
Defines functions draw_pred.Prediction draw_pred.subroutine draw_pred

Documented in draw_pred

#' Draw pseudo-observations from posterior or prior predictive distribution
#' @export
#' @description Draw pseudo-observations from predictive distribution.
#' If \code{pred} contains draws from the component posterior (prior)
#' distributions, then the output is draws from the posterior (prior)
#' predictive distribution. If \code{pred} is not specified, then
#' whether output draws are from prior or posterior predictive distribution
#' depends on whether \code{fit} is created using the \code{\link{lgp}}
#' option \code{prior_only=TRUE} or not.
#' @param fit An object of class \linkS4class{lgpfit} that has been created
#' using the \code{\link{lgp}} option \code{sample_f=TRUE}.
#' @param pred An object of class \linkS4class{Prediction}, containing
#' draws of each model component. If \code{NULL}, this is
#' obtained using \code{get_pred(fit)}.
#' @family main functions
#' @return An array with shape \eqn{S x P}, where \eqn{S} is the number of
#' draws that \code{pred} contains and \eqn{P} is the length of each
#' function draw.
#' Each row \eqn{s = 1, \ldots, S} of the output is one vector drawn from the
#' predictive distribution, given parameter draw \eqn{s}.
draw_pred <- function(fit, pred = NULL) {
  check_type(fit, "lgpfit")
  if (!is_f_sampled(fit)) {
    stop("fit has been created with sample_f = FALSE")
  if (is.null(pred)) {
    pred <- get_pred(fit)
  model <- get_model(fit)
  stan_fit <- get_stanfit(fit)
  draw_pred.subroutine(model, stan_fit, pred)

# Draw pseudo-observations from a predictive distribution
draw_pred.subroutine <- function(model, stan_fit, pred) {
  if (!is(pred, "Prediction")) {
    stop("pred must be an object of class Prediction")
  draw_pred.Prediction(model, stan_fit, pred)

# Draw pseudo-observations from a predictive distribution
draw_pred.Prediction <- function(model, stan_fit, pred) {
  stopifnot(is(pred, "Prediction"))
  obs_model <- get_obs_model(model)
  h <- pred@h
  S <- dim(h)[1] # number of draws
  L <- num_evalpoints(pred) # number of evaluation points
  y_draws <- matrix(0.0, S, L)

  # Get possible observation model parameter draws
  if (obs_model == "gaussian") {
    theta_obs <- as.vector(get_draws(stan_fit, pars = "sigma"))
  } else if (obs_model == "nb") {
    theta_obs <- as.vector(get_draws(stan_fit, pars = "phi"))
  } else if (obs_model == "bb") {
    theta_obs <- as.vector(get_draws(stan_fit, pars = "gamma"))
  } else {
    theta_obs <- rep(NA, S)

  # Get possible number of trials
  if (is_bin_or_bb(obs_model)) {
    num_trials <- as.vector(get_num_trials(model))
    if (length(num_trials) != L) {
      stop("length(num_trials) not equal to num_evalpoints(pred)!")
  } else {
    num_trials <- NULL

  for (s in seq_len(S)) {
    h_s <- h[s, ] # vector of length N
    theta_s <- theta_obs[s] # single number
    if (obs_model == "gaussian") {
      y_s <- stats::rnorm(n = length(h_s), mean = h_s, sd = theta_s)
    } else if (obs_model == "poisson") {
      y_s <- stats::rpois(n = length(h_s), lambda = h_s)
    } else if (obs_model == "nb") {
      y_s <- stats::rnbinom(n = length(h_s), mu = h_s, size = theta_s)
    } else if (obs_model == "binomial") {
      y_s <- stats::rbinom(n = length(h_s), prob = h_s, size = num_trials)
    } else if (obs_model == "bb") {
      gamma <- theta_s # number
      gam_t <- (1 - gamma) / gamma # number
      alpha <- gam_t * h_s # vector
      beta <- gam_t * (1.0 - h_s) # vector
      prob <- stats::rbeta(n = length(alpha), alpha, beta)
      y_s <- stats::rbinom(n = length(alpha), prob = prob, size = num_trials)
    } else {
      stop("Unknown obs_model! Please report a bug.")
    y_draws[s, ] <- y_s
jtimonen/lgpr documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 11:13 p.m.