
Defines functions floatvar fracpoly_mvshape_plot mvshape_plot fracpoly_plot summary.mvshape print.mvshape mvshape summary.fracpoly print.fracpoly fracpoly

Documented in fracpoly fracpoly_mvshape_plot fracpoly_plot mvshape mvshape_plot print.fracpoly print.mvshape summary.fracpoly summary.mvshape

##### Fractional polynomials #####

#' fracpoly
#' fracpoly fits the best fitting fractional polynomial of degree 1 and 2.
#' @param y outcome.
#' @param x exposure.
#' @param covar data.frame with covariates.
#' @param family the glm family (options: gaussian and binomial).
#' @return List of best-fitting polynomials of degrees 1 and 2 as well as associated statistics.
#' @return \item{power_d1}{power of the best-fitting fractional polynomial of degree 1}
#' @return \item{fp1}{model of the best-fitting fractional polynomial of degree 1}
#' @return \item{power_d2}{powers of the best-fitting fractional polynomial of degree 2}
#' @return \item{fp2}{model of the best-fitting fractional polynomial of degree 2}
#' @return \item{p_d1}{p-value testing the best-fitting fractional polynomial of degree 1 against the linear model}
#' @return \item{p_d2}{p-value testing the best-fitting fractional polynomial of degree 2 against the best-fitting fractional polynomial of degree 2}
#' @return \item{xmin}{miniumum value of the exposure}
#' @return \item{xmax}{maximum value of the exposure}
#' @return \item{family}{family used in the analysis}
#' @examples
#' # Data
#' y <- rnorm(5000)
#' x <- rnorm(5000, 10, 1)
#' c1 <- rbinom(5000, 1, 0.5)
#' c2 <- rnorm(5000)
#' study <- c(rep("study1", 1000), rep("study2", 1000), rep("study3", 1000), rep("study4", 1000), rep("study5", 1000))
#' covar <- data.frame(c1 = c1, c2 = c2, study = study)
#' # Analyses
#' res <- fracpoly(y = y, x = x, covar = covar, family = "gaussian")
#' @author James Staley <jrstaley95@gmail.com>
#' @export
#' @md
fracpoly <- function(y = y, x = x, covar = NULL, family = "gaussian") {
  # Errors
  if (length(y) != length(x) | (if (!is.null(covar)) {
    (nrow(covar) != length(y))
  } else {
  })) {
    stop("the size of the outcome is not equal to the size of the exposure or covariates")
  if (!is.null(covar)) {
    if (!is.data.frame(covar)) stop("the covar object is not a data.frame")
    if (any(names(covar) %in% c("y", "x"))) stop("do not call covariates 'y' or 'x'")
  if (any(x <= 0)) stop("The values of x are not all positive")
  if (!(family == "gaussian" | family == "binomial")) stop("The generalised linear model has to be either binomial or gaussian")

  # Remove missing values
  if (is.null(covar)) {
    missing <- is.na(y) | is.na(x)
  } else {
    missing <- is.na(y) | is.na(x) | apply(is.na(covar), 1, any)
  if (length(y) != length(missing)) stop("the size of the outcome is not equal to the size of the missing variable")
  y <- y[!missing]
  x <- x[!missing]
  if (!is.null(covar)) {
    covar_names <- names(covar)
    covar <- as.data.frame(covar[!missing, , drop = F])
    names(covar) <- covar_names

  # FP degree 1
  likelihood_d1 <- NULL
  powers <- c(-2, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3)

  for (pi in powers) {
    if (pi == 0) {
      xfp <- log(x)
    } else {
      xfp <- x^pi
    if (length(covar) == 0) {
      model <- glm(y ~ xfp, family = family)
    } else {
      model <- glm(y ~ xfp + ., data = covar, family = family)
    if (pi == -2) {
      fp1 <- model
      power_bfp1 <- pi
    } else {
      if (logLik(model) >= max(likelihood_d1)) {
        fp1 <- model
        power_bfp1 <- pi
    likelihood_d1 <- c(likelihood_d1, logLik(model))

  maxlik_d1 <- max(likelihood_d1)
  # power_bfp1 <- powers[which.max(rank(likelihood_d1, ties.method = "first", na.last=FALSE))]
  chi2 <- (-2 * likelihood_d1[6]) - (-2 * maxlik_d1)
  p_d1 <- 1 - pchisq(chi2, df = 1)

  # FP degree 2
  likelihood_d2 <- NULL
  powers1 <- c(-2, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3)
  powers2 <- c(-2, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3)
  # power_d2 <- data.frame(p1=NULL, p2=NULL)

  for (pi1 in powers1) {
    if (pi1 == 0) {
      xfp1 <- log(x)
    } else {
      xfp1 <- x^pi1
    for (pi2 in powers2) {
      if (pi1 == pi2) {
        if (pi2 == 0) {
          xfp2 <- log(x) * log(x)
        } else {
          xfp2 <- x^pi2 * log(x)
      } else {
        if (pi2 == 0) {
          xfp2 <- log(x)
        } else {
          xfp2 <- x^pi2
      if (length(covar) == 0) {
        model <- glm(y ~ xfp1 + xfp2, family = family)
      } else {
        model <- glm(y ~ xfp1 + xfp2 + ., data = covar, family = family)
      if (pi1 == -2 & pi2 == -2) {
        fp2 <- model
        powers_bfp2 <- c(pi1, pi2)
      } else {
        if (logLik(model) >= max(likelihood_d2)) {
          fp2 <- model
          powers_bfp2 <- c(pi1, pi2)
      likelihood_d2 <- c(likelihood_d2, logLik(model))
      # power_d2 <- rbind(power_d2, data.frame(p1=pi1, p2=pi2))
    powers2 <- powers2[-1]

  maxlik_d2 <- max(likelihood_d2)
  # powers_bfp2 <- power_d2[which.max(rank(likelihood_d2, ties.method = "first", na.last=FALSE)),]
  chi2 <- (-2 * maxlik_d1) - (-2 * maxlik_d2)
  p_d2 <- 1 - pchisq(chi2, df = 2)

  # Results
  results <- list(power_d1 = power_bfp1, fp1 = fp1, power_d2 = powers_bfp2, fp2 = fp2, p_d1 = p_d1, p_d2 = p_d2, xmin = min(x), xmax = max(x), family = family)
  class(results) <- "fracpoly"

  # Return

#' Print fracpoly
#' print method for class `"fracpoly"`.
#' @param x an object of class `"fracpoly"`.
#' @author James Staley <jrstaley95@gmail.com>
#' @export
#' @md
print.fracpoly <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Call: \nfracpoly")
  cat("\n\nBest-fitting fractional polynomial of degree 1", sep = "")
  cat("\nPower: ", x$power_d1, "\n", sep = "")
  cat("\nCoefficients:\n", sep = "")
  cat("\n\nBest-fitting fractional polynomial of degree 2", sep = "")
  cat("\nPowers:", as.vector(unlist(x$power_d2)), "\n", sep = " ")
  cat("\nCoefficients:\n", sep = "")

#' Summary fracpoly
#' summary method for class `"fracpoly"`.
#' @param x an object of class `"fracpoly"`.
#' @author James Staley <jrstaley95@gmail.com>
#' @export
#' @md
summary.fracpoly <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Call: \nfracpoly")
  cat("\n\nBest-fitting fractional polynomial of degree 1", sep = "")
  cat("\nPower: ", x$power_d1, "\n", sep = "")
  print(summary(x$fp1), row.names = FALSE)
  cat("\nBest-fitting fractional polynomial of degree 2", sep = "")
  cat("\nPowers:", as.vector(unlist(x$power_d2)), "\n", sep = " ")
  print(summary(x$fp2), row.names = FALSE)

##### Mvshape #####

#' mvshape
#' mvshape fits a multivariate meta-analysis for groups of the exposure (e.g. deciles).
#' @import mvmeta
#' @param y outcome.
#' @param x exposure.
#' @param covar data.frame with covariates.
#' @param study study variable.
#' @param ngrp number of quantiles of the exposure.
#' @param refgrp reference group.
#' @param family the glm family (options: gaussian and binomial).
#' @param float floating point variances.
#' @param method meta-analysis method.
#' @return List of multivariate meta-analysis results for each group.
#' @return \item{results}{data.frame of results: q is the quantile group, xbeta is the mean of x in each quantile, xse is the standard error of the mean of x in each quantile, beta is the regression coefficient of association between y and each quantile of x, se is the standard error of the regression coefficient of association between y and each quantile of x}
#' @return \item{varcor}{variance-covariance matrix}
#' @return \item{xmin}{miniumum value of the exposure}
#' @return \item{xmax}{maximum value of the exposure}
#' @return \item{family}{family used in the analysis}
#' @examples
#' # Data
#' y <- rnorm(5000)
#' x <- rnorm(5000, 10, 1)
#' c1 <- rbinom(5000, 1, 0.5)
#' c2 <- rnorm(5000)
#' study <- c(rep("study1", 1000), rep("study2", 1000), rep("study3", 1000), rep("study4", 1000), rep("study5", 1000))
#' covar <- data.frame(c1 = c1, c2 = c2, study = study)
#' # Analyses
#' res <- mvshape(y = y, x = x, covar = covar[, c("c1", "c2")], study = study, family = "gaussian")
#' @author James Staley <jrstaley95@gmail.com>
#' @export
#' @md
mvshape <- function(y = y, x = x, covar = NULL, study = NULL, ngrp = 10, refgrp = 1, family = "gaussian", float = FALSE, method = "reml") {
  # Reference group
  refgrp <- as.integer(refgrp)

  # Errors
  if (length(y) != length(x) | (if (!is.null(covar)) {
    (nrow(covar) != length(y))
  } else {
  })) {
    stop("the size of the outcome is not equal to the size of the exposure or covariates")
  if (!is.null(covar)) {
    if (!is.data.frame(covar)) stop("the covar object is not a data.frame")
    if (any(names(covar) %in% c("y", "x", "xq"))) stop("do not call covariates 'y', 'x' or 'xq'")
  if (!is.null(study)) {
    if (length(y) != length(study)) stop("the size of the outcome is not equal to the size of the study variable")
  if (!is.null(study)) {
    if (any(is.na(study))) stop("there are NAs in the study variable")
  if (refgrp > ngrp) stop("the refgrp is larger than the number of groups")
  if (refgrp < 1) stop("the refgrp has to be at least one")
  if (!(family == "gaussian" | family == "binomial")) stop("the generalised linear model has to be either binomial or gaussian")

  # Remove missing values
  if (length(covar) == 0) {
    missing <- is.na(y) | is.na(x)
  } else {
    missing <- is.na(y) | is.na(x) | apply(is.na(covar), 1, any)
  if (length(y) != length(missing)) stop("the size of the outcome is not equal to the size of the missing variable")
  y <- y[!missing]
  x <- x[!missing]
  if (!is.null(covar)) {
    covar_names <- names(covar)
    covar <- as.data.frame(covar[!missing, , drop = F])
    names(covar) <- covar_names
  if (!is.null(study)) {
    study <- study[!missing]
    study <- as.factor(study)
  } else {
    study <- as.factor(rep("study", length(y)))

  # Quantiles
  prob <- 1 / ngrp
  quantiles <- quantile(x, probs = seq(0, 1, prob))
  xq <- cut(x, quantiles, include.lowest = T)
  xq <- factor(as.numeric(xq))
  xq <- relevel(xq, ref = refgrp)

  # Study-specific estimates
  est <- data.frame()
  est_var <- data.frame()
  x_mean <- data.frame()
  x_var <- data.frame()

  for (coh in levels(study)) {
    # Outcome estimates
    if (!is.null(covar)) {
      model <- glm(y[study == coh] ~ xq[study == coh], family = family)
    } else {
      covar_coh <- as.data.frame(covar[study == coh, , drop = F])
      names(covar_coh) <- covar_names
      model <- glm(y[study == coh] ~ xq[study == coh] + ., data = covar_coh, family = family)
    if (family == "gaussian") {
      if (any(is.na(model$coef))) stop("there are missing regression coefficients")
      b <- model$coef[1:ngrp]
      varcov <- vcov(model)[1:ngrp, 1:ngrp]
      v <- varcov[lower.tri(varcov, diag = TRUE)]
    } else {
      if (any(is.na(model$coef))) stop("there are missing regression coefficients")
      b <- model$coef[2:ngrp]
      varcov <- vcov(model)[2:ngrp, 2:ngrp]
      v <- varcov[lower.tri(varcov, diag = TRUE)]
    est <- rbind(est, b)
    names(est) <- paste0("beta_", 1:length(b))
    est_var <- rbind(est_var, v)
    names(est_var) <- paste0("cov_", 1:length(v))

    # Exposure means
    model_mean <- lm(x[study == coh] ~ xq[study == coh] - 1)
    if (any(is.na(model_mean$coef))) stop("there are missing mean exposure estimates")
    x_mean <- rbind(x_mean, model_mean$coef)
    names(x_mean) <- paste0("mean_", 1:length(x_mean))
    varcov_mean <- vcov(model)
    v_mean <- varcov_mean[lower.tri(varcov_mean, diag = TRUE)]
    x_var <- rbind(x_var, v_mean)
    names(x_var) <- paste0("cov_", 1:length(x_var))

  if (length(levels(study)) > 1) {
    # Outcome mvmeta
    est <- as.matrix(est)
    class(est) <- "numeric"
    est_var <- as.matrix(est_var)
    class(est_var) <- "numeric"
    mvmodel <- suppressWarnings(mvmeta(est, est_var, method = method))

    if (family == "gaussian") {
      if (length(mvmodel$coef) != ngrp | any(is.na(mvmodel$coef))) stop("there are missing mvmeta coefficients")
      beta <- c(mvmodel$coef)
      se <- c(summary(mvmodel)$coefficients[, 2])
      names(se) <- NULL
      varcov <- vcov(mvmodel)
      row.names(varcov) <- paste0("q_", levels(xq))
      colnames(varcov) <- paste0("q_", levels(xq))
    } else {
      if (length(mvmodel$coef) != (1 - ngrp) | any(is.na(mvmodel$coef))) stop("there are missing mvmeta coefficients")
      beta <- c(0, mvmodel$coef)
      se <- c(0, summary(mvmodel)$coefficients[, 2])
      names(se) <- NULL
      if (float == TRUE) {
        se <- sqrt(floatvar(vcov(mvmodel))$variance)
        names(se) <- NULL
      varcov <- vcov(mvmodel)
      row.names(varcov) <- paste0("q_", as.character(levels(xq))[-1])
      colnames(varcov) <- paste0("q_", as.character(levels(xq))[-1])

    # Exposure mvmeta
    x_mean <- as.matrix(x_mean)
    class(x_mean) <- "numeric"
    x_var <- as.matrix(x_var)
    class(x_var) <- "numeric"
    mvmodel_mean <- suppressWarnings(mvmeta(x_mean, x_var, method = method))
    xbeta <- c(mvmodel_mean$coef)
    names(xbeta) <- NULL
    xse <- c(summary(mvmodel_mean)$coefficients[, 2])
    names(xse) <- NULL
    xbeta[xse == 0] <- x_mean[1, xse == 0]
  } else {
    # Outcome model
    if (family == "gaussian") {
      beta <- c(model$coef[1:ngrp])
      se <- c(summary(model)$coefficients[1:ngrp, 2])
      names(se) <- NULL
      varcov <- varcov <- vcov(model)[1:ngrp, 1:ngrp]
      row.names(varcov) <- paste0("q_", levels(xq))
      colnames(varcov) <- paste0("q_", levels(xq))
    } else {
      beta <- c(0, model$coef[2:ngrp])
      se <- c(0, summary(model)$coefficients[2:ngrp, 2])
      names(se) <- NULL
      if (float == TRUE) {
        se <- sqrt(floatvar(vcov(model)[2:ngrp, 2:ngrp])$variance)
        names(se) <- NULL
      varcov <- vcov(model)[2:ngrp, 2:ngrp]
      row.names(varcov) <- paste0("q_", as.character(levels(xq))[-1])
      colnames(varcov) <- paste0("q_", as.character(levels(xq))[-1])

    # Exposure mean
    xbeta <- c(model_mean$coef)
    names(xbeta) <- NULL
    xse <- c(summary(model_mean)$coefficients[, 2])
    names(xse) <- NULL

  # Results
  results <- list(results = data.frame(q = as.character(levels(xq)), xbeta = xbeta, xse = xse, beta = beta, se = se, stringsAsFactors = F), varcov = varcov, xmin = min(x), xmax = max(x), family = family)
  class(results) <- "mvshape"

#' Print mvshape
#' print method for class `"mvshape"`.
#' @param x an object of class `"mvshape"`.
#' @author James Staley <jrstaley95@gmail.com>
#' @export
#' @md
print.mvshape <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Call: \nmvshape\n")
  cat("\nCoefficients:\n", sep = "")
  x$results$q[1] <- paste0(x$results$q[1], " (intercept)")
  print(x$results[, c("q", "xbeta", "beta", "se")], row.names = FALSE)

#' Summary mvshape
#' summary method for class `"mvshape"`.
#' @param x an object of class `"mvshape"`.
#' @author James Staley <jrstaley95@gmail.com>
#' @export
#' @md
summary.mvshape <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Call: \nmvshape\n")
  cat("\nCoefficients:\n", sep = "")
  x$results$q[1] <- paste0(x$results$q[1], " (intercept)")
  print(x$results[, c("q", "xbeta", "beta", "se")], row.names = FALSE)

##### Figures #####

#' fracpoly_plot
#' fracpoly_plot plots the best fitting fractional polynomial.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @param fracpoly a fracpoly object.
#' @param degree the fractonal polyniomal degree to be plotted (options: 1, 2 and both).
#' @param xref the reference point for the figures of binary outcomes.
#' @param logx plot the x-axis on the log-scale.
#' @param logy plot the y-axis on the log-scale.
#' @param pref_x the prefix for the x-axis.
#' @param pref_y the prefix for the y-axis.
#' @param xbreaks breaks in the x-axis.
#' @param ybreaks breaks in the y-axis.
#' @param cicolour colour of the 95% confidence intervals.
#' @param betacolour colour of the regression line.
#' @param intcolour colour of the intercept line.
#' @param xlim x-axis limits.
#' @return fractional polynomial plot.
#' @examples
#' # Data
#' y <- rnorm(5000)
#' x <- rnorm(5000, 10, 1)
#' c1 <- rbinom(5000, 1, 0.5)
#' c2 <- rnorm(5000)
#' study <- c(rep("study1", 1000), rep("study2", 1000), rep("study3", 1000), rep("study4", 1000), rep("study5", 1000))
#' covar <- data.frame(c1 = c1, c2 = c2, study = study)
#' # Analyses
#' res <- fracpoly(y = y, x = x, covar = covar, family = "gaussian")
#' fracpoly_plot(res)
#' @author James Staley <jrstaley95@gmail.com>
#' @export
#' @md
fracpoly_plot <- function(fracpoly, degree = "both", xref = NULL, logx = FALSE, logy = FALSE, pref_x = "x", pref_y = "y", xbreaks = NULL, ybreaks = NULL, cicolour = "grey", betacolour = "black", intcolour = "grey", xlim = NULL) {
  # Family
  family <- fracpoly$family

  # Extract fractional polynomial estimates
  if (degree == "both") {
    if (fracpoly[[6]] >= 0.05) {
      degree <- 1
    if (fracpoly[[6]] < 0.05) {
      degree <- 2
  if (degree == 1) {
    fp <- fracpoly[[2]]
    powers <- as.numeric(fracpoly[[1]])
  if (degree == 2) {
    fp <- fracpoly[[4]]
    powers <- as.numeric(fracpoly[[3]])
  x <- runif(10000, fracpoly[[7]], fracpoly[[8]])
  if (!is.null(xlim)) {
    x <- runif(10000, xlim[1], xlim[2])
  if (is.null(xref)) {
    xref <- mean(x)

  # Continuous outcome
  if (family == "gaussian") {
    if (degree == 1 & powers[1] == 0) {
      yest <- fp$coef[1] + fp$coef[2] * log(x)
      yse <- sqrt(vcov(fp)[1, 1] + (log(x))^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + 2 * (log(x)) * vcov(fp)[1, 2])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 1 & powers[1] != 0) {
      yest <- fp$coef[1] + fp$coef[2] * x^powers[1]
      yse <- sqrt(vcov(fp)[1, 1] + (x^powers[1])^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + 2 * (x^powers[1]) * vcov(fp)[1, 2])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 2 & powers[1] == 0 & powers[2] == 0) {
      yest <- fp$coef[1] + fp$coef[2] * log(x) + fp$coef[3] * log(x) * log(x)
      yse <- sqrt(vcov(fp)[1, 1] + (log(x))^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + (log(x) * log(x))^2 * vcov(fp)[3, 3] + 2 * (log(x)) * vcov(fp)[1, 2] + 2 * (log(x) * log(x)) * vcov(fp)[1, 3] + 2 * (log(x)) * (log(x) * log(x)) * vcov(fp)[2, 3])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 2 & powers[1] == 0 & powers[2] != 0) {
      yest <- fp$coef[1] + fp$coef[2] * log(x) + fp$coef[3] * x^powers[2]
      yse <- sqrt(vcov(fp)[1, 1] + (log(x))^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + (x^powers[2])^2 * vcov(fp)[3, 3] + 2 * (log(x)) * vcov(fp)[1, 2] + 2 * (x^powers[2]) * vcov(fp)[1, 3] + 2 * (log(x)) * (x^powers[2]) * vcov(fp)[2, 3])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 2 & powers[1] != 0 & powers[2] == 0) {
      yest <- fp$coef[1] + fp$coef[2] * x^powers[1] + fp$coef[3] * log(x)
      yse <- sqrt(vcov(fp)[1, 1] + (x^powers[1])^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + (log(x))^2 * vcov(fp)[3, 3] + 2 * (x^powers[1]) * vcov(fp)[1, 2] + 2 * (log(x)) * vcov(fp)[1, 3] + 2 * (x^powers[1]) * (log(x)) * vcov(fp)[2, 3])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 2 & powers[1] != 0 & powers[2] != 0 & powers[1] == powers[2]) {
      yest <- fp$coef[1] + fp$coef[2] * x^powers[1] + fp$coef[3] * x^powers[2] * log(x)
      yse <- sqrt(vcov(fp)[1, 1] + (x^powers[1])^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + (x^powers[2] * log(x))^2 * vcov(fp)[3, 3] + 2 * (x^powers[1]) * vcov(fp)[1, 2] + 2 * (x^powers[2] * log(x)) * vcov(fp)[1, 3] + 2 * (x^powers[1]) * (x^powers[2] * log(x)) * vcov(fp)[2, 3])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 2 & powers[1] != 0 & powers[2] != 0 & powers[1] != powers[2]) {
      yest <- fp$coef[1] + fp$coef[2] * x^powers[1] + fp$coef[3] * x^powers[2]
      yse <- sqrt(vcov(fp)[1, 1] + (x^powers[1])^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + (x^powers[2])^2 * vcov(fp)[3, 3] + 2 * (x^powers[1]) * vcov(fp)[1, 2] + 2 * (x^powers[2]) * vcov(fp)[1, 3] + 2 * (x^powers[1]) * (x^powers[2]) * vcov(fp)[2, 3])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse

    # Data for figure
    data <- data.frame(x = x, yest = yest, yse = yse, ylci = ylci, yuci = yuci)
    xminp <- fracpoly[[7]]
    xmaxp <- fracpoly[[8]]
    yintr <- 0
    if (!is.null(xlim)) {
      xminp <- xlim[1]
      xmaxp <- xlim[2]
    if (logy == T) {
      data$yest <- exp(data$yest)
      data$yuci <- exp(data$yuci)
      data$ylci <- exp(data$ylci)
      yintr <- 1
    if (logx == T) {
      data$xest <- exp(data$xest)
      xminp <- exp(xminp)
      xmaxp <- exp(xmaxp)
    data$xminp <- xminp
    data$xmaxp <- xmaxp
    hline <- data.frame(x = c((xminp - 0.1 * xminp), (xmaxp + 0.1 * xmaxp)), y = c(yintr, yintr))
    if (findInterval(0, c(min(ylci), max(yuci))) == 1) {
      hlinep <- TRUE
    } else {
      hlinep <- FALSE

    # Figure
    figure <- ggplot(data, aes(x = x))
    if (hlinep == TRUE) {
      figure <- figure + geom_line(aes(x = x, y = y), color = intcolour, size = 0.35, data = hline)
    figure <- figure + geom_line(aes(y = ylci), color = cicolour) + geom_line(aes(y = yuci), color = cicolour) + geom_line(aes(y = yest), color = betacolour) + theme_bw() + labs(x = pref_x, y = pref_y) + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(vjust = -0.5, size = 14), axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 1.5, size = 14), axis.text = element_text(size = 12)) + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(hline$x[1], hline$x[2]))
    if (!is.null(ybreaks) == TRUE) {
      figure <- figure + scale_y_continuous(breaks = ybreaks)
    suppressMessages(if (!is.null(xbreaks) == TRUE) {
      figure <- figure + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = xbreaks)
    if (logx == FALSE & logy == TRUE) {
      ybreaks <- ggplot_build(figure)$layout$panel_ranges[[1]]$y.major_source
      figure <- figure + scale_y_continuous(trans = "log", breaks = ybreaks)
    if (logx == TRUE & logy == FALSE) {
      xbreaks <- ggplot_build(figure)$layout$panel_ranges[[1]]$x.major_source
      figure <- figure + scale_x_continuous(trans = "log", breaks = xbreaks)
    if (logx == TRUE & logy == TRUE) {
      ybreaks <- ggplot_build(figure)$layout$panel_ranges[[1]]$y.major_source
      figure <- figure + scale_y_continuous(trans = "log", breaks = ybreaks)
      xbreaks <- ggplot_build(figure)$layout$panel_ranges[[1]]$x.major_source
      figure <- figure + scale_x_continuous(trans = "log", breaks = xbreaks)

  # Binary outcome
  if (family == "binomial") {
    if (degree == 1 & powers[1] == 0) {
      yest <- fp$coef[2] * log(x) - fp$coef[2] * log(xref)
      yse <- sqrt((log(x) - log(xref))^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 1 & powers[1] != 0) {
      yest <- fp$coef[2] * x^powers[1] - fp$coef[2] * xref^powers[1]
      yse <- sqrt((x^powers[1] - xref^powers[1])^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 2 & powers[1] == 0 & powers[2] == 0) {
      yest <- fp$coef[2] * log(x) + fp$coef[3] * log(x) * log(x) - (fp$coef[2] * log(xref) + fp$coef[3] * log(xref) * log(xref))
      yse <- sqrt((log(x) - log(xref))^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + (log(x) * log(x) - log(xref) * log(xref))^2 * vcov(fp)[3, 3] + 2 * (log(x) - log(xref)) * (log(x) * log(x) - log(xref) * log(xref)) * vcov(fp)[2, 3])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 2 & powers[1] == 0 & powers[2] != 0) {
      yest <- fp$coef[2] * log(x) + fp$coef[3] * x^powers[2] - (fp$coef[2] * log(xref) + fp$coef[3] * xref^powers[2])
      yse <- sqrt((log(x) - log(xref))^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + (x^powers[2] - xref^powers[2])^2 * vcov(fp)[3, 3] + 2 * (log(x) - log(xref)) * (x^powers[2] - xref^powers[2]) * vcov(fp)[2, 3])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 2 & powers[1] != 0 & powers[2] == 0) {
      yest <- fp$coef[2] * x^powers[1] + fp$coef[3] * log(x) - (fp$coef[2] * xref^powers[2] + fp$coef[3] * log(xref))
      yse <- sqrt((x^powers[1] - xref^powers[1])^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + (log(x) - log(xref))^2 * vcov(fp)[3, 3] + 2 * (x^powers[1] - xref^powers[1]) * (log(x) - log(xref)) * vcov(fp)[2, 3])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 2 & powers[1] != 0 & powers[2] != 0 & powers[1] == powers[2]) {
      yest <- fp$coef[2] * x^powers[1] + fp$coef[3] * x^powers[2] * log(x) - (fp$coef[2] * xref^powers[1] + fp$coef[3] * xref^powers[2] * log(xref))
      yse <- sqrt((x^powers[1] - xref^powers[1])^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + (x^powers[2] * log(x) - xref^powers[2] * log(xref))^2 * vcov(fp)[3, 3] + 2 * (x^powers[1] - xref^powers[1]) * (x^powers[2] * log(x) - xref^powers[2] * log(xref)) * vcov(fp)[2, 3])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 2 & powers[1] != 0 & powers[2] != 0 & powers[1] != powers[2]) {
      yest <- fp$coef[2] * x^powers[1] + fp$coef[3] * x^powers[2] - (fp$coef[2] * xref^powers[1] + fp$coef[3] * xref^powers[2])
      yse <- sqrt((x^powers[1] - xref^powers[1])^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + (x^powers[2] - xref^powers[2])^2 * vcov(fp)[3, 3] + 2 * (x^powers[1] - xref^powers[1]) * (x^powers[2] - xref^powers[2]) * vcov(fp)[2, 3])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse

    # Data for figure
    data <- data.frame(x = x, yest = yest, yse = yse, ylci = ylci, yuci = yuci)
    xminp <- fracpoly[[7]]
    xmaxp <- fracpoly[[8]]
    yintr <- 0
    if (!is.null(xlim)) {
      xminp <- xlim[1]
      xmaxp <- xlim[2]
    logy <- T
    data$yest <- exp(data$yest)
    data$yuci <- exp(data$yuci)
    data$ylci <- exp(data$ylci)
    yintr <- 1
    if (logx == T) {
      data$x <- exp(data$x)
      xminp <- exp(xminp)
      xmaxp <- exp(xmaxp)
    data$xminp <- xminp
    data$xmaxp <- xmaxp
    hline <- data.frame(x = c((xminp - 0.1 * xminp), (xmaxp + 0.1 * xmaxp)), y = c(yintr, yintr))
    pref_y <- paste0("Odds ratio of ", pref_y)

    # Figure
    figure <- ggplot(data, aes(x = x))
    figure <- figure + geom_line(aes(x = x, y = y), color = intcolour, size = 0.35, data = hline) + geom_line(aes(y = ylci), color = cicolour) + geom_line(aes(y = yuci), color = cicolour) + geom_line(aes(y = yest), color = betacolour) + theme_bw() + labs(x = pref_x, y = pref_y) + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(vjust = -0.5, size = 14), axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 1.5, size = 14), axis.text = element_text(size = 12)) + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(hline$x[1], hline$x[2]))
    if (!is.null(ybreaks) == TRUE) {
      figure <- figure + scale_y_continuous(breaks = ybreaks)
    suppressMessages(if (!is.null(xbreaks) == TRUE) {
      figure <- figure + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = xbreaks)
    if (logx == FALSE & logy == TRUE) {
      ybreaks <- ggplot_build(figure)$layout$panel_ranges[[1]]$y.major_source
      figure <- figure + scale_y_continuous(trans = "log", breaks = ybreaks)
    if (logx == TRUE & logy == FALSE) {
      xbreaks <- ggplot_build(figure)$layout$panel_ranges[[1]]$x.major_source
      figure <- figure + scale_x_continuous(trans = "log", breaks = xbreaks)
    if (logx == TRUE & logy == TRUE) {
      ybreaks <- ggplot_build(figure)$layout$panel_ranges[[1]]$y.major_source
      figure <- figure + scale_y_continuous(trans = "log", breaks = ybreaks)
      xbreaks <- ggplot_build(figure)$layout$panel_ranges[[1]]$x.major_source
      figure <- figure + scale_x_continuous(trans = "log", breaks = xbreaks)

  # Return

#' mvshape_plot
#' mvshape_plot plots the meta-analysis results against the mean values of the exposure in each group.
#' @param mvshape a mvshape object.
#' @param logx plot the x-axis on the log-scale.
#' @param logy plot the y-axis on the log-scale.
#' @param pref_x the prefix for the x-axis.
#' @param pref_y the prefix for the y-axis.
#' @param xbreaks breaks in the x-axis.
#' @param ybreaks breaks in the y-axis.
#' @param cicolour colour of the 95% confidence intervals.
#' @param betacolour colour of the regression line.
#' @param intcolour colour of the intercept line.
#' @param xlim x-axis limits.
#' @return mvshape plot.
#' @examples
#' # Data
#' y <- rnorm(5000)
#' x <- rnorm(5000, 10, 1)
#' c1 <- rbinom(5000, 1, 0.5)
#' c2 <- rnorm(5000)
#' study <- c(rep("study1", 1000), rep("study2", 1000), rep("study3", 1000), rep("study4", 1000), rep("study5", 1000))
#' covar <- data.frame(c1 = c1, c2 = c2, study = study)
#' # Analyses
#' res <- mvshape(y = y, x = x, covar = covar[, c("c1", "c2")], study = study, family = "gaussian")
#' mvshape_plot(res)
#' @author James Staley <jrstaley95@gmail.com>
#' @export
#' @md
mvshape_plot <- function(mvshape, logx = FALSE, logy = FALSE, pref_x = "x", pref_y = "y", xbreaks = NULL, ybreaks = NULL, betacolour = "red", cicolour = "red", intcolour = "grey", xlim = NULL) {
  # Family
  family <- mvshape$family

  # Continuous outcome
  if (family == "gaussian") {
    xest <- as.numeric(mvshape$results$xbeta)
    yest <- as.numeric(mvshape$results$beta) + mvshape$results$beta[1]
    yest[1] <- yest[1] - mvshape$results$beta[1]
    yvar <- mvshape$varcov[1, 1]
    for (i in 1:length(xest)) {
      yvar <- yvar + mvshape$varcov[i, i] + 2 * mvshape$varcov[1, i]
    yse <- sqrt(yvar)
    ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
    yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse

  # Binary outcome
  if (family == "binomial") {
    xest <- as.numeric(mvshape$results$xbeta)
    yest <- as.numeric(mvshape$results$beta)
    ylci <- mvshape$results$beta - 1.96 * as.numeric(mvshape$results$se)
    yuci <- mvshape$results$beta + 1.96 * as.numeric(mvshape$results$se)

  # Data for figure
  xminp <- mvshape[[3]]
  xmaxp <- mvshape[[4]]
  yintr <- 0
  if (!is.null(xlim)) {
    xminp <- xlim[1]
    xmaxp <- xlim[2]
  data <- data.frame(xest = xest, yest = yest, ylci = ylci, yuci = yuci)
  if (family == "binomial") {
    logy <- T
    pref_y <- paste0("Odds ratio of ", pref_y)
  if (logy == T) {
    data$yest <- exp(data$yest)
    data$yuci <- exp(data$yuci)
    data$ylci <- exp(data$ylci)
    yintr <- 1
  if (logx == T) {
    data$xest <- exp(data$xest)
    xminp <- exp(xminp)
    xmaxp <- exp(xmaxp)
  hline <- data.frame(x = c((xminp - 0.1 * xminp), (xmaxp + 0.1 * xmaxp)), y = c(yintr, yintr))
  if (findInterval(yintr, c(min(data$ylci), max(data$yuci))) == 1) {
    hlinep <- TRUE
  } else {
    hlinep <- FALSE

  # Figure
  figure <- ggplot(data, aes(x = xest))
  if (hlinep == TRUE) {
    figure <- figure + geom_line(aes(x = x, y = y), color = intcolour, size = 0.35, data = hline)
  figure <- figure + geom_errorbar(mapping = aes(x = xest, ymin = ylci, ymax = yuci), color = cicolour, width = 0.025) + geom_point(aes(x = xest, y = yest), color = betacolour, data = data, size = 4, shape = 15) + theme_bw() + labs(x = pref_x, y = pref_y) + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(vjust = -0.5, size = 14), axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 1.5, size = 14), axis.text = element_text(size = 12)) + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(hline$x[1], hline$x[2]))
  if (!is.null(ybreaks) == TRUE) {
    figure <- figure + scale_y_continuous(breaks = ybreaks)
  suppressMessages(if (!is.null(xbreaks) == TRUE) {
    figure <- figure + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = xbreaks)
  if (logx == FALSE & logy == TRUE) {
    ybreaks <- ggplot_build(figure)$layout$panel_ranges[[1]]$y.major_source
    figure <- figure + scale_y_continuous(trans = "log", breaks = ybreaks)
  if (logx == TRUE & logy == FALSE) {
    xbreaks <- ggplot_build(figure)$layout$panel_ranges[[1]]$x.major_source
    figure <- figure + scale_x_continuous(trans = "log", breaks = xbreaks)
  if (logx == TRUE & logy == TRUE) {
    ybreaks <- ggplot_build(figure)$layout$panel_ranges[[1]]$y.major_source
    figure <- figure + scale_y_continuous(trans = "log", breaks = ybreaks)
    xbreaks <- ggplot_build(figure)$layout$panel_ranges[[1]]$x.major_source
    figure <- figure + scale_x_continuous(trans = "log", breaks = xbreaks)

  # Return

#' fracpoly_mvshape_plot
#' fracpoly_mvshape_plot overlays the fractional polynomial plot with the mvshape plot.
#' @param fracpoly a fracpoly object.
#' @param degree the fractonal polyniomal degree to be plotted (options: 1, 2 and both).
#' @param mvshape a mvshape object.
#' @param xref the reference point for the figures of binary outcomes.
#' @param logx plot the x-axis on the log-scale.
#' @param logy plot the y-axis on the log-scale.
#' @param pref_x the prefix for the x-axis.
#' @param pref_y the prefix for the y-axis.
#' @param xbreaks breaks in the x-axis.
#' @param ybreaks breaks in the y-axis.
#' @param cicolour colour of the 95% confidence intervals.
#' @param betacolour colour of the regression line.
#' @param intcolour colour of the intercept line.
#' @param xlim x-axis limits.
#' @return fractional polynomial and mvshape plot.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Data
#' y <- rnorm(5000)
#' x <- rnorm(5000, 10, 1)
#' c1 <- rbinom(5000, 1, 0.5)
#' c2 <- rnorm(5000)
#' study <- c(rep("study1", 1000), rep("study2", 1000), rep("study3", 1000), rep("study4", 1000), rep("study5", 1000))
#' covar <- data.frame(c1 = c1, c2 = c2, study = study)
#' # Analyses
#' fp <- fracpoly(y = y, x = x, covar = covar, family = "gaussian")
#' mvma <- mvshape(y = y, x = x, covar = covar[, c("c1", "c2")], study = study, family = "gaussian")
#' fracpoly_mvshape_plot(fracpoly = fp, mvshape = mvma)
#' }
#' @author James Staley <jrstaley95@gmail.com>
#' @export
#' @md
fracpoly_mvshape_plot <- function(fracpoly, degree = "both", mvshape, xref = NULL, logx = FALSE, logy = FALSE, pref_x = "x", pref_y = "y", xbreaks = NULL, ybreaks = NULL, cicolour = "grey", betacolour = "black", intcolour = "grey", mvbetacolour = "red", mvcicolour = "red", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL) {
  # Family
  family <- fracpoly$family
  family_mvshape <- mvshape$family
  if (family != family_mvshape) stop("the family used in the fractional polynomial analysis is not the same as the family used in the mvshape analysis")

  # Fractional polynomial plot
  if (degree == "both") {
    if (fracpoly[[6]] >= 0.05) {
      degree <- 1
    if (fracpoly[[6]] < 0.05) {
      degree <- 2
  if (degree == 1) {
    fp <- fracpoly[[2]]
    powers <- as.numeric(fracpoly[[1]])
  if (degree == 2) {
    fp <- fracpoly[[4]]
    powers <- as.numeric(fracpoly[[3]])
  x <- runif(10000, fracpoly[[7]], fracpoly[[8]])
  if (!is.null(xlim)) {
    x <- runif(10000, xlim[1], xlim[2])
  if (is.null(xref)) {
    xref <- as.numeric(mvshape$results$xbeta[1])

  if (family == "gaussian") {
    if (degree == 1 & powers[1] == 0) {
      yest <- fp$coef[1] + fp$coef[2] * log(x)
      yse <- sqrt(vcov(fp)[1, 1] + (log(x))^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + 2 * (log(x)) * vcov(fp)[1, 2])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 1 & powers[1] != 0) {
      yest <- fp$coef[1] + fp$coef[2] * x^powers[1]
      yse <- sqrt(vcov(fp)[1, 1] + (x^powers[1])^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + 2 * (x^powers[1]) * vcov(fp)[1, 2])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 2 & powers[1] == 0 & powers[2] == 0) {
      yest <- fp$coef[1] + fp$coef[2] * log(x) + fp$coef[3] * log(x) * log(x)
      yse <- sqrt(vcov(fp)[1, 1] + (log(x))^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + (log(x) * log(x))^2 * vcov(fp)[3, 3] + 2 * (log(x)) * vcov(fp)[1, 2] + 2 * (log(x) * log(x)) * vcov(fp)[1, 3] + 2 * (log(x)) * (log(x) * log(x)) * vcov(fp)[2, 3])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 2 & powers[1] == 0 & powers[2] != 0) {
      yest <- fp$coef[1] + fp$coef[2] * log(x) + fp$coef[3] * x^powers[2]
      yse <- sqrt(vcov(fp)[1, 1] + (log(x))^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + (x^powers[2])^2 * vcov(fp)[3, 3] + 2 * (log(x)) * vcov(fp)[1, 2] + 2 * (x^powers[2]) * vcov(fp)[1, 3] + 2 * (log(x)) * (x^powers[2]) * vcov(fp)[2, 3])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 2 & powers[1] != 0 & powers[2] == 0) {
      yest <- fp$coef[1] + fp$coef[2] * x^powers[1] + fp$coef[3] * log(x)
      yse <- sqrt(vcov(fp)[1, 1] + (x^powers[1])^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + (log(x))^2 * vcov(fp)[3, 3] + 2 * (x^powers[1]) * vcov(fp)[1, 2] + 2 * (log(x)) * vcov(fp)[1, 3] + 2 * (x^powers[1]) * (log(x)) * vcov(fp)[2, 3])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 2 & powers[1] != 0 & powers[2] != 0 & powers[1] == powers[2]) {
      yest <- fp$coef[1] + fp$coef[2] * x^powers[1] + fp$coef[3] * x^powers[2] * log(x)
      yse <- sqrt(vcov(fp)[1, 1] + (x^powers[1])^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + (x^powers[2] * log(x))^2 * vcov(fp)[3, 3] + 2 * (x^powers[1]) * vcov(fp)[1, 2] + 2 * (x^powers[2] * log(x)) * vcov(fp)[1, 3] + 2 * (x^powers[1]) * (x^powers[2] * log(x)) * vcov(fp)[2, 3])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 2 & powers[1] != 0 & powers[2] != 0 & powers[1] != powers[2]) {
      yest <- fp$coef[1] + fp$coef[2] * x^powers[1] + fp$coef[3] * x^powers[2]
      yse <- sqrt(vcov(fp)[1, 1] + (x^powers[1])^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + (x^powers[2])^2 * vcov(fp)[3, 3] + 2 * (x^powers[1]) * vcov(fp)[1, 2] + 2 * (x^powers[2]) * vcov(fp)[1, 3] + 2 * (x^powers[1]) * (x^powers[2]) * vcov(fp)[2, 3])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (findInterval(0, c(min(ylci), max(yuci))) == 1) {
      hlinep <- TRUE
    } else {
      hlinep <- FALSE
  if (family == "binomial") {
    if (degree == 1 & powers[1] == 0) {
      yest <- fp$coef[2] * log(x) - fp$coef[2] * log(xref)
      yse <- sqrt((log(x) - log(xref))^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 1 & powers[1] != 0) {
      yest <- fp$coef[2] * x^powers[1] - fp$coef[2] * xref^powers[1]
      yse <- sqrt((x^powers[1] - xref^powers[1])^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 2 & powers[1] == 0 & powers[2] == 0) {
      yest <- fp$coef[2] * log(x) + fp$coef[3] * log(x) * log(x) - (fp$coef[2] * log(xref) + fp$coef[3] * log(xref) * log(xref))
      yse <- sqrt((log(x) - log(xref))^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + (log(x) * log(x) - log(xref) * log(xref))^2 * vcov(fp)[3, 3] + 2 * (log(x) - log(xref)) * (log(x) * log(x) - log(xref) * log(xref)) * vcov(fp)[2, 3])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 2 & powers[1] == 0 & powers[2] != 0) {
      yest <- fp$coef[2] * log(x) + fp$coef[3] * x^powers[2] - (fp$coef[2] * log(xref) + fp$coef[3] * xref^powers[2])
      yse <- sqrt((log(x) - log(xref))^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + (x^powers[2] - xref^powers[2])^2 * vcov(fp)[3, 3] + 2 * (log(x) - log(xref)) * (x^powers[2] - xref^powers[2]) * vcov(fp)[2, 3])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 2 & powers[1] != 0 & powers[2] == 0) {
      yest <- fp$coef[2] * x^powers[1] + fp$coef[3] * log(x) - (fp$coef[2] * xref^powers[2] + fp$coef[3] * log(xref))
      yse <- sqrt((x^powers[1] - xref^powers[1])^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + (log(x) - log(xref))^2 * vcov(fp)[3, 3] + 2 * (x^powers[1] - xref^powers[1]) * (log(x) - log(xref)) * vcov(fp)[2, 3])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 2 & powers[1] != 0 & powers[2] != 0 & powers[1] == powers[2]) {
      yest <- fp$coef[2] * x^powers[1] + fp$coef[3] * x^powers[2] * log(x) - (fp$coef[2] * xref^powers[1] + fp$coef[3] * xref^powers[2] * log(xref))
      yse <- sqrt((x^powers[1] - xref^powers[1])^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + (x^powers[2] * log(x) - xref^powers[2] * log(xref))^2 * vcov(fp)[3, 3] + 2 * (x^powers[1] - xref^powers[1]) * (x^powers[2] * log(x) - xref^powers[2] * log(xref)) * vcov(fp)[2, 3])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    if (degree == 2 & powers[1] != 0 & powers[2] != 0 & powers[1] != powers[2]) {
      yest <- fp$coef[2] * x^powers[1] + fp$coef[3] * x^powers[2] - (fp$coef[2] * xref^powers[1] + fp$coef[3] * xref^powers[2])
      yse <- sqrt((x^powers[1] - xref^powers[1])^2 * vcov(fp)[2, 2] + (x^powers[2] - xref^powers[2])^2 * vcov(fp)[3, 3] + 2 * (x^powers[1] - xref^powers[1]) * (x^powers[2] - xref^powers[2]) * vcov(fp)[2, 3])
      ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
      yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
    hlinep <- TRUE
    pref_y <- paste0("Odds ratio of ", pref_y)
  data <- data.frame(x = x, yest = yest, yse = yse, ylci = ylci, yuci = yuci)
  xminp <- fracpoly[[7]]
  xmaxp <- fracpoly[[8]]
  yintr <- 0
  if (!is.null(xlim)) {
    xminp <- xlim[1]
    xmaxp <- xlim[2]
  if (family == "binomial") {
    logy <- T
  if (logy == T) {
    data$yest <- exp(data$yest)
    data$yuci <- exp(data$yuci)
    data$ylci <- exp(data$ylci)
    yintr <- 1
  if (logx == T) {
    data$x <- exp(data$x)
    xminp <- exp(xminp)
    xmaxp <- exp(xmaxp)
  data$xminp <- xminp
  data$xmaxp <- xmaxp

  # Mvshape plot
  if (family == "gaussian") {
    xest <- as.numeric(mvshape$results$xbeta)
    yest <- as.numeric(mvshape$results$beta) + mvshape$results$beta[1]
    yest[1] <- yest[1] - mvshape$results$beta[1]
    yvar <- mvshape$varcov[1, 1]
    for (i in 1:length(xest)) {
      yvar <- yvar + mvshape$varcov[i, i] + 2 * mvshape$varcov[1, i]
    yse <- sqrt(yvar)
    ylci <- yest - 1.96 * yse
    yuci <- yest + 1.96 * yse
  if (family == "binomial") {
    xest <- as.numeric(mvshape$results$xbeta)
    yest <- as.numeric(mvshape$results$beta)
    ylci <- mvshape$results$beta - 1.96 * as.numeric(mvshape$results$se)
    yuci <- mvshape$results$beta + 1.96 * as.numeric(mvshape$results$se)
  datamv <- data.frame(xest = xest, yest = yest, ylci = ylci, yuci = yuci)
  if (logy == T) {
    datamv$yest <- exp(datamv$yest)
    datamv$yuci <- exp(datamv$yuci)
    datamv$ylci <- exp(datamv$ylci)
  if (logx == T) {
    datamv$xest <- exp(datamv$xest)

  # Intercept
  hline <- data.frame(x = c((xminp - 0.1 * xminp), (xmaxp + 0.1 * xmaxp)), y = c(yintr, yintr))

  # Figure
  figure <- ggplot(data, aes(x = x))
  if (hlinep == TRUE) {
    figure <- figure + geom_line(aes(x = x, y = y), color = intcolour, size = 0.35, data = hline)
  figure <- figure + geom_line(aes(y = ylci), color = cicolour) + geom_line(aes(y = yuci), color = cicolour) + geom_line(aes(y = yest), color = betacolour) + theme_bw() + labs(x = pref_x, y = pref_y) + geom_errorbar(mapping = aes(x = xest, ymin = ylci, ymax = yuci), color = mvcicolour, width = 0.025, data = datamv) + geom_point(aes(x = xest, y = yest), color = mvbetacolour, data = datamv, size = 4, shape = 15) + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(vjust = -0.5, size = 14), axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 1.5, size = 14), axis.text = element_text(size = 12)) + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(hline$x[1], hline$x[2]))
  suppressMessages(if (!is.null(ybreaks) == TRUE & !is.null(ylim) == FALSE) {
    figure <- figure + scale_y_continuous(breaks = ybreaks)
  suppressMessages(if (!is.null(ybreaks) == TRUE & !is.null(ylim) == TRUE) {
    figure <- figure + scale_y_continuous(breaks = ybreaks, limits = ylim)
  suppressMessages(if (!is.null(ybreaks) == FALSE & !is.null(ylim) == TRUE) {
    figure <- figure + scale_y_continuous(limits = ylim)
  suppressMessages(if (!is.null(xbreaks) == TRUE) {
    figure <- figure + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = xbreaks)
  if (logx == FALSE & logy == TRUE) {
    ybreaks <- ggplot_build(figure)$layout$panel_ranges[[1]]$y.major_source
    figure <- figure + scale_y_continuous(trans = "log", breaks = ybreaks)
  if (logx == TRUE & logy == FALSE) {
    xbreaks <- ggplot_build(figure)$layout$panel_ranges[[1]]$x.major_source
    figure <- figure + scale_x_continuous(trans = "log", breaks = xbreaks)
  if (logx == TRUE & logy == TRUE) {
    ybreaks <- ggplot_build(figure)$layout$panel_ranges[[1]]$y.major_source
    figure <- figure + scale_y_continuous(trans = "log", breaks = ybreaks)
    xbreaks <- ggplot_build(figure)$layout$panel_ranges[[1]]$x.major_source
    figure <- figure + scale_x_continuous(trans = "log", breaks = xbreaks)

  # Return

##### Floating point variance #####

#' floatvar
#' floatvar fits the best fitting fractional polynomial of degree 1 and 2.
#' @param v variance matrix.
#' @param tol tolerance parameter.
#' @param iter.max maximum number of iterations.
#' @return List of floating point variances, error limits and divergence parameters.
#' @author James Staley <jrstaley95@gmail.com>
#' @noRd
floatvar <- function(V, tol = 0.001, iter.max = 50) {
  m <- nrow(V)
  if (!is.matrix(V) || ncol(V) != m || m == 1) {
    stop("V must be a square matrix of size 2 x 2 or more")
  evals <- eigen(V, only.values = TRUE)$values
  if (any(evals < 0)) {
    stop("V not positive definite")
  R <- V - diag(diag(V))
  V00 <- sum(R) / (m * (m - 1))
  V10 <- apply(R, 1, sum) / (m - 1)
  fv <- c(V00, V00 - 2 * V10 + diag(V))
  for (iter in 1:iter.max) {
    w <- 1 / fv
    S <- sum(w)
    w1 <- w[-1] / S
    V10 <- as.vector(V %*% w1)
    V00 <- as.vector(1 / S + t(w1) %*% V %*% w1)
    fv.old <- fv
    fv <- c(V00, V00 - 2 * V10 + diag(V))
    if (max(abs(fv.old - fv) / fv) < tol) {
  if (iter == iter.max) {
    warning("Floated variance estimates did not converge")
  Vmodel.inv <- S * (diag(w1) - w1 %*% t(w1))
  evals <- 1 / (eigen(V %*% Vmodel.inv, only.values = TRUE)$values)
  divergence <- sum(1 / evals - 1 + log(evals)) / 2
  return(list(variance = fv, error.limits = sqrt(range(evals)), divergence = divergence))
jrs95/mvshape documentation built on April 8, 2024, 6:39 a.m.