Man pages for juliancandia/mutSigMapper
Mapping Spectra to Mutational Signatures Based on Shot-Noise Modeling

exportgenerates plain text files from mutSigMapper object
mutSigMappermaps spectra to mutational signatures
mutSigMapper-internalInternal mutSigMapper functions
mutSigMapper-packagemaps spectra to mutational signatures
plotSpectraCaterpillargenerates caterpillar plot of signature weights for...
plotSpectraHeatmapgenerates heatmap plots of spectra vs mutational signatures
ref_bkg_exomeTrinucleotide counts in the human exome
ref_bkg_genomeTrinucleotide counts in the human genome
ref_cosmic_v2COSMIC v2 (March 2015) compendium
ref_cosmic_v3COSMIC v3 (May 2019) compendium
ref_cosmic_v3.1COSMIC v3.1 (June 2020) compendium
ref_cosmic_v3_exomeCOSMIC v3 (May 2019) compendium (exome reference)
ref_mutagen53Mutagen compendium (Kucab et al, May 2019)
spectraExample spectra dataset
WES_TCGAWhole exome sequencing datasets from TCGA
WGS_PCAWGWhole genome sequencing datasets from PCAWG
juliancandia/mutSigMapper documentation built on Oct. 19, 2020, 3:58 a.m.