
Defines functions overview_taxon overview_taxlist

Documented in overview_taxlist overview_taxon

#' Function producing the overview of whole object.
#' @keywords internal
overview_taxlist <- function(object, units, check_validity) {
  cat("object size:", format(object.size(object), units = units),
    sep = " ",
  if (check_validity) {
    cat("validation of 'taxlist' object:", validObject(object),
      sep = " ",
  cat("number of taxon usage names:", nrow(object@taxonNames), sep = " ", "\n")
  cat("number of taxon concepts:", nrow(object@taxonRelations), sep = " ", "\n")
  cat("trait entries:", nrow(object@taxonTraits), sep = " ", "\n")
  cat("number of trait variables:", ncol(object@taxonTraits) - 1,
    sep = " ",
  cat("taxon views:", nrow(object@taxonViews), sep = " ", "\n")
  if (any(!is.na(object@taxonRelations$Parent))) {
    cat("concepts with parents:",
      sep = " ",
    cat("concepts with children:",
      sep = " ", "\n"
  if (any(!is.na(object@taxonRelations$Level))) {
    cat("hierarchical levels:", paste(levels(object), collapse = " < "),
      sep = " ", "\n"
    for (i in base::levels(object@taxonRelations$Level)) {
      cat("number of concepts in level ", i, ": ",
        sum(paste(object@taxonRelations$Level) == i),
        sep = "", "\n"

#' Function producing the overview of single taxon concepts.
#' @keywords internal
overview_taxon <- function(object, ConceptID, display, maxsum,
                           secundum = NULL) {
  if (length(ConceptID > 0)) {
    if (!all(ConceptID %in% object@taxonRelations$TaxonConceptID)) {
      stop("Some requested concepts are not included in 'object'")
    Names <- accepted_name(object)
    Names$Parent <- object@taxonRelations$Parent[match(
    Names$Basionym <- object@taxonRelations$Basionym[match(
    # Create index for synonyms
    Synonym <- list()
    for (i in ConceptID) {
      temp_name <- object@taxonNames[object@taxonNames$TaxonConceptID == i, ]
      temp_name <- temp_name[!temp_name$TaxonUsageID %in%
        Names$TaxonUsageID[Names$TaxonConceptID == i], ]
      if (length(temp_name) > 0) Synonym[[paste(i)]] <- temp_name
    # display option
    display <- pmatch(display[1], c("name", "author", "both"))
    if (!display %in% c(1:3)) {
        "Invalid value for 'display', use \"name\", \"author\"",
        "or \"both\""
    if (display == 1) display <- c("TaxonUsageID", "TaxonName")
    if (display == 2) display <- c("TaxonUsageID", "AuthorName")
    if (display == 3) display <- c("TaxonUsageID", "TaxonName", "AuthorName")
    # Now print
    for (i in ConceptID) {
      cat("------------------------------", "\n")
      # Head
      cat("concept ID:", i, sep = " ", "\n")
      temp_name <- Names$ViewID[Names$TaxonConceptID == i]
      if (is.na(temp_name)) {
        temp_name <- "none"
      } else {
        if (!is.null(secundum)) {
          if (!secundum %in% colnames(object@taxonViews)) {
              "Value of 'secundum' is not included as",
              "column in slot 'taxonViews'"
          } else {
            temp_name <- paste(
              temp_name, "-",
              object@taxonViews[object@taxonViews$ViewID ==
                temp_name, secundum]
      cat("view ID:", temp_name, sep = " ", "\n")
      temp_name <- paste(Names$Level[Names$TaxonConceptID == i])
      if (is.na(temp_name) | temp_name == "NA") temp_name <- "none"
      cat("level:", temp_name, sep = " ", "\n")
      temp_name <- Names$Parent[Names$TaxonConceptID == i]
      if (is.na(temp_name)) {
        temp_name <- "none"
      } else {
        temp_name <-
          c(temp_name, paste(Names[
            Names$TaxonConceptID == temp_name,
          ], collapse = " "))
      cat("parent:", temp_name, sep = " ", "\n")
      # Accepted name
      temp_name <- Names[Names$TaxonConceptID == i, display]
      cat("# accepted name:", "\n")
      cat(paste(temp_name, collapse = " "), "\n")
      # Basionym
      temp_name <- Names$Basionym[Names$TaxonConceptID == i]
      if (!is.na(temp_name)) {
        temp_name <- Names[Names$TaxonConceptID == temp_name, display]
        cat("# basionym:", "\n")
        cat(paste(temp_name, collapse = " "), "\n")
      # Synonyms
      if (nrow(Synonym[[paste(i)]]) > 0) {
        cat("# synonyms (", nrow(Synonym[[paste(i)]]), "): ",
          sep = "",
        for (j in seq_len(nrow(Synonym[[paste(i)]]))) {
          temp_name <- Synonym[[paste(i)]][j, display]
          cat(paste(temp_name, collapse = " "), "\n")
  } else {
    cat("No concept selected\n")

#' @name summary
#' @rdname summary
#' @title Print overviews for taxlist Objects and their content
#' @description
#' A method to display either an overview of the content of
#' [taxlist-class] objects or an overview of selected taxa.
#' @param object,x A [taxlist-class] object.
#' @param ConceptID IDs of concepts to be displayed in the summary.
#' @param units Character value indicating the units shown in the object's
#'     allocated space.
#' @param check_validity Logical value indicating whether the validity of
#'     `object` should be checked or not.
#' @param display Character value indicating the field to be displayed (see
#'     details).
#' @param maxsum Integer indicating the maximum number of displayed taxa.
#' @param secundum A character value indicating the column from slot`taxonViews`
#'     to be displayed in the summary.
#' @param exact A logical value indicating whether taxon names should match the
#'     exact argument in parameter 'ConceptID'. It works only if 'ConceptID' is
#'     provided as character value and  is not the keyword 'all'.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from another methods.
#' @details
#' A general overview indicating number of names, concepts and taxon views
#' included in [taxlist-class] objects.
#' If argument `ConceptID` is a vector with concept IDs or names to be matched
#' by [grepl()], then a display of all names included in each concept will be
#' produced.
#' Alternative you can use `taxon="all"` in order to get the listing of names
#' for all concepts included in the object (truncated to the input number of
#' `maxsum`).
#' For summaries applied to concepts, there are three alternative displays of
#' names using the argument `display`.
#' Use `display="name"` to show the value `TaxonName`, `display="author"` to
#' show the value `AuthorName` or `display="both"` to show both values.
#' Such values are taken from slot `taxonNames`.
#' For big objects it will be recommended to set `units="Mb"` (see also
#' [object.size()] for further alternatives).
#' @author Miguel Alvarez \email{kamapu78@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso [taxlist-class]
#' @example examples/summary.R
#' @aliases summary,taxlist-method
#' @exportMethod summary
  "summary", signature(object = "taxlist"),
  function(object, ConceptID, units = "Kb", check_validity = TRUE,
           display = "both", maxsum = 5, secundum = NULL, exact = FALSE, ...) {
    if (missing(ConceptID)) {
      overview_taxlist(object, units, check_validity)
    } else {
      if (is.character(ConceptID)) {
        if (ConceptID[1] == "all") {
          ConceptID <- object@taxonRelations$TaxonConceptID[1:maxsum]
        } else {
          if (exact) {
            ConceptID <- object@taxonNames$TaxonConceptID[
              object@taxonNames$TaxonName %in% ConceptID
          } else {
            Names <- list()
            for (i in seq_along(ConceptID)) {
              Names[[i]] <- object@taxonNames$TaxonConceptID[
                  fixed = TRUE
            ConceptID <- do.call(c, Names)
      ConceptID <- na.omit(ConceptID)
      ConceptID <- unique(ConceptID) # Just in case of duplicates
      overview_taxon(object, ConceptID, display, maxsum, secundum)

#' @rdname summary
#' @aliases show,taxlist-method
#' @exportMethod show
  "show", signature(object = "taxlist"),
  function(object) {

#' @exportMethod print
if (!isGeneric("print")) {
    function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname summary
#' @aliases print print,taxlist-method
  "print", signature(x = "taxlist"),
  function(x, ...) {
    summary(x, ...)
kamapu/taxlist documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 8:20 p.m.