
Defines functions REI

Documented in REI

#' Calculates a returns a list of each station and the REI (defined here)
#' @description  The receiver efficiency index is number between 0 and 1 indicating the amount of relative activity at each receiver compared to the
#' entire set of receivers, regardless of positioning. The function takes a set detections and a deployment history of the receivers to
#' create a context for the detections. Both the amount of unique tags and number of species are taken into consideration in the calculation.
#' \emph{(Ellis, R., Flaherty-Walia, K., Collins, A., Bickford, J., Walters Burnsed, Lowerre-Barbieri S. 2018. Acoustic telemetry array evolution: from species- and project-specific designs to large-scale, multispecies, cooperative networks, 
#'  \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2018.09.015})}
#' REI() takes two arguments. The first is a dataframe of detections the detection timstamp, the station identifier, the species, and the
#' tag identifier. The next is a dataframe of deployments for each station. The station name should match the stations in the detections.
#' The deployments need to include a deployment date and recovery date.
#' \deqn{
#' REI = (Tr/Ta) x (Sr/Sa) x (DDr/DDa) x (Da/Dr)
#' }
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Tr = The number of tags detected on the receievr}
#' \item{Ta = The number of tags detected across all receivers}
#' \item{Sr = The number of species detected on the receiver}
#' \item{Sa = The number of species detected across all receivers}
#' \item{DDa = The number of unique days with detections across all receivers}
#' \item{DDr = The number of unique days with detections on the receiver}
#' \item{Da = The number of days the array was active}
#' \item{Dr = The number of days the receiver was active}
#' }
#' @param detections a glatos detections class data table
#' @param deployments a glatos receivers class data table
#' @return a list of receivers with lat and long and the receiver efficiency index
#' @author Alex Nunes  \email{anunes@dal.ca}
#' @examples
#' det_file <- system.file("extdata", "hfx_detections.csv",
#' package = "glatos")
#' dep_file <- system.file("extdata", "hfx_deployments.csv",
#'                         package = "glatos")
#' hfx_deployments <- glatos::read_otn_deployments(dep_file)
#' dets <- glatos::read_otn_detections(det_file)
#' hfx_receiver_efficiency_index <- glatos::REI(dets,hfx_deployments)
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by mutate coalesce filter summarise
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @export

REI <- function(detections, deployments) {
  # Check for proper columns
  required_deployment_columns <-  c('station', 'deploy_date_time', 'recover_date_time')
  required_detection_columns <- c('station', 'common_name_e', 'animal_id', 'detection_timestamp_utc')

  if (all(required_deployment_columns %in% colnames(deployments)) & all(required_detection_columns %in% colnames(detections))) {
    if('last_download' %in% colnames(deployments)) {
      deployments <-deployments %>%
        dplyr::mutate(recover_date_time = coalesce(recover_date_time, last_download))
      deployments <- deployments %>% filter(!is.na(last_download) | !is.na(recover_date_time))

    # Make sure all dates are a POSIXct type
    if( !inherits(deployments$deploy_date_time, "POSIXct")) {
      deployments$deploy_date_time <- as.POSIXct(deployments$deploy_date_time,format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

    if( !inherits(deployments$recover_date_time, "POSIXct")) {
      deployments$recover_date_time <- as.POSIXct(deployments$recover_date_time,format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

    if( !inherits(detections$detection_timestamp_utc, "POSIXct")) {
      detections$detection_timestamp_utc <- as.POSIXct(detections$detection_timestamp_utc,format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

    # Get the total number of days the array/line was active
    array_days_active <- as.integer(max(na.omit(deployments$recover_date_time)) - min(na.omit(deployments$deploy_date_time)))

    # Calculate each receivers total days deployed
    deployments$days_deployed <- round(difftime(deployments$recover_date_time, deployments$deploy_date_time, units='days'), 0)
    deployments <- deployments[,c('station', 'days_deployed')]

    deployments <- group_by(deployments, station) %>% summarise(
      receiver_days_active = as.numeric(sum(days_deployed))
    deployments <- na.omit(deployments)
    # Exclude all detections that are not registered with receivers in the deployments
    detections <- subset(detections, detections$station %in% deployments$station)

    # Calculate array counts
    array_unique_tags <- length(unique(detections$animal_id))
    array_unique_species <- length (unique(detections$common_name_e))
    days_with_detections <- length(unique(as.Date(detections$detection_timestamp_utc)))

    # Loop through each station in the detections and Calculate REI for each station
    station_stats <- group_by(detections, station) %>% summarise(
      latitude = mean(deploy_lat),
      longitude = mean(deploy_long),
      receiver_unique_tags = length(unique(animal_id)),
      receiver_unique_species = length(unique(common_name_e)),
      receiver_days_with_detections = length(unique(as.Date(detection_timestamp_utc)))
    station_reis <- merge(station_stats,deployments,by='station', all.x=TRUE)

    station_reis$rei <- (station_reis$receiver_unique_tags / array_unique_tags) * (station_reis$receiver_unique_species / array_unique_species) * (station_reis$receiver_days_with_detections / days_with_detections) * (array_days_active / station_reis$receiver_days_active)

    # Normalize REIs to value from 0 to 1
    station_reis$rei <- station_reis$rei/sum(station_reis$rei)

    # Cleanup and return the station REI's
    station_reis <- station_reis[,c('station', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'rei')]

  } else {
    message("Please make sure detections and deployments have the correct columns.")
jsta/glatos documentation built on July 11, 2022, 7:01 a.m.