
Defines functions fitPseudotime standardize meanvar_to_alphabeta cov_matrix posterior_mean_curve

Documented in fitPseudotime posterior_mean_curve standardize

#' Fit probabilistic pseudotime model
#' This method takes one or more reduced-dimension representations of the gene expression
#' data and returns a one-dimensional Bayesian Gaussian Process latent variable model as
#' a `stanfit` object. The free parameters `smoothing_alpha` and `smoothing_beta` correspond
#' to the hyper-hyper distribution on `lambda` which effectively controls the arc-length
#' and therefore the smoothness of the pseudotime trajectories.
#' @param X Either a ncells-by-2 reduced dimension matrix or \code{list} of such matrices
#' corresponding to multiple representations.
#' @param initialise_from How to initialise the MCMC chain. One of "random" (stan decides),
#' "principal_curve", or "pca" (the first component of PCA rescaled is taken to be the pseudotimes).
#' Note: if multiple representations are provided, \code{pseudogp} will take the principal curve or
#' pca from the first rather than combining them. If a particular representation is required, it is
#' up to the user to re-order them.
#' @param smoothing_alpha The hyperparameter for the Gamma distribution that controls arc-length
#' @param smoothing_beta The hyperparameter for the Gamma distribution that controls arc-length
#' @param pseudotime_mean The mean of the constrained normal prior on the pseudotimes
#' @param pseudotime_var The variance of the constrained normal prior on the pseudotimes
#' @param chains The number of chains for the MCMC trace
#' @param iter The number of iterations for the MCMC trace
#' @param seed The \code{seed} argument that is passed to \code{stan}. Explicitly defined here
#' as it is used if "principal_curve" is defined as initialisation to ensure consistency.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to \code{rstan::stan} that can control curve
#' fitting (ie the HMC inference algorithm)
#' @return An object of class \code{rstan::stan}, that contains posterior samples for the
#' model parameters.
#' @importFrom princurve principal.curve
#' @importFrom rstan stan
#' @importFrom stats prcomp
#' @details This function essentially wraps the \code{rstan} function \code{stan}, and in doing so
#' returns a \code{stanfit} object. To extract posterior pseudotime samples see example below.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## load libraries for MAP and credible intervals:
#' library(coda)
#' library(MCMCglmm)
#' fit <- fitPseudotime(...)
#' pst <- extract(fit, pars = "t")$t # extract pseudotime from stan object
#' tmcmc <- mcmc(pst)
#' tmap <- posterior.mode(tmcmc) # extract MAP estimate of pseudotimes
#' hpd_intervals <- HPDinterval(tmcmc) # extract HPD credible intervals (95% default)
#' }
#' @export
fitPseudotime <- function(X,
                          initialise_from = c("random", "principal_curve", "pca"),
                          smoothing_alpha = 10, smoothing_beta = 3,
                          pseudotime_mean = 0.5, pseudotime_var = 1,
                          chains = 1, iter = 1000, seed = sample.int(.Machine$integer.max, 1), ...) {
  ## find number of representations
  if(is.matrix(X)) X <- list(X)
  if(!is.list(X)) stop("X must either be matrix (for single representation) or list of matrices")
  if(!all(sapply(X, class) == "matrix")) stop("X must either be matrix (for single representation) or list of matrices")
  dims <- sapply(X, dim)
  if(!all(dims[1,] == dims[1,1]) | !all(dims[2,] == dims[2,1])) stop("All representations must be of same dimensionality")

  ncells <- dim(X[[1]]) [1] # number of cells
  ndim <- dim(X[[1]])[2] # number of dimensions (currently just 2 supported)
  stopifnot(ndim == 2)
  Ns <- length(X) # number of representations

  message(paste("Creating pseudotime model with", ncells, "cells and", Ns, "representation(s)"))

  ## sanity check (e.g. all representations centred)
  message("Standardizing input data")
  X <- lapply(X, standardize)

  # ***always*** order arrays by (representation, latent dimension, cell)
  dx <- array(dim = c(Ns, ndim, ncells))
  for(i in 1:Ns) dx[i,,] <- t(X[[i]])

  data <- list(Ns = Ns, P = ndim, N = ncells,
               X = dx,
               gamma_alpha = smoothing_alpha, gamma_beta = smoothing_beta,
               pseudotime_mean = pseudotime_mean, pseudotime_var = pseudotime_var)

  ## prepare data
  init <- match.arg(initialise_from, c("random", "principal_curve", "pca"))

  if(init == "principal_curve" || init == "pca") {
    gamma_mean <- smoothing_alpha / smoothing_beta
    lambda_mean <- 1 / gamma_mean
    sigma_mean <- 1

    xx <- X[[1]]
    t0 <- NULL

    ## under the model pseudotimes of 0 and 1 have zero probability, so
    ## we need to offset them by some degree
    offset <- 1e-3

    if(init == "principal_curve") {
      pc <- princurve::principal.curve(xx)
      t0 <- pc$lambda
      t0 <- (t0 - min(t0) + offset) / (max(t0) - min(t0) + 2*offset)
    } else {
      xpca <- stats::prcomp(xx)$x[,1]
      t0 <- (xpca - min(xpca) + offset) / (max(xpca) - min(xpca) + 2*offset)

    # now put everything into correct dimension
    gamma_init <- array(gamma_mean, dim = Ns)
    lambda_init <- matrix(lambda_mean, nrow = Ns, ncol = ndim)
    sigma_init <- matrix(sigma_mean, nrow = Ns, ncol = ndim)
    init_list <- list(t = t0, g = gamma_init, sigma = sigma_init, lambda = lambda_init)

    # this isn't particularly elegant but who knows
    init <- vector("list", chains)
    for(i in 1:chains) init[[i]] <- init_list

  stanfile <- system.file("pseudogp.stan", package = "pseudogp")

  fit <- rstan::stan(file = stanfile, data = data, init = init,
                    iter = iter, chains = chains, ...)

  return( fit )

#' Column-wise standardize input data to mean 0 and variance 1
#' @param X data to standardize
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
standardize <- function(X) {
  X <- apply(X, 2, function(x) (x - mean(x)) / stats::sd(x))

# Convert the mean and variance of a gamma distribution
# to the alpha-beta parametrization
meanvar_to_alphabeta <- function(mean, var) {
  alpha <- mean^2 / var
  beta <- mean / var
  return(c(alpha, beta))

# Calculate a double exponential covariance matrix
# with a diagonal noise component
cov_matrix <- function(t1, t2, lambda, sigma = NULL) {
  n1 <- length(t1)
  n2 <- length(t2)
  C <- matrix(NA, nrow = n1, ncol = n2)
  for(i in 1:n1) {
    for(j in 1:n2) {
      C[i, j] <- exp(-lambda * (t1[i] - t2[j])^2)
  if(!is.null(sigma)) {
    stopifnot(n1 == n2)
    C <- C + sigma * diag(n1)
  return ( C )

#' Compute the posterior mean curve
#' This computes the posterior mean curve. Note that the "mean" aspect here
#' doesn't relate to pseudotimes - this can take a pseudotime sample from the
#' posterior pseudotime distribution and will calculate the mean curve
#' in the data space.
#' @param X The data representation
#' @param t The pseudotime sample
#' @param l Lambda
#' @param s Signa
#' @param nnt Number of new time points
#' @importFrom stats runif
posterior_mean_curve <- function(X, t, l, s, nnt = 80) {
  nt <- stats::runif(nnt)
  K_y <- lapply(1:2, function(i) cov_matrix(t, t, as.numeric(l[i]), as.numeric(s[i])))
  K_star <- lapply(1:2, function(i) cov_matrix(t, nt, as.numeric(l[i])))
  K_dstar <- lapply(1:2, function(i) cov_matrix(nt, nt, as.numeric(l[i])))

  mu_star <- lapply(1:2, function(i) {
    t(K_star[[i]]) %*% solve(K_y[[i]]) %*% X[,i]

  mus <- do.call(cbind, mu_star)
  return(list( mu = mus, t = nt ))

#' Laplacian eigenmaps representation of monocle data
#' The 'monocle' data comes from Trapnell et al. (2014) (\url{})

#' PCA representation of monocle data

#' t-SNE representation of monocle data

#' Stan fit for laplacian eigenmaps representation of monocle
kieranrcampbell/pseudogp documentation built on May 20, 2019, 9:24 a.m.