
Defines functions total.imbalance simulate.trial assign.next.treatment .check.treatment.names .check.treatments .check.treatment.ratios .scm .gcd imbalance

Documented in assign.next.treatment imbalance

#' Treatment Imbalance
#' Provides a measure of treatment imbalance with respect to a desired ratio of
#' treatments.
#' @param treatments a factor or a character/numeric vector containing a sequence of treatments.
#' @param treatment.ratios a named vector containing the desired treatment ratios.
#' Treatment.ratios should at least contain all unique elements of the treatments vector.
#' @details
#' A treatment vector has imbalance 0 if the treatments occur in the desired ratio.
#' Otherwise, the imbalance is positive.
#' @examples
#' # A balanced treatment vector
#' imbalance(factor(c("A","B","B","A"),levels=c("A","B")),treatment.ratios=c(A=1,B=1))
#' # Still balanced if ratio is given as 50:50 instead of 1:1
#' imbalance(factor(c("A","B","B","A"),levels=c("A","B")),treatment.ratios=c(A=50,B=50))
#' # Treatments can also be provided as a numeric vector
#' imbalance(c(1,2,2,1),treatment.ratios=c("1"=1,"2"=1))
#' # Treatments can be provided as a character vector
#' imbalance(c("A","B","B","A"), treatment.ratios=c(A=1,B=1))
#' @export
imbalance <- function( treatments, treatment.ratios ) {

	#Check input	
	.check.treatments( treatments )
	.check.treatment.ratios( treatment.ratios )
	.check.treatment.names( treatments, treatment.ratios )

	#Count how often each treatment occurs in the current vector.
	#Add the treatments not in there to the table with a 'zero'.
	xt <- setNames(rep(0,length(names(treatment.ratios))),names(treatment.ratios))
	xt[names(table( treatments ))] <- table( treatments )

	#Assign each treatment a weight such that multiplying the elements of treatment.ratios with the
	#elements of treatment.weights yields an equal, integer number for all treatments. To get
	#treatment.weights that are also integer, this number can be the smallest common multiple (scm)
	#of the elements in treatment.ratios. Dividing the scm by the treatment.ratios vector then yields the
	#vector with weights:
	treatment.weights <- .scm(treatment.ratios)/treatment.ratios[names(xt)]

	#Now multiply treatment counts with treatment weights. The difference of the range yields the (weighted)
	weighted.xt <- xt*treatment.weights

# The greatest common divisor of a vector of integer numbers.
.gcd <- function( x ){

	#Calculate gcd with "Euclidian algorithm"
	if( length(x) < 2 ){
	if( length(x) > 2 ){
		return( .gcd( c( x[1], .gcd( x[-1] ) ) ) )

	x <- sort(x)
	xd <- diff(x)
	if( xd==0 ){
	.gcd( c(x[1], xd ) )

# The smallest common multiple of a vector of integer numbers.
.scm <- function( x ){
	if( length(x) < 2 ){
	if( length(x) > 2 ){
		return( .scm( c( x[1], .scm( x[-1] ) ) ) )
	return( prod(x)  / .gcd(x) )

# Format check for treatment ratios:
.check.treatment.ratios <- function(x){
	if( !is.vector(x) ){
		stop("treatment.ratios must be a vector!")
	if( !is.numeric(x) ){
		stop("treatment.ratios must be a (named) numeric vector!")
	if( !all( unname(x) ==  as.integer(x) ) ){
		stop("Please use integers to specify treatment ratios! (E.g., c(A=2,B=1) instead of c(A=1,B=0.5))")
	if( any( x <= 0 ) ){
		stop("Each treatment ratio must be positive!")

	if( is.null(names(x)) ){
		stop("The vector treatment.ratios must be named after the treatments! (E.g., c(A=2,B=1) instead of c(1,2))")


# Format check for the actual treatments.
.check.treatments <- function(x){
	if( !is.vector(x) & !is.factor(x) ){
		stop("treatments must be a vector or a factor!")

# Last check: names in treatment.ratios must correspond to the actual treatment names. 
.check.treatment.names <- function(treatments,treatment.ratios){

	tnames <- names(treatment.ratios)
		stop("Not all treatments can be found in treatment.ratios. Please check that treatments are spelled correctly and that treatment.ratios is complete.")
			stop("Treatment is a factor, but levels do not correspond to the names in treatment.ratios.")


#' @importFrom stats runif setNames
#' @importFrom utils tail

#' Assign Next Treatment for Patient
#' This function assigns the next treatment of a patient,
#' given the previous treatments.
#' @param patient.data a data frame containing the strata for each patient.
#' The last row of this data frame is assumed to contain the strata for the
#' new patient, who will receive the next treatment. Strata can be given
#' as a factor, or as columns that can be interpreted as a factor.
#' @param previous.treatments a factor or numeric/character vector containing 
#' the previous treatments. 'previous.treatments' should have an element for
#' each row in patient.data except the last (which represents the current patient
#' for whom no treatment has been determined yet). 
#' @param treatment.ratios a named vector containing the desired ratios
#' in which treatments are to be given.
#' @param p probability with which a random treatment will be chosen 
#' (with the desired ratio) instead of choosing the treatment that minimizes
#' imbalance.
#' @examples
#' # Define patient data
#' d <- data.frame( F1=factor(c(1,2,2),levels=1:2),
#'   F2=factor(c(1,1,2),levels=1:2) )
#' # Define previous treatments
#' tr <- factor( c("A","A"), levels=c("A","B") )
#' # Call function to obtain next treatment
#' next.tr <- assign.next.treatment( d, c(A=2,B=1), tr )
#' @export
assign.next.treatment <- function(
	patient.data, treatment.ratios, previous.treatments=character(0), p=0.3 ){
	# patient.data must be a dataframe.
	if (class(patient.data)!="data.frame"){
		stop("patient.data must be a dataframe with at least one row!")

	if ( nrow(patient.data) == 0 ){
		stop("patient.data must be a dataframe with at least one row!")

	# treatment.ratios should be a named vector of non-negative integers.
	.check.treatment.ratios( treatment.ratios )

	# previous.treatments should be a vector of length nrow(patient.data) -1 and
	# should only contain treatments specified in the treatment.ratios vector.
	.check.treatments( previous.treatments )
	previous.treatments <- as.character(previous.treatments)

	if( length(previous.treatments) != nrow(patient.data)-1 ){
		stop(paste("The number of previous treatments must equal the number of patients - 1! Input data has",length(previous.treatments),"previous treatments and",nrow(patient.data),"patients."))
	.check.treatment.names( previous.treatments, treatment.ratios )

	treatments <- names(treatment.ratios)
	N <- length(treatments)

	# Compute the total imbalances for each treatment.
	factors <- names(patient.data)
	imbalances <- sapply( treatments, function(tr){ 
		sum( sapply( factors, function(f){
			f.values <- patient.data[[f]]
			imbalance( c(previous.treatments,tr)[f.values==tail(f.values,1)],
			} ) ) 
	} )

	if( runif(1) > p && diff(range(imbalances))>0 ){
		# Sort treatments in increasing order by imbalance, randomly breaking ties.
		treatments <- treatments[order(imbalances, sample(N))]
		# Return treatment with smallest imbalance.
		r <- treatments[1]
	} else {
		# Pick treatment at random, using biased coin to attain desired
		# treatment ratio.
		r <- sample( rep(treatments,treatment.ratios[treatments]), 1 )

simulate.trial <- function( initial.data, treatment.ratios, initial.treatments, N, strata.levels, method="min",... ){
	d <- initial.data 		# a dataframe
	tr <- initial.treatments 	# factor or numeric/character vector

	# Convert all to character vector to avoid problems with factor behaviour:
	tr <- as.character( tr )

	# Patients come in in random order until all have been treated. 
	while( nrow(d) < N ){
		# The new patient has a random combination of strata
		# All possible levels for each stratum are stored in the named list 'strata.levels'
		# (names must correspond to initial.data colnames)
		d <- rbind(d, sapply(colnames(d), function(x) sample(strata.levels[[x]],1)))

		# Assign the treatment according to the chosen method:
		if( method=="min"){
			#use assign.next.treatment
			tr <- c( tr, assign.next.treatment(d, treatment.ratios, tr,...) )

		} else if (method == "rand"){
		# Assign one of the treatments randomly with probability according to treatment.ratio
		tr <- c( tr, sample(names(treatment.ratios),1,prob=treatment.ratios) )

		} else {
			stop("Unknown method! Please pick 'min' or 'rand' or keep default.")
	# output both the renewed data and the renewed treatment vector.
	list( patient.data=d, treatments=tr )

total.imbalance <- function( patient.data, treatments, treatment.ratios, ... ){
	# For each factor f...
	apply( patient.data, 2, function(f){
		# ...Calculate the sum of the imbalances (imbalance for each treatment)
		sum( by( treatments, f, function(x) imbalance(x, treatment.ratios, ...) ) )
jtextor/trialMinRand documentation built on July 29, 2023, 8:59 a.m.