#' SparCC
#' reimplementation of SparCC in R
#' @param data count data
#' @param iter number of iterations to compute median correlation
#' @param inner_iter number of iterations for the inner loop
#' @export
sparcc <- function(data, iter=20, inner_iter=10, th=.1) {
# without all the 'frills'
sparccs <-
lapply(1:iter, function(i)
sparccinner(t(apply(data, 1, norm_diric)), iter=inner_iter, th=th))
# collect
cors <- array(unlist(lapply(sparccs, function(x) x$Cor)),
corMed <- apply(cors, 1:2, median)
covs <- array(unlist(lapply(sparccs, function(x) x$Cov)),
covMed <- apply(cors, 1:2, median)
covMed <- cor2cov(corMed, sqrt(diag(covMed)))
list(Cov=covMed, Cor=corMed)
#' @keywords internal
sparccinner <- function(data.f, T=NULL, iter=10, th=0.1) {
if (is.null(T)) T <- av(data.f)
res.bv <- basis_var(T)
Vbase <- res.bv$Vbase
M <- res.bv$M
cbase <- C_from_V(T, Vbase)
Cov <- cbase$Cov
Cor <- cbase$Cor
## do iterations here
excluded <- NULL
for (i in 1:iter) {
res.excl <- exclude_pairs(Cor, M, th, excluded)
M <- res.excl$M
excluded <- res.excl$excluded
if (res.excl$break_flag) break
res.bv <- basis_var(T, M=M, excluded=excluded)
Vbase <- res.bv$Vbase
M <- res.bv$M
K <- M
diag(K) <- 1
cbase <- C_from_V(T, Vbase)
Cov <- cbase$Cov
Cor <- cbase$Cor
list(Cov=Cov, Cor=Cor, i=i, M=M, excluded=excluded)
#' @keywords internal
exclude_pairs <- function(Cor, M, th=0.1, excluded=NULL) {
# exclude pairs with high correlations
break_flag <- FALSE
C_temp <- abs(Cor - diag(diag(Cor)) ) # abs value / remove diagonal
if (!is.null(excluded)) C_temp[excluded] <- 0 # set previously excluded correlations to 0
exclude <- which(abs(C_temp - max(C_temp)) < .Machine$double.eps*100)[1:2]
if (max(C_temp) > th) {
i <- na.exclude(arrayInd(exclude, c(nrow(M), ncol(M)))[,1])
M[i,i] <- M[i,i] - 1
excluded_new <- c(excluded, exclude)
} else {
excluded_new <- excluded
break_flag <- TRUE
list(M=M, excluded=excluded_new, break_flag=break_flag)
#' @keywords internal
basis_cov <- function(data.f) {
# data.f -> relative abundance data
# OTUs in columns, samples in rows (yes, I know this is transpose of normal)
# first compute aitchison variation
T <- av(data.f)
res.bv <- basis_var(T)
Vbase <- res.bv$Vbase
M <- res.bv$M
cbase <- C_from_V(T, Vbase)
Cov <- cbase$Cov
Cor <- cbase$Cor
list(Cov=Cov, M=M)
#' @keywords internal
basis_var <- function(T, CovMat = matrix(0, nrow(T), ncol(T)),
M = matrix(1, nrow(T), ncol(T)) + (diag(ncol(T))*(ncol(T)-2)),
excluded = NULL, Vmin=1e-4) {
if (!is.null(excluded)) {
T[excluded] <- 0
# CovMat[excluded] <- 0
Ti <- matrix(rowSums(T))
CovVec <- matrix(rowSums(CovMat - diag(diag(CovMat)))) # row sum of off diagonals
M.I <- tryCatch(solve(M), error=function(e) MASS::ginv(M))
Vbase <- M.I %*% (Ti + 2*CovVec)
Vbase[Vbase < Vmin] <- Vmin
list(Vbase=Vbase, M=M)
#' @keywords internal
C_from_V <- function(T, Vbase) {
J <- matrix(1, nrow(T), ncol(T))
Vdiag <- diag(c(Vbase))
CovMat <- .5*((J %*% Vdiag) + (Vdiag %*% J) - T)
CovMat <- (CovMat + t(CovMat))/2 # enforce symmetry
# check that correlations are within -1,1
CorMat <- cov2cor(CovMat)
CorMat[abs(CorMat) > 1] <- sign(CorMat[abs(CorMat) > 1])
CovMat <- cor2cov(CorMat, sqrt(as.vector(Vbase)))
list(Cov=CovMat, Cor=CorMat)
#' @keywords internal
av <- function(data) {
cov.clr <- cov(clr(data))
J <- matrix(1, ncol(data), ncol(data))
(J %*% diag(diag(cov.clr))) + (diag(diag(cov.clr)) %*% J) - (2*cov.clr)
#' importFrom VGAM rdiric
#' @export
norm_diric <- function(x, rep=1) {
dmat <- VGAM::rdiric(rep, x+1)
# Different normalization schemes for microbiome counts (real or fake)
# @author Zachary Kurtz
# @date 10/10/2013
#' add pseudocount before normalizing a vector
#' @export
norm_pseudo <- function(x) norm_to_total(x+1)
#' Total sum normalization of a (presumably positive) data vector
#' @export
norm_to_total <- function(x) x/sum(x)
#' compute the shannon entropy from a vector (normalized internally)
#' Shannon entropy is:
#' sum [ x_i log(x_i) ]
#' @param x data vector
#' @return shannon entropy in base e
#' @export
shannon <- function(x) {
x.f <- norm_to_total(x)
-sum(x.f*log(x.f), na.rm=TRUE)
#' N_effective: Compute the exponential of the shannon entropy. linearizes shannon entropy, for a better diveristy metric (effective number of species)
#' @param x data vector
#' @return N_eff in base e
#' @export
neff <- function(x) exp(shannon(x))
#' Centered log-ratio functions
#' @export
clr <- function(x, ...) {
UseMethod('clr', x)
#' @method clr default
#' @export
clr.default <- function(x.f, base=exp(1), tol=.Machine$double.eps) {
nzero <- (x.f >= tol)
LOG <- log(ifelse(nzero, x.f, 1), base)
ifelse(nzero, LOG - mean(LOG)/mean(nzero), 0.0)
#' @method clr matrix
#' @export
clr.matrix <- function(x.f, mar=2, ...) {
apply(x.f, mar, clr, ...)
#' @method clr data.frame
#' @export
clr.data.frame <- function(x.f, mar=2, ...) {
clr(as.matrix(x.f), mar, ...)
#' Additive log-ratio functions
#' @export
alr <- function(x, ...) {
UseMethod("alr", x)
#' @method alr default
#' @export
alr.default <- function(x.f, divcomp=1, base=exp(1), removeDivComp=TRUE,
tol=.Machine$double.eps) {
zero <- (x.f >= tol)
LOG <- log(ifelse(zero, x.f, 1), base)
x.alr <- ifelse(zero, LOG - LOG[divcomp], 0.0)
if (removeDivComp) x.alr[-divcomp]
else x.alr
#' @method alr matrix
#' @export
alr.matrix <- function(x.f, mar=2, divcomp=1, base=exp(1), removeDivComp=TRUE,
tol=.Machine$double.eps) {
if (mar == 1) x.f <- t(x.f)
zero <- (x.f >= tol)
LOG <- log(ifelse(zero, x.f, 1), base)
x.alr <- ifelse(zero, LOG - LOG[,divcomp], 0.0)
if (removeDivComp) x.alr[,-divcomp]
else x.alr
#' @method alr data.frame
#' @export
alr.data.frame <- function(x.f, mar=2, ...) {
alr(as.matrix(x.f), mar, ...)
#' @export
triu <- function(x) x[upper.tri(x)]
#' @export
tril <- function(x) x[lower.tri(x)]
#' @export
triu2diag <- function(x, diagval=0) {
e <- length(x)
n <- .5 * (sqrt(8*e + 1)+1)
mat <- matrix(0, n, n)
mat[upper.tri(mat)] <- x
mat <- mat + t(mat)
diag(mat) <- diagval
#' Draw samples from a zero-inflated poisson distribution
#' @param n the number of samples to draw
#' @param lambda The poisson rate parameter
#' @param pstr0 probability of drawing a zero
#' @return Poisson counts of length \eqn{n}
#' @importFrom stats qpois dpois runif
#' @export
rzipois <- function(n, lambda, pstr0 = 0) {
ans <- rpois(n, lambda)
ans <- ifelse(runif(n) < pstr0, 0, ans)
prob0 <- exp(-lambda)
deflat.limit <- -1/expm1(lambda)
ind0 <- (deflat.limit <= pstr0) & (pstr0 < 0)
if (any(ind0)) {
pobs0 <- pstr0[ind0] + (1 - pstr0[ind0]) * pstr0[ind0]
ans[ind0] <- qpois(p = runif(sum(ind0),
min = dpois(0, lambda[ind0])), lambda[ind0])
ans[ind0] <- ifelse(runif(sum(ind0)) < pobs0, 0, ans[ind0])
ans[pstr0 < deflat.limit] <- NaN
ans[pstr0 > 1] <- NaN
#' @keywords internal
.zipois_getLam <- function(mu, S) {
S <- max(sqrt(mu), S)
(S^2/mu) + mu - 1
#' @keywords internal
.zipois_getP <- function(mu, S) {
S <- max(sqrt(mu), S)
(S^2 - mu) / (mu^2 - mu + S^2)
#' Generate multivariate, Zero-inflated poisson data,
#' with counts approximately correlated according to Sigma
#' @param n number of samples to draw
#' @param mu mean vector for variables (of length \eqn{D})
#' @param Sigma \eqn{DxD} covariance or correlation matrix
#' @param lambdas supply rate parameter (instead of mu)
#' @param ps probability of zeros (instead of mu)
#' @return \eqn{Dxn} matrix with zi-poisson data
#' @importFrom VGAM qzipois
#' @export
rmvzipois <- function(n, mu, Sigma, lambdas, ps, ...) {
d <- ncol(Sigma)
Cor <- cov2cor(Sigma)
SDs <- sqrt(diag(Sigma))
if (missing(lambdas) || missing(ps)) {
if (missing(mu)) stop("Need to supply mu")
if (length(mu) != length(SDs)) stop("Sigma and mu dimensions don't match")
lambdas <- unlist(lapply(1:length(SDs), function(i) .zipois_getLam(mu[i], SDs[i])))
ps <- unlist(lapply(1:length(SDs), function(i) .zipois_getP(mu[i], SDs[i])))
if (length(lambdas) != length(SDs)) stop("Sigma and mu/lambdas dimensions don't match")
if (length(lambdas) == 1) stop("Need more than 1 variable")
normd <- rmvnorm(n, rep(0, d), Cor)
unif <- pnorm(normd)
data <- t(apply(unif, 1, function(probs) {
VGAM::qzipois(probs, lambdas, pstr0=ps, ...)
data <- .fixInf(data)
#' Generate multivariate poisson data,
#' with counts approximately correlated according to Sigma
#' @param n number of samples to draw
#' @param mu mean vector for variables (of length \eqn{D})
#' @param Sigma \eqn{DxD} covariance or correlation matrix
#' @param lambdas supply rate parameter (instead of mu)
#' @param ps probability of zeros (instead of mu)
#' @return \eqn{Dxn} matrix with zi-poisson data
#' @importFrom stats qpois
#' @export
rmvpois <- function(n, mu, Sigma, ...) {
Cor <- cov2cor(Sigma)
SDs <- sqrt(diag(Sigma))
d <- length(SDs)
if (length(mu) != length(SDs)) stop("Sigma and mu/lambdas dimensions don't match")
if (length(mu) == 1) stop("Need more than 1 variable")
normd <- rmvnorm(n, rep(0, d), Cor)
unif <- pnorm(normd)
data <- t(qpois(t(unif), mu, ...))
data <- .fixInf(data)
#' @keywords internal
.negbin_getK <- function(mu, S) {
S <- max(sqrt(mu), S)
#' Generate multivariate, Zero-inflated negative binomial data,
#' with counts approximately correlated according to Sigma
#' @param n number of samples to draw
#' @param mu mean vector for variables (of length \eqn{D})
#' @param Sigma \eqn{DxD} covariance or correlation matrix
#' @param munbs Rate/mean parameter (instead of mu)
#' @param ps probability of zeros (instead of mu)
#' @param ks shape parameter
#' @param ... other arguments to the negative binomial distribution
#' @return \eqn{Dxn} matrix with zi-poisson data
#' @importFrom stats qnbinom
#' @export
rmvnegbin <- function(n, mu, Sigma, ks, ...) {
# Generate an NxD matrix of Zero-inflated poisson data,
# with counts approximately correlated according to Sigma
Cor <- cov2cor(Sigma)
SDs <- sqrt(diag(Sigma))
if (missing(mu)) stop('mu is required')
if (length(mu) != length(SDs)) stop("Sigma and mu dimensions don't match")
if (missing(ks)) {
ks <- unlist(lapply(1:length(SDs), function(i) .negbin_getK(mu[i], SDs[i])))
d <- length(mu)
normd <- rmvnorm(n, rep(0, d), Sigma=Cor)
unif <- pnorm(normd)
data <- t(qnbinom(t(unif), mu=mu, size=ks, ...))
data <- .fixInf(data)
#' @keywords internal
.zinegbin_getLam <- function(mu, S) {
S <- max(sqrt(mu)+1e-3, S)
(mu + (mu^2 - mu + S^2) / mu) / 2
#' @keywords internal
.zinegbin_getP <- function(mu, lam) {
1 - (mu / lam)
#' @keywords internal
.zinegbin_getK <- function(mu, S, lam) {
S <- max(sqrt(mu)+1e-3, S)
(mu * lam) / (mu^2 - (mu * (lam + 1)) + S^2)
#' Generate multivariate, negative binomial data,
#' with counts approximately correlated according to Sigma
#' @param n number of samples to draw
#' @param mu mean vector for variables (of length \eqn{D})
#' @param Sigma \eqn{DxD} covariance or correlation matrix
#' @param munbs Rate/mean parameter (instead of mu)
#' @param ks shape parameter
#' @param ... other arguments to the negative binomial distribution
#' @return \eqn{Dxn} matrix with zi-poisson data
#' @importFrom VGAM qzinegbin
#' @export
rmvzinegbin <- function(n, mu, Sigma, munbs, ks, ps, ...) {
# Generate an NxD matrix of Zero-inflated poisson data,
# with counts approximately correlated according to Sigma
Cor <- cov2cor(Sigma)
SDs <- sqrt(diag(Sigma))
if (missing(munbs) || missing(ps) || missing(ks)) {
if (length(mu) != length(SDs)) stop("Sigma and mu dimensions don't match")
munbs <- unlist(lapply(1:length(SDs), function(i) .zinegbin_getLam(mu[i], SDs[i])))
ps <- unlist(lapply(1:length(SDs), function(i) .zinegbin_getP(mu[i], munbs[i])))
ks <- unlist(lapply(1:length(SDs), function(i) .zinegbin_getK(mu[i], SDs[i], munbs[i])))
if (length(munbs) != length(SDs)) stop("Sigma and mu dimensions don't match")
d <- length(munbs)
normd <- rmvnorm(n, rep(0, d), Sigma=Cor)
unif <- pnorm(normd)
data <- t(apply(unif, 1, function(probs) {
VGAM::qzinegbin(probs, munb=munbs, size=ks, pstr0=ps, ...)
data <- .fixInf(data)
#' @keywords internal
.fixInf <- function(data) {
# hacky way of replacing infinite values with the col max + 1
if (any(is.infinite(data))) {
data <- apply(data, 2, function(x) {
if (any(is.infinite(x))) {
x[ind<-which(is.infinite(x))] <- NA
x[ind] <- max(x, na.rm=TRUE)+1
#' Draw samples from multivariate, correlated normal distribution
#' with counts correlated according to Sigma
#' @param n number of samples to draw
#' @param mu mean vector for variables (of length \eqn{D})
#' @param Sigma \eqn{DxD} covariance or correlation matrix
#' @param tol numerical tolerance for a zero eigenvalue (check for PD of Sigma)
#' @param empirical is Sigma the empirical correlation?
#' @return \eqn{Dxn} matrix with Gaussian data
#' @export
rmvnorm <- function(n=100, mu=rep(0,10), Sigma=diag(10), tol=1e-6, empirical=TRUE) {
p <- length(mu)
if (!all(dim(Sigma) == c(p, p)))
stop("incompatible arguments")
eS <- eigen(Sigma, symmetric = TRUE)
ev <- eS$values
if (!all(ev >= -tol * abs(ev[1L])))
stop("'Sigma' is not positive definite")
X <- matrix(rnorm(p * n), n)
if (empirical) {
X <- scale(X, TRUE, FALSE)
X <- X %*% svd(X, nu = 0, nv = length(mu))$v
X <- scale(X, FALSE, TRUE)
X <- drop(mu) + eS$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(pmax(ev, 0)), p) %*% t(X)
#' @export
multivnomial <- function(n, mu, Sigma) {
N <- sum(mu)
data <- rmultinom(n, N, mu/N)
c <- as.matrix(chol(Sigma))
t(data) %*% c
#' Convert a symmetric correlation matrix to a covariance matrix
#' given the standard deviation
#' @param cor a symmetric correlation matrix
#' @param sds standard deviations of the resulting covariance.
#' @return Covariance matrix of sample dimension as cor
#' @export
cor2cov <- function(cor, sds) {
if (length(sds) != length(diag(cor))) stop("inputs are of mismatched dimension")
cor * sds * rep(sds, each=nrow(cor))
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