
#' Convert list of exons to a transcript annotations that can be exported into a GFF file.
#' Merge Granges object and construct gene and transcript entries. Add proper Parent-Child relationships. 
#' @param transcript_list Named list of GRanges objects containing exons of transcripts 
#' (transcripts ids are names of list elements)
#' @param gene_tx_map Data frame mapping transcript ids to gene ids (required columns: 
#' transcript_id, gene_id)
#' @return Merged GRanges object containin proper metadata for GFF export.
#' @export
transcriptsToAnnotations <- function(transcript_list, gene_tx_map){
  assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::has_name(gene_tx_map, "gene_id"))
  assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::has_name(gene_tx_map, "transcript_id"))
  #Convert a list of transcripts into annotations that can be used by 
  map_filtered = dplyr::filter(gene_tx_map, transcript_id %in% names(transcript_list))
  gene_ids = unique(map_filtered$gene_id)
  annotations = GRanges()
  for(gene in gene_ids){
    tx_ids = dplyr::filter(map_filtered, gene_id == gene)$transcript_id
    tx_annot = addTranscriptAnnotations(transcript_list[tx_ids], gene)
    annotations = c(annotations, tx_annot)

addTranscriptAnnotations <- function(transcript_list, gene_id){
  transcript_names = names(transcript_list)
  canonical_tx_name = transcript_names[1]
  annotations = GRanges()
  for (tx_name in transcript_names){
    tx = transcript_list[[tx_name]]

    #Add metadata columns for each transcript
    metadata = values(tx)
    metadata$Parent = tx_name
    metadata$type = "exon"
    metadata$source = "reviseAnnotations"
    metadata$ID = paste("exon:", tx_name, ":", c(1:length(tx)), sep = "")
    values(tx) = metadata

    #Make transcript record
    tx_record = makeGeneTranscriptFromExons(tx, gene_id)
    annotations = c(annotations, tx_record)
    annotations = c(annotations, tx)
  #Construct gene record
  transcripts = annotations[annotations$type == "mRNA"]
  gene = makeGeneTranscriptFromExons(transcripts, "NA", make_gene = TRUE)
  table = c(gene, annotations)
  #Add gene id to each entry for easy filtering
  val = values(table)
  val$gene_id = gene_id
  values(table) = val

#' Construct gene or transcript annotations from exon annotations
makeGeneTranscriptFromExons <- function(exons, parent_id, make_gene = FALSE){
  tx_id = extractFeature(exons$Parent)
  seqname = extractFeature(seqnames(exons))
  #Only use the modification field for transcripts
  if (make_gene){
    type = "gene"
  } else {
    type = "mRNA"
  ranges = IRanges(start = min(start(exons)), end = max(end(exons)))
  strand = extractFeature(strand(exons))
  metadata = dplyr::data_frame(Parent = parent_id, 
                        type = type, 
                        source = "reviseAnnotations", 
                        ID = tx_id)
  #Create the GRanges obejct
  tx_object = GRanges(seqnames = seqname, ranges = ranges, 
                      strand = strand, seqlengths = seqlengths(exons))
  values(tx_object) = metadata
kauralasoo/reviseAnnotations documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:41 a.m.