
#' Posterior of mixture of Von Mises distributions.
#' @param th Circular observations, either \code{numeric} in radians, or
#'   \code{circular}.
#' @param niter Number of iterations to perform MCMC for.
#' @param n_comp Integer; Number of mixture components.
#' @param mu_logprior_fun Function; A function with a single argument, which
#'   returns the log of the prior probability of \eqn{\mu}. Defaults to a
#'   uniform prior function.
#' @param kp_logprior_fun Function; A function with a single argument, which
#'   returns the log of the prior probability of \eqn{\kappa}. Defaults to a
#'   uniform prior function. In contrast to the other parameters, for
#'   \eqn{\kappa} the constant (uniform) prior is improper.
#' @param alph_prior_param Integer vector; The mixture weight parameter vector
#'   \eqn{\alpha} is given its conjugate Dirichlet prior. The default is
#'   \code{rep(1, n_comp)}, which is the noninformative uniform prior over the
#'   \code{n_comp} simplex.
#' @param fixed_pmat A numeric matrix with \code{n_comp} rows and four columns,
#'   corresponding to \eqn{\mu, \kappa, \lambda, \alpha}, in that order. Any
#'   element that is not \code{NA} in this matrix will be held constant at the
#'   given value and not sampled.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to \code{flexcircmix::fitbatmix}.
#' @return Object of type \code{vm_mix_mod}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' vm_mix(rvm(30, 2, 5))
vm_mix <- function(th,
                   n_comp = 3,
                   mu_logprior_fun  = function(mu)  0,
                   kp_logprior_fun  = function(kp)  0,
                   alph_prior_param = rep(1, n_comp),
                   fixed_pmat       = matrix(NA, n_comp, 4),
                   niter = 1000, ...) {

  th <- as.circrad(th)

  # Make sure that lam is fixed to zero so we run von Mises mixture model.
  if (ncol(fixed_pmat) == 3) {
    fixed_pmat <- cbind(fixed_pmat[, 1:2, drop = FALSE],
                        fixed_pmat[, 3, drop = FALSE])
  } else if (ncol(fixed_pmat) == 4) {
    fixed_pmat[, 3] <- 0
  } else {
    stop(paste("Fixed parameter matrix fixed_pmat of wrong dimension:",

  # Run  Von Mises mixture model.
  res <- flexcircmix::fitbatmix(x = th, method = "bayes", Q = niter,
                                n_comp = n_comp,
                                bat_type = "power",
                                fixed_pmat = fixed_pmat,
                                mu_logprior_fun  = mu_logprior_fun,
                                kp_logprior_fun  = kp_logprior_fun, ...)

  vmmix_res <- c(res,
                 list(data = res$x))

  # Log posterior.
  log_posterior <- function(params, data) {
    # If there is one value in params missing, assume it is one of the alpha
    # weights because this might happen when bridgesampling for example.
    if ((length(params) %% 3) == 2) {
      n_comp <- (length(params) + 1)/4
      params <- c(params, 1 - sum(params[(3*n_comp + 1):(4*n_comp - 1)]))

    n_comp <- length(params)/3

    mus   <- params[1:n_comp]
    kps   <- params[(n_comp + 1):(2*n_comp)]
    alphs <- params[(2*n_comp + 1):(3*n_comp)]

    if (abs(sum(alphs) - 1) > .5) {
      warning("Log-posterior adapting weight vector alpha to sum to one.")
      alphs <- alphs / sum(alphs)
    } else {
      alphs <- alphs / sum(alphs)

    ll_part <- sum(flexcircmix::dbatmix(data, dbat_fun = dpowbat,
                           mus, kps, rep(0, n_comp), alphs,
                           log = TRUE))

    prior_part <- sum(c(vapply(mus,   mu_logprior_fun, 0),
                        vapply(kps,   kp_logprior_fun, 0),
                                                 alpha = alph_prior_param))))
    ll_part + prior_part

  # Create a new environment for log_posterior so that the file size of the
  # resulting object is not too large.
  log_post_env <- new.env()
  log_post_env$n_comp           <- n_comp
  log_post_env$mu_logprior_fun  <- mu_logprior_fun
  log_post_env$kp_logprior_fun  <- kp_logprior_fun
  log_post_env$alph_prior_param <- alph_prior_param
  environment(log_posterior) <- log_post_env

  vmmix_res$log_posterior <- log_posterior

  vmmix_res$mu_names   <- paste0("mu_", seq(n_comp))
  vmmix_res$kp_names   <- paste0("kp_", seq(n_comp))
  vmmix_res$lam_names  <- paste0("lam_", seq(n_comp))
  vmmix_res$alph_names <- paste0("alph_", seq(n_comp))

  vmmix_res$which_lam  <- grepl("lam_", rownames(res$mcmc_summary))

  class(vmmix_res) <- c("vm_mix_mod", class(res))


#' Random generation for the Inverse Batschelet mixture distribution.
#' @param n Number of values to sample.
#' @param mus Mean directions.
#' @param kps Concentration parameters.
#' @param alphs Mixture weights.
#' @return Numeric vector of \code{n} samples from the Inverse Batschelet
#'   distribution, in radians.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' hist(rvmmix(1000), breaks = 100)
rvmmix <- function(n, mus = -1:1, kps = c(50, 25, 10), alphs = c(.2, .2, .6)) {
  circrad(flexcircmix::rinvbatmix(n, mus, kps,
                                  lams = rep(0, length(mus)), alphs))

print.vm_mix_mod <- function(x, digits = 3, ...) {
  print(round(coef(x), digits))

#' @export
coef.vm_mix_mod <- coefficients.vm_mix_mod <- function(object, ...) {
  coef_mat <- object$mcmc_summary
  coef_mat[!grepl("lam_", rownames(coef_mat)), ]

#' @export
posterior_samples.vm_mix_mod <- function(object, ...) {
  mat <- object$mcmc_sample[, 1:(object$n_components * 4)]
  mat[, !(object$which_lam[1:ncol(mat)])]

#' @export
plot.vm_mix_mod <- function(x, ...) {
  mu_names    <- x$mu_names
  kp_names    <- x$kp_names
  alph_names  <- x$alph_names

  pdf_fun <- function(x, params) {
    flexcircmix::dbatmix(x, dbat_fun = dpowbat,
                         mus   = params[mu_names  ],
                         kps   = params[kp_names  ],
                         lams  = rep(0, length(mu_names)),
                         alphs = params[alph_names])

  plot_circbayes_univariate(x, pdf_fun = pdf_fun, ...)

#' @importFrom bridgesampling bridge_sampler
bridge_sampler.vm_mix_mod <- function(samples, ...) {

  n_comp <- samples$n_components

  sam <- posterior_samples(samples)

  lb <- rep(c(-2*pi, 0,  0), each = n_comp)
  ub <- rep(c(2*pi, Inf, 1), each = n_comp)

  names(lb) <- colnames(sam)
  names(ub) <- colnames(sam)

  bridgesampling::bridge_sampler(data = samples$x,
                                 samples = as.matrix(sam),
                                 param_types = rep(c("circular", "real","simplex"), each = n_comp),
                                 log_posterior = samples$log_posterior,
                                 lb = lb, ub = ub,
                                 silent = TRUE, ...)

#' @export
marg_lik.vm_mix_mod <- function(x, ...) {

  bsobj <- bridgesampling::bridge_sampler(samples = x,


#' @export
inf_crit.vm_mix_mod <- function(x, ...) {
keesmulder/circbayes documentation built on May 30, 2019, 2:04 p.m.