
Defines functions annotate_balance

Documented in annotate_balance

#' annotate_balance
#' annotate a balance oriented with respect to the PhILR transform.
#' That is, you can specify labels for the numerator (\code{up}) and
#' denominator (\code{down}).
#' @param tr phylo object
#' @param coord named internal node/balance to annotate
#' @param p ggtree plot (tree layer), if \code{NULL} then a new plot will be
#' created.
#' @param labels label for the numerator and denominator of the balance
#' respectively
#' @param offset offset for bar (if \code{bar=TRUE}) from tips
#' @param offset.text offset of text from bar (if \code{bar=TRUE}) or from tips
#' (if \code{bar=FALSE})
#' @param bar logical, should bar for each clade be plotted
#' @param barsize width of bar (if \code{bar=TRUE})
#' @param barfill fill of bar
#' @param geom geom used to draw label (e.g., \code{'text'} or \code{'label'})
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to \code{geom_rect} and
#' specified \code{geom}
#' @return ggplot object
#' @importFrom ggplot2 annotate
#' @importFrom ggtree ggtree get_clade_position
#' @export
#' @author Justin Silverman
#' @references Guangchuang Yu, David Smith, Huachen Zhu, Yi Guan,
#' Tommy Tsan-Yuk Lam.
#' \emph{ggtree: an R package for visualization and annotation of
#' phylogenetic trees with their covariates and other associated data.}
#' Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2016, \url{doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12628}
#' @examples
#' tr <- named_rtree(10)
#' annotate_balance(tr, 'n4', size=7)
#' annotate_balance(tr, 'n4', size=7, barsize=0.04, barfill='darkgreen',
#'     offset.text=0.05, color='red')
#' annotate_balance(tr, 'n4', bar=FALSE, size=7)
#' annotate_balance(tr, 'n4', bar=TRUE, size=7, labels=c('Num', 'Denom'),
#'     offset.text=.3)
#' annotate_balance(tr, 'n4', bar=TRUE, geom='label', size=8, offset.text=0.1)
annotate_balance <- function(tr, coord, p=NULL, labels=c('+','-'), offset=0,
                             offset.text=0.03, bar=TRUE, barsize=0.01,
                             barfill='darkgrey', geom='text', ...){

  # Check two labels were given
  if (length(labels) !=2) stop("two labels must be specified")
  names(labels) <- c('up', 'down')

  # get node numbers of children
  # get ud.nodes (to orient) - tests if coord is a tip  
  ch.coord <- unlist(get.ud.nodes(tr, coord)) 
  ch.nn <- name.to.nn(tr, ch.coord)   # Convert to node numbers
  names(ch.nn) <- names(ch.coord)

  if (is.null(p)){
    p <- ggtree::ggtree(tr)

  # Create Dataframe that contains location and dimentions of bar
  xmax <- get_clade_position(p, node=name.to.nn(tr, coord))[,'xmax']
  x.up <- get_clade_position(p, node=ch.nn['up'])
  x.down <- get_clade_position(p, node=ch.nn['down'])
  x <- rbind(x.up, x.down)
  rownames(x) <- c('up','down')
  x[,'xmin'] <- xmax + offset
  x[, 'xmax'] <- x[,'xmin'] + barsize
  x[,'ymin'] <- x[,'ymin'] + 0.2
  x[,'ymax'] <- x[,'ymax'] - 0.2

  if (bar){
    p <- p +
      annotate(geom = geom,
               y=(x['up',]$ymax + x['up',]$ymin)/2,
               label=labels['up'], ...) +
      annotate(geom = geom,
               y=(x['down',]$ymax + x['down',]$ymin)/2,
               label=labels['down'], ...) +
      annotate('rect', xmin=x['up',]$xmin, xmax=x['up',]$xmax,
               ymin=x['up',]$ymin, ymax=x['up',]$ymax, fill=barfill) +
      annotate('rect', xmin=x['down',]$xmin, xmax=x['down',]$xmax,
               ymin=x['down',]$ymin, ymax=x['down',]$ymax, fill=barfill)
  } else {
    p <- p +
      annotate(geom = geom,
               y=(x['up',]$ymax + x['up',]$ymin)/2,
               label=labels['up'], ...) +
      annotate(geom = geom,
               y=(x['down',]$ymax + x['down',]$ymin)/2,
               label=labels['down'], ...)
jsilve24/philr documentation built on April 20, 2023, 12:43 p.m.