
#' Cast data.frame to sparse matrix
#' Create a sparse matrix from matching vectors of row indices, column indices and values
#' @param rows a vector of row indices: [i,]
#' @param columns a vector of column indices: [,j]
#' @param values a vector of the values for each (non-zero) cell: [i,j] = value
#' @return a sparse matrix of the dgTMatrix class (\code{\link{Matrix}} package) 
#' @export
cast.sparse.matrix <- function(rows, columns, values=rep(1, length(rows))) {
  row_index = unique(rows)
  col_index = unique(columns)
  sm = spMatrix(nrow=length(row_index), ncol=length(col_index),
                match(rows, row_index), match(columns, col_index), values)
  sm = as(sm, 'dgCMatrix')
  rownames(sm) = row_index
  colnames(sm) = col_index

#' Create a document term matrix from a list of tokens
#' Create a \code{\link{DocumentTermMatrix}} from a list of document ids, terms, and frequencies. 
#' @param documents a vector of document names/ids
#' @param terms a vector of words of the same length as documents
#' @param freqs a vector of the frequency a a term in a document
#' @param minfreq the minimum frequency of terms for inclusion. Defaults to 5, set to 0 to skip filtering
#' @param minlength the minimum word length (number of characters) for inclusion, set to 0 to skip filtering
#' @param filter.chars filter out any words containing numbers or non-word characters (defaults to True)
#' @param filter an optional boolean vector of the length of documents whether each document should be included. Any additional filtering will be applied on to op this filter
#' @return a document-term matrix  \code{\link{DocumentTermMatrix}}
#' @export
dtm.create <- function (documents, terms, freqs = rep(1, length(documents)),
                        minfreq=5, minlength=3, filter.chars=TRUE, filter=rep(T, length(documents))) {
  if (minfreq>0) {
    message('Ignoring words with frequency lower than ', minfreq)
    t = table(terms)
    filter = filter & terms %in% names(t)[t>=minfreq]
  #TODO: this is not very efficient if terms is a large factor
  if (minlength>0) {
    message('Ignoring words with less than ', minlength, ' characters')
    filter = filter & nchar(as.character(terms)) >= minlength
  if (filter.chars) {
    message('Ignoring words that contain numbers of non-word characters')
    filter = filter & !grepl("\\W|\\d", terms)
  d = data.frame(ids = documents[filter], terms = terms[filter], freqs = freqs[filter])
  if (sum(is.na(d$terms)) > 0) {
    warning("Removing ", sum(is.na(d$terms)), "rows with missing term names")
    d = d[!is.na(d$terms), ]
  sparsemat = cast.sparse.matrix(rows = d$ids, columns = d$terms,  values = d$freqs)
  tm::as.DocumentTermMatrix(sparsemat, weighting = weightTf)

#' Filter a dtm by selecting documents or terms
#' Filters the dtm and removes any empty rows or columns
#' @param dtm the dtm to filter
#' @param documents an optional vector of documents to include
#' @param terms an optional  vector of terms to include
#' @return the filtered dtm
#' @export
dtm.filter <- function(dtm, documents=NULL, terms=NULL) {
  if (!is.null(terms)) dtm = dtm[, colnames(dtm) %in% terms]
  if (!is.null(documents)) dtm = dtm[rownames(dtm) %in% documents,]
  dtm[row_sums(dtm) > 0, col_sums(dtm) > 0]

#' Split a dtm into a list.
#' Transform a dtm into a list containing the dtm in parts.
#' @param dtm a document-term matrix
#' @param subcorpus a vector that matches the documents (rows) of the dtm. The dtm will be split into separate dtms for each value of subcorpus.
#' @return A list of dtms, named after the split_by values
#' @export
splitDtm <- function(dtm, subcorpus) {
  dtm_list = llply(unique(subcorpus), function(x) dtm[subcorpus == x,])
  names(dtm_list) = unique(subcorpus)

#' Transform a dtm into a sparse matrix.
#' @param dtm a document-term matrix
#' @return a sparse matrix
dtmToSparseMatrix <- function(dtm){
  sm = spMatrix(nrow(dtm), ncol(dtm), dtm$i, dtm$j, dtm$v)
  rownames(sm) = rownames(dtm)
  colnames(sm) = colnames(dtm)

#' Compute some useful corpus statistics for a dtm
#' Compute a number of useful statistics for filtering words: term frequency, idf, etc.
#' @param dtm a document term matrix (e.g. the output of \code{\link{dtm.create}})
#' @return A data frame with rows corresponding to the terms in dtm and the statistics in the columns
#' @export
term.statistics <- function(dtm) {
  dtm = dtm[row_sums(dtm) > 0,col_sums(dtm) > 0]    # get rid of empty rows/columns
  vocabulary = colnames(dtm)
  data.frame(term = as.character(vocabulary),
             characters = nchar(vocabulary),
             number = grepl("[0-9]", vocabulary),
             nonalpha = grepl("\\W", vocabulary),
             termfreq = col_sums(dtm),
             docfreq = col_sums(dtm > 0),
             reldocfreq = col_sums(dtm > 0) / nDocs(dtm),
             tfidf = tapply(dtm$v/row_sums(dtm)[dtm$i], dtm$j, mean) * log2(nDocs(dtm)/col_sums(dtm > 0)),

prepare.time.var <- function(time_var, time_interval){
  if(class(time_var) == 'Date'){
    if(time_interval == 'day') time_var = as.Date(format(time_var, '%Y-%m-%d'))
    if(time_interval == 'week') time_var = as.Date(paste(format(time_var, '%Y-%W'),1), '%Y-%W %u')
    if(time_interval == 'month') time_var = as.Date(paste(format(time_var, '%Y-%m'),'-01',sep=''))
    if(time_interval == 'year') time_var = as.Date(paste(format(time_var, '%Y'),'-01-01',sep=''))

#' Compute corpus statistics for term use over time
#' Compute corpus statistics for term use over time. Calculates the spearman's rank order correlation of a term's use over time with a vector that gradually increases over time.
#' @param dtm a document term matrix (e.g. the output of \code{\link{dtm.create}})
#' @param document_date a vector with dates that matches the rows in dtm
#' @param time_interval a character string indicating what time interval to use
#' @return A data frame with rows corresponding to the terms in dtm and the statistics in the columns
#' @export
term.time.statistics <- function(dtm, document_date, time_interval='day'){
  document_date = prepare.time.var(meta$date, time_interval)
  dateseq = seq.Date(min(document_date), max(document_date), by=time_interval)
  i = document_date[dtm$i]
  i = match(i, dateseq)
  m = spMatrix(length(dateseq), ncol(dtm), i, dtm$j, dtm$v)
  colnames(m) = colnames(dtm)
  m = as(m, 'dgCMatrix')
  x = 1:nrow(m)  
  N = Matrix::colSums(m)
  timecor.total = apply(m, MARGIN = 2, function(y) cor(x, y, method = 'spearman'))
  mean.total = apply(m, MARGIN = 2, mean)
  sd.total = apply(m, MARGIN = 2, sd)
  m = m / Matrix:::rowSums(m)
  timecor.rel = apply(m, MARGIN = 2, function(y) cor(x, y, method = 'spearman'))
  mean.rel = apply(m, MARGIN = 2, mean)
  sd.rel = apply(m, MARGIN = 2, sd)
  data.frame(term=colnames(m), N=N, mean.total, sd.total, mean.rel, sd.rel, timecor.total, timecor.rel)  

#' Plot a wordcloud with words ordered and coloured according to a dimension (x)
#' Plot a wordcloud with words ordered and coloured according to a dimension (x)
#' @param x The (approximate) x positions of the words
#' @param y The (approximate) y positions of the words
#' @param words A character vector with the words to plot
#' @param wordfreq The frequency of the words, defaulting to 1
#' @return nothing
#' @export
plotWords <- function(x, y=NULL, words, wordfreq=rep(1, length(x)), xlab='', ylab='', yaxt='n', scale=2, random.y=F, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, col = color.scale(x, c(1, 2, 0), c(0, 1, 1), 0), ...){
  wordsize = rescale(log(wordfreq), c(0.75, scale))
  if (is.null(y) & random.y) y = sample(seq(-1, 1, by = 0.001), length(x))
  if (is.null(y) & !random.y) y = wordsize
  xmargin = (max(x) - min(x)) * 0.2
  ymargin = (max(y) - min(y)) * 0.2
  if (is.null(xlim)) xlim = c(min(x) - xmargin, max(x) + xmargin)
  if (is.null(ylim)) ylim = c(min(y) - ymargin, max(y) + ymargin)
  plot(x, y, type = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, frame.plot = F, yaxt = yaxt, ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab, ...)
  wl <- as.data.frame(wordlayout(x, y, words, cex = wordsize))
  text(wl$x + 0.5 * wl$width, wl$y + 0.5 * wl$ht, words, cex = wordsize, col = col)

#' Plot a word cloud from a dtm
#' Compute the term frequencies for the dtm and plot a word cloud with the top n topics
#' You can either supply a document-term matrix or provide terms and freqs directly
#' (in which case this is an alias for wordcloud::wordcloud with sensible defaults)
#' @param dtm the document-term matrix
#' @param nterms the amount of words to plot (default 100)
#' @param freq.fun if given, will be applied to the frequenies (e.g. sqrt)
#' @param terms the terms to plot, ignored if dtm is given
#' @param freqs the frequencies to plot, ignored if dtm is given
#' @param scale the scale to plot (see wordcloud::wordcloud)
#' @param min.freq the minimum frquency to include (see wordcloud::wordcloud)
#' @param rot.per the percentage of vertical words (see wordcloud::wordcloud)
#' @param pal the colour model, see RColorBrewer
#' @export
dtm.wordcloud <- function(dtm=NULL, nterms=100, freq.fun=NULL, terms=NULL, freqs=NULL, scale=c(6, .5), min.freq=1, rot.per=.15, pal=brewer.pal(6,"YlGnBu")) {
  if (!is.null(dtm)) {
    t = term.statistics(dtm)
    t = t[order(t$termfreq, decreasing=T), ]
    terms = t$term
    freqs = t$termfreq
  if (length(terms) < nterms) nterms = length(terms)
  if (!is.null(freq.fun)) freqs = freq.fun(freqs)
  if (!is.null(nterms)) {
    select = order(-freqs)[1:nterms]
    terms = terms[select] 
    freqs = freqs[select]
  if (is.null(terms) | is.null(freqs)) stop("Please provide dtm or terms and freqs")
  wordcloud(terms, freqs, 
          scale=scale, min.freq=min.freq, max.words=Inf, random.order=FALSE, 
          rot.per=rot.per, colors=pal)


#' Compute the chi^2 statistic for a 2x2 crosstab containing the values
#' [[a, b], [c, d]]
chi2 <- function(a,b,c,d, yates_correction=rep(F, length(a)), autocorrect=T){
  n = a+b+c+d
  sums = cbind(c1 = a+c, c2 = b+d, r1 = a+b, r2 = c+d)
    ## apply Cochrans criteria: no expected values below 1 and less than 20% of cells empty (which means none in a 2x2 design)
    ## if these are violated, use the yates_correction
    ## http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2041889/
    e = cbind(sums[,'c1'] / n, sums[,'c2'] / n)
    e = cbind(e * sums[,'r1'], e * sums[,'r2'])
    c1 = rowSums(e < 1) > 0          # at least one expected value below 1
    c2 = rowSums(sums < 5) > 0       # at least one cell below 5
    yates_correction = ifelse(c1 | c2, T, F)
  x = a*d - b*c
  x = ifelse(yates_correction, abs(x) - n/2, x)
  chi = n*x^2 / (sums[,'c1'] * sums[,'c2'] * sums[,'r1'] * sums[,'r2'])
  ifelse(is.na(chi), 0, chi)

#' Compare two corpora
#' Compare the term use in corpus dtm with a refernece corpus dtm.ref, returning relative frequencies
#' and overrepresentation using various measures
#' @param dtm.x the main document-term matrix
#' @param dtm.y the 'reference' document-term matrix
#' @param smooth the smoothing parameter for computing overrepresentation
#' @return A data frame with rows corresponding to the terms in dtm and the statistics in the columns
#' @export
corpora.compare <- function(dtm.x, dtm.y=NULL, smooth=1, min.over=NULL, min.chi=NULL, select.rows=NULL) {
  if (is.null(dtm.y)) {
    dtm.y = dtm.x[!(rownames(dtm.x) %in% select.rows), ]
    dtm.x = dtm.x[rownames(dtm.x) %in% select.rows, ]
  freqs = data.frame(term=colnames(dtm.x), termfreq=col_sums(dtm.x))
  freqs.rel = data.frame(term=colnames(dtm.y), termfreq=col_sums(dtm.y))
  f = merge(freqs, freqs.rel, all=T, by="term")    
  f[is.na(f)] = 0
  f = f[f$termfreq.x + f$termfreq.y > 0,]
  f$termfreq = f$termfreq.x + f$termfreq.y
  f$relfreq.x = (f$termfreq.x+smooth) / (sum(freqs$termfreq) + (nrow(freqs)*smooth))
  f$relfreq.y = (f$termfreq.y+smooth) / (sum(freqs.rel$termfreq) + (nrow(freqs.rel)*smooth))
  f$over = (f$relfreq.x) / (f$relfreq.y)
  f$chi = chi2(f$termfreq.x, f$termfreq.y, sum(f$termfreq.x) - f$termfreq.x, sum(f$termfreq.y) - f$termfreq.y)
  if(!is.null(min.over)) f = f[f$over > min.over,]
  if(!is.null(min.chi)) f = f[f$chi > min.chi,]

eachToAllComparison <- function(dtm, corpus_ids, .progress="text", ...){
  message('Comparing corpora (N=', length(corpus_ids),')')  
  compare_results = llply(names(corpus_ids), function(corpus_name) corpora.compare(dtm[corpus_ids[[corpus_name]],], 
                                                                 dtm[unlist(corpus_ids[!names(corpus_ids)==corpus_name]),], ...), .progress=.progress) 
  names(compare_results) = names(corpus_ids)

#' @export
unlistWindow <- function(list_object, i, window){
  indices = i + window
  indices = indices[indices > 0 & indices <= length(list_object)]
  unlist(list_object[indices], use.names=F)

windowComparison <- function(dtm, corpus_ids, window, ...){
  message('Comparing corpora (N=', length(corpus_ids),')')
  corpus_ids = corpus_ids[order(names(corpus_ids))]
  compare_results = llply(1:length(corpus_ids), function(i) corpora.compare(dtm[corpus_ids[[i]],], 
                                                          dtm[unlistWindow(corpus_ids,i,window),], ...), .progress='text') 
  names(compare_results) = names(corpus_ids)

#' The corpora.compare function for a list of dtm's
#' @param x either a named list of document term matrices, or a single dtm (in which cast the subcorpus argument must be given)
#' @param subcorpus if x is a single dtm, subcorpus should be a vector of the length and order of the dtm rows. Each value of subcorpus then represents a separate corpus.
#' @param method different ways to compare corpora. "each_to_all" compares each corpus to a corpos consisting of all other corpora. "window" compares each corpus to a corpus consisting of the previous and/or next corpora (see window.size). The order will be determined by sorting the dtm names (or the subcorpus values) with the order function.  
#' @param return.df logical. If True, the results are returned as a data.frame. Otherwise as a list.
#' @param window.size A vector of integers. If method is 'window', this determines which previous and next corpora are used to compare a corpus to. For example: if 3, then each corpus will be compared to a corpus consisting of the 3 previous and 3 next corpora. A corpus itself will not be used to create the comparison corpus. Note that the first and last [window.size] corpora cannot be compared to a full window.  
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the corpora.compare function
#' @return a list or data.frame with the corpora.compare results for each dtm.  
#' @export
corpora.compare.list <- function(x, subcorpus=NULL, method='each_to_all', return.df=F, window.size=3, .progress="text", ...) {
  if('list' %in% class(x)) {
    subcorpus = rep(names(x), laply(x, nrow))
    x = Reduce(c, x)
  corpus_ids = llply(unique(subcorpus), function(subcorpus_value) which(subcorpus == subcorpus_value))
  names(corpus_ids) = unique(subcorpus)
  if(method == 'each_to_all') results = eachToAllComparison(x, corpus_ids, .progress=.progress, ...)
  if(method == 'window') {
    window = -window.size:window.size
    window = window[!window == 0]
    results = windowComparison(x, corpus_ids, window, ...)
  if(return.df) results = ldply(results, .id='corpus')

#' @export
corpcomp.wordcloud <- function(compare_results, nterms=25, ...){
  compare_results = compare_results[compare_results$over > 1,]
  compare_results = compare_results[order(-compare_results$chi),]
  compare_results = head(compare_results, nterms)
  dtm.wordcloud(terms=compare_results$term, freqs=compare_results$over, ...)

#' Convert a dtm into a "triples" data frame 
#' @param dtm a document-term matrix
#' @return a data frame with columns doc, term, and freq 
#' @export
dtm.to.df <- function(dtm) {
  dtm = dtm[row_sums(dtm) > 0, col_sums(dtm) > 0]
  terms = factor(dtm$j, labels = colnames(dtm))
  docs = factor(dtm$i, labels = rownames(dtm))
  data.frame(doc=docs, term=terms, freq=dtm$v)

#' Convert a dtm into a quanteda dfm object (requires quanteda to be available)
#' @param dtm a document-term matrix
#' @return a quanteda document-feature matrix
#' @export 
dtm.to.dfm <- function(dtm) {
  if (!require("quanteda")) stop("Quanteda needs to be loaded before creating a dtm")
  new("dfmSparse", Matrix(dtm, ncol = ncol(dtm), sparse=T, dimnames=dimnames(dtm)))
kasperwelbers/corpus-tools documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:37 a.m.