
Defines functions species_plan

Documented in species_plan

#' Generate a drake plan for a species
#' Generate a drake plan that facilitates reproducible generation of species
#' outputs.
#' @param species The name of the species. This will be used for naming output
#'   files and folders.
#' @param clum_classes An integer vector indicating which ACLUM classes are
#'   considered host plants for `species`. Either `clum_classes` or
#'   `nvis_classes` (or both) must be provided. If `user_host_path` is
#'   also provided, the union of the two datasets will be used to define host
#'   distribution.
#' @param nvis_classes An integer vector indicating which NVIS classes are
#'   considered host plants for `species`. Either `clum_classes` or
#'   `nvis_classes` (or both) must be provided.
#' @param host_path Character. Optional file path to a raster dataset that
#'   describes the distribution of host material for the species. The file must
#'   be readable by GDAL. All cell values other than zero or NA will be
#'   considered to be host material. Dataset will be projected and resampled as
#'   necessary to match the spatial extent and resolution of analysis. If
#'   `clum_classes` is also provided, the union of the two datasets will be
#'   used to define host distribution. A valid coordinate reference system must
#'   be associated with the spatial dataset.
#' @param include_abiotic_weight Logical. Should suitability be dependent on
#'   climate? Considered TRUE if `climate_suitability_path` is provided,
#'   or if `use_gbif` is TRUE.
#' @param climate_suitability_path Optional file path to a raster describing
#'   climatic suitability across the landscape. If provided, the raster must be
#'   have the Australian Albers coordinate system (EPSG:3577), spatial
#'   resolution of 1000 m, and must have xmin = -1888000, xmax = 2122000,
#'   ymin =-4847000, ymax = -1010000. If not provided and
#'   `include_abiotic_weight` is TRUE, a range bag model will be fit to
#'   estimate climatic suitability.
#' @param exclude_bioclim_vars Character vector of bioclim variables that
#'   should not be used when fitting a range bag model (see
#'   [range_bag()]) of climatic suitability. Variables should be
#'   specified as, e.g., `c("bio01", "bio12")`. Ignored if
#'   `climate_suitability_path` is provided.
#' @param include_ndvi Logical. Should biotic suitability be dependent on NDVI?
#' @param pathways A character vector of invasion pathways that should be
#'   included. Can be one or more of: `'containers'`, `'fertiliser'`,
#'   `'food'`, `'goods'`, `'machinery'`, `'mail'`,
#'   `'nurserystock'`, `'residents'`, `'torres'`,
#'   `'tourists'`, `'vessels'`, `'northwind'`,
#'   `'pacificwind'`, `'nzwind'`.
#' @param aggregated_res A numeric vector of 2 elements, indicating the desired
#'   resolution of aggregated establishment likelihood rasters, in metres.
#' @param make_interactive_maps Logical. Should interactive html maps be
#'   generated?
#' @param processed_data_path Path to a directory that will be used to store
#'   processed datasets. This will be created, recursively, if it does not
#'   exist.
#' @param clum_path Path to the ACLUM raster.
#' @param nvis_path Path to the NVIS raster.
#' @param ndvi_path Path to the NDVI raster.
#' @param pop_density_path Path to the population density raster.
#' @param airports_path Path to the major airports vector dataset.
#' @param tourist_beds_path Path to the tourist beds vector dataset.
#' @param airport_beta Numeric. Parameter controlling the distribution of
#'   international tourists passengers around international airport. Default is
#'   `log(0.5)/200` (i.e. 50% of passengers within 200km of airport).
#' @param airport_tsi_beta Numeric. Parameter controlling the distribution of
#'   Torres Strait passengers around Cairns airport. Default is
#'   `log(0.5)/10` (i.e., 50% of passengers within 10km of Cairns
#'   airport).
#' @param port_data_path File path to the marine ports .csv file.
#' @param port_weight_beta Numeric. Defines the decay rate of an exponential
#'   model. In the context of pests entering via the vessel pathway, this
#'   reflects the decrease in the relative likelihood of pest arrival at
#'   locations distant from marine ports. For example,
#'   `prob_weight_beta=log(0.5)/10` would lead to distance-decay that
#'   leads to 50% (i.e. `0.5`) of establishment likelihood (prior to
#'   considering other relevant pathways) within a distance of `10` map
#'   units (i.e., 10 kilometres when `res` is 1000).
#' @param fertiliser_data_path File path to a csv file containing information
#'   about fertiliser usage by NRM.
#' @param nrm_path File path to a polygon shapefile of NRMs (natural resource
#'   management areas).
#' @param containers_data_path File path to the dataset giving the distribution
#'   of containers by postcode.
#' @param postcode_path File path to postal areas shapefile.
#' @param occurrence_path Path to a .csv file containing occurrence data. Must
#'   include columns `Longitude` and `Latitude`. Coordinates are
#'   expected to be in decimal degrees (WGS84).
#' @param infected_countries A character vector of countries within which the
#'   `species` occurs. Ignored if `climate_suitability_path` is
#'   provided.Only one of `infected_countries` or `cabi_path` should
#'   be provided.
#' @param cabi_path Path to a .csv file downloaded from CABI, indicating the
#'   countries within which the `species` occurs. Download links to these
#'   files can be found at the bottom of CABI species datasheet webpages, e.g.
#'   https://www.cabi.org/isc/datasheet/17685. Ignored if
#'   `climate_suitability_path` is provided. Only one of
#'   `infected_countries` or `cabi_path` should be provided.
#' @param use_gbif Logical. Should species occurrence records be sourced from
#'   GBIF? Ignored if `climate_suitability_path` is provided.
#' @param gbif_species Character vector. Taxon names to use when querying GBIF.
#'   Ignored if `climate_suitability_path` is provided.
#' @param gbif_min_year Integer. The minimum year (`yyyy`) to be included
#'   when downloading GBIF data. Ignored if `climate_suitability_path` is
#'   provided.
#' @param gbif_max_uncertainty Numeric. The maximum permissable coordinate
#'   uncertainty for GBIF records. Ignored if `climate_suitability_path` is
#'   provided.
#' @param gbif_username GBIF username to use for querying GBIF's occurrence
#'   download API endpoint. If missing, the less efficient "search" endpoint
#'   is used. Register at http://gbif.org.
#' @param gbif_password GBIF password to use for querying GBIF's occurrence
#'   download API endpoint. If missing, the less efficient "search" endpoint
#'   is used. Register at http://gbif.org.
#' @param basemap_mode Type of basemap for static maps. Either `'osm'`
#'   (default), or `'boundaries'` (polygons delineating borders of
#'   states/territories).
#' @param minimum_probability_for_maps Numeric. A value between 0 and 1,
#'   defining the minimum establishment probability to be displayed on plotted
#'   maps. Values below this threshold will be excluded. Default is `1E-5`.
#' @param manual_check_flagged_records Logical. Should an interactive map be
#'   used for manually checking flagged occurrence records? If `TRUE`, the
#'   user will have the opportunity to select dubious points (i.e. occurrences
#'   in countries for which CABI has no record of the species' establishment),
#'   to be retained. If `FALSE` (the default), all such dubious points will
#'   be excluded. Ignored if `climate_suitability_path` is provided. Note
#'   that manual checking is not possible when using [excel_to_plan()] since the
#'   required interactivity will interrupt plan processing.
#' @param wind_effect_width Numeric. For wind pathways, the distance (in metres)
#'   inland from the coastline, over which wind-based arrival applies. E.g. if
#'   pests are expected to be carried by wind up to 50 km inland from the coast,
#'   use `50000`. Ignored if `pathways` does not include one or more
#'   of `northwind`, `pacificwind`, or `nzwind`.
#' @param leakage_tourists,leakage_returning,leakage_torres,leakage_mail,leakage_vessels,leakage_fertiliser,leakage_machinery,leakage_containers,leakage_nurserystock,leakage_food,leakage_goods,leakage_northwind,leakage_pacificwind,leakage_nzwind
#'   Numeric vector with length = 2, giving the range (bounds of 95% CI) of the
#'   number of leakage events per year for the pathway.
#' @param establishment_tourists,establishment_returning,establishment_torres,establishment_mail,establishment_vessels,establishment_fertiliser,establishment_machinery,establishment_containers,establishment_nurserystock,establishment_food,establishment_goods,establishment_northwind,establishment_pacificwind,establishment_nzwind
#'   Numeric vector with length = 2, giving the bounds of the 95% CI of the rate
#'   of survival & establishment to end of pathway, for leakage events on the
#'   pathway.
#' @param overwrite Logical. Should the code executed by the resulting plan be
#'   allowed to overwrite existing raster files? Default is `TRUE`.
#' @details To simplify reproducibility, `edmaps` provides an
#'   _Excel_ interface for specifying species parameters relevant to
#'   estimating establishment likelihood. An example spreadsheet is
#'   bundled with the package, available at the path given by
#'   `system.file('extdata/parameters.xlsx', package='edmaps')`. The
#'   spreadsheet has two sheets, the first specifying "global" parameters
#'   that will apply to all species (e.g. file paths to rasters that will),
#'   be used regardless of species identity and the second specifying
#'   parameters that can vary by species. In the second sheet, each row
#'   corresponds to a separate species. Tooltips and data validation
#'   guide the user with respect to expected/allowable data.
#' @seealso [excel_to_plan()]
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom raster extent raster res compareCRS
#' @importFrom sp CRS
#' @importFrom drake code_to_plan
#' @export
species_plan <- function(species, clum_classes, nvis_classes, host_path,
                         pathways, include_abiotic_weight=TRUE, climate_suitability_path,
                         exclude_bioclim_vars=NULL, include_ndvi=TRUE, aggregated_res=c(5000, 5000),
                         make_interactive_maps=TRUE, processed_data_path, clum_path,
                         nvis_path,  ndvi_path, pop_density_path, airports_path, tourist_beds_path,
                         airport_beta=log(0.5)/200, airport_tsi_beta=log(0.5)/10, port_data_path,
                         port_weight_beta, fertiliser_data_path, nrm_path, containers_data_path,
                         postcode_path, occurrence_path, infected_countries, cabi_path, use_gbif=FALSE,
                         gbif_species, gbif_min_year=1970, gbif_max_uncertainty=20000, gbif_username,
                         gbif_password, basemap_mode=c('osm', 'boundaries'),
                         minimum_probability_for_maps=1e-5, manual_check_flagged_records=FALSE,
                         wind_effect_width, leakage_tourists, establishment_tourists,
                         leakage_returning, establishment_returning, leakage_torres,
                         establishment_torres, leakage_mail, establishment_mail, leakage_vessels,
                         establishment_vessels, leakage_fertiliser, establishment_fertiliser,
                         leakage_machinery, establishment_machinery, leakage_containers,
                         establishment_containers, leakage_nurserystock, establishment_nurserystock,
                         leakage_food, establishment_food, leakage_goods, establishment_goods,
                         leakage_northwind, establishment_northwind, leakage_pacificwind,
                         establishment_pacificwind, leakage_nzwind, establishment_nzwind,
                         overwrite=TRUE) {

  # prepare extent and resolution
  res <- c(1000, 1000) # enforce 1km for now - memory safe
  extent <- c(-1888000, 2122000, -4847000, -1010000)
  # ^ hard-code national extent
    stop('res must be a numeric vector with 1 or 2 elements.')
  if(length(aggregated_res) == 1) {
    aggregated_res <- c(aggregated_res, aggregated_res)
  if(length(aggregated_res) > 2) stop('Supplied aggregated_res invalid.')
  if(aggregated_res[1] != aggregated_res[2])
    stop('Horizontal and vertical aggregated resolutions must be equal.')
  if(aggregated_res[1] < res[1]) stop('aggregated_res cannot be less than res.')
  if(aggregated_res[1] %% res[1] != 0) {
    stop('aggregated_res must be a multiple of res.')
  agg_factor <- aggregated_res[1]/res[1]
  agg_factor_aux <- 5 # agg factor for aggregated outputs that are not EL maps
  aggregated_res_aux <- agg_factor_aux*res

  # remove leading/trailing white space from species name, and replace all
  # internal white space with underscores. Required, since species name
  # is used to name targets
  species <- gsub('^[0-9.]+|[^a-zA-Z0-9_. ]', '',
                  gsub('\\s+', '_', gsub('^\\s+|\\s+$', '', species)))

  pathways <- match.arg(
    c('containers', 'fertiliser', 'food', 'goods', 'machinery',
      'mail', 'nurserystock', 'residents', 'torres', 'tourists', 'vessels',
      'northwind', 'pacificwind', 'nzwind'),

  basemap_mode <- match.arg(basemap_mode)

  if(!missing(infected_countries) && !missing(cabi_path)) {
    stop('Only one of cabi_path or infected_countries should be provided.')

  if(missing(clum_classes) && missing(nvis_classes) && missing(host_path)) {
    stop('Provide one or more of: clum_classes, nvis_classes, user_host_path, ',
         'to define host distribution.')

  if(!missing(climate_suitability_path)) {
    r <- raster::raster(climate_suitability_path)
    if(any(as.vector(raster::extent(r)) != extent)) {
      stop(species, ': exent of climate suitability raster must be',
           paste0(c("xmin: ", "xmax: ", "ymin: ", "ymax: "),
                  extent, collapse=", "))
    if(!identical(raster::res(r), c(1000, 1000)))
      stop(species, ": resolution of climate_suitability raster must be ",
           "1000 x 1000 m.")
    if(!raster::compareCRS(r, sp::CRS("+init=epsg:3577")))
      stop(species, ": resolution of climate_suitability raster must be ",
           "Australian Albers (EPSG:3577).")

  # hardcode some paths to processed data (some of these won't exist until
  # they're created by the plan)
  airport_weight_path <- sprintf("%s/airport_dist_weight_%s.tif",
                                 processed_data_path, res[1])
  cairns_airport_weight_path <- sprintf("%s/cairns_airport_dist_weight_%s.tif",
                                        processed_data_path, res[1])
  ndvi_norm_path <- sprintf("%s/NDVI_norm_%s.tif", processed_data_path, res[1])
  tourist_beds_raster_path <- sprintf("%s/tourism_beds_%s.tif", processed_data_path,
  climate_path <- sprintf("%s/bioclim_10m", processed_data_path)
  fert_weight_path <- sprintf("outputs/not_pest_specific/fert_weight_%s.tif",
  clum_rle_path <- sprintf('%s/clum_rle_%s.rds', processed_data_path, res[1])
  nvis_rle_path <- sprintf('%s/nvis_rle_%s.rds', processed_data_path, res[1])

  file.create(f <- tempfile())

  if(!missing(clum_classes)) {
      'clum_rast <- binarize_and_aggregate(
      rle = drake::file_in("{clum_rle_path}"),
      outfile =
      categories = {paste(deparse(clum_classes), collapse="")},
      res = {deparse(res)},
      extent = {deparse(extent)},
      overwrite = {overwrite})
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

  if(!missing(nvis_classes)) {
      nvis_rast <- binarize_and_aggregate(
        rle = drake::file_in("{nvis_rle_path}"),
        outfile = drake::file_out(
        categories = {paste(deparse(nvis_classes), collapse="")},
        res = {deparse(res)},
        extent = {deparse(extent)},
        overwrite = {overwrite})
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

  if(!missing(host_path)) {
      user_host_rast <- {
        if(!dir.exists("outputs/<<species>>/auxiliary")) {
          dir.create("outputs/<<species>>/auxiliary", recursive=TRUE)
          srcfile = drake::file_in("<<host_path>>"),
          dstfile = drake::file_out(
          t_srs = "EPSG:3577",
          tr = <<deparse(res)>>,
          r = "near",
          te = <<deparse(extent[c(1, 3, 2, 4)])>>,
          overwrite = <<overwrite>>

      binarise_user_host_rast <- {
        r <- raster::raster(
        ) > 0
          ), overwrite = TRUE, datatype = "INT2S"
    \n\n', .open='<<', .close='>>'), file=f, append=TRUE)

  # Combine host layers
  host_files <- sprintf(c(
    species, res[1])[c(!missing(clum_classes), !missing(host_path))]

  host_text <- if(length(host_files) == 0) {
  } else if(length(host_files) == 1) {
    sprintf('r <- raster::raster(%s)', host_files)
  } else {
    sprintf('r <- sum(raster::stack(%s), na.rm=TRUE) > 0',
            paste(host_files, collapse=',\n    '))

  nvis_text <- if(!missing(nvis_classes)) {
    if(length(host_files) > 0) {
      sprintf('r <- suitability(list(r, raster::raster(drake::file_in("outputs/%1$s/auxiliary/%1$s_nvis_raster_%2$s.tif"))))', species, res[1])
    } else {
      sprintf('r <- raster::raster(drake::file_in("outputs/%1$s/auxiliary/%1$s_nvis_raster_%2$s.tif"))', species, res[1])
  } else ''

  cat(sprintf('combined_host <- {
    datatype="INT2S", overwrite = %5$s
host_text, nvis_text, species, res[1], overwrite), file=f, append=TRUE)

  # Pathway arrivals
  if('tourists' %in% pathways) {
      tourist_arrivals <- arrivals_by_tourists(
        tourist_beds = drake::file_in("{tourist_beds_raster_path}"),
        airport_weight = drake::file_in("{airport_weight_path}"),
        leakage_rate = {deparse(leakage_tourists)},
        establishment_rate = {deparse(establishment_tourists)},
        outfile = drake::file_out(
        overwrite = {overwrite}
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

  if('residents' %in% pathways) {
      residents_arrivals <- arrivals_by_residents(
        pop_density = drake::file_in("{pop_density_path}"),
        leakage_rate = {deparse(leakage_returning)},
        establishment_rate = {deparse(establishment_returning)},
        outfile = drake::file_out(
        overwrite = {overwrite}
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

  if('torres' %in% pathways) {
      torres_arrivals <- arrivals_by_torres(
        pop_density = drake::file_in("{pop_density_path}"),
        airport_weight = drake::file_in("{cairns_airport_weight_path}"),
        leakage_rate = {deparse(leakage_torres)},
        establishment_rate = {deparse(establishment_torres)},
        outfile = drake::file_out(
        overwrite = {overwrite}
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

  if('mail' %in% pathways) {
      mail_arrivals <- arrivals_by_mail(
        pop_density = drake::file_in("{pop_density_path}"),
        leakage_rate = {deparse(leakage_mail)},
        establishment_rate = {deparse(establishment_mail)},
        outfile = drake::file_out(
        overwrite = {overwrite}
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

  if('vessels' %in% pathways) {
      marine_port_weights =
          template_raster = drake::file_in(
        port_data = drake::file_in("{port_data_path}"),
          beta = {port_weight_beta},
          outfile = drake::file_out(

      plot_port_weight =
          ras = drake::file_in(
          xlim = c(112.76, 155),
          ylim = c(-44.03, -9.21),
          basemap_mode = "{basemap_mode}",
          legend_title =
            "log10(Port weight [{round(aggregated_res_aux[1]/1000, 2)}km])",
          set_value_range = c(0, Inf),
          transparency = 1,
          scale_type = "log10",
          aggregate_raster = list({agg_factor_aux}, max),
          height = 6.5,
          outfile = drake::file_out(

      vessels_arrivals <- arrivals_by_vessels(
        port_weight = drake::file_in(
        leakage_rate = {deparse(leakage_vessels)},
        establishment_rate = {deparse(establishment_vessels)},
        outfile = drake::file_out(
        overwrite = {overwrite}
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

  if('fertiliser' %in% pathways) {
      fert_arrivals <- arrivals_by_fertiliser(
        fertiliser_weight = drake::file_in("{fert_weight_path}"),
        leakage_rate = {deparse(leakage_fertiliser)},
        establishment_rate = {deparse(establishment_fertiliser)},
        outfile = drake::file_out(
        overwrite = {overwrite}
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

  if('machinery' %in% pathways) {
      machinery_arrivals <- arrivals_by_machinery(
        pop_density = drake::file_in("{pop_density_path}"),
        leakage_rate = {deparse(leakage_machinery)},
        establishment_rate = {deparse(establishment_machinery)},
        outfile = drake::file_out(
        overwrite = {overwrite}
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

  if('containers' %in% pathways) {
      container_arrivals <- arrivals_by_containers(
        container_weights = container_weight,
        port_data = drake::file_in("{port_data_path}"),
        template_raster = drake::file_in(
        leakage_rate = {deparse(leakage_containers)},
        establishment_rate = {deparse(establishment_containers)},
        outfile = drake::file_out(
        overwrite = {overwrite}
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

  if('goods' %in% pathways) {
      goods_arrivals <- arrivals_by_goods(
        pop_density = drake::file_in("{pop_density_path}"),
        leakage_rate = {deparse(leakage_goods)},
        establishment_rate = {deparse(establishment_goods)},
        outfile = drake::file_out(
        overwrite = {overwrite}
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

  if('food' %in% pathways) {
      food_arrivals <- arrivals_by_food(
        pop_density = drake::file_in("{pop_density_path}"),
        leakage_rate = {deparse(leakage_food)},
        establishment_rate = {deparse(establishment_food)},
        outfile = drake::file_out(
        overwrite = {overwrite}
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

  if('northwind' %in% pathways) {
      northwind_arrivals <- arrivals_by_wind(
        wind = drake::file_in("{sprintf(\"%s/North_Wind_%s.tif\",
          format(wind_effect_width, scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE))}"),
        leakage_rate = {deparse(leakage_northwind)},
        establishment_rate = {deparse(establishment_northwind)},
        outfile = drake::file_out(
        overwrite = {overwrite}
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

  if('pacificwind' %in% pathways) {
      pacificwind_arrivals <- arrivals_by_wind(
        wind = drake::file_in("{sprintf(\"%s/Pacific_Wind_%s.tif\",
          format(wind_effect_width, scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE))}"),
        leakage_rate = {deparse(leakage_pacificwind)},
        establishment_rate = {deparse(establishment_pacificwind)},
        outfile = drake::file_out(
        overwrite = {overwrite}
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

  if('nzwind' %in% pathways) {
      nzwind_arrivals <- arrivals_by_wind(
        wind = drake::file_in("{sprintf(\"%s/NZ_Wind_%s.tif\",
          format(wind_effect_width, scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE))}"),
        leakage_rate = {deparse(leakage_nzwind)},
        establishment_rate = {deparse(establishment_nzwind)},
        outfile = drake::file_out(
        overwrite = {overwrite}
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

  if('nurserystock' %in% pathways) {
      nurserystock_arrivals <- arrivals_by_nurserystock(
        pop_density = drake::file_in("{pop_density_path}"),
        leakage_rate = {deparse(leakage_nurserystock)},
        establishment_rate = {deparse(establishment_nurserystock)},
        outfile = drake::file_out(
        overwrite = {overwrite}
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

  cat('total_arrivals <- combine_pathways(x=c(\n',
        species, pathways, res[1]),
        collapse=',\n '
        '\n), outfile=drake::file_out("outputs/%1$s/%1$s_total_arrivals_%2$s.tif"))\n\n',
        species, res[1]
      file=f, append=TRUE)

  # If climate suitability path is missing but include_biotic_weight is TRUE,
  # do range-bagging with GBIF and/or expert occurrence data.
  if(missing(climate_suitability_path) && isTRUE(include_abiotic_weight)) {

    if(isTRUE(use_gbif)) {
      country_reference <-
          o <- sf::sf_use_s2(FALSE)
          out <- sf::as_Spatial(
                rnaturalearth::ne_countries(scale=50, returnclass="sf"),
                units::set_units(0, "arc_degrees")
      \n\n', file=f, append=TRUE)

      if(!missing(gbif_username) && !missing(gbif_password) &&
         nchar(sub('^\\s+$', '', gbif_username)) > 0 &&
         nchar(sub('^\\s+$', '', gbif_password)) > 0) {
        gbif_records <- get_gbif_records(
          taxon=<<paste0(deparse(c(glue::glue("{gbif_species}"))), collapse="")>>,
          min_year=<<gbif_min_year>>, coord_uncertainty=<<gbif_max_uncertainty>>,
          username="<<gbif_username>>", email="cebra.apps@gmail.com",
          pwd="<<gbif_password>>", method="download")
      \n\n', .open='<<', .close='>>'), file=f, append=TRUE)
      } else {
        gbif_records <- get_gbif_records(
          taxon=<<paste0(deparse(c(glue::glue("{gbif_species}"))), collapse="")>>,
          min_year=<<gbif_min_year>>, coord_uncertainty=<<gbif_max_uncertainty>>)
      \n\n', .open='<<', .close='>>'), file=f, append=TRUE)

        clean_gbif <- dplyr::select(
        # ^ target is renamed before returning from species_plan
            x = dplyr::mutate({species}_gbif_records, species=1),
            # ^ constant value for species (column is required for the function
            #   to run)
            lon = "decimalLongitude",
            lat = "decimalLatitude",
            countries = "countryCode",
            country_ref = country_reference,
            country_refcol = "iso_a3",
            tests = c("capitals",
            capitals_rad = 5000,
            centroids_rad = 10000,
            inst_rad = 100,
            zeros_rad = 0.5,
            value = "clean"),
          Longitude = decimalLongitude, Latitude = decimalLatitude)
      \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

    if(!missing(occurrence_path)) {
        clean_expert_records <- dplyr::select(
            x = dplyr::mutate(readr::read_csv(drake::file_in("{occurrence_path}")),
            # ^ constant value for species (column is required for the function
            #   to run)
            lon = "Longitude",
            lat = "Latitude",
            tests = c("capitals",
            capitals_rad = 5000,
            centroids_rad = 10000,
            inst_rad = 100,
            zeros_rad = 0.5,
            value = "clean"),
          Longitude, Latitude)
       \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

    if(!missing(occurrence_path) && isTRUE(use_gbif)) {
        all_records <- unique(
          dplyr::bind_rows({species}_clean_gbif, {species}_clean_expert_records)
      \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)
    } else if(!missing(occurrence_path)) {
        all_records <- unique({species}_clean_expert_records)
      \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)
    } else if(isTRUE(use_gbif)) {
        all_records <- unique({species}_clean_gbif)
      \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

    if(!missing(cabi_path)) {
      if(!include_abiotic_weight) {
        warning('{species}: ',
                'CABI paths and infected country list ignored when ',
                'abiotic_weight is FALSE.')
        records <- record_flagger(occurrence_records = {species}_all_records,
          manual_check = {manual_check_flagged_records},
          return_df = FALSE,
          cabi_ref = drake::file_in("{cabi_path}"))
      \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

    if(!missing(infected_countries)) {
      if(!include_abiotic_weight) {
        warning('{species}: ',
                'CABI paths and infected country list ignored when ',
                'abiotic_weight is FALSE.')
        records <- record_flagger(occurrence_records = <<species>>_all_records,
          manual_check = <<manual_check_flagged_records>>,
          return_df = FALSE,
          infected_countries = <<paste0(deparse(c(glue::glue("{infected_countries}"))), collapse="")>>)
      \n\n', .open='<<', .close='>>'), file=f, append=TRUE)

    do_flag <- !missing(infected_countries) | !missing(cabi_path)

    if(do_flag) {
        rangebag <- range_bag(
          occurrence_data = {species}_records,
          bioclim_dir = drake::file_in("{climate_path}"),
          n_dims = 2,
          n_models = 100,
          p = 0.5,
          exclude_vars = {deparse(exclude_bioclim_vars)},
          outfile = drake::file_out(
      \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

        plot_global_climsuit <- plot_raster(
          object = drake::file_in(
          legend_title = "Suitability (10\')",
          occurrence_data = {species}_records,
          pt_col = "blue",
          height = 4.5,
          outfile = drake::file_out(
      \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)
    } else {
        rangebag <- range_bag(
          occurrence_data = {species}_all_records,
          bioclim_dir = drake::file_in("{climate_path}"),
          n_dims = 2,
          n_models = 100,
          p = 0.5,
          exclude_vars = {deparse(exclude_bioclim_vars)},
          outfile = drake::file_out(
      \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

        plot_global_climsuit <- plot_raster(
          object = drake::file_in(
          legend_title = "Suitability (10\')",
          occurrence_data = {species}_all_records,
          pt_col = "blue",
          height = 4.5,
          outfile = drake::file_out(
      \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

      climsuit <- gdal_reproject(
        infile = drake::file_in(
        outfile = drake::file_out(
        res = {deparse(res)},
        tgt_proj = "EPSG:3577",
        tgt_extent = {deparse(extent[c(1, 3, 2, 4)])}
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

    # If climate_suitability_path is provided (regardless of setting of
    # include_abiotic_weight), just copy it to appropriate path.
    # Use gdal_translate in case it's not a tiff to begin with.
  } else if(!missing(climate_suitability_path)) {
      climsuit <- gdalUtilities::gdal_translate(
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

  if(isTRUE(include_ndvi)) {
      biotic_suitability <- suitability(
        x = list(
        outfile = drake::file_out(
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)
  } else {
      biotic_suitability <- file.copy(
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

    plot_biotic_suitability <- static_map(
      ras = drake::file_in(
      xlim = c(112.76, 155),
      ylim = c(-44.03, -9.21),
      basemap_mode = "{basemap_mode}",
      legend_title = "Suitability ({round(aggregated_res_aux[1]/1000, 2)}km)",
      transparency = 1,
      aggregate_raster = list({agg_factor_aux}, max),
      set_value_range = c(0, Inf),
      height = 7,
      outfile = drake::file_out(
  \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

  if(isTRUE(include_abiotic_weight)) {

      plot_climsuit <- static_map(
        ras = drake::file_in(
        xlim = c(112.76, 155),
        ylim = c(-44.03, -9.21),
        basemap_mode = "{basemap_mode}",
        legend_title = "Suitability ({round(aggregated_res_aux[1]/1000, 2)}km)",
        transparency = 1,
        aggregate_raster = list({agg_factor_aux}, max),
        height = 7,
        outfile = drake::file_out(
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

    suitability <- suitability(
        x = list(
        outfile = drake::file_out(
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)
  } else {
      suitability <- file.copy(
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

    plot_suitability <- static_map(
      ras = drake::file_in(
      xlim = c(112.76, 155),
      ylim = c(-44.03, -9.21),
      basemap_mode = "{basemap_mode}",
      legend_title = "Suitability ({round(aggregated_res_aux[1]/1000, 2)}km)",
      transparency = 1,
      aggregate_raster = list({agg_factor_aux}, max),
      set_value_range = c(0, Inf),
      height = 7,
      outfile = drake::file_out(
  \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

    establishment_likelihood <- establishment_likelihood(
      total_arrivals = drake::file_in(
      suitability = drake::file_in(
      outfile = drake::file_out(
  \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

    establishment_likelihood_agg <- aggregate_raster(
      rast = drake::file_in("outputs/{species}/{species}_edmap_{res[1]}.tif"),
      outfile = drake::file_out(
      aggregate_factor = {agg_factor},
      fun = function(x, ...) 1 - prod(1-x, na.rm=TRUE))
  \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

    cumu_establishment_likelihood_agg <- captured_by_ncells(
      infiles = drake::file_in(
      names = "Cumulative Establishment Likelihood ({round(aggregated_res[1]/1000, 2)}km)",
      n_cells = 2000
  \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

  if(isTRUE(make_interactive_maps)) {
      edmap <- interactive_map(
        ras = drake::file_in(
        layer_name = "log10(Establishment likelihood {round(res[1]/1000, 2)}km)",
        set_value_range = c({minimum_probability_for_maps}, Inf),
        scale_type = "log10",
        outfile = drake::file_out(
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

      arrivals_map <- interactive_map(
        ras = drake::file_in(
        layer_name = "log10(Arrivals {round(res[1]/1000, 2)}km)",
        set_value_range = c({minimum_probability_for_maps}, Inf),
        scale_type = "log10",
        outfile = drake::file_out(
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

      suitability_map <- interactive_map(
        ras = drake::file_in(
        layer_name = "Environmental suitability {round(res[1]/1000, 2)}km",
        set_value_range = c(0, Inf),
        outfile = drake::file_out(
    \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

    plot_national_establishment_likelihood <- static_map(
      ras = drake::file_in("outputs/{species}/{species}_edmap_{res[1]}.tif"),
      xlim = c(112.76, 155),
      ylim = c(-44.03, -9.21),
      basemap_mode = "{basemap_mode}",
      legend_title = "log10(EL {round(aggregated_res[1]/1000, 2)}km)",
      set_value_range = c({minimum_probability_for_maps}, Inf),
      scale_type = "log10",
      transparency = 1,
      aggregate_raster = list({agg_factor}, fun = function(x, ...) 1 - prod(1-x, na.rm=TRUE)),
      height = 7,
      nrow = 1,
      outfile = drake::file_out(
  \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

    cairns_edmap <- static_map(
      ras = drake::file_in("outputs/{species}/{species}_edmap_{res[1]}.tif"),
      xlim = c(145.23, 146.14),
      ylim = c(-17.34, -16.68),
      basemap_mode = "{basemap_mode}",
      legend_title = "log10(EL {round(res[1]/1000, 2)}km)",
      set_value_range = c({minimum_probability_for_maps}, Inf),
      scale_type = "log10",
      transparency = 0.7,
      colramp_entire_range = TRUE,
      height = 7,
      nrow = 1,
      outfile = drake::file_out(
  \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

    brisbane_edmap <- static_map(
      ras = drake::file_in(
      xlim = c(151.76, 153.86),
      ylim = c(-28.11, -26.45),
      basemap_mode = "{basemap_mode}",
      legend_title = "log10(EL {round(res[1]/1000, 2)}km)",
      set_value_range = c({minimum_probability_for_maps}, Inf),
      scale_type = "log10",
      transparency = 0.7,
      colramp_entire_range = TRUE,
      height = 7,
      nrow = 1,
      outfile = drake::file_out(
  \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

    sydney_edmap <- static_map(
      ras = drake::file_in(
      xlim = c(150.29, 151.5),
      ylim = c(-34.25, -33.51),
      basemap_mode = "{basemap_mode}",
      legend_title = "log10(EL {round(res[1]/1000, 2)}km)",
      set_value_range = c({minimum_probability_for_maps}, Inf),
      scale_type = "log10",
      transparency = 0.7,
      colramp_entire_range = TRUE,
      height = 7,
      nrow = 1,
      outfile = drake::file_out(
  \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

    melbourne_edmap <- static_map(
      ras = drake::file_in(
      xlim = c(144.5, 145.5),
      ylim = c(-38.1, -37.5),
      basemap_mode = "{basemap_mode}",
      legend_title = "log10(EL {round(res[1]/1000, 2)}km)",
      set_value_range = c({minimum_probability_for_maps}, Inf),
      scale_type = "log10",
      transparency = 0.7,
      colramp_entire_range = TRUE,
      height = 7,
      nrow = 1,
      outfile = drake::file_out(
  \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

    hobart_edmap <- static_map(
      ras = drake::file_in(
      xlim = c(146.4, 148.13),
      ylim = c(-43.34, -42.33),
      basemap_mode = "{basemap_mode}",
      legend_title = "log10(EL {round(res[1]/1000, 2)}km)",
      set_value_range = c({minimum_probability_for_maps}, Inf),
      scale_type = "log10",
      transparency = 0.7,
      colramp_entire_range = TRUE,
      height = 7,
      nrow = 1,
      outfile = drake::file_out(
  \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

    adelaide_edmap <- static_map(
      ras = drake::file_in(
      xlim = c(138, 139.5),
      ylim = c(-36, -34),
      basemap_mode = "{basemap_mode}",
      legend_title = "log10(EL {round(res[1]/1000, 2)}km)",
      set_value_range = c({minimum_probability_for_maps}, Inf),
      scale_type = "log10",
      transparency = 0.7,
      colramp_entire_range = TRUE,
      height = 7,
      nrow = 1,
      outfile = drake::file_out(
  \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

    perth_edmap <- static_map(
      ras = drake::file_in(
      xlim = c(115.28, 116.86),
      ylim = c(-32.56, -31.41),
      basemap_mode = "{basemap_mode}",
      legend_title = "log10(EL {round(res[1]/1000, 2)}km)",
      set_value_range = c({minimum_probability_for_maps}, Inf),
      scale_type = "log10",
      transparency = 0.7,
      colramp_entire_range = TRUE,
      height = 7,
      nrow = 1,
      outfile = drake::file_out(
  \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

    darwin_edmap <- static_map(
      ras = drake::file_in(
      xlim = c(130.5, 131.65),
      ylim = c(-12.88, -12.09),
      basemap_mode = "{basemap_mode}",
      legend_title = "log10(EL {round(res[1]/1000, 2)}km)",
      set_value_range = c({minimum_probability_for_maps}, Inf),
      scale_type = "log10",
      transparency = 0.7,
      colramp_entire_range = TRUE,
      height = 7,
      nrow = 1,
      outfile = drake::file_out(
  \n\n'), file=f, append=TRUE)

  plan <- drake::code_to_plan(f)
  plan$target <- ifelse(plan$target=='country_reference', 'country_reference',
                        paste0(species, '_', plan$target))
jscamac/edmaps documentation built on June 11, 2022, 1:26 a.m.