
Defines functions PerfCurveBands BootCI EstLambda_bak EstLambda

Documented in PerfCurveBands

# Current method

# TODO Consider implementing this from scratch so that you know the details
# It should be straightforward, see here: https://bookdown.org/egarpor/NP-UC3M/kre-i-kre.html
# Using kernsmooth currently because I expect their implementation is faster and more robust

# The following functions contains Kernsmooth and ROT estimators.  ROT is selected currently

# Returns Lambda, or P(+|S=t)
EstLambda = function(S, X, t, idx, h = NULL){
  # lam <- NULL
  lam <- tryCatch({
    Sorder <- order(S, decreasing=TRUE)
    m <- length(S)
    idx.range <- c(max(1, idx - 1000), min(length(S), idx + 1000))

    S.ordered <- S[Sorder][idx.range[1]:idx.range[2]]
    X.ordered <- X[Sorder][idx.range[1]:idx.range[2]]

    ## --1 Kernsmooth bandwidth estimator
    ## more accurate, but prone to errors
    if(is.null(h)) h <- KernSmooth::dpill(x = S.ordered, y = X.ordered, gridsize = 100)

    ## --2 Rule of thumb estimator
    ## Should not throw an error
    # if(is.null(h)) h <- (m^{-1/5}) * sd(S)

    lp0 <- KernSmooth::locpoly(x = S.ordered, y = X.ordered, bandwidth = h, degree = 0,
                               range.x = range(S.ordered), gridsize = 1000)

    lp0.idx <- which.min(abs(lp0$x - t))
  }, error = function(e) {
    # stop("Lambda estimate failed.  Try setting h manually.")
    return(EstLambda_bak(S, X, t))


# --3 JHO 
# Returns Lambda, or P(+|S=t)
EstLambda_bak = function(S, X, t, ...){
 #h is the bandwidth, t is called c in the JZ paper
 #m is the sample size, S and X are the vectors of scores and labels
 m <- length(S)
 h <- (m^{-1/5}) * sd(S)
 ind.win <- (S < t + h) & (S > t - h)
 exp.X.and.I <- sum(X*ind.win)/m
 exp.I <- sum(ind.win)/m

# --4 np method

# # Returns Lambda, or P(+|S=t)
# EstLambda = function(S, X, t, idx, Sorder, h = NULL){
#   idx.range <- c(max(1, idx - 100), min(length(S), idx + 100))
#   S.ordered <- S[Sorder][idx.range[1]:idx.range[2]]
#   X.ordered <- X[Sorder][idx.range[1]:idx.range[2]]
#   # TODO This is still not silent!
#   if(is.null(h)) {
#     bwa <- invisible(np::npregbw(formula = X.ordered ~ S.ordered, bwtype = "adaptive_nn",
#                                  regtype = "lc"))
#   } else {
#     bwa <- invisible(np::npregbw(formula = X.ordered ~ S.ordered, bws = h,
#                                  regtype = "lc"))
#   }
#   np.model <- invisible(np::npreg(bwa))
#   return(predict(np.model, newdata = data.frame(S.ordered = t)))
# }

# --5 JZ original method
# Returns Lambda, or P(+|S=t)
# EstLambda = function(S, X, t, ...){
#  #h is the bandwidth, t is called c in the JZ paper
#  #m is the sample size, S and X are the vectors of scores and labels
#  m <- length(S)
#  h <- (m^{-1/5})
#  ind.win <- (S < t + h) & (S > t - h)
#  exp.X.and.I <- sum(X*ind.win)/m
#  exp.I <- sum(ind.win)/m
#  return(exp.X.and.I/exp.I)
# }

# Bootstrap percentile CI
BootCI = function(X, S, m, pi.0, boot.rep, metric, plus, r, myseed=111){
  storeout=matrix(NA, nrow=m, ncol=1+boot.rep)
  r.all <- (1:m)/m
  idx <- which(r.all %in% r)
  storeout <- storeout[idx, ]
  storeout[,1] <- r
  for(i in 1:boot.rep){
    boot.samp <- sample(1:m, m, replace = T)
    X.star = X[boot.samp]
    S.star = S[boot.samp]
    Sorder <-  order(S.star,decreasing=TRUE)
    hits <- cumsum(X.star[Sorder])[idx] 
    pi.0 <- mean(X.star)
    pi <- (hits)/(m*r)
    k <- (hits)/(sum(X.star))
    if (plus) {
      # using random plus correction
      plus.yes <- rbinom(1, 4, .5)
      pi <- (hits+plus.yes)/(m*r+4)
      k <- r/pi.0*pi
    if(metric == "rec") {
      storeout[,1+i] = k
    } else if(metric == "prec") {
      storeout[,1+i] = pi
    } else if(metric == "lift") {
      storeout[,1+i] = k/r
    # print(i/boot.rep)
  A = apply(storeout[,-1],MARGIN=1,FUN=function(x){quantile(x, probs = c(.025, .975))})
  # Returns 95% percentile bootstrap intervals at quantiles

#' Construct a confidence band for a recall or precision curve
#' \code{PerfCurveBands} takes a pair of score and activity vectors as input.
#' A performance curve and confidence band is created for the selected testing fractions.
#' @param S a vector of scores.
#' @param X a vector of activities.
#' @param r a vector of testing fractions.
#' @param metric the performance curve to use. Options are recall ("rec") and precision ("prec").
#' @param type specifies whether a point-wise confidence interval 
#' ("pointwise") or a confidence band ("band") should be constructed.
#' @param method the method to use. Point-wise confidence interval options
#' are "binomial", "JZ", "bootstrap". Confidence band options are "sup-t", "theta-proj".
#' @param plus should plus correction be used or not?
#' @param conf.level the confidence level for the bands.
#' @param boot.rep the number of replicates to use for the bootstrap method.
#' @param mc.rep the number of Monte Carlo replicates to use for the sup-t method.
#' @param myseed the random seed.
#' @param h the bandwidth for the local regression estimator of Lambda.  If NULL, uses the default 
#' plugin estimator.
#' @import KernSmooth
#' @export
PerfCurveBands <- function(S, X, r, metric = "rec", type = "band", method = "sup-t",
                           plus = T, conf.level = .95, boot.rep = 100,
                           mc.rep = 100000, myseed = 111, h = NULL){
  # TODO add support for EF
  # Some error handeling
  if (!(method %in% c("binomial", "JZ", "bootstrap", "sup-t", "theta-proj", "bonf"))) {
    stop("'method' should be a string specifiying a performance curve method in chemmodlab.
         Point-wise confidence interval options are 'binomial', 'JZ', 'bootstrap'. Confidence band options
         are 'sup-t', 'theta-proj'.")
  if (!(metric %in% c("rec", "prec"))) {
    stop("'metric' should be a string specifiying a performance curve metric in chemmodlab.
         Point-wise confidence interval options are 'binomial', 'JZ', 'bootstrap'. Options
         are recall ('rec') and precision ('prec').")
  if (!(type %in% c("band", "pointwise"))) {
    stop("'type' should be a string specifiying a performance curve type in chemmodlab.
         Point-wise confidence interval options are 'binomial', 'JZ', 'bootstrap'. Options
         are point-wise confidence interval ('pointwise') or a confidence band ('band').")
  alpha <- 1-conf.level
  m <- length(S) #total sample size
  nact <- sum(X)  #total number of actives
  ntest <- m*r #total number tested
  r.all <- (1:m)/m
  idx <- which(r.all %in% r)
  # Convert fractions in r to thresholds, for both sets of scores
  # Also accumulate the number of actives, for each score and jointly
  Fcdf <- ecdf(S); yyobs <- sort(unique(S))
  Finv <- stepfun(x = Fcdf(yyobs), y = c(yyobs, max(yyobs)), right=TRUE, f=1)
  hits <- vector(length = length(r))
  t <- vector(length = length(r))
  for(i in 1:length(r)) {
    t[i] <- Finv(1-r[i])
    hits[i] <- sum(X*(S > t[i]))
  if(method != "binomial"){
    Lam.vec <- vector(length = length(idx))
    for(j in seq_along(idx)){
      Lam.vec[j] <- EstLambda(S, X, t = t[j], idx = idx[j], h)
  pi <- (hits)/(m*r)
  k <- hits/nact
  # Plus 2 correction
  if (plus) {
    hits <- hits + 2
    nact <- nact + 4
    ntest <- ntest + 2
    m <- m + 4
  pi.0 <- nact/m
  r <- ntest/m
  k.c <- hits/nact
  pi.c <- pi.0/r*k.c
  k.ide <- (cumsum(rev(sort(X)))[idx]/sum(X))
  CI.int <- matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = length(k))
  if(type == "pointwise") {
    # Z Quantile for CIs
    quant <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)
    if(metric == "rec") {
      if(method == "JZ"){
        for(j in seq_along(k)) {
          Lam <- Lam.vec[j]
          var.k <- ((k.c[j]*(1-k.c[j]))/(m*pi.0))*(1-2*Lam) + 
          # Check to see if var.k is negative due to machine precision problem
          var.k <- ifelse(var.k < 0, 0, var.k)
          sd.k <- sqrt(var.k)
          lcl <- k.c[j] - quant*sd.k
          lcl <- ifelse(lcl < 0, 0, lcl)
          ucl <- k.c[j] + quant*sd.k
          ucl <- ifelse(ucl > k.ide[j], k.ide[j], ucl)
          CI.int[j, ] <- c(lcl, ucl)
      } else if(method == "bootstrap") {
        # bootstrap quantiles
        CI.int <- BootCI(X, S, m, pi.0, boot.rep, metric = "rec", plus, r, myseed=myseed)
        CI.int[, 1] <- ifelse(CI.int[, 1] < 0, 0, CI.int[, 1])
        CI.int[, 2] <- ifelse(CI.int[, 2] > k.ide, k.ide, CI.int[, 2])
      } else if(method == "binomial") {
        for(j in seq_along(k)) {
          var.k <- ((m*pi.0)^-1)*k.c[j]*(1-k.c[j])
          var.k <- ifelse(var.k < 0, 0, var.k)
          sd.k <- sqrt(var.k)
          lcl <- k.c[j] - quant*sd.k
          lcl <- ifelse(lcl < 0, 0, lcl)
          ucl <- k.c[j] + quant*sd.k
          # TODO consider removing due to coverage issues
          ucl <- ifelse(ucl > k.ide[j], k.ide[j], ucl)
          CI.int[j, ] <- c(lcl, ucl)
    } else if(metric == "prec") {
      if(method == "JZ") {
        for(j in seq_along(k)) {
          Lam <- Lam.vec[j]
          var.pi <- (pi.c[j]*(1-pi.c[j]))/(m*r[j]) +
          # Check to see if var.pi is negative due to machine precision issues
          var.pi <- ifelse(var.pi < 0, 0, var.pi)
          sd.pi <- sqrt(var.pi)
          lcl <- pi.c[j] - quant*sd.pi
          lcl <- ifelse(lcl < 0, 0, lcl)
          ucl <- pi.c[j] + quant*sd.pi
          ucl <- ifelse(ucl > 1, 1, ucl)
          CI.int[j, ] <- c(lcl, ucl)
      } else if(method == "bootstrap") {
        # bootstrap quantiles
        CI.int <- BootCI(X, S, m, pi.0, boot.rep, metric = "prec", plus, r, myseed=myseed)
        CI.int[, 1] <- ifelse(CI.int[, 1] < 0, 0, CI.int[, 1])
        CI.int[, 2] <- ifelse(CI.int[, 2] > 1, 1, CI.int[, 2])
      } else if(method == "binomial") {
        for(j in seq_along(pi)) {
          var.pi <- ((m*r[j])^-1)*pi.c[j]*(1-pi.c[j])
          # Check to see if var.pi is negative due to machine precision issues
          var.pi <- ifelse(var.pi < 0, 0, var.pi)
          sd.pi <- sqrt(var.pi)
          lcl <- pi.c[j] - quant*sd.pi
          lcl <- ifelse(lcl < 0, 0, lcl)
          ucl <- pi.c[j] + quant*sd.pi
          ucl <- ifelse(ucl > 1, 1, ucl)
          CI.int[j, ] <- c(lcl, ucl)
  } else if(type == "band") {
      if(metric == "rec") {
        if(method == "sup-t") {
          cor.C <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(k), nrow = length(k))
          for(f in seq_along(k)) {
            for(e in 1:f) {
              Lam1 <- Lam.vec[e]
              var.k1 <- (((k.c[e]*(1-k.c[e]))/(m*pi.0))*(1-2*Lam1) +
              var.k1 <- ifelse(var.k1 < 0, 0, var.k1)
              Lam2 <- Lam.vec[f]
              var.k2 <- (((k.c[f]*(1-k.c[f]))/(m*pi.0))*(1-2*Lam2) +
              var.k2 <- ifelse(var.k2 < 0, 0, var.k2)
              cov.k <- ((m^-1*pi.0^-2)*(pi.0*(k.c[e]-k.c[e]*k.c[f])*(1-Lam1-Lam2) +
              if(e == f) {
                # If the covariance serves as a variance then it cant be non-negative
                # otherwise, it can be negative
                cov.k <- ifelse(cov.k < 0, 0, cov.k)
              cor.k <- cov.k/(sqrt(var.k1)*sqrt(var.k2))
              cor.k <- ifelse(var.k1 == 0 | var.k2 == 0, ifelse(e == f, 1, 0), cor.k)
              cor.C[e, f] <- cor.k
              cor.C[f, e] <- cor.k
          mc.samples <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = mc.rep, rep(0, length = length(k)), cor.C, tol = 1)
          max.q <- vector(length = mc.rep)
          for(j in 1:mc.rep) {
            max.q[j] <- max(abs(mc.samples[j, ]))
          # Should be 1-alpha, see Montiel Olea and Plagborg-Møller
          quant <- quantile(max.q, probs = 1-alpha)
        } else if(method == "theta-proj") {
          quant <- sqrt(qchisq(1-alpha, length(k)))
        } else if(method == "bonf") {
          quant <- qnorm(1-alpha/(2*length(k)))
        } else {
          stop("Invalid method selected")
        for(j in seq_along(k)) {
          Lam <- Lam.vec[j]
          var.k <- ((k.c[j]*(1-k.c[j]))/(m*pi.0))*(1-2*Lam) + 
          # Check to see if var.k is negative due to machine precision problem
          var.k <- ifelse(var.k < 0, 0, var.k)
          sd.k <- sqrt(var.k)
          lcl <- k.c[j] - quant*sd.k
          lcl <- ifelse(lcl < 0, 0, lcl)
          ucl <- k.c[j] + quant*sd.k
          ucl <- ifelse(ucl > k.ide[j], k.ide[j], ucl)
          CI.int[j, ] <- c(lcl, ucl)
      } else if(metric == "prec") {
        if(method == "sup-t") {
          cor.C <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(k), nrow = length(k))
          for(f in seq_along(pi)) {
            for(e in 1:f) {
              Lam1 <- Lam.vec[e]
              var.pi1 <- (pi.c[e]*(1-pi.c[e]))/(m*r[e]) + 
              var.pi1 <- ifelse(var.pi1 < 0, 0, var.pi1)
              Lam2 <- Lam.vec[f]
              var.pi2 <- (pi.c[f]*(1-pi.c[f]))/(m*r[f]) + 
              var.pi2 <- ifelse(var.pi2 < 0, 0, var.pi2)
              cov.pi <- (((m*r[e]*r[f])^{-1})*(r[e]*pi.c[e]*(1 - pi.c[e]) + 
                                                 (pi.c[e]-Lam1)*(pi.c[e]-Lam2)*(r[e] - r[e]*r[f])))
              if(e == f) {
                # If the covariance serves as a variance then it cant be non-negative
                # otherwise, it can be negative
                cov.pi <- ifelse(cov.pi < 0, 0, cov.pi)
              cor.pi <- cov.pi/(sqrt(var.pi1)*sqrt(var.pi2))
              cor.pi <- ifelse(var.pi1 == 0 | var.pi2 == 0, ifelse(e == f, 1, 0), cor.pi)
              cor.C[e, f] <- cor.pi
              cor.C[f, e] <- cor.pi
          mc.samples <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = mc.rep, rep(0, length = length(k)), cor.C, tol = 1)
          max.q <- vector(length = mc.rep)
          for(j in 1:mc.rep) {
            max.q[j] <- max(abs(mc.samples[j, ]))
          quant <- quantile(max.q, probs = 1-alpha)
        } else if(method == "theta-proj") {
          quant <- sqrt(qchisq(1-alpha, length(pi)))
        } else if(method == "bonf") {
          quant <- qnorm(1-alpha/(2*length(k)))
        } else {
          stop("Invalid method selected")
        for(j in seq_along(pi)) {
          Lam <- Lam.vec[j]
          var.pi <- (pi.c[j]*(1-pi.c[j]))/(m*r[j]) + (1-r[j])*(pi.c[j]-Lam)^2/(m*r[j])
          # Check to see if var.k is negative due to machine precision problem
          var.pi <- ifelse(var.pi < 0, 0, var.pi)
          sd.pi <- sqrt(var.pi)
          lcl <- pi.c[j] - quant*sd.pi
          lcl <- ifelse(lcl < 0, 0, lcl)
          ucl <- pi.c[j] + quant*sd.pi
          ucl <- ifelse(ucl > 1, 1, ucl)
          CI.int[j, ] <- c(lcl, ucl)
  list(CI = CI.int, rec = k, prec = pi, h = h)
jrash/chemmodlab documentation built on May 18, 2023, 8:42 p.m.