
Defines functions summary.textmodel_wordshoal print.textmodel_wordshoal textmodel_wordshoal.dfm textmodel_wordshoal

Documented in print.textmodel_wordshoal summary.textmodel_wordshoal textmodel_wordshoal

# textmodel_wordshoal -----------

#' Wordshoal text model
#' Estimate Lauderdale and Herzog's (2016) model for one-dimensional document
#' author (e.g. speakers) positions based on multiple groups of texts (e.g.
#' debates).  Each group of texts is scaled using Slapin and Proksch's (2008)
#' "wordfish" Poisson scaling model of one-dimensional document positions, and
#' then the positions from a particular author are scaled across groups using a
#' second-level linear factor model, using conditional maximum likelihood.
#' @param x the \pkg{quanteda} \link{dfm} from which the model will be fit
#' @param groups the name of a variable in the document variables for data
#'   giving the document group for each document
#' @param authors the name of a variable in the document variables for data
#'   giving the author of each document
#' @param dir set global identification by specifying the indexes for a pair of 
#'   authors such that \eqn{\hat{\theta}_{dir[1]} < \hat{\theta}_{dir[2]}}
#' @param tol a convergence threshold for the
#'   log-posterior of the model
#' @return An object of class textmodel_wordshoal.  This is a list 
#'   containing: \item{tol}{log-posterior tolerance used in fitting} 
#'   \item{dir}{global identification of the dimension} \item{theta}{estimated
#'   document positions} \item{beta}{debate marginal effects} 
#'   \item{alpha}{estimated document fixed effects} \item{psi}{estimated
#'   document debate-level positions} \item{groups}{document groups} 
#'   \item{authors}{document authors} \item{ll}{log likelihood at convergence} 
#'   \item{se.theta}{standard errors for theta-hats} \item{data}{corpus to which
#'   the model was fit}
#' @details Returns estimates of relative author positions across the full
#'   corpus of texts.
#' @references Benjamin E. Lauderdale and Alexander Herzog.  2016.
#'   "\href{https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/political-analysis/article/measuring-political-positions-from-legislative-speech/35D8B53C4B7367185325C25BBE5F42B4}{Measuring
#'    Political Positions from Legislative Speech}." \emph{Political Analysis}
#'   24 (3, July): 374-394.
#' @import quanteda
#' @author Benjamin Lauderdale and Kenneth Benoit
#' @keywords textmodel experimental
#' @importFrom quanteda.textmodels textmodel_wordfish as.statistics_textmodel as.summary.textmodel
#' @examples
#' library("quanteda")
#' iedfm <- dfm(data_corpus_irish30, remove_punct = TRUE) 
#' wordshoalfit <- 
#'     textmodel_wordshoal(iedfm, dir = c(7,1),
#'                         groups = docvars(data_corpus_irish30, "debateID"), 
#'                         authors = docvars(data_corpus_irish30, "member.name"))
#' summary(wordshoalfit)                    
#' author_positions <- summary(wordshoalfit)$estimated.author.positions
#' author_positions$row_names <- rownames(author_positions)
#' fitdf <- merge(author_positions,
#'                docvars(data_corpus_irish30), 
#'                by.x = "row_names", by.y = "member.name")
#' fitdf <- subset(fitdf, !duplicated(memberID))
#' aggregate(theta ~ party.name, data = fitdf, mean)
#' @importFrom stats dgamma dnorm
#' @export
textmodel_wordshoal <- function(x, groups, authors, dir = c(1,2), tol = 1e-3) {

#' @export
textmodel_wordshoal.dfm <- function(x, groups, authors, dir = c(1,2), tol = 1e-3) {
    startTime <- proc.time()
    x <- quanteda::as.dfm(x)
    groups <- as.factor(groups)
    authors <- as.factor(authors)
    # check that no groups or author partitions are a single row
    if (length(not_enough_rows <- which(lengths(split(quanteda::docnames(x), groups)) < 2)))
        stop("only a single case for the following groups: \n", 
             paste(levels(groups)[not_enough_rows], collapse = "\n"))
    # if (length(not_enough_rows <- which(lengths(split(quanteda::docnames(x), authors)) < 2)))
    #     stop("only a single case for the following authors: \n", 
    #          paste(levels(authors)[not_enough_rows], collapse = "\n"))
    S <- quanteda::ndoc(x)
    psi <- rep(NA, S)
    N <- nlevels(authors)
    M <- nlevels(groups)
    cat("\nScaling ", M, " document groups", sep="")
    for (j in 1:M) {
        # Extract dfm rows for current document group
        groupdfm <- x[groups == levels(groups)[j], ]
        # Remove features that do not appear XX_in at leastone document_XX at least twice 
        groupdfm <- quanteda::dfm_trim(groupdfm, min_docfreq = 1)

        # Run wordfish on document group
        # wfresult <- wordfishcpp(as.matrix(groupdfm), c(1, 2), c(0, 0, 1/9, 1), c(1e-2, 1e-4), 1L, 0L)
        wfresult <- textmodel_wordfish(groupdfm, tol = c(tol, 1e-8))
        # Save the results
        psi[groups == levels(groups)[j]] <- 
            if(isS4(wfresult)){ wfresult@theta } else { wfresult$theta }
        if (j %% 20 == 0) 
            cat(j, " ", sep="") 
    cat("\nFactor Analysis on Debate-Level Scales")	
    psi <- replace(psi,is.na(psi),0) # debates that failed to scale
    jVec <- as.integer(groups)
    iVec <- as.integer(authors)
    ## Factor Analysis on Debate Score Matrix ##
    prioralpha <- 0.5
    priorbeta <- 0.5
    priortheta <- 1
    priortau <- 1
    # Dumb (but deterministic!) initial values
    alpha <- rep(0,M)
    beta <- rep(0,M)
    theta <- seq(-2,2,length.out=N)
    tau <- rep(1,N)
    # Calculate initial log-posterior...
    lastlp <- -Inf
    lp <- sum(dnorm(alpha,0,prioralpha,log=TRUE))
    lp <- lp + sum(dnorm(beta,0,priorbeta,log=TRUE))
    lp <- lp + sum(dnorm(theta,0,priortheta,log=TRUE))
    lp <- lp + sum(dgamma(tau,1,1,log=TRUE))
    for (s in 1:S) {
        lps <- alpha[jVec[s]] + beta[jVec[s]] * theta[iVec[s]]
        lp <- lp + dnorm(psi[s], lps, (tau[iVec[s]])^(-1/2), log=TRUE)
    # Until log-posterior stops changing...
    while((lp - lastlp) > abs(tol)){	
        # Update debate parameters
        priordebate <- solve(matrix(c(prioralpha^2,0,0,priorbeta^2),2,2)) 
        for (j in 1:M){
            locs <- which(jVec == j)
            Ytmp <- psi[locs]
            Xtmp <- cbind(1,theta[iVec[locs]])
            Wtmp <- diag(tau[iVec[locs]])
            coeftmp <- solve(t(Xtmp) %*% Wtmp %*% Xtmp + priordebate) %*% t(Xtmp) %*% Wtmp %*% Ytmp
            alpha[j] <- coeftmp[1]
            beta[j] <- coeftmp[2] 
        # Update speaker parameters
        for (i in 1:N){
            locs <- which(iVec == i)
            Ytmp <- matrix(psi[locs] - alpha[jVec[locs]],ncol=1)
            Xtmp <- matrix(beta[jVec[locs]],ncol=1)
            coeftmp <- solve(t(Xtmp) %*% Xtmp + priortheta^(-2)) %*% t(Xtmp) %*% Ytmp
            theta[i] <- coeftmp[1,1]
            mutmp <- solve(t(Xtmp) %*% Xtmp + priortheta^(-2)) %*% t(Xtmp) %*% Xtmp %*% coeftmp
            tau[i] <- (priortau + 0.5 * length(Ytmp)) / 
                (priortau + 0.5 * (sum(Ytmp^2) - mutmp*(priortheta^(-2)) * mutmp))
        # Recalculate log-posterior
        lastlp <- lp
        lp <- sum(dnorm(alpha,0,prioralpha, log = TRUE))
        lp <- lp + sum(dnorm(beta, 0, priorbeta, log = TRUE))
        lp <- lp + sum(dnorm(theta, 0, priortheta, log = TRUE))
        lp <- lp + sum(dgamma(tau, priortau, priortau, log = TRUE))
        for (s in 1:S){
            lps <- alpha[jVec[s]] + beta[jVec[s]] * theta[iVec[s]]
            lp <- lp + dnorm(psi[s], lps, (tau[iVec[s]])^(-1/2), log = TRUE)
    } # end while  
    ## Calculate standard errors for thetas
    thetaSE <- rep(NA,N)
    for (i in 1:N){
        locs <- which(iVec == i)
        Xtmp <- matrix(beta[jVec[locs]],ncol=1)
        thetaSE[i] <- sqrt(solve(t(Xtmp) %*% Xtmp + priortheta^(-2)) / tau[i])
    ## Return results 
    cat("\nElapsed time:", (proc.time() - startTime)[3], "seconds.\n")
    result <- list(
        tol = tol,
        authors = authors,
        groups = groups,
        theta = theta,
        beta = beta,
        alpha = alpha,
        psi = psi,
        se.theta = thetaSE,
        call = match.call()
    class(result) <- c("textmodel_wordshoal", "textmodel", "list")

# base R methods -----------

#' Print method for textmodel_wordshoal
#' Provides a print method for this class of object.
#' @param x for print method, the object to be printed
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{\link{print}}
#' @method print textmodel_wordshoal
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
print.textmodel_wordshoal <- function(x, ...) {
    #cat("Fitted wordshoal model:\n")
        length(unique(x$authors)), " authors; ",
        length(unique(x$groups)), " groups.",
        sep = "")
    # cat("\nEstimated author positions:\n\n")
    # results <- data.frame(theta = x$theta,
    #                       SE = x$se.theta,
    #                       lower = x$theta - 1.96*x$se.theta,
    #                       upper = x$theta + 1.96*x$se.theta)
    # rownames(results) <- levels(x$authors)
    # print(results,...)

# setMethod("show", signature(object = "textmodel_wordshoal_fitted"), 
#           function(object) print(object))
# setMethod("show", signature(object = "textmodel_wordshoal_predicted"), 
#           function(object) print(object))

#' Summarize a fitted textmodel_wordshoal object.
#' \code{summary} method for a fitted \code{\link{textmodel_wordshoal}} object.
#' @param object results of \code{\link{textmodel_wordshoal}} to be summarized
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{print}
#' @export
#' @method summary textmodel_wordshoal
summary.textmodel_wordshoal <- function(object, ...) {
    # cat("Call:\n\t")
    # print(object$call)
    # cat("\nEstimated document positions:\n")
    stat <- data.frame(
        theta = object$theta,
        se = object$se.theta,
        row.names = levels(object$authors),
        check.rows = FALSE,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    # results <- data.frame(theta = object$theta,
    #                       SE = object$se.theta,
    #                       lower = object$theta - 1.96*object$se.theta,
    #                       upper = object$theta + 1.96*object$se.theta)
    # rownames(results) <- levels(object$authors)
    result <- list(
        'call' = object$call,
        'estimated.author.positions' = as.statistics_textmodel(stat)#,
  #      'estimated.feature.scores' = as.coefficients_textmodel(head(coef(object)$features, n))
    # print(results, ...)
    # invisible(results)
kbenoit/wordshoal documentation built on May 8, 2020, 4:18 a.m.