
Defines functions rm.combo.WLRmax

Documented in rm.combo.WLRmax

#' Weighted Logrank combination with asymptotic p-value adjustment
#' Description
#' This routine provides several options for correcting p-values for the maximum of multiple 
#' weighted logrank test statistics.
#' The most favorable of these (i.e., minimally sufficient p-value correction) is provided by the "asymp" option which
#' uses a published asymptotic correlation between different weighted logrank tests (Karrison, 2016).
#' However, there are also more conservative (less powerful) options to correct using 
#' Holm, Hochberg, Hommel or Bonferroni corrections.
#' @param time time-to-event variable
#' @param status event indicator: 0=censored, 1=event
#' @param arm treatment group indicator
#' @param wt a list with pairs of non-negative numbers setting rho and gamma for each 
#' Fleming-Harrington weighting sheme to be used
#' @param adjust.methods methods used to adjust Type I error for testing multiple weighted logrank tests
#' @param ties.method methods for dealing with tied event times
#' @param one.sided logical indicating 1-sided (TRUE) vs 2-sided (FALSE) testing
#' @param HT.est logical used when adjust.methods is "asymp", max is TRUE to create an estimate
#' of HR that is averaged across the specified tests 
#' @param max indicator of extent of output (TRUE for maximum output)
#' @param alpha level for testing 
#' @return The function returns a list with the follow components
#' \describe{
#'  \item{pval}{One-sided p-Value corresponding to Zmax} 
#'  \item{rho, gamma}{rho and gamma corresponding to Zmax}
#'  \item{Zmax}{Zmax}
#'  }
#' @details 
#' Note that the user needs to load the `dplyr` and `Matrix` packages since these have NOT been added to the imports list for the package.
#' The correlation between different weighted logrank test statistics noted in the Karrison (2016) is the same as the variance of a weighted
#' logrank statistic with the sum of rho values and sum of gamma values as the respective rho and gamma parameters.
#' @examples
#' with(Ex1delayedEffect,rm.combo.WLRmax(time=month,status=evntd,arm=trt,adjust.methods="asymp",
#'                                    HT.est=TRUE,wt=list(a1=c(0,1),a2=c(1,0),a3=c(1,1)))) 
#' with(Ex1delayedEffect,rm.combo.WLRmax(time=month,status=evntd,arm=trt,
#'                                    wt=list(a1=c(0,1),a2=c(1,0),a3=c(1,1)))) 
#' @import survival survMisc
#' @author Satrajit Roychoudhury, \email{satrajit.roychoudhury@@pfizer.com} 
#' @references TG Karrison (2016), Versatile tests for comparing survival curves based on weighted log-rank statistics, 
#' Stata Journal, 16:3 pp 678-690
#' @export
rm.combo.WLRmax<- function(time        = NULL,
                           status      = NULL,
                           arm         = NULL,
                           wt          = NULL,
                           adjust.methods = c("holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni","asymp")[5],
                           ties.method = c("exact", "breslow", "efron")[2],
                           one.sided   = FALSE,
                           HT.est      = FALSE,
                           max         = TRUE,
                           alpha       = 0.025
  data.anal <- data.frame(cbind(time,status,arm))
  fit<- ten(survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ arm, data = data.anal))  
  comp(fit, p= sapply(wt, function(x){x[1]}), q= sapply(wt, function(x){x[2]}))
  tst.rslt <- attr(fit, 'lrt')
  #Combination test (exact form)
  if(max & adjust.methods != "asymp"){
    tst.rslt1 <- rbind(tst.rslt[1,],subset(tst.rslt, grepl("FH", tst.rslt$W)))
    Z.tst.rslt1 <- tst.rslt1$Z
    if(one.sided){p.unadjusted <- stats::pnorm(q=tst.rslt1$Z)}
    if(!one.sided){p.unadjusted <- 1- stats::pnorm(q=abs(tst.rslt1$Z)) + stats::pnorm(q=-abs(tst.rslt1$Z))}
    pval.adjusted <- p.adjust(p.unadjusted, method = adjust.methods)
    pval <- min(pval.adjusted)
    max.index <- which(p.unadjusted == min(p.unadjusted), arr.ind = TRUE)
  if(max & adjust.methods == "asymp"){
    #Calculating the covariace matrix
    tst.rslt1 <- rbind(tst.rslt[1,],subset(tst.rslt, grepl("FH", tst.rslt$W)))
    Z.tst.rslt1 <- tst.rslt1$Z 
    q.tst.rslt1 <- tst.rslt1$Q 
    var.tst.rslt1 <- tst.rslt1$Var
    wt1 <- c(list(a0=c(0,0)), wt)
    combo.wt <- combn(wt1,2)
    combo.wt.list <- list()
    for(i in 1:ncol(combo.wt)){combo.wt.list[[i]] <- combo.wt[,i]}
    combo.wt.list.up <- lapply(combo.wt.list,function(a){mapply('+',a)})
    wt2 <- lapply(combo.wt.list.up, function(a){apply(a,1,'sum')/2})
    d1 <- data.frame(do.call(rbind,wt2))
    wt3 <- unique(wt2)
    d2 <- data.frame(do.call(rbind,wt3))
    fit2<- ten(survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ arm, data = data.anal))  
    #Testing (for calculating the covariances)
    comp(fit2, p= sapply(wt3, function(x){x[1]}), q= sapply(wt3, function(x){x[2]}))
    tst.rsltt <- attr(fit2, 'lrt')
    tst.rslt2 <- subset(tst.rsltt, grepl("FH", tst.rsltt$W))
    cov.tst.rslt11 <- tst.rslt2$Var
    d2$V <- cov.tst.rslt11
    d1d2 <- full_join(d1,d2, by = c("X1","X2"))
    cov.tst.rslt1 <- d1d2$V
    cov.tst.1 <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(wt1), ncol=length(wt1))
    cov.tst.1[lower.tri(cov.tst.1, diag=FALSE)] <- cov.tst.rslt1
    cov.tst <- t(cov.tst.1)
    cov.tst[lower.tri(cov.tst, diag=FALSE)] <- cov.tst.rslt1
    diag(cov.tst) <- var.tst.rslt1
    cov.tst.1 <- matrix(nearPD(cov.tst)$mat, length(Z.tst.rslt1),length(Z.tst.rslt1))
    #z.val <- as.vector(ginv(Re(sqrtm(cov.tst)))%*%q.tst.rslt1)
    z.max <- max(abs(tst.rslt1$Z))
    cor.tst <- cov2cor(cov.tst.1)
    #p.value=P(min(Z) < min(z.val))= 1 - P(Z_i >= min(z.val); for all i)
    if(one.sided){pval2 <- 1 - pmvnorm(lower = rep(-z.max, length(Z.tst.rslt1)), 
                                       upper = rep(z.max, length(Z.tst.rslt1)), 
                                       corr = cor.tst, 
                                       algorithm = GenzBretz(maxpts=50000,abseps=0.00001))[1]
    max.tst <- which(abs(Z.tst.rslt1) == max(abs(Z.tst.rslt1)), arr.ind = TRUE) 
    if(Z.tst.rslt1[max.tst] >= 0){pval <- 1 - pval2/2}  
    if(Z.tst.rslt1[max.tst] < 0){pval <- pval2/2}  
    if(!one.sided){pval <- 1 - pmvnorm(lower = rep(-z.max, length(Z.tst.rslt1)), 
                                       upper= rep(z.max, length(Z.tst.rslt1)), 
                                       corr= cor.tst, 
                                       algorithm= GenzBretz(maxpts=50000,abseps=0.00001))[1]}
    p.unadjusted <- stats::pnorm(q=tst.rslt1$Z)
    max.index <- which(p.unadjusted == min(p.unadjusted), arr.ind = TRUE)
    #max.index <- which(abs(Z.tst.rslt1) == max(abs(Z.tst.rslt1)), arr.ind = TRUE) 
  #Weighted log-rank test (FH weight): only one weight 
    tst.rslt1 <- subset(tst.rslt, grepl("FH", tst.rslt$W))
    pval <- stats::pnorm(q=tst.rslt1$Z)
    p.unadjusted <- pval
    max.index <- NULL
  #Estimation (average HR)
  wt.rslt <- data.frame(attr(fit, 'lrw'))
    col.wt <- which(grepl("FH", colnames(wt.rslt))==TRUE, arr.ind = T)
    wt.rslt1.1 <- wt.rslt[,c(1,col.wt)]
    wt.rslt1 <- wt.rslt1.1[,max.index]
    col.wt <- which(grepl("FH", colnames(wt.rslt))==TRUE, arr.ind = T)
    wt.rslt1 <- wt.rslt[,col.wt] 
  #Performing weighted cox
  data.anal.event <- subset(data.anal, status==1)
  data.anal.cens <- subset(data.anal, status==0)
  data.anal.event <- data.anal.event[order(data.anal.event$time),]
  #Handing ties and matching length of weights
  wt.u <- unlist(wt.rslt1)
  time.freq <- as.matrix(table(data.anal.event$time))
  wt.un <- data.frame(cbind(as.numeric(row.names(time.freq)), time.freq[,1], wt.u))
  wt.all <- wt.un[rep(1:nrow(wt.un), times=wt.un[,2]),]
  data.anal.event$wt <- wt.all$wt.u
  #data.anal.event$wt <- unlist(wt.rslt1)
  data.anal.cens$wt <- rep(1, nrow(data.anal.cens))
  data.anal.w <- rbind(data.anal.event, data.anal.cens)
  data.anal.w$wt[data.anal.w$wt==0] <- 0.000001
  data.anal.w$wt2 <- -log(data.anal.w$wt)
  data.anal.w$id <- 1:nrow(data.anal.w)
  FH.est <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ arm + offset(wt2)+ cluster(id), weights=wt,  method= ties.method, data = data.anal.w)
  hr <- summary(FH.est)
  hr.est <- hr$conf.int[1]
  hr.est.se <- hr$coefficients[4]
  hr.low <- hr$conf.int[3]
  hr.up <- hr$conf.int[4]
    #Bonferroni adjustment
    hr.low.adjusted.BF <- exp(log(hr.est) - (stats::qnorm(1- (alpha/(length(wt) + 1))))*hr$coefficients[4]) 
    hr.up.adjusted.BF <-  exp(log(hr.est) + (stats::qnorm(1- (alpha/(length(wt) + 1))))*hr$coefficients[4]) 
  #Simultaneous CI using Hoetling T^2 and Exact MVN  
  if(max & adjust.methods == "asymp"){
    c.star <- round(qmvnorm(1- alpha, corr=cor.tst, tail = "lower.tail")$quantile ,2)
    # EXACT   SCI
    hr.low.adjusted.E <- exp(log(hr.est) - c.star*hr.est.se)
    hr.up.adjusted.E  <- exp(log(hr.est) + c.star*hr.est.se)
  hr.est.HT <- NULL
  hr.low.HT <- NULL
  hr.up.HT <- NULL
  if(HT.est & max & adjust.methods == "asymp"){
    nmodel <- length(wt) + 1
    prob.selection <- NULL
    hr.est2 <- NULL
    hr.est2.se <- NULL
    all.index <- 1:nmodel
    means <- rep(0,length(all.index))
    for(i in 1:nmodel){
      #Probability of model i is selected
      all.cindex <- all.index[-i]
      B <- matrix(rep(0,nmodel*nmodel),nrow=nmodel) 
      diag(B) <- rep(1,nmodel) 
      B[,i] <- -1 
      B <- B[-i,]
      Bmeans <- as.vector(B %*% means)  
      Bcov <-  B%*%cov.tst.1%*% t(B)
      Bcor <- cov2cor(Bcov)
      prob.selection[i] <- pmvnorm(lower=rep(0, length(all.cindex)), 
                                   algorithm = GenzBretz(maxpts=50000,abseps=0.00001))
      wt.rslt2 <- wt.rslt1.1[,i]
      data.anal.event2 <- subset(data.anal, status==1)
      data.anal.cens2 <- subset(data.anal, status==0)
      data.anal.event2 <- data.anal.event2[order(data.anal.event2$time),]
      #Handing ties and matching length of weights
      wt.u2 <- unlist(wt.rslt2)
      time.freq2 <- as.matrix(table(data.anal.event2$time))
      wt.un2 <- data.frame(cbind(as.numeric(row.names(time.freq2)), time.freq2[,1], wt.u2))
      wt.all2 <- wt.un2[rep(1:nrow(wt.un2), times=wt.un2[,2]),]
      data.anal.event2$wt <- wt.all2$wt.u2
      data.anal.cens2$wt <- rep(1, nrow(data.anal.cens2))
      data.anal.w2 <- rbind(data.anal.event2, data.anal.cens2)
      data.anal.w2$wt[data.anal.w2$wt==0] <- 0.000001
      data.anal.w2$wt2 <- -log(data.anal.w2$wt)
      FH.est2 <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ arm + offset(wt2), weights=wt,  method= ties.method, data = data.anal.w2)
      hr2 <- summary(FH.est2)
      hr.est2[i] <- hr2$conf.int[1]
      hr.est2.se[i] <- hr2$coefficients[3]
    prob.selection2 <- prob.selection/sum(prob.selection)
    hr.est.HT <- exp(as.numeric(prob.selection2%*%log(hr.est2)))
    hr.est.HT.se <- sqrt(as.numeric(prob.selection2%*%hr.est2.se^2) + as.numeric(prob.selection2%*%log(hr.est2)^2) - (log(hr.est.HT))^2)
    hr.low.HT <- exp(log(hr.est.HT) - (stats::qnorm(1- alpha)*hr.est.HT.se)) 
    hr.up.HT <-  exp(log(hr.est.HT) + (stats::qnorm(1- alpha)*hr.est.HT.se)) 
  if(max & adjust.methods != "asymp"){out <- list(pval=pval, pval.adjusted = pval.adjusted, p.unadjusted = p.unadjusted, hr.est=hr.est, hr.low=hr.low, hr.up=hr.up, max.index=max.index, hr.low.adjusted.BF= hr.low.adjusted.BF, hr.up.adjusted.BF=hr.up.adjusted.BF,  Z.tst.rslt1= Z.tst.rslt1)}
  if(HT.est & max & adjust.methods == "asymp"){out <- list(cor=cor.tst,pval=pval, p.unadjusted= p.unadjusted, hr.est=hr.est, hr.low=hr.low, hr.up=hr.up, max.index=max.index, hr.low.adjusted.BF= hr.low.adjusted.BF, hr.up.adjusted.BF=hr.up.adjusted.BF,  Z.tst.rslt1= Z.tst.rslt1, q.tst.rslt1=q.tst.rslt1, max.abs.z=z.max, hr.est.HT=hr.est.HT, hr.low.HT= hr.low.HT, hr.up.HT=hr.up.HT, prob.selection=prob.selection, data.anal.w=data.anal.w, hr.low.adjusted.E=hr.low.adjusted.E, hr.up.adjusted.E= hr.up.adjusted.E)}
  if(!HT.est & max & adjust.methods == "asymp"){out <- list(cor=cor.tst,pval=pval, p.unadjusted= p.unadjusted, hr.est=hr.est, hr.low=hr.low, hr.up=hr.up, max.index=max.index, hr.low.adjusted.BF= hr.low.adjusted.BF, hr.up.adjusted.BF=hr.up.adjusted.BF,  Z.tst.rslt1= Z.tst.rslt1, q.tst.rslt1=q.tst.rslt1, max.abs.z=z.max, data.anal.w=data.anal.w, hr.low.adjusted.E=hr.low.adjusted.E, hr.up.adjusted.E= hr.up.adjusted.E)}
  if(!max){out <- list(pval=pval, hr.est=hr.est, hr.low=hr.low, hr.up=hr.up)}
keaven/nphsim documentation built on May 24, 2020, 9:34 p.m.