
#' @title Data preprocessing for partial correlaton analysis
#' @description A method that integrates differential expression (DE) analysis
#'   and differential network (DN) analysis to select biomarker candidates for
#'   cancer studies. select_rho_partial is the pre-processing step for INDEED
#'   partial differential analysis.
#' @param data The input matrix of expression from all metabolites from all samples that will be preprocessed for Step 1.
#' @param class_label This is a binary array with 0 for group 1 and 1 for group 2.
#' @param id This is an array of biomolecule ID to label.
#' @param error_curve The default is "YES". This is an option on whether a error curve plot will be
#'    printed, user can choose "YES" or "NO".
#' @examples select_rho_partial(data = Met_GU, class_label = Met_Group_GU,id = Met_name_GU, error_curve = "YES")
#' @return A list of processed data for the next step, and generates an error curve to select rho for group 1 and 2.
#' @import devtools
#' @importFrom glasso glasso
#' @importFrom stats qnorm cor quantile var sd glm
#' @importFrom graphics abline title plot lines
#' @export
select_rho_partial <- function(data = NULL, class_label = NULL, id = NULL, error_curve = "YES"){
    data_bind <- rbind(data , class_label)
    raw_group_1 <- data_bind[,data_bind[nrow(data_bind),] == 0][1:(nrow(data_bind) - 1),]  # Group 1: p*n1
    raw_group_2 <- data_bind[,data_bind[nrow(data_bind),] == 1][1:(nrow(data_bind) - 1),]  # Group 2: p*n2

    p <- nrow(raw_group_2)
    n_group_2 <- ncol(raw_group_2)
    n_group_1 <- ncol(raw_group_1)

    # Z-transform the data for group-specific normalization
    data_group_1 <- scale(t(raw_group_1)) # Group 1: n1*p
    data_group_2 <- scale(t(raw_group_2)) # Group 2: n2*p
    cov_group_1 <- var(data_group_1)
    cov_group_2 <- var(data_group_2)
    ## Apply grapihcal LASSO given data_group_1 and data_group_2
    #  Group 1 first
    n_fold <- 5 # number of folds
    rho <- exp(seq(log(1), log(0.01), length.out = 20))

    # draw error curve
    error_group1 <- choose_rho(data_group_1, n_fold, rho)
        plot(rho, error_group1$log.cv, xlab = expression(lambda), ylab = "Error")
        lines(rho, error_group1$log.cv)
        title(main=paste("Group1 error curve", "using cross validation", sep="\n"))

        # chosse optimal rho
        abline(v = rho[error_group1$log.cv == min(error_group1$log.cv)], col = "red", lty = 3)

        # one standard error rule
        abline(h = min(error_group1$log.cv) + error_group1$log.rho[error_group1$log.cv == min(error_group1$log.cv)], col = "blue")
    rho[error_group1$log.cv == min(error_group1$log.cv)] # rho based on minimum rule

    # rhos that are under blue line
    rho_under_blue <- rho[error_group1$log.cv < min(error_group1$log.cv) + error_group1$log.rho[error_group1$log.cv == min(error_group1$log.cv)]]

    # rhos that are on the right of the red line
    rho_right_red <- rho[rho > rho[error_group1$log.cv == min(error_group1$log.cv)]]

    #rhos that are under blue line and to the right of the red line
    rho_one_std_group1 <- max(intersect(rho_under_blue, rho_right_red ))

    rho_min_rule_group1 <- rho[error_group1$log.cv == min(error_group1$log.cv)]

    # draw error curve
    error_group2 <- choose_rho(data_group_2, n_fold, rho)


        plot(rho, error_group2$log.cv, xlab = expression(lambda), ylab = "Error")
        lines(rho, error_group2$log.cv)
        title(main=paste("Group2 error curve", "using cross validation", sep="\n"))

        # choOse optimal rho
        abline(v = rho[error_group2$log.cv == min(error_group2$log.cv)], col = "red", lty = 3)

        # one standard error rule
        abline(h = min(error_group2$log.cv) + error_group2$log.rho[error_group2$log.cv == min(error_group2$log.cv)], col = "blue")
    rho[error_group2$log.cv == min(error_group2$log.cv)] # rho based on minimum rule

    # rhos that are under blue line
    rho_under_blue <- rho[error_group2$log.cv < min(error_group2$log.cv) + error_group2$log.rho[error_group2$log.cv == min(error_group2$log.cv)]]

    # rhos that are on the right of the red line
    rho_right_red <- rho[rho > rho[error_group2$log.cv == min(error_group2$log.cv)]]

    #rhos that are under blue line and to the right of the red line
    rho_one_std_group2 <- max(intersect(rho_under_blue, rho_right_red )) # export as global

    rho_min_rule_group2 <- rho[error_group2$log.cv == min(error_group2$log.cv)]   # export as global

    rho_df <- data.frame(c(rho_one_std_group1,rho_min_rule_group1), c(rho_one_std_group2,rho_min_rule_group2), row.names=c("one standard error","minimum"))
    data_list <- list(p=p,rho_table =rho_df,cov_group_1=cov_group_1,cov_group_2=cov_group_2,n_group_1=n_group_1, n_group_2=n_group_2, data_group_1=data_group_1, data_group_2=data_group_2,class_label=class_label,id=id,data=data)
kg737/INDEED_Patch documentation built on May 22, 2019, 6:32 p.m.