
Defines functions modifyProps1 modifyProps.Mengdan combine.and.reorder adjust.proportions modifyPropsContinuous modifypropsVarSingle_on_subset modifyProps change.cat

Documented in adjust.proportions change.cat combine.and.reorder modifyProps modifyPropsContinuous modifypropsVarSingle_on_subset

#' Change values in a categorical vector to a lower or higher value
#' @param num
#'  the number of categories above you want to steal from
#'  if you are giving and not stealing, you always give to the category  
#'  directly above  and num=1   
#' @param rank.col
#'   the colum in which the rankings will be
#' @param i
#'   the interation you are up to in the while/for loop
#' @param new.all.dat
#'   the data you are working on and want modified
#' @param n.change
#'   the number of observations that need moving into or out of each 
#'   category to get the requested proportions 
#' @return
#' the categorical vector after modified
#' @seealso This function is called by the function \code{\link{modifyProps}}
#' @export
change.cat <- function(num, rank.col, i, new.all.dat, n.change) {
	if (sign(n.change[i])==1) {
	else if (sign(n.change[i])== -1) {
	#identify those in the category you want to change
	#if giving it is category i
	#if stealing it is category i+1 or above
	ch.cat.id = which(new.all.dat[,1]==(i+num*steal))
	#put in separate dataset
	dat.ch.cat = new.all.dat[ch.cat.id,] 
	#add the rankings of the propensity scores as the last column
	dat.ch.cat = cbind(dat.ch.cat, rank(dat.ch.cat[,i+(num-1)+1], 
	if (steal==FALSE) {
		#calculate cut-off for deciding which ones to change to a higher value
		cut.off = nrow(dat.ch.cat) - n.change[i] + 1
		#change those that are greater than or equal to the cut-off to have a higher value
		dat.ch.cat[,1][dat.ch.cat[,rank.col]>=cut.off] <- (i+1)
	if (steal==TRUE) {
		#calculate cut-off for deciding which ones to change to a lower value
		cut.off = n.change[i]*(-1)
		#change those that are below the cut-off to have a lower value
		dat.ch.cat[,1][dat.ch.cat[,rank.col]<=cut.off] <- i
	#identify those not in the current category (category i) and put in separate 
	rest.id = which(new.all.dat[,1]!=(i+num*steal))
	dat.rest = new.all.dat[rest.id,]
	#combine the datasets so all data is together again
	new.all.dat = rbind(dat.ch.cat[,-rank.col], dat.rest)

#' Change the default simulated values to proportions requested by the user.
#' The values of a vector are changed so that the proportions of each discrete value 
#' are that requested by the user.
#' The values that are changed are the ones with the highest propensity to do so
#' The propensity score(s) of an observation to be a higher (or lower) value can 
#' be given as input to the function.
#' If the propensity score(s) are not provided by the user then random 
#' propensity scores are generated.
#' @param default.vec
#'  a vector after a run of the simulation. The values of this
#'  variable will be changed in accordance with what the user requests
#' @param desired_props
#'  a vector that is the proportions requested by the user.
#'  The vector is the length of the number of distinct values of the variable
#'  being modified.
#' @param propens
#'  matrix or vector of the propensity scores for each child
#'  For binary variables there is one column of propensity scores: the
#'  propensities to change from a 0 to a 1.
#'  For categorical variables with more than two categories there are multiple
#'  columns of propensity scores: E.g. for a three category variables the
#'  propensities to change from category 1 to category 2 are in the first
#'  column and the propensities to change from category 2 to category 3 are
#'  in the second column.
#' @param accuracy
#' 	gives how close the end proportions are allowed to be away from the desired proportions before an error message is given
#' 	- the default is 0.01.
#'  If the '.accuracy' global variable exists, its value will be used instead of that in function call.
#' @note Assumptions made by the function:
#' It is assumed that the proportions given in props are given in consectuive 
#' increasing order (e.g. {0,1}, {1, 2, 3} or {2, 5, 9, 23}).  If the user 
#' wants to make it so no observations are in a particular category the value 
#' 0 must be put in the corresponding place in the vector props
#' If the propensity scores (propens) are provided by the user then it is assumed 
#' that default.vec and propens are given in the same order and exactly the 
#' same children are in each vector (i.e. there are no children in one vector 
#' that are not in the other).  In other words, the propensity score for a 
#' specific child is in the same row in propens as that same child's value of 
#' the variable in default.vec.
#' @return 
#' a modified vector with the proportions requested.
#' @seealso This function calls \code{\link{change.cat}}
#' @export 
modifyProps <- function(default.vec, desired_props, propens=NULL, accuracy=.01) {
	if (exists(".accuracy")) {accuracy<-.accuracy}
	if (is.null(desired_props) || any(is.na(desired_props)) || length(default.vec) == 0) {
		#no props, silently do nothing	  
	if (is.null(default.vec)) {
		stop(gettextf("%s is NULL", as.character(sys.call())[2]))
	#keep original vector
	orig.default.vec <- default.vec
	if (!is.null(propens) 
			&& ( 
				(length(dim(propens)) != 2 && length(orig.default.vec) != length(propens))
				|| (length(dim(propens)) == 2 && length(orig.default.vec) != dim(propens)[1])
				) ) {
		firstParamName <- as.character(sys.call())[2]
		stop(gettextf("Propensities must be the same length as %s ",firstParamName))
	#check that the number of categories in the provided vector of data 
	#(default.vec) is the same number of categories as given in desired_props
	num.cat <- length(table(orig.default.vec))
	num.cat2 <- length(desired_props)
	if (num.cat!=num.cat2) {
		note2 = cat("Note: Length of desired_props not equal to number of categories in variable:", 
				"\n", "Assumed that there were unobserved categories in the variable", 
	#n is the number of children in one year
	n <- length(orig.default.vec)
	type <- is(orig.default.vec)[1] 
	#if propensity scores not provided then create them
	if (length(propens)==0 || any(is.na(propens))) {
		note2 <- "Note: No propensity scores available so random propensity scores were created\n"
		#col.num is the number of vectors of propensity scores required.
		#E.g. for a 2-category varaible, 1 vector of propensity scores is required
		#and for a 3-category variable, 2 vectors of propensity scores are
		#required etc.
		col.num <- num.cat2 - 1
		#create random propensity score
		propens.score <- NULL
		for (i in 1:col.num) {
			propens.score <- c(propens.score, runif(n))
		propens <- matrix(propens.score, ncol=col.num, nrow=n)
	#if the the default.vec values are not consecutive numbers starting at 1 change them 
	#so they are
	if (type=="factor") {
		tab.names <- names(table(orig.default.vec))
	} else if ((type=="integer")|(type=="numeric")) {
		tab.names <- as.numeric(names(table(orig.default.vec)))
	} else {
		stop("Add additional type in modifyProps()")	
	#if (sum(tab.names!= 1:length(desired_props))>=1) {
	#	default.vec2 <- numeric(length(default.vec))
	#	for (i in 1:length(desired_props)) {
	#		default.vec2[default.vec==tab.names[i]] <- i
	#	}
	#	default.vec <- default.vec2
	#match propensity scores to children
	#(this function assumed that default.vec and propens have the same children
	#in the same order) 
	#the last column is a child identifier so I can put them back in the right
	# !!!!! Need to check this over!!! 
	if(!is.null(attr(desired_props, "levels")) && type=="factor")
		default.vec <- as.numeric(factor(default.vec, levels = attr(desired_props, "levels")))	
		default.vec <- as.numeric(factor(default.vec))	
	all.dat <- data.frame(default.vec, propens, 1:n)
	new.all.dat <- all.dat
	#rank.col identifies the column that the rankings will be in
	#this is used later in the change.cat function where the propensities are converted to ranks
	rank.col <- ncol(all.dat) + 1
	#create table of given data and calculate current proportions and the numbers 
	#that need moving into or out of categories to get the requested proportions 
	tab <- table(new.all.dat[,1])	
	cats <- c(1:length(desired_props))
	#if any categories in desired_props are not present in default.vec then this merge is needed to fix the 
	tab.df <- merge(cats, tab, by = 1, all=TRUE)
	#after the merge any categories in cat that were not present in tab appear as NAs
	#these NAS are changed to 0s
	na.id <- which(is.na(tab.df$Freq))
	tab.df$Freq[na.id] <- 0
	tab.df$x <- 1:nrow(tab.df)
	current.props <- tab.df$Freq/sum(tab.df$Freq)
	n.change <- round(current.props*n) - round(desired_props*n)
	#(e.g n.change[1] is the excess/deficient number of observations in the first 
	#category in observed data)
	num <- 1
	i <- 1 #i = current category
	while (i < length(desired_props)) {
		if (n.change[i]==0) {
			#if no change needs to be made for category i then move onto next category
			i <- i + 1
			num <- 1 
		} else if (sign(n.change[i])==1) {
			#category i has too many obs - give to a higher category
			num <- 1
			new.all.dat <- change.cat(num, rank.col, i, new.all.dat, n.change)
			i <- i + 1
		} else if (sign(n.change[i])== -1) {
			#category i has too few obs - steal from a higher category
			new.all.dat <- change.cat(num, rank.col, i, new.all.dat, n.change)
			num <- num + 1
			#the maximum value of num is the number of categories above to steal 
			#by incrementing i here we ensure that we don't get into an infinite 
			#loop due to the while condition never being satisfied
			if (num>(length(desired_props)-(i-1))) {
				i <- i + 1
		#at this point changes have been made for one iteration of category i (may need more than 
		#one iteration if couldn't steal enough observations from the category  
		#immediately above it
		#create table of current data (tab.df) and calculate numbers that need
		#moving into or out of categories to get the requested proportions 
		tab <- table(new.all.dat[,1])
		cats <- c(1:length(desired_props))
		tab.df <- merge(cats, tab, by = 1, all.x=TRUE)
		na.id <- which(is.na(tab.df$Freq))
		tab.df$Freq[na.id] <- 0
		tab.df$x <- 1:nrow(tab.df)
		current.props <- tab.df$Freq/sum(tab.df$Freq)
		n.change <- round(current.props*n) - round(desired_props*n)
	#check if requested proportions acheived
	if (sum(abs(desired_props - current.props))>accuracy) {
		# give output with warning
		#(output should all be correct if I have thought of everything and made no 
		#change back to orignal category names
		#put observations back in the right order
		warning("Proportions may not be correct - Source code may need to be modified to handle this situaion")

		#change back to orignal category names (if they were changed earlier)
		#e.g. if the orginal variable was a {0, 1} variable then all 0s would have 
		#been changed to 1s and alls 1s changed to 2s.  At this step, after the 
		#changes to get the right proportions, the 1s are changed back to 0s and 
		#the 2s are changed back to 1s.
		if(!any( tab.names == 1:length(desired_props))){
			default.vec2 = numeric(nrow(new.all.dat))
			 if (type=="factor") {
				 for (i in 1:length(desired_props)) {
					 default.vec2[new.all.dat[,1]==i] <- levels(orig.default.vec)[i]
					 default.vec2 <- factor(default.vec2, levels=levels(orig.default.vec))
				 new.all.dat[,1] = default.vec2
			 } else if ((type=="integer")|(type=="numeric")) {
				 for (i in 1:length(desired_props)) {
					 default.vec2[new.all.dat[,1]==i] <- tab.names[i]
				 new.all.dat[,1] = default.vec2
			 } else {
				 stop("Add additional type in modifyProps()")
		#and put children back in the right order
		new.all.dat2 = new.all.dat[order(new.all.dat[,rank.col-1]),]


#' Takes a categorical var specified in separate binary level variables
#' and applies modifyProps and returns the result as a list of modified
#' binary level variables.
#' @param vecs.list
#'  vectors to modify, eg: simframe[binLevelVarnames]
#' @param desiredProps
#'  desired proportions
#' @param propens
#'  propensities, if ANY
#' @return
#'  same list of vectors, but with proportions modified
#' @export
modifyPropsAsBinLevels <- function (vecs.list, desiredProps, propens=NULL) {
	#catvar <- binary.levels.combine(simframe[binLevelVarnames])
	cats <- seq(length(vecs.list))
	catvar <- binary.levels.combine(vecs.list)
	# prop.table(table(catvar))
	adjcatvar <- modifyProps(catvar, desiredProps, propens)
	# quick check: this will fail if modifyProps returns any NAs
	# like for example, where there is only 1 category catvar
	# prop.table(table(adjcatvar))
	# split back into seperate level vars
	result <- binary.levels.split(adjcatvar, f=cats)
	result.names <- names(vecs.list)[as.integer(names(result))]
	structure(result, names=names(vecs.list))

#' Calls modifyProps on a subset, returning the whole vector, but with the subset modified
#' @param desired_props
#'  a vector that is the proportions requested by the user.
#'  The vector is the length of the number of distinct values of the variable
#'  being modified.
#' @param default.vec
#'  a vector after a run of the simulation. The values of this
#'  variable will be changed in accordance with what the user requests
#' @param propens
#'  matrix or vector of the propensity scores for each child
#'  For binary variables there is one column of propensity scores: the
#'  propensities to change from a 0 to a 1.
#'  For categorical variables with more than two categories there are multiple
#'  columns of propensity scores: E.g. for a three category variables the
#'  propensities to change from category 1 to category 2 are in the first
#'  column and the propensities to change from category 2 to category 3 are
#'  in the second column.
#' @param logiset
#' logical vector indicating which observations to include, or NULL to include all.
#' @param accuracy
#'  gives how close the end proportions are allowed to be away from the desired 
#' proportions - the default is 0.01. It is passed to function modifyProps().
#' @note Assumptions made by the function:
#' It is assumed that the proportions given in props are given in consectuive 
#' increasing order (e.g. {0,1}, {1, 2, 3} or {2, 5, 9, 23}).  If the user 
#' wants to make it so no observations are in a particular category the value 
#' 0 must be put in the corresponding place in the vector props
#' If the propensity scores (propens) are provided by the user then it is assumed 
#' that default.vec and propens are given in the same order and exactly the 
#' same children are in each vector (i.e. there are no children in one vector 
#' that are not in the other).  In other words, the propensity score for a 
#' specific child is in the same row in propens as that same child's value of 
#' the variable in default.vec.
#' @return
#' a vector with the subset modified
#' @seealso This function calls \code{\link{modifyProps}}
#' @export
modifypropsVarSingle_on_subset<-function(default.vec, desired_props, propens=NULL, logiset=NULL, accuracy=.01) {
	if (is.null(logiset)) {logiset<-rep(TRUE, length(default.vec))}
	propens<-subset(propens, logiset)
	#adding a temporary ID variable - a rank column - onto a copy of the simframe portion
	#will enable the subsets to be put back into the same order later
	#subsetting the copy of the simframe according to logiset
	#keeping those not in the logiset - those that aren't to be passed to modifyprops
	#modifying the logiset
	subset_to_change_modified <- modifyProps(subset_to_change[,-rankcolnum], desired_props, propens, accuracy)
	#putting changed set back with those that weren't in the logiset
	new_sf<-rbind(as.matrix(subset_to_change_modified), as.matrix(rest_not_to_be_modified[,1])) 
	original.position<-rbind(as.matrix(subset_to_change[,rankcolnum]), as.matrix(rest_not_to_be_modified[,rankcolnum]))
	#putting the records back in their orignal order according to the rank column created earlier


#' Runs modifyProps on a continuous variable
#' Takes a continuous variable, converts it to a categorical variable using the binbreaks,
#' modifyProps is then called on that categorical variable.
#' The categorical variable is then converted back to a continuos variable using the catToContModels
#' @param x.cont
#'  a continuous variable to be adjusted
#' @param desired_props
#'  desired proportions
#' @param catToContModels
#' a list of models which will to used to convert the adjusted categorical variable back 
#' to continuous
#' @param cont.binbreaks
#' binbreaks for the continuous variable to be adjusted
#' @param propens 
#'  matrix or vector of the propensity scores for each child
#'  For binary variables there is one column of propensity scores: the
#'  propensities to change from a 0 to a 1.
#'  For categorical variables with more than two categories there are multiple
#'  columns of propensity scores: E.g. for a three category variables the
#'  propensities to change from category 1 to category 2 are in the first
#'  column and the propensities to change from category 2 to category 3 are
#'  in the second column.
#' @param logiset
#'  logical vector indicating which observations to include, or NULL to include all.
#' @param accuracy
#' 	gives how close the end proportions are allowed to be away from the desired 
#' proportions before an error message is given	- the default is 0.01.
#'  If the '.accuracy' global variable exists, its value will be used instead of that in 
#' function call.
#' @param envir
#'  environment in which to evaluate model variables.
#' @return
#'  an 'adjusted' continuous variable that if binned will have the same proportions as requested in desired_props
#' @export 
modifyPropsContinuous <- function(x.cont, desired_props, catToContModels, cont.binbreaks, propens=NULL, logiset=NULL, accuracy=.01, envir=parent.frame()) {
	x.cat <- bin(x.cont, cont.binbreaks)
	adj.x.cat <- modifyProps(x.cat, desired_props, propens, accuracy)
	adj.x.cont <- predSimModSelect(adj.x.cat, catToContModels, cont.binbreaks, logiset, envir)

#' A wrapper for modifyProps.  
#' Subsets by the logiset call the appropriate version of modifyProps 
#' (modifyPropsContinuous or modifyProps) then, if modifyProps was called on a logiset,
#' combine and reorder the data using combine.and.reorder(). 
#' Called in adjustCatVar(), adjustContVar, and applyContAdjustmentToSimframe(). 
#' @param x
#' A categorical vector to be adjusted.
#' @param desiredProps
#' Vector of desired proportions
#' @param propens
#' propensity scores used to decide who should change categories
#' @param logiset
#' A TRUE/FALSE vector indicating the subset of units to apply the scenari (change in 
#' proportions) to
#' @param catToContModels
#' A list of models which will to used to convert the adjusted categorical variable back 
#' to continuous.
#' @param cont.binbreaks
#' Binbreaks for the variable being adjusted if exist.  Used to ensure the imputed
#' continuous values (only for continuous variables) are within the bounds of the 
#' category.
#' @param envir
#' environment - for the MELC MSM is usually the simframe of the scenario environment.
#' @return
#' an adjusted vector, either categorical or continuous depending on whether catToCont 
#' models were provided.
#' @export 
adjust.proportions <- function(x, desiredProps, propens=NULL, logiset=NULL, catToContModels=NULL, cont.binbreaks=NULL, envir=parent.frame()) {
	if (!is.null(logiset) && sum(logiset)>0) {
		#subset the propensities according to the logiset
		propens_subset <- if (!is.null(propens)) { subsetFirstDimension(propens, logiset) } else NULL
		#subset x according to the logiset
		subset_to_change <- x[logiset]
		if (!is.null(catToContModels)) {
			subset_to_change_modified <- modifyPropsContinuous(subset_to_change, desiredProps, catToContModels, cont.binbreaks, propens_subset, logiset, accuracy=.05, envir)
		} else {
			subset_to_change_modified <- modifyProps(subset_to_change, desiredProps, propens_subset, accuracy=.05) |> as.character() |> as.numeric()
		non.modified.x <- x[!logiset]
		non.modified.x <- non.modified.x |> as.character() |> as.numeric()
		modified.in.order <- combine.and.reorder(subset_to_change_modified, non.modified.x, logiset)
	} else {
		#there is no logiset and the scenario is applied to all units
		if (!is.null(catToContModels)) {
			adj.x.cont <- modifyPropsContinuous(x, desiredProps, catToContModels, cont.binbreaks, propens, envir=envir)
		} else {
			adj.x.cat <- modifyProps(x, desiredProps, propens, accuracy=.05)

#' Combines and reorders (so correct original order) after modifyProps has been called on
#' a logiset.
#' Called in adjust.proportions().  
#' @param modified.x
#' A vector of modified values (i.e. those tht were in the logiset.  Either categorical or
#' continuous. 
#' @param non.modified.x
#' A vector of non-modified values of the same variable (i.e. those tht were not in the 
#' logiset.  Either categorical or continuous.
#' @param logiset
#' A TRUE/FALSE vetor defining which units are in the logical subset on which modifyProps
#' was called.
#' @return 
#' A combined and reordered vector.  Contains evereyone in the population in the correct 
#' order.
#' @export 
combine.and.reorder <- function(modified.x, non.modified.x, logiset) {
	n = length(modified.x) + length(non.modified.x)
	original.position <- 1:n
	modified.out.of.order <- rbind(cbind(modified.x, original.position[logiset]), cbind(non.modified.x, original.position[!logiset]))
	modified.in.order <- modified.out.of.order[order(modified.out.of.order[,2]), 1]

########### Add missing categories ##############
modifyProps.Mengdan <- function(default.vec, desired_props, propens=NULL, accuracy=.01) {

	# If the length of desired_props not equal to number of categories in variable which means
	# there were unobserved categories in the variable, then we choose the units randomly from the 
	# the category in majority and apply the missing categories to them.
	addMissingCategories <- function(){
		varname <- attr(desired_props,"varname")
		# The categories of the variable
		#binbreak <- attr(desired_props,"binbreak")
			#categories <- names(binbreak)[-1]
			categories <- attr(desired_props,"levels")
		# The list to store all missing categories
		missingCategories <- list()
		# Store all missing categories into missingCategories 
		for(i in categories){
			if(!any(default.vec == categories[i])){
				num.missingCategories <- num.missingCategories+1
				missingCategories[[num.missingCategories]] <- categories[i]
		# check the type of the categories and get the category in majority
		if (type=="factor") {
			majorityCategory <- names(which.max(table(default.vec)))
		} else if ((type=="integer")|(type=="numeric")) {
			majorityCategory <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(default.vec))))
		} else {
			stop("Add additional type in modifyProps()")	
		# A logical vector to store if each element belongs to the category in majority
		isMajority <- default.vec == majorityCategory 
		# The number of units in majority category
		num.majority <- max(table(default.vec))
		# Choose the units randomly from the category in majority
		randomPeople <- sample(1:num.majority, num.missingCategories, replace=TRUE)
		# Apply the missing units to random units and store into default.vec
		if(num.majority >= num.missingCategories){
			for(i in (1:length(missingCategories))){
				default.vec[isMajority][randomPeople[i]] <<- missingCategories[[i]]
			stop("Error: The total number of micro-units in the subgroup being adjusted should be at least the number of categories in the variable being adjusted")
	#if the the default.vec values are not consecutive numbers starting at 1 change them 
	#so they are
	convertCategoryName <- function(){
		if (type=="factor") {
			tab.names <<- names(table(default.vec))
		} else if ((type=="integer")|(type=="numeric")) {
			tab.names <<- as.numeric(names(table(default.vec)))
		} else {
			stop("Add additional type in modifyProps()")	
		if (sum(tab.names!= 1:length(desired_props))>=1) {
			default.vec2 <- numeric(length(default.vec))
			for (i in 1:length(desired_props)) {
				default.vec2[default.vec==tab.names[i]] <- i
			default.vec <<- default.vec2
	#check if requested proportions acheived with the accuracy and transform back to orignal category names.
	checking <- function(){
		if (sum(abs(desired_props - current.props))<=accuracy) {
			#if correct
			#change back to orignal category names (if they were changed earlier)
			#e.g. if the orginal variable was a {0, 1} variable then all 0s would have 
			#been changed to 1s and alls 1s changed to 2s.  At this step, after the 
			#changes to get the right proportions, the 1s are changed back to 0s and 
			#the 2s are changed back to 1s.
			if (sum(tab.names!= 1:length(desired_props))>=1) {
				default.vec2 = numeric(nrow(new.all.dat))
				if (type=="factor") {
					for (i in 1:length(desired_props)) {
						default.vec2[new.all.dat[,1]==i] <- levels(orig.default.vec)[i]
						default.vec2 <- factor(default.vec2, levels=levels(orig.default.vec))
					new.all.dat[,1] = default.vec2
				} else if ((type=="integer")|(type=="numeric")) {
					for (i in 1:length(desired_props)) {
						default.vec2[new.all.dat[,1]==i] <- tab.names[i]
					new.all.dat[,1] = default.vec2
				} else {
					stop("Add additional type in modifyProps()")
			#and put children back in the right order
			new.all.dat2 = new.all.dat[order(new.all.dat[,rank.col-1]),]
		} else if (sum(abs(desired_props - current.props))>accuracy) {
			#if not correct - still do these things but give output with warning
			#(output should all be correct if I have thought of everything and made no 
			#change back to orignal category names
			if (sum(tab.names!= 1:length(desired_props))>=1) {
				default.vec2 = numeric(nrow(new.all.dat))
				if (type=="factor") {
					for (i in 1:length(desired_props)) {
						default.vec2[new.all.dat[,1]==i] <- levels(orig.default.vec)[i]
						default.vec2 <- factor(default.vec2, levels=levels(orig.default.vec))
					new.all.dat[,1] = default.vec2
				} else if ((type=="integer")|(type=="numeric")) {
					for (i in 1:length(desired_props)) {
						default.vec2[new.all.dat[,1]==i] <- tab.names[i]
					new.all.dat[,1] = default.vec2
				} else {
					stop("Add additional type in modifyProps()")
			#put observations back in the right order
			new.all.dat2 = new.all.dat[order(new.all.dat[,rank.col-1]),]
			warning("Proportions may not be correct - Source code may need to be modified to handle this situaion")
	if (exists(".accuracy")) {accuracy<-.accuracy}
	if (is.null(desired_props) || any(is.na(desired_props))) {
		#no props, silently do nothing	  
	if (is.null(default.vec)) {
		stop(gettextf("%s is NULL", as.character(sys.call())[2]))
		#if the default vector is empty, silently do nothing	
	#keep original vector
	orig.default.vec <- default.vec
	#n is the number of children in one year
	n <- length(orig.default.vec)
	type <- is(orig.default.vec)[1] 
	if (!is.null(propens) 
			&& ( 
				(length(dim(propens)) != 2 && length(orig.default.vec) != length(propens))
				|| (length(dim(propens)) == 2 && length(orig.default.vec) != dim(propens)[1])
				) ) {
		firstParamName <- as.character(sys.call())[2]
		stop(gettextf("Propensities must be the same length as %s ",firstParamName))
	#check that the number of categories in the provided vector of data 
	#(default.vec) is the same number of categories as given in desired_props
	# If not, add the missing categories to the provided vector.
	num.cat <- length(table(orig.default.vec))
	num.cat2 <- length(desired_props)
	if (num.cat!=num.cat2) {
		note2 = cat("Note: Length of desired_props not equal to number of categories in variable:", 
				"\n", "Assumed that there were unobserved categories in the variable", 

	#if propensity scores not provided then create them
	if (length(propens)==0 || any(is.na(propens))) {
		note2 <- "Note: No propensity scores available so random propensity scores were created\n"
		#col.num is the number of vectors of propensity scores required.
		#E.g. for a 2-category varaible, 1 vector of propensity scores is required
		#and for a 3-category variable, 2 vectors of propensity scores are
		#required etc.
		col.num <- num.cat2 - 1
		#create random propensity score
		propens.score <- NULL
		for (i in 1:col.num) {
			propens.score <- c(propens.score, runif(n))
		propens <- matrix(propens.score, ncol=col.num, nrow=n)
	#match propensity scores to children
	#(this function assumed that default.vec and propens have the same children
	#in the same order) 
	#the last column is a child identifier so I can put them back in the right
	all.dat <- data.frame(default.vec, propens, 1:n)
	new.all.dat <- all.dat
	#rank.col identifies the column that the rankings will be in
	#this is used later in the change.cat function where the propensities are converted to ranks
	rank.col <- ncol(all.dat) + 1
	#create table of given data and calculate current proportions and the numbers 
	#that need moving into or out of categories to get the requested proportions 
	tab <- table(new.all.dat[,1])
	cats <- c(1:length(desired_props))
	#if any categories in desired_props are not present in default.vec then this merge is needed to fix the 
	tab.df <- merge(cats, tab, by = 1, all=TRUE)
	#after the merge any categories in cat that were not present in tab appear as NAs
	#these NAS are changed to 0s
	na.id <- which(is.na(tab.df$Freq))
	tab.df$Freq[na.id] <- 0
	tab.df$x <- 1:nrow(tab.df)
	current.props <- tab.df$Freq/sum(tab.df$Freq)
	n.change <- round(current.props*n) - round(desired_props*n)
	#(e.g n.change[1] is the excess/deficient number of observations in the first 
	#category in observed data)
	num <- 1
	i <- 1 #i = current category
	while (i < length(desired_props)) {
		if (n.change[i]==0) {
			#if no change needs to be made for category i then move onto next category
			i <- i + 1
			num <- 1 
		} else if (sign(n.change[i])==1) {
			#category i has too many obs - give to a higher category
			num <- 1
			new.all.dat <- change.cat(num, rank.col, i, new.all.dat, n.change)
			i <- i + 1
		} else if (sign(n.change[i])== -1) {
			#category i has too few obs - steal from a higher category
			new.all.dat <- change.cat(num, rank.col, i, new.all.dat, n.change)
			num <- num + 1
			#the maximum value of num is the number of categories above to steal 
			#by incrementing i here we ensure that we don't get into an infinite 
			#loop due to the while condition never being satisfied
			if (num>(length(desired_props)-(i-1))) {
				i <- i + 1
		#at this point changes have been made for one iteration of category i (may need more than 
		#one iteration if couldn't steal enough observations from the category  
		#immediately above it
		#create table of current data (tab.df) and calculate numbers that need
		#moving into or out of categories to get the requested proportions 
		tab <- table(new.all.dat[,1])
		cats <- c(1:length(desired_props))
		tab.df <- merge(cats, tab, by = 1, all.x=TRUE)
		na.id <- which(is.na(tab.df$Freq))
		tab.df$Freq[na.id] <- 0
		tab.df$x <- 1:nrow(tab.df)
		current.props <- tab.df$Freq/sum(tab.df$Freq)
		n.change <- round(current.props*n) - round(desired_props*n)


########### Tidy up the original function (modifyProps2) ##############
modifyProps1 <- function(default.vec, desired_props, propens=NULL, accuracy=.01) {
	#if the the default.vec values are not consecutive numbers starting at 1 change them 
	#so they are
	convertCategoryName <- function(){
		if (type=="factor") {
			tab.names <<- names(table(default.vec))
		} else if ((type=="integer")|(type=="numeric")) {
			tab.names <<- as.numeric(names(table(default.vec)))
		} else {
			stop("Add additional type in modifyProps()")	
		if (sum(tab.names!= 1:length(desired_props))>=1) {
			default.vec2 <- numeric(length(default.vec))
			for (i in 1:length(desired_props)) {
				default.vec2[default.vec==tab.names[i]] <- i
			default.vec <<- default.vec2
	#check if requested proportions acheived with the accuracy and transform back to orignal category names.
	checking <- function(){
		if (sum(abs(desired_props - current.props))<=accuracy) {
			#if correct
			#change back to orignal category names (if they were changed earlier)
			#e.g. if the orginal variable was a {0, 1} variable then all 0s would have 
			#been changed to 1s and alls 1s changed to 2s.  At this step, after the 
			#changes to get the right proportions, the 1s are changed back to 0s and 
			#the 2s are changed back to 1s.
			if (sum(tab.names!= 1:length(desired_props))>=1) {
				default.vec2 = numeric(nrow(new.all.dat))
				if (type=="factor") {
					for (i in 1:length(desired_props)) {
						default.vec2[new.all.dat[,1]==i] <- levels(orig.default.vec)[i]
						default.vec2 <- factor(default.vec2, levels=levels(orig.default.vec))
					new.all.dat[,1] = default.vec2
				} else if ((type=="integer")|(type=="numeric")) {
					for (i in 1:length(desired_props)) {
						default.vec2[new.all.dat[,1]==i] <- tab.names[i]
					new.all.dat[,1] = default.vec2
				} else {
					stop("Add additional type in modifyProps()")
			#and put children back in the right order
			new.all.dat2 = new.all.dat[order(new.all.dat[,rank.col-1]),]
		} else if (sum(abs(desired_props - current.props))>accuracy) {
			#if not correct - still do these things but give output with warning
			#(output should all be correct if I have thought of everything and made no 
			#change back to orignal category names
			if (sum(tab.names!= 1:length(desired_props))>=1) {
				default.vec2 = numeric(nrow(new.all.dat))
				if (type=="factor") {
					for (i in 1:length(desired_props)) {
						default.vec2[new.all.dat[,1]==i] <- levels(orig.default.vec)[i]
						default.vec2 <- factor(default.vec2, levels=levels(orig.default.vec))
					new.all.dat[,1] = default.vec2
				} else if ((type=="integer")|(type=="numeric")) {
					for (i in 1:length(desired_props)) {
						default.vec2[new.all.dat[,1]==i] <- tab.names[i]
					new.all.dat[,1] = default.vec2
				} else {
					stop("Add additional type in modifyProps()")
			#put observations back in the right order
			new.all.dat2 = new.all.dat[order(new.all.dat[,rank.col-1]),]
			warning("Proportions may not be correct - Source code may need to be modified to handle this situaion")
	if (exists(".accuracy")) {accuracy<-.accuracy}
	if (is.null(desired_props) || any(is.na(desired_props))) {
		#no props, silently do nothing	  
	if (is.null(default.vec)) {
		stop(gettextf("%s is NULL", as.character(sys.call())[2]))
	#keep original vector
	orig.default.vec <- default.vec
	#n is the number of children in one year
	n <- length(orig.default.vec)
	type <- is(orig.default.vec)[1] 
	if (!is.null(propens) 
			&& ( 
				(length(dim(propens)) != 2 && length(orig.default.vec) != length(propens))
				|| (length(dim(propens)) == 2 && length(orig.default.vec) != dim(propens)[1])
				) ) {
		firstParamName <- as.character(sys.call())[2]
		stop(gettextf("Propensities must be the same length as %s ",firstParamName))
	#check that the number of categories in the provided vector of data 
	#(default.vec) is the same number of categories as given in desired_props
	# If not, add the missing categories to the provided vector.
	num.cat <- length(table(orig.default.vec))
	num.cat2 <- length(desired_props)
	if (num.cat!=num.cat2) {
		note2 = cat("Note: Length of desired_props not equal to number of categories in variable:", 
				"\n", "Assumed that there were unobserved categories in the variable", 
	#if propensity scores not provided then create them
	if (length(propens)==0 || any(is.na(propens))) {
		note2 <- "Note: No propensity scores available so random propensity scores were created\n"
		#col.num is the number of vectors of propensity scores required.
		#E.g. for a 2-category varaible, 1 vector of propensity scores is required
		#and for a 3-category variable, 2 vectors of propensity scores are
		#required etc.
		col.num <- num.cat2 - 1
		#create random propensity score
		propens.score <- NULL
		for (i in 1:col.num) {
			propens.score <- c(propens.score, runif(n))
		propens <- matrix(propens.score, ncol=col.num, nrow=n)
	#match propensity scores to children
	#(this function assumed that default.vec and propens have the same children
	#in the same order) 
	#the last column is a child identifier so I can put them back in the right
	all.dat <- data.frame(default.vec, propens, 1:n)
	new.all.dat <- all.dat
	#rank.col identifies the column that the rankings will be in
	#this is used later in the change.cat function where the propensities are converted to ranks
	rank.col <- ncol(all.dat) + 1
	#create table of given data and calculate current proportions and the numbers 
	#that need moving into or out of categories to get the requested proportions 
	tab <- table(new.all.dat[,1])
	cats <- c(1:length(desired_props))
	#if any categories in desired_props are not present in default.vec then this merge is needed to fix the 
	tab.df <- merge(cats, tab, by = 1, all=TRUE)
	#after the merge any categories in cat that were not present in tab appear as NAs
	#these NAS are changed to 0s
	na.id <- which(is.na(tab.df$Freq))
	tab.df$Freq[na.id] <- 0
	tab.df$x <- 1:nrow(tab.df)
	current.props <- tab.df$Freq/sum(tab.df$Freq)
	n.change <- round(current.props*n) - round(desired_props*n)
	#(e.g n.change[1] is the excess/deficient number of observations in the first 
	#category in observed data)
	num <- 1
	i <- 1 #i = current category
	while (i < length(desired_props)) {
		if (n.change[i]==0) {
			#if no change needs to be made for category i then move onto next category
			i <- i + 1
			num <- 1 
		} else if (sign(n.change[i])==1) {
			#category i has too many obs - give to a higher category
			num <- 1
			new.all.dat <- change.cat(num, rank.col, i, new.all.dat, n.change)
			i <- i + 1
		} else if (sign(n.change[i])== -1) {
			#category i has too few obs - steal from a higher category
			new.all.dat <- change.cat(num, rank.col, i, new.all.dat, n.change)
			num <- num + 1
			#the maximum value of num is the number of categories above to steal 
			#by incrementing i here we ensure that we don't get into an infinite 
			#loop due to the while condition never being satisfied
			if (num>(length(desired_props)-(i-1))) {
				i <- i + 1
		#at this point changes have been made for one iteration of category i (may need more than 
		#one iteration if couldn't steal enough observations from the category  
		#immediately above it
		#create table of current data (tab.df) and calculate numbers that need
		#moving into or out of categories to get the requested proportions 
		tab <- table(new.all.dat[,1])
		cats <- c(1:length(desired_props))
		tab.df <- merge(cats, tab, by = 1, all.x=TRUE)
		na.id <- which(is.na(tab.df$Freq))
		tab.df$Freq[na.id] <- 0
		tab.df$x <- 1:nrow(tab.df)
		current.props <- tab.df$Freq/sum(tab.df$Freq)
		n.change <- round(current.props*n) - round(desired_props*n)
kcha193/simarioV2 documentation built on April 8, 2024, 4:51 p.m.