
Defines functions S dsnb_stacked dsnb_private stacked_plot dsnb_plot dsnb_stack_plot cdsnb_stacked cdsnb_stack_plot dsnbc_stack_plot dsnbc_stack dsnb rsnb zplot stairs flips_to_kplot_df kplot psnb qsnb esnb vsnb ecsnb vcsnb edkz

Documented in cdsnb_stacked cdsnb_stack_plot dsnb dsnbc_stack dsnbc_stack_plot dsnb_stacked dsnb_stack_plot ecsnb edkz esnb kplot psnb qsnb rsnb stacked_plot vcsnb vsnb zplot

S = function(k, p, s) {
  if (p < 0 || p > 1) stop("p must be between zero and one.")
  if (s < 0) stop("s must be non-negative")
  ret = choose(k-1, s-1) * p^s * (1-p)^(k-s)
  ret[k < s] = 0

#' Stack the distribution by responders and non-responders.
#' Stacked distribution function for the stopped negative binomial distribution.
#' @param x quantile
#' @param p success probability
#' @param s number of successes
#' @param t number of failures
#' @export
dsnb_stacked = function(x, p, s, t) {
  ret = cbind(x, S(x, p, s), S(x, 1-p, t))
  colnames(ret) = c("x", "s", "t")

#R = function(k, p, t) {
#  choose(k-1, k-t) * p^(k-t) * (1-p)^t

#N = function(k, p, s) {
#  choose(k-1, s-1) * p^s * (1-p)^(k-s)

#Rc = function(k, s, t, shape1, shape2) {
#  suppressWarnings({ret = choose(k-1, k-t) * beta(shape1 + k - t, t + shape2) / 
#    beta(shape1, shape2)})
#  ret[!is.finite(ret)] = 0
#  ret

#Nc = function(k, s, t, shape1, shape2) {
#  suppressWarnings({ret = choose(k-1, s-1) * beta(shape1 + s, k - s + shape2) / 
#    beta(shape1, shape2)})
#  ret[!is.finite(ret)] = 0
#  ret

dsnb_private = function(x, p, s, t) {
  a = foreach(k=1:(s+t-1), .combine=c) %do% N(k, p, s)
  b = foreach(k=1:(s+t-1), .combine=c) %do% R(k, p, t)
  d = a + b
  inds = which(x %in% 1:length(d))
  ret = rep(0, length(x))
  ret[inds] = d[x[inds]]

## Remember, shape1 and shape2 are data plus priors.
#dsnbc_private = function(x, s, t, shape1, shape2) {
#  k = NULL
#  a = foreach(k=1:(s+t-1), .combine=c) %do% Nc(k, s, t, shape1, shape2)
#  b = foreach(k=1:(s+t-1), .combine=c) %do% Rc(k, s, t, shape1, shape2)
#  d = a + b
#  inds = which(x %in% 1:length(d))
#  ret = rep(0, length(x))
#  ret[inds] = d[x[inds]]
#  ret

#dsnb_private_stacked = dsnb_stacked

#dsnbc_private_stacked = function(x, shape1, shape2, s, t) {
#  k=i=NULL
#  a = foreach(k=1:(s+t-1), .combine=c) %do% Nc(k, s, t, shape1, shape2)
#  b = foreach(k=1:(s+t-1), .combine=c) %do% Rc(k, s, t, shape1, shape2)
#  d = a + b
#  u = a/sum(d)
#  r = b/sum(d)
#  ret = foreach (i=x, .combine=rbind) %do% {
#    v = c(i, 0, 0)
#    if (i %in% 1:length(d)) {
#      v[2] = a[i] #u[i] 
#      v[3] = b[i] #r[i] 
#    }
#    v
#  }
#  colnames(ret) = c("x", "s", "t")
#  rownames(ret) = NULL
#  ret

#' The Stacked Plot
#' The stacked plot of the probability mass function for the snb showing
#' the contributions from N (the top barrier) and R (the right barrier).
#' @param p the probability of a success on each coin flip. 
#' @param s the top barrier for the snb process.
#' @param t the right barrier for the snb process.
#' @param x the range of the distribution (defaults to min(s,t):(t+s-1)).
#' @param offset an offset on the domain of the distribution. This is 
#' used when getting the conditional distribution where the domain does 
#' not start at 1.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @return a plot of the probability mass function.
#' @export
stacked_plot = function(x, s, t) {
  if (missing(s) && missing(t) && all(names(x) %in% c("x", "s", "t"))) {
    s = x$s
    t = x$t
    x = x$x
  d = data.frame(list(x=x, s=s, t=t))
  d = melt(data=d, id.vars="x") 
  names(d)[names(d) == "variable"] = "Outcome"
  ggplot(data=d, aes(x=factor(x), y=value, fill=Outcome)) +
    geom_bar(position="stack", stat="identity") + xlab("k") +

#' The Stopped Negative Binomial P.M.F. Plot
#' The plot of the probability mass function for the SNB showing
#' the contributions from N (the top barrier) and R (the right barrier).
#' @param p the probability of a success on each coin flip. 
#' @param s the top barrier for the snb process.
#' @param t the right barrier for the snb process.
#' @param x the range of the distribution (defaults to min(s,t):(t+s-1)).
#' @param offset an offset on the domain of the distribution. This is 
#' used when getting the conditional distribution where the domain does 
#' not start at 1.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @return a plot of the probability mass function.
#' @export
dsnb_plot = function(p, s, t, x, offset) {
  value = Outcome = k = NULL
  if (missing(x))
    x = min(s,t):(t+s-1)
  d = as.data.frame(
    dsnb_stacked(x, p=p, s=s, t=t))
  if (!missing(offset))
    d$x = d$x+offset
  d$y = apply(d[,2:3], 1, sum)
  ggplot(data=d, aes(x=factor(x), y=y)) + 
    geom_bar(position="stack", stat="identity") + xlab("k") +

#' The Stopped Negative Binomial P.M.F. Stack-Plot
#' The stacked plot of the probability mass function for the SNB showing
#' the contributions from N (the top barrier) and R (the right barrier) by
#' color.
#' @param p the probability of a success on each coin flip. 
#' @param s the top barrier for the snb process.
#' @param t the right barrier for the snb process.
#' @param x the range of the distribution (defaults to min(s,t):(t+s-1)).
#' @param offset an offset on the domain of the distribution. This is 
#' used when getting the conditional distribution where the domain does 
#' not start at 1.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @return a plot of the probability mass function.
#' @export
dsnb_stack_plot = function(p, s, t, x, offset) {
  value = Outcome = k = NULL
  if (missing(x))
    x = min(s,t):(t+s-1)
  d = as.data.frame(
    dsnb_stacked(x, p=p, s=s, t=t))
  if (!missing(offset))
    d$x = d$x+offset
  d = melt(data=d, id.vars="x") 
  names(d)[names(d) == "variable"] = "Outcome"
  ggplot(data=d, aes(x=factor(x), y=value, fill=Outcome)) +
    geom_bar(position="stack", stat="identity") + xlab("k") +

#' The Conditional Stopped Negative Binomial Density
#' The conditional stacked snb density function. This function gets
#' the distribution of the stopping time when the binomial process has not 
#' reached one of its endpoints. The success probability is fitted using 
#' fit_flips with specified prior.
#' @param x quantile
#' @param shape the shape parameters of the beta prior.
#' @param s the top barrier for the snb process.
#' @param t the right barrier for the snb process.
#' @export
cdsnb_stacked = function(x, shape, s, t) {
  ret=foreach(k=x, .combine=rbind) %do% {
    normalizer = beta(shape[1], shape[2])
    if (s <= k && k <= s+t-1)
      rets = rets + choose(k-1, s-1) * beta(shape[1]+s, k-s+shape[2])/normalizer
    if (t <= k && k <= s+t-1)
      rett = rett + choose(k-1, t-1) * beta(shape[1]+k-t, t+shape[2])/normalizer
    c(k, rets, rett)
  rownames(ret) = NULL
  colnames(ret) = c("k", "s", "t")

#' The Conditional Stopped Negative Binomial Density Plot
#' A plot of the stacked snb density function. The plot shows the distribution
#' of the stopping time when the binomial process has not reached one of 
#' its endpoints. The success probabilty is fitted using the fit_flips function
#' with specefied prior.
#' @param d a sequence of 1's and 0's corresponding to the binomial process.
#' @param s the top barrier for the snb process.
#' @param t the right barrier for the snb process.
#' @param prior the shape parameters of the prior on the success probability.
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @export
cdsnb_stack_plot = function(d, shape, s, t) {
  value = Outcome = NULL
  x = cdsnb(d, shape, s, t)
  x = melt(data=x, id.vars="x") 
  names(x)[names(x) == "variable"] = "Outcome"
  qplot(x=factor(x), y=value, data=x, fill=Outcome, geom="bar", 
    position="stack", stat="identity", ylab="f(k,p,s,t)", xlab="k")

#' Stacked Plot of the Compound Stopped Negative Binomial Density 
#' The stacked plot of the probability mass function for the snb showing
#' the contributions from N (the top barrier) and R (the right barrier).
#' @param d the data, a vector of 0 and 1 values.
#' @param s the top barrier for the snb process.
#' @param t the right barrier for the snb process.
#' @param shape1 the value of the first shape parameter on the prior
#' @param shape2 the value of the second shape parameter on the prior
#' @param x the range of the distribution (defaults to min(s,t):(t+s-1)).
#' @return a plot of the probability mass function.
#' @export
dsnbc_stack_plot = function(d, s, t, shape1=0.5, shape2=0.5,
                            x=min(s,t):(t+s-1)) {
  value = Outcome = NULL
  d = dsnbc_stack(d, s, t, shape1, shape2, x)
  d = melt(data=d, id.vars="x") 
  names(d)[names(d) == "variable"] = "Outcome"
  qplot(x=factor(x), y=value, data=d, fill=Outcome, geom="bar", 
    position="stack", stat="identity", ylab="f(k|x,s,t,alpha,beta)", xlab="k")

#' The "Stacked" Compound Negative Binomial Density Function
#' This function returns the "stacked" density function showing the 
#' contribution from each of the end points to the total mass.
#' @param d the data, a vector of 0 and 1 values.
#' @param s the top barrier for the snb process.
#' @param t the right barrier for the snb process.
#' @param shape1 the value of the first shape parameter on the prior
#' @param shape2 the value of the second shape parameter on the prior
#' @param x the range of the distribution (defaults to min(s,t):(t+s-1)).
#' @return the "stacked" density.
#' @export
dsnbc_stack = function(d, s, t, shape1=0.5, shape2=0.5,
                            x=min(s,t):(t+s-1)) {
  num_heads = sum(d)
  num_flips = length(d)
    dsnbc_private_stacked(x, shape1+num_heads, shape2+num_flips-num_heads,s,t))

#' The Stopped Negative Binomial Distribution
#' Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation
#' for the stopped negative binomial distribution with parameters, 'prob',
#' 's', and 't'.
#' @rdname snb
#' @aliases psnb dsnb qsnb rsnb
#' @usage dsnb(x, prob, s, t)
#' psnb(q, prob, s, t)
#' qsnb(p, prob, s, t)
#' rsnb(n, prob, s, t)
#' @param x vector of quantiles.
#' @param q vector of quantiles.
#' @param p vector of probabilities.
#' @param n number of observations.
#' @param prob probility of success on each coin flip.
#' @param s the ceiling for the snb process
#' @param t the length of the the process can run for.
#' @return 'dsnb' give the density, 'psnb' give the distribution function
#' function, 'qsnb' gives the quantile function, 'rsnb' generates random
#' deviates.
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %do%
#' @export
dsnb = function(x, prob, s, t) {
  if (s < 1) stop("dsnb s-parameter must be at least 1")
  if (t < 1) stop("dsnb t-parameter must be at least 1")
  if (any(prob > 1) || any(prob < 0))
    stop("dsnb prob-parameter must be between zero and one inclusive")
  apply(dsnb_stacked(x, prob, s, t)[,2:3], 1, sum)

#' @export
rsnb = function(n, prob, s, t) {
  # Get the distribution function.
  support = min(s,t):(t+s-1)
  ps = dsnb(support, prob, s, t)
  sample(support, n, replace=TRUE, prob=ps)

##' Simulate the binomial process
##' Generate coin flip trajectories that stop after either s heads or t tails.
##' @param n the number of trajectories to simulate.
##' @param prob the probability of a head.
##' @param s the number of heads to stop at.
##' @param t the number of tails to stop at.
##' @param drop if TRUE then return the results as a matrix. Otherwise return as a list.
## @export
#snb_flips = function(n, prob, s, t, drop=TRUE) {
#  if (length(prob) > 1)
#    stop("rsnb prob-parameter must have length 1")
#  flips = foreach(i=1:n) %do% {
#    flip = rbinom(s+t-1, 1, prob=prob)
#    path = c(cumsum(flip), sum(flip))
#    m = which(path >= s)
#    if (length(m) == 0) {
#      m = s+t-1
#    } else {
#      m = min(m)
#    }
#    r = which(path < 0:(s+t-1)-(t-s+1))
#    if (length(r) == 0) {
#      r = s+t-1
#    } else {
#      r = min(r)
#    }
#    flip[1:min(m, r)]
#  }
#  if (n == 1 && drop) {
#    flips = unlist(flips)
#  }
#  flips

#flips_to_zplot_df = function(flips) {
#  d = data.frame(k=0:length(flips))
#  d$head = c(0, cumsum(flips))
#  d$tail= c(0, cumsum(!(flips)))
#  d$headEnd = c(d$head[-1], NA)
#  d$tailEnd = c(d$tail[-1], NA)
#  d

#' The Z-Plot for the Binomial Process
#' Visualize the stopped Bernoulli process with horizontal axis counting 
#' successes and vertical axis counting failure.
#' @param flips the sequence of coing flips (1's and 0's) to visualize.
#' Note that this can be a list in which case multiple processes will be 
#' shown.
#' @param s the top barrier for the Bernoulli process.
#' @param t the right barrier for the Bernoulli process.
#' @param show_arrows should arrows be shown in the Bernoullis process path?
#' @param unif_jitter for multiple flip paths, how much jitter to add 
#' (default is 0.2).
#' @param xlab the name of the x axis.
#' @param ylab the name of the y axis.
#' @importFrom grid arrow
#' @examples
#' flips = c(0, 0, 1)
#' zplot(flips, 2, 3)
#' @export
zplot = function(flips, s, t, show_arrows=TRUE, unif_jitter=0.2, xlab=NULL,
                 ylab=NULL) {
  p = tailEnd = headEnd = num = NULL
  if (!is.list(flips)) {
    d =flips_to_zplot_df(flips)
    if (show_arrows) {
      p = ggplot(data=na.omit(d)) + 
        geom_segment(mapping=aes(x=tail, y=head, xend=tailEnd,
                                 yend=headEnd), arrow=arrow()) 
    } else {
      p = ggplot(data=na.omit(d)) + 
        geom_segment(mapping=aes(x=tail, y=head, xend=tailEnd,
  } else {
    flip_set = lapply(flips, flips_to_zplot_df)
    for (i in 1:length(flip_set)) {
      flip_set[[i]] = na.omit(flip_set[[i]])
      flip_set[[i]]$num = as.factor(i)
      if (tail(flip_set[[i]]$headEnd, 1) == s) {
        # We hit the top barrier. Jitter on the x values
        flip_set[[i]]$tail= flip_set[[i]]$tail + runif(nrow(flip_set[[i]]),
          -unif_jitter, unif_jitter) 
        flip_set[[i]]$tailEnd = flip_set[[i]]$tailEnd + 
          runif(nrow(flip_set[[i]]), -unif_jitter, unif_jitter)
      } else {
        flip_set[[i]]$head = flip_set[[i]]$head + runif(nrow(flip_set[[i]]), 
          -unif_jitter, unif_jitter)
        flip_set[[i]]$headEnd = flip_set[[i]]$headEnd + 
          runif(nrow(flip_set[[i]]), -unif_jitter, unif_jitter)
      # Make sure that the paths "connect".
      for (j in nrow(flip_set[[i]]):2) {
        flip_set[[i]][j, c("head", "tail")] = 
          flip_set[[i]][j-1, c("headEnd", "tailEnd")]
    d = Reduce(rbind, flip_set)
    if (show_arrows) {
      p = ggplot(data=na.omit(d)) + 
        geom_segment(mapping=aes(x=tail, y=head, xend=tailEnd,
                     yend=headEnd, group=num), arrow=arrow())
    } else {
      p = ggplot(data=na.omit(d)) + 
        geom_segment(mapping=aes(x=tail, y=head, xend=tailEnd,
                     yend=headEnd, group=num))
  p = p+scale_x_continuous(breaks=0:t, limits=c(-unif_jitter, t)) +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks=0:s, limits=c(-unif_jitter, s)) +
    geom_segment(x=0, y=s, xend=t-1, yend=s, color="red") +
    geom_segment(x=t, y=0, xend=t, yend=s-1, color="green")
  if (!is.null(xlab))
    p = p + xlab(xlab)
  if (!is.null(ylab))
    p = p + ylab(ylab)

stairs = function(p, xstart, xend) {
  x = c(xstart, rep((xstart+1):xend, each=2))
  y = rep(0:(xend-xstart), each=2)
  y = y[-length(y)]
  for (i in 1:(length(x)-1)) {
    p = p + geom_segment(x=x[i], y=y[i], xend=x[i+1], yend=y[i+1],

flips_to_kplot_df = function(flips) {
  d = data.frame(k=0:length(flips))
  d$head = c(0, cumsum(flips))
  d$tail= c(0, cumsum(1-flips))
  d$headEnd = c(d$head[-1], NA)
  d$tailEnd = c(d$tail[-1], NA)
  d$path = c(0, cumsum(flips))
  d$k = 0:(nrow(d)-1)

#' The K-Plot for the Binomial Process
#' Visualize the stopped Bernoulli process with a horizontal step axis and a 
#' vertical axis counting the number of successes.
#' @param flips the sequence of coin flips (1's and 0's) to visualize.
#' @param s the top barrier for the Bernoulli process.
#' @param t the right barrier for the Bernoulli process.
#' @param bw should the plot be in black and white?
#' @examples
#' flips = c(0, 0, 1)
#' kplot(flips, 2, 3)
#' @export
kplot = function(flips, s, t, bw=FALSE) {
  if (!is.list(flips)) {
    d = flips_to_kplot_df(flips)
    if (bw) {
      p = qplot(k, path, data = d, geom = "line") +
        scale_x_continuous(breaks = 0:(t + s), limits = c(0, t + s)) +
        scale_y_continuous(breaks = 0:s, limits=c(0, s+0.15)) +
        geom_segment(x=s, y=s, xend=(t+s-1), yend=s, linetype=2) +
        geom_segment(x=t, y=0, xend=(s+t-1), yend=s-1, linetype=2)
    } else {
      p = qplot(k, path, data = d, geom = "line") +
        scale_x_continuous(breaks = 0:(t + s), limits = c(0, t + s)) +
        scale_y_continuous(breaks = 0:s, limits=c(0, s+0.15)) +
        geom_segment(x=s,y=s,xend=(t+s-1),yend=s, color="green", linetype=1) +
        geom_segment(x=t, y=0, xend=(s+t-1), yend=s-1, col="red")
  } else {
    flip_set = lapply(flips, flips_to_kplot_df)
    for (i in 1:length(flip_set)) {
      flip_set[[i]]$num = as.factor(i)
      flip_set[[i]]$k = jitter(flip_set[[i]]$k)
      flip_set[[i]]$k[flip_set[[i]]$k < 0] = 0
    d = Reduce(rbind, flip_set)[, -(4:5)]
    if (bw) {
      p = qplot(k, path, data = d, geom = "path", group = num) +
          scale_x_continuous(breaks=0:(t+s), limits = c(0, t+s)) +
          geom_segment(x = s, y = s, xend = (t + s - 1), yend = s,
                       linetype=2) +
          geom_segment(x=t, y=0, xend=(s+t-1), yend=s-1, linetype=2)
    } else {
      p = qplot(k, path, data = d, geom = "path", group = num) +
          scale_x_continuous(breaks=0:(t+s), limits = c(0, t+s)) +
        geom_segment(x = s, y = s, xend = (t + s - 1), yend = s,
                     color = "green") +
        geom_segment(x=t, y=0, xend=(s+t-1), yend=s-1, col="red")

#' @export
psnb = function(q, prob, s, t) {
  if (length(prob) > 1)
    stop("psnb prob-parameter may only have length 1")
  support = min(s, t):(t+s-1)
  cdf = c(rep(0, support[1]-1), cumsum(dsnb(support, prob, s, t)))
  qs = floor(q)
  qs[qs < support[1]] = support[1]-1
  qs[qs > support[length(support)]] = support[length(support)]

#' @export
qsnb = function(p, prob, s, t) {
  pr = NULL
  if (length(prob) > 1)
    stop("psnb prob-parameter may only have length 1")
  support = min(s, t):t
  cdf = c(rep(0, support[1]-1), cumsum(dsnb(support, prob, s, t)))
  ret = foreach(pr=p, .combine=c) %do% {
    r = NA
    if (!is.na(pr)) {
      r = which(pr < cdf)[1]
      if (is.na(r))
        r = support[length(support)]
    if (pr > 1 || pr < 0)
      r = NaN
  ret[ret < support[1]-1] = support[1] - 1

#' Expected Value of the SNB Distribution
#' Find the expected size of an SNB distribution with specified parameters.
#' @param p success probability
#' @param s number of successes 
#' @param t number of failures
#' @export
esnb = function(p, s, t) {
  ds = dsnb_stacked(min(s,t):(s+t-1), p, s, t)
  ds[,2:3] = ds[,1] * ds[,2:3]

#' Variance of the SNB Distribution
#' Find the variance of the SNB distribution with specified parameters.
#' @param p success probability
#' @param s number of successes 
#' @param t number of failures
#' @export
vsnb = function(p, s, t) {
  ds = dsnb_stacked(min(s,t):(s+t-1), p, s, t)
  ds[,2:3] = ds[,1]^2 * ds[,2:3]
  sum(as.vector(ds[,2:3])) - esnb(p, s, t)^2

#' Expected Value of the Conditional SNB Distribution
#' Find the expected size of the conditional SNB distribution with specified 
#' parameters.
#' @param shape the shape parameters of the beta prior.
#' @param s number of successes 
#' @param t number of failures
#' @export
ecsnb = function(shape, s, t) {
  ds = cdsnb_stacked(min(s,t):(s+t-1), shape, s, t)
  ds[,2:3] = ds[,1] * ds[,2:3]

#' Variance of the Conditional SNB Distribution
#' Find the variance of the conditional SNB distribution with specified 
#' parameters.
#' @param shape the shape parameters of the beta prior.
#' @param s number of successes.
#' @param t number of failures.
#' @export
vcsnb = function(shape, s, t) {
  ds = cdsnb_stacked(min(s,t):(s+t-1), shape, s, t)
  ds[,2:3] = ds[,1]^2 * ds[,2:3]
  sum(as.vector(ds[,2:3])) - ecsnb(shape, s, t)^2 

#' Expected size for the DKZ 2-stage trial
#' Find the expected size of the DKZ trial with specified parameters.
#' @param n1 maximum number of enrollees in the first stage.
#' @param r1 number of successes to move to stage-2.
#' @param p1 success probability in stage-1.
#' @param n2 maximum number of enrollees in stage-2.
#' @param r2 number of successes in stage-2 for success endpoint.
#' @param p2 success probability in stage-2.
#' @export
edkz = function(n1, r1, p1, n2, r2, p2) {
  EY1 = esnb(p1, r1, n1-r1+1)
  X12 = cbind(0:r1, dbinom(0:r1, r1, p2/p1))
  stage1_success = cbind((n1-r1):n1, S((n1-r1):n1, p1, r1))
  EY2 = 0
  for (i in 1:nrow(stage1_success)) {
    for (j in 1:nrow(X12)) {
      EY2 = EY2 + stage1_success[i,2] * X12[j,2] * 
        esnb(p2, r2-X12[j,1], n2+n1-stage1_success[i,1]-r2-r1+X12[j,1]+1)
#  for (i in 1:nrow(X12)) {
#    EY2 = EY2 + X12[i,2] * esnb(p2, r2-X12[i,1], n2-r2-r1+X12[i,1]+1)
#  }  
  EY1 + EY2
kaneplusplus/snb documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:20 a.m.