                    out.pp.list[[i]][out.pp.list[[i]] <= 1e-8] <- 0 ## removing ceros from atlatnis
                    if(input$l.prop == TRUE & input$b.prop == FALSE){
                        out.pp.list[[i]] <- out.pp.list[[i]] / apply(out.pp.list[[i]] , 1, max, na.rm = TRUE)
                    } else if (input$l.prop == FALSE & input$b.prop == TRUE){
                        out.pp.list[[i]] <- out.pp.list[[i]] / max(out.pp.list[[i]] , na.rm = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        warning('\nYou need to choose between proportion by box or proportion by layer, but you cannot use both\n')
                    if(input$log.v == TRUE){
                        out.pp.list[[i]] <- log(out.pp.list[[i]])
                    alpha.col = ifelse(names(pp.list)[i] %in% c(input$sp2.pp, input$sp.pp), 1, 0.1)
                    out.pp.list[[i]]           <- t(out.pp.list[[i]])
                    out.pp.list[[i]]           <- data.frame(time.years, names(pp.list)[i], alpha.col, out.pp.list[[i]])
                    colnames(out.pp.list[[i]]) <- nam.plot
                    names(out.pp.list)[i]      <- names(pp.list)[i]
                ## getting ready for ggplot
                sel.data <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, out.pp.list)
                sel.data <- reshape2::melt(sel.data, id = c('Time', 'FG', 'alpha'))

            ## STOP
            shiny::observeEvent(input$exitButton, {shiny::stopApp()})
            output$plot3 <- shiny::renderPlot({
                col = grDevices::colorRampPalette(general.col)(length(pp.list))
                p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = o.pp(), ggplot2::aes(x = .data$Time, y = .data$value))
                p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line(na.rm = TRUE, ggplot2::aes(colour = .data$FG, alpha = .data$alpha), size = 1.4) + ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ .data$variable, ncol = 2)
                p <- p + ggplot2::ylim(ifelse(input$log.v == TRUE, NA, 0), max(o.pp()$value, na.rm = TRUE)) + ggplot2::theme_minimal()
                p <- p + ggplot2::scale_alpha(guide = 'none')
                p <- p + ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values = col,  name = 'Variables') + ggplot2::theme(text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 15))
                p <- ggplot2::update_labels(p, list(x = 'Date', y = ifelse(input$log.v == TRUE, 'Log', 'Proportion')))
            output$plot1 <- shiny::renderPlot({
                graphics::par(mfcol = c(2, 2), mar = c(0, 3, 1, 1), oma = c(4, 4, 0.5, 2), xpd = TRUE, cex = 1.1)
                ## growth
                ran     <- range(unlist(growth.fin()), finite = TRUE)
                sci.scl <- scales::scientific_format(1)(seq(ran[1], ran[2], length.out = 5))
                plot(growth.fin()[, 1], axes = FALSE, ylim = ran, bty = 'n', type = 'l', lwd = 3,
                     lty = 1, pch = 19, col = color[1], ylab = '', main = 'Effective Total Growth')
                axis(2, at = seq(ran[1], ran[2], length.out = 5), labels = sci.scl , las = 1, line =  - .7)
                if(ncol(growth.fin()) > 1){
                    for( j in 2 : ncol(growth.fin())){
                        lines(growth.fin()[, j], type = 'l', pch = 19, lty = 1, lwd = 3, col = color[j])
                ## light
                ran     <- range(lim.light.fin(), finite = TRUE)
                sci.scl <- scales::scientific_format(1)(seq(ran[1], ran[2], length.out = 5))
                    plt.light <- matrix(lim.light.fin(), nrow = 1)
                } else {
                    plt.light <- lim.light.fin()
                plot(plt.light[1, ], yaxt = 'n', ylim = ran, bty = 'n', type = 'l', lwd = 3,
                     lty = 1, pch = 19, col = color[1], ylab = '', main = 'Light limitation')
                axis(2, at = seq(ran[1], ran[2], length.out = 5), labels = sci.scl , las = 1, line =  - .7)
                if(nrow(plt.light) > 1){
                    for( j in 2 : nrow(plt.light)){
                        lines(plt.light[j, ], type = 'l', pch = 19, lty = 1, lwd = 3, col = color[j])
                graphics::par(mar = c(0, 3, 1, 5.1), xpd = TRUE)
                ## Nutrients
                ran     <- range(lim.nut.fin(), finite = TRUE)
                sci.scl <- scales::scientific_format(1)(seq(ran[1], ran[2], length.out = 5))
                    plt.nut <- matrix(lim.nut.fin(), nrow = 1)
                } else {
                    plt.nut <- lim.nut.fin()
                plot(plt.nut[1, ], axes = FALSE, ylim = ran, bty = 'n', type = 'l',lwd = 3,
                     lty = 1, pch = 19, col = color[1], ylab = '', main = 'Nutrients limitation')
                axis(2, at = seq(ran[1], ran[2], length.out = 5), labels = sci.scl , las = 1, line =  - .7)
                if(nrow(plt.nut) > 1){
                    for( j in 2 : nrow(plt.nut)){
                        lines(plt.nut[j, ], type = 'l', pch = 19, lty = 1, lwd = 3, col = color[j])
                ## eddyes
                ran <- range(lim.eddy.fin(), finite = TRUE)
                sci.scl <- scales::scientific_format(1)(seq(ran[1], ran[2], length.out = 5))
                plot(lim.eddy.fin(), yaxt = 'n', ylim = ran, bty = 'n', type = 'l', lwd = 3,
                          lty = 1, pch = 19, col = 'orangered2', ylab = '', main = 'Eddy scalar')
                axis(2, at = seq(ran[1], ran[2], length.out = 5), labels = sci.scl , las = 1, line =  - .7)
                legend("topright", inset = c(-0.1, 0), legend= c(paste0('Layer - ', 1 : (ncol(growth.fin())-1)), 'Sediment', 'all-Layers'),
                       fill = c(color[1 : ncol(growth.fin())], 'orangered2'), title = 'Water Layers', bty = 'n')
                mtext('Time step', 1, outer = TRUE, cex = 1.2, line = 2.5)
                mtext('Scalar', 2, outer = TRUE, cex = 1.2, line = 2)
jporobicg/ReactiveAtlantis documentation built on April 19, 2022, 3:24 a.m.