
#' Application which runs KBC transformations in R
#' @import methods
#' @import keboola.r.docker.application
#' @export RTransformation
#' @exportClass RTransformation
RTransformation <- setRefClass(
    contains = c("DockerApplication"),
    fields = list(
        scriptContent = 'character',
        tags = 'character',
        packages = 'character'
    methods = list(
        initialize = function(args = NULL) {
            \\item{\\code{args} Optional name of data directory, if not supplied then it
                will be read from command line argument.}
        silence = function(command) {
            "Silence all but error output from a command.
            \\item{\\code{command} Arbitrary command.}
            \\subsection{Return Value}{Command return value}"
            msg.trap <- capture.output(suppressPackageStartupMessages(suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(ret <- command))))
        installModulePackages = function() {
            "Install and load all required libraries.
            \\subsection{Return Value}{TRUE}"
            # get only packages not yet installed
            packagesToInstall <- .self$packages[which(!(.self$packages %in% rownames(installed.packages())))]
            if (!interactive()) {
                con <- textConnection("installMessages", open = "w", local = TRUE)
                sink(con, type = c("output", "message"))
                if (!is.null(.self$packages) && (length(.self$packages) > 0)) {
                    if (length(packagesToInstall) > 0) {
                        # install.packages does not return a usefull error or exception in case a package cannot be
                        # installed. It only emits a warning among a ton of other warnings.
                                pkgs = packagesToInstall, 
                                quiet = TRUE, 
                                verbose = FALSE, 
                                dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo"), 
                                INSTALL_opts = c("--no-html")
                        # so we again check for any packages which are left to be installed and if there are any
                        # we assume that those packages failed to install.
                        packagesToInstall <- .self$packages[which(!(.self$packages %in% rownames(installed.packages())))]
                        if (length(packagesToInstall) > 0) {
                            # if the packages failed to install, let's try it again with a different CRAN repository
                            # by default we rely on MRAN, but if that has an outage, there is no reasonable way to 
                            # try an other mirror, so that's what we're doing
                                    pkgs = packagesToInstall, 
                                    quiet = TRUE, 
                                    verbose = FALSE,
                                    repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org",
                                    dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo"), 
                                    INSTALL_opts = c("--no-html")
                            packagesToInstall <- .self$packages[which(!(.self$packages %in% rownames(installed.packages())))]
                            if (length(packagesToInstall) > 0) {
                                # we still have some packages to install, it probably failed for good
                                # give up
                                stop(paste0("Failed to install packages: ", paste(packagesToInstall, collapse = ", ")))
                    # load all packages
                    lapply(.self$packages, function (package) {
                        if (!.self$silence(library(package, character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE))) {
                            stop(paste0("Failed to load package: ", package))
            }, finally = {
                if (!interactive()) {
                    sink(NULL, type = c("output", "message"))
        validate = function() {
            "Validate application configuration. 
            \\subsection{Return Value}{TRUE}"
            # check for surplus parameters
            enteredParameters <- names(configData$parameters)
            knownParameters <- c('script', 'tags', 'packages')
            surplusParameters <- enteredParameters[which(!(enteredParameters %in% knownParameters))]
            if (length(surplusParameters) > 0) {
                .self$logError(paste0("Unknown parameters: ", paste(surplusParameters, collapse = ', ')))
            # R script must be non-empty
            scr <- configData$parameters$script
            if (length(scr) > 1)  {
                scriptContent <<- paste(scr, collapse = "\n")
            } else if (length(scr) > 0) {
                scriptContent <<- scr
            if (empty(scriptContent)) {
                stop("Transformation script is empty.")
            if (empty(configData$parameters$tags)) {
                tags <<- character()
            } else {
                tags <<- configData$parameters$tags
            if (empty(configData$parameters$packages)) {
                packages <<- character()
            } else {
                packages <<- configData$parameters$packages

        prepareTaggedFiles = function() {
            "When supplied a list of tags, select input files with the given tags and prepare the 
            most recent file of those into a /user/ folder
            \\item{\\code{packages} Character vector of tag names.}
            \\subsection{Return value}{TRUE}"
            if (!dir.exists(file.path(.self$dataDir, 'in', 'user'))) {
                dir.create(file.path(.self$dataDir, 'in', 'user'))
            inDirectory <- file.path(.self$dataDir, 'in', 'files')
            files <- list.files(inDirectory, pattern = '^.*\\.manifest$', full.names = FALSE)
            for (tag in .self$tags) {
                lastTime <- 0
                lastManifest <- ''
                for (file in files) {
                    .self$logInfo(paste0("Reading manifest: ", file))
                    manifestPath <- file.path(.self$dataDir, 'in', 'files', file)
                    manifestData <- readChar(manifestPath, file.info(manifestPath)$size)
                    manifest <- jsonlite::fromJSON(manifestData)
                    if (tag %in% manifest$tags) {
                        fileTime <- strptime(manifest$created, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')
                        if (fileTime > lastTime) {
                            lastTime <- fileTime
                            lastManifest <- file
                if (lastManifest == '') {
                    stop(paste0("No files were found for tag: ", tag))
                } else {
                    # remove .manifest suffix
                    fileName = substr(lastManifest, start = 0, stop = nchar(lastManifest) - 9)
                    file.copy(file.path(.self$dataDir, 'in', 'files', fileName), 
                            file.path(.self$dataDir, 'in', 'user', tag))
                    file.copy(file.path(.self$dataDir, 'in', 'files', paste0(fileName, '.manifest')), 
                              file.path(.self$dataDir, 'in', 'user', paste0(tag, '.manifest')))

        run = function() {
            "Main application entry point.
            \\subsection{Return Value}{TRUE}"
            .self$logInfo("Initializing R transformation")
            # save the script to file
            scriptFile = file.path(dataDir, 'script.R')
            write(file = scriptFile, x = scriptContent)
            # set data directory as current directory, so that relative paths in transformation work
            .self$logInfo("Running R script")
            # run the script
                # load the module
            .self$logInfo("R script finished")
keboola/r-transformation documentation built on Sept. 13, 2021, 3:31 a.m.