
Defines functions ellipsesPlot.covfm

#' Ellipses Plot - Visual Correlation Matrix Comparison
#' @description When there are 3 or more variables in the data, this function produces
#'              a matrix with ellipses drawn in the upper triangle.  The ellipse in cell
#'              \eqn{i,j} of the plot is drawn to be a contour of a standard bivariate
#'              normal with correlation \eqn{\rho_{ij}}.  One ellipse is drawn in each
#'              cell for each model in the \code{covfm} object.  When there are 2
#'              variables in the data, this function produces a scatter plot of the data
#'              with an overlaid 95\% confidence ellipse for each model in the
#'              \code{covfm} object.
#' @param x a \code{"covfm"} object.
#' @param \dots additional arguments are ignored.
#' @return x is invisibly returned.
#' @importFrom graphics legend lines plot polygon strheight strwidth text
#' @export
ellipsesPlot.covfm <- function(x, ...)
  n.models <- length(x)
  mod.names <- names(x)

  p <- dim(vcov(x[[1]]))[1]

  ## if p == 2 plot data with overlaid ellipse ##
  if(p == 2) {
    old.par <- par(pty = "s")

    ellipse <- function(loc, A)
      detA <- A[1, 1] * A[2, 2] - A[1, 2]^2
      dist <- sqrt(qchisq(0.95, 2))
      ylimit <- sqrt(A[2, 2]) * dist
      y <- seq(-ylimit, ylimit, 0.01 * ylimit)
      sqrt.discr <- detA/A[2,2]^2 * (A[2,2] * dist^2 - y^2)
      sqrt.discr[c(1, length(sqrt.discr))] <- 0.0
      sqrt.discr <- sqrt(sqrt.discr)
      b <- loc[1] + A[1, 2] / A[2, 2] * y
      x1 <- b - sqrt.discr
      x2 <- b + sqrt.discr
      y <- loc[2] + y
      rbind(cbind(x1, y), cbind(rev(x2), rev(y)))

    z <- list()
    x.min <- Inf
    x.max <- -Inf
    y.min <- Inf
    y.max <- -Inf

    for(i in 1:n.models) {
      z[[i]] <- ellipse(center(x[[i]]), vcov(x[[i]]))
      x.min <- min(x.min, z[[i]][,1])
      x.max <- max(x.max, z[[i]][,1])
      y.min <- min(y.min, z[[i]][,2])
      y.max <- max(y.max, z[[i]][,2])

    X <- try(eval(x[[1]]$call$data, envir = sys.parent(2)), silent = TRUE)
    if(!is.null(X) && !inherits(X, "try-error")) {
      X <- as.matrix(X)
      x.min <- min(x.min, X[,1])
      x.max <- max(x.max, X[,1])
      y.min <- min(y.min, X[,2])
      y.max <- max(y.max, X[,2])
    } else {
      X <- matrix(NA, 1, 2)

    center <- c(mean(c(x.min, x.max)), mean(c(y.min, y.max)))

    s.range <- max(abs(c(center[1] - x.min, x.max - center[1],
                         center[2] - y.min, y.max - center[2])))

    if(n.models == 1)
      header <- "95% Tolerance Ellipse"
      header <- "95% Tolerance Ellipses"

         xlim = c(center[1] - s.range, center[1] + s.range),
         ylim = c(center[2] - s.range, center[2] + s.range),
         xlab = names(center(x[[1]]))[1],
         ylab = names(center(x[[1]]))[2],
         main = header,
         col = "lightgray",
         pch = 16,
         asp = 1)

    for(i in 1:length(z))
      polygon(z[[i]], density = 0, lty = i, col = i, lwd = 2)

    pos <- ifelse(vcov(x[[1]])[1,2] > 0, "topleft", "topright")
    legend(x = pos, legend = mod.names, col = 1:n.models, lty = 1:n.models,
           lwd = 2, bty = "n")

  ## if p > 2 plot matrix of ellipses ##
  else {
    old.par <- par(mar = rep(0.1, 4), pty = "s")

    labels <- dimnames(vcov(x[[1]]))[[1]]
    tl.margin <- max(strwidth(paste("WW", labels, sep = ""), units = "inches"))
    tl.margin <- 1.05*tl.margin / par()$fin[1]

    if(tl.margin < 0.05) {
      tl.margin <- 0.05
      cex.labels <- 1.0
    } else if(tl.margin > 0.2) {
      cex.labels <- 0.2 / tl.margin
      tl.margin <- 0.2
    } else {
      cex.labels <- 1.0

    br.margin <- 0.025*(n.models - 1)

    plot(NA, NA,
         xlim = c(0.5 - p*tl.margin, 0.5 + (1 + br.margin)*p),
         ylim = c(0.5 - p*br.margin, (1 + tl.margin)*p + 0.5),
         type = "n",
         axes = FALSE,
         xlab = "",
         ylab = "")

    ht.corr <- (1.5 * n.models - 0.5) * strheight("8", units = "user")
    wt.corr <- strwidth("-0.00", units = "user")
    cex.corr <- min(c(0.75 / max(c(ht.corr, wt.corr)), 1.25))

    vert <- (1:n.models) * 1.6
    vert <- vert - mean(vert) + 0.5

    for(k in 1:n.models) {
      s <- sqrt(diag(vcov(x[[k]])))
      X <- vcov(x[[k]]) / (s %o% s)

      xc <- col(X)
      yc <- row(X)[p:1,]

      ut <- row(X) < col(X)
      lt <- row(X) > col(X)

      pts <- c(seq(0.0, 2*pi, length.out = 181), NA)
      xs <- sapply(X[ut], function(u, v) cos(v + acos(u)/2), v = pts)
      xs <- 0.475 * xs + rep(xc[ut], each = 182)
      ys <- sapply(X[ut], function(u, v) cos(v - acos(u)/2), v = pts)
      ys <- 0.475 * ys + rep(yc[ut], each = 182)

      polygon(x = as.vector(xs),
              y = as.vector(ys),
              density = 0,
              lwd = n.models - k + 1,
              col = k,
              lty = k)

      corr <- X[lt]
      corr[corr > 0.99 & corr < 1.00] <- 0.99
      corr[corr < -0.99 & corr > -1.00] <- -0.99
      corr <- format(round(corr, digits = 2))

      text(xc[lt] + 0.5*strwidth("0.00", cex = cex.corr),
           labels = corr,
           adj = c(1.0, vert[k]),
           col = k,
           cex = cex.corr)

    lines(c(1, p), c(p, 1), col = "gray")

    text(1:p, p+0.5,
         paste("  ", labels, sep = ""),
         adj = 0,
         srt = 90,
         cex = cex.labels)

    text(0.5, p:1,
         paste(labels, "  ", sep = ""),
         adj = 1,
         cex = cex.labels)

    legend(x = "bottomright",
           legend = mod.names,
           lwd = n.models:1,
           col = 1:n.models,
           lty = 1:n.models,
           bty = "n",
           horiz = TRUE)

kjellpk/fit.models documentation built on Aug. 3, 2020, 2:03 p.m.