
## code to prepare covdata datasets


## Check for data/ dir in data-raw

### --------------------------------------------------
### Functions to get data
### --------------------------------------------------

### --------------------------------------------------
### ECDC Data
### --------------------------------------------------

## Download today's CSV file, saving it to data/ and also read it in
get_ecdc_csv <- function(url = "",
                         date = lubridate::today(),
                         writedate = lubridate::today(),
                         fname = "ecdc-cumulative-",
                         ext = "csv",
                         dest = "data-raw/data",
                         save_file = c("y", "n")) {

  target <- url
  message("target: ", target)
  save_file <- match.arg(save_file)

  destination <- fs::path(here::here("data-raw/data"), paste0(fname, writedate), ext = ext)

  tf <- tempfile(fileext = ext)
  curl::curl_download(target, tf)

    y = fs::file_copy(tf, destination),
    n = NULL)



### --------------------------------------------------
### COVID Tracking Project Data
### --------------------------------------------------

## Get Daily COVID Tracking Project Data
## form is
get_uscovid_data <- function(url = "",
                             unit = c("states", "us"),
                             fname = "-",
                             date = lubridate::today(),
                             ext = "csv",
                             dest = "data-raw/data",
                             save_file = c("y", "n")) {
  unit <- match.arg(unit)
  save_file = match.arg(save_file)
  target <-  paste0(url, unit, "/", "daily.", ext)
  message("target: ", target)

  destination <- fs::path(here::here("data-raw/data"),
                          paste0(unit, "_daily_", date), ext = ext)

  tf <- tempfile(fileext = ext)
  curl::curl_download(target, tf)

         y = fs::file_copy(tf, destination),
         n = NULL)


## This URL will yield a file named "RACE Data Entry - CRDT.csv"
get_uscovid_race_data <- function(url = "",
                             date = lubridate::today(),
                             ext = "csv",
                             dest = "data-raw/data",
                             save_file = c("y", "n")) {
  save_file <- match.arg(save_file)
  target <-  url
  message("target: ", target)

  destination <- fs::path(here::here("data-raw/data"),
                          paste0("covus_crt_daily_", date), ext = ext)
  message("destination: ", destination)

  tf <- tempfile(fileext = ext)
  curl::curl_download(target, tf)

         y = fs::file_copy(tf, destination),
         n = NULL)


### --------------------------------------------------
### Google mobility data
### --------------------------------------------------

## Google
get_google_data <- function(url = "",
                             fname = "Global_Mobility_Report",
                             date = lubridate::today(),
                             ext = "csv",
                             dest = "data-raw/data",
                             save_file = c("n", "y")) {

  save_file <- match.arg(save_file)

  target <-  paste0(url, fname, ".", ext)
  message("target: ", target)

  destination <- fs::path(here::here("data-raw/data"),
                          paste0(fname, "_", date), ext = ext)

  tf <- tempfile(fileext = ext)
  curl::curl_download(target, tf)

         y = fs::file_copy(tf, destination),
         n = NULL)

  ## Need a colspec for the Google data because it's so large
  ## read_csv's guesses fail for some columns.
  gm_spec <- cols(country_region_code = col_character(),
                  country_region = col_character(),
                  sub_region_1 = col_character(),
                  sub_region_2 = col_character(),
                  metro_area = col_character(),
                  iso_3166_2_code = col_character(),
                  census_fips_code = col_character(),
                  date = col_date(),
                  retail_and_recreation_percent_change_from_baseline = col_integer(),
                  grocery_and_pharmacy_percent_change_from_baseline = col_integer(),
                  parks_percent_change_from_baseline = col_integer(),
                  transit_stations_percent_change_from_baseline = col_integer(),
                  workplaces_percent_change_from_baseline = col_integer(),
                  residential_percent_change_from_baseline = col_integer())

  janitor::clean_names(read_csv(tf, col_types = gm_spec))

###  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### Short Term Mortality Fluctuations data
###  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

get_stmf <- function(url = "",
                     fname = "stmf",
                     date = lubridate::today(),
                     ext = "csv",
                     dest = "data-raw/data",
                     save_file = c("n", "y"),
                     ...) {
  save_file <- match.arg(save_file)
  target <-  fs::path(url, fname, ext = ext)
  message("target: ", target)

  destination <- fs::path(here::here("data-raw/data"),
                          paste0(fname, "_", date), ext = ext)

  tf <- tempfile(fileext = ext)
  curl::curl_download(target, tf)

         y = fs::file_copy(tf, destination),
         n = NULL)

  janitor::clean_names(read_csv(tf, ...))

### --------------------------------------------------
### NYT Data
### --------------------------------------------------

## Get NYT data from their repo
## Generic NYT get

get_nyt_data <- function(url = "",
                        fname = "us-counties",
                        date = lubridate::today(),
                        ext = "csv",
                        dest = "data-raw/data",
                        save_file = c("n", "y"),
                        ...) {

  save_file <- match.arg(save_file)
  target <-  fs::path(url, fname, ext = ext)
  message("target: ", target)

  destination <- fs::path(here::here("data-raw/data"),
                          paste0(fname, "_", date), ext = ext)

  tf <- tempfile(fileext = ext)
  curl::curl_download(target, tf)

         y = fs::file_copy(tf, destination),
         n = NULL)

  janitor::clean_names(read_csv(tf, ...))


### --------------------------------------------------
### Apple Mobility Data
### --------------------------------------------------

## Get Apple data
## 1. Find today's URL
get_apple_target <- function(cdn_url = "",
                             json_file = "covid19-mobility-data/current/v3/index.json") {
  tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".json")
  curl::curl_download(paste0(cdn_url, "/", json_file), tf)
  json_data <- jsonlite::fromJSON(tf)
  paste0(cdn_url, json_data$basePath, json_data$regions$`en-us`$csvPath)

## 2. Get the data and return a tibble
get_apple_data <- function(url = get_apple_target(),
                             fname = "applemobilitytrends-",
                             date = stringr::str_extract(get_apple_target(), "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}"),
                             ext = "csv",
                             dest = "data-raw/data",
                             save_file = c("n", "y")) {

  save_file <- match.arg(save_file)
  message("target: ", url)

  destination <- fs::path(here::here("data-raw/data"),
                          paste0("apple_mobility", "_daily_", date), ext = ext)

  tf <- tempfile(fileext = ext)
  curl::curl_download(url, tf)

  ## We don't save the file by default
         y = fs::file_copy(tf, destination),
         n = NULL)


### --------------------------------------------------
### CoronaNet Data
### --------------------------------------------------

## See
## and

get_corona_tscs <- function(url = "",
                            fname = "coronanet_release",
                            date = lubridate::today(),
                            ext = "csv",
                            dest = "data-raw/data",
                            save_file = c("n", "y")) {

  save_file <- match.arg(save_file)
  target <-  paste0(url, "/", fname, ".", ext)
  message("target: ", target)

  destination <- fs::path(here::here("data-raw/data"),
                          paste0("", date), ext = ext)

  tf <- tempfile(fileext = ext)
  curl::curl_download(target, tf)

         y = fs::file_copy(tf, destination),
         n = NULL)

  cn_spec <- cols(
    record_id = col_character(),
    policy_id = col_character(),
    entry_type = col_character(),
    correct_type = col_character(),
    update_type = col_character(),
    update_level = col_character(),
    description = col_character(),
    date_announced = col_datetime(),
    date_start = col_date(),
    date_end = col_date(),
    country = col_character(),
    iso_a3 = col_character(),
    iso_a2 = col_character(),
    init_country_level = col_character(),
    domestic_policy = col_integer(),
    province = col_character(),
    city = col_character(),
    type = col_character(),
    type_sub_cat = col_character(),
    type_text = col_character(),
    school_status = col_character(),
    target_country = col_character(),
    target_geog_level = col_character(),
    target_region = col_character(),
    target_province = col_character(),
    target_city = col_character(),
    target_other = col_character(),
    target_who_what = col_character(),
    target_direction = col_character(),
    travel_mechanism = col_character(),
    compliance = col_character(),
    enforcer = col_character(),
    link = col_character(),
    enforcer = col_character(),
    index_high_est = col_double(),
    index_med_est = col_double(),
    index_low_est = col_double(),
    index_country_rank = col_double(),
    link = col_character(),
    date_update = col_datetime()

  janitor::clean_names(read_csv(tf, col_types = cn_spec))


### --------------------------------------------------
### CDC data custom function (cdccovidview is out of date)
### --------------------------------------------------

my_pdc <-  function ()

  res <- jsonlite::fromJSON("")
  res <- as_tibble(res)
  res$covid_deaths <- cdccovidview:::clean_int(res$covid_deaths)
  res$total_deaths <- cdccovidview:::clean_int(res$total_deaths)
  res$percent_expected_deaths <- cdccovidview:::clean_num(res$percent_expected_deaths)
  res$pneumonia_deaths <- cdccovidview:::clean_int(res$pneumonia_deaths)
  res$pneumonia_and_covid_deaths <- cdccovidview:::clean_int(res$pneumonia_and_covid_deaths)
  res$all_influenza_deaths_j09_j11 <-cdccovidview::: clean_int(res$all_influenza_deaths_j09_j11)
  res$pneumonia_influenza_and_covid_19_deaths <- cdccovidview:::clean_int(res$pneumonia_influenza_and_covid_19_deaths)

  by_week <- res[res$group == "By week", ]
  by_age <- res[res$group == "By age", ]
  by_state <- res[res$group == "By state", ]
  by_sex <- res[res$group == "By sex", ]

  by_week <- by_week[!grepl("total", tolower(by_week$indicator)), ]
  by_week$group <- NULL
  by_week$indicator <- NULL
  by_week$footnote <- NULL
  by_week$state <- NULL
  by_week$start_week <- as.Date(by_week$start_week)
  by_week$end_week <- as.Date(by_week$end_week)
  by_week$data_as_of <- as.Date(by_week$data_as_of)
  colnames(by_week) <- c("data_as_of", "start_week", "end_week", "covid_deaths", "total_deaths",
                         "percent_expected_deaths", "pneumonia_deaths", "pneumonia_and_covid_deaths",
                         "all_influenza_deaths_j09_j11", "pneumonia_influenza_and_covid_19_deaths",

  by_age$group <- NULL
  by_age$footnote <- NULL
  by_age$state <- NULL
  by_age$pneumonia_influenza_and_covid_19_deaths <- NULL

  colnames(by_age) <- c("data_as_of", "age_group", "start_week", "end_week", "covid_deaths", "total_deaths",
                        "percent_expected_deaths", "pneumonia_deaths", "pneumonia_and_covid_deaths",
  by_age$age_group <- sub("&ndash;", "-", by_age$age_group,
                          fixed = TRUE)
  by_age$age_group <- sub("yea.*", "yr", by_age$age_group)
  by_age$data_as_of <- as.Date(by_age$data_as_of)
  by_age$start_week <- as.Date(by_age$start_week)
  by_age$end_week <- as.Date(by_age$end_week)

  by_state$group <- NULL
  by_state$footnote <- NULL
  by_state$indicator <- NULL
  by_state$pneumonia_influenza_and_covid_19_deaths <- NULL

  by_state$data_as_of <- as.Date(by_state$data_as_of)
  by_state$start_week <- as.Date(by_state$start_week)
  by_state$end_week <- as.Date(by_state$end_week)
  colnames(by_state) <- c("data_as_of", "state", "start_week", "end_week", "covid_deaths", "total_deaths",
                          "percent_expected_deaths", "pneumonia_deaths", "pneumonia_and_covid_deaths",
  by_state <- by_state[by_state$state != "United States", ]

  by_sex$group <- NULL
  by_sex$footnote <- NULL
  by_sex$state <- NULL
  by_sex$pneumonia_influenza_and_covid_19_deaths <- NULL

  by_sex$data_as_of <- as.Date(by_sex$data_as_of)
  by_sex$start_week <- as.Date(by_sex$start_week)
  by_sex$end_week <- as.Date(by_sex$end_week)

  colnames(by_sex) <- c("data_as_of", "sex", "start_week", "end_week", "covid_deaths", "total_deaths",
                        "percent_expected_deaths", "pneumonia_deaths", "pneumonia_and_covid_deaths",

  by_sex <- by_sex[!grepl("Total deaths", by_sex$sex), ]
  list(by_week = as_tibble(by_week), by_age = as_tibble(by_age),
       by_state = as_tibble(by_state), by_sex = as_tibble(by_sex))

### --------------------------------------------------
### NCHS data via the CDC
### --------------------------------------------------

nchs_tables <- tribble(
  ~name, ~sname, ~locator,
  "Death Counts by Sex, Age, and State", "SAS", "9bhg-hcku",
  "Weekly State Specific Updates", "WSS", "pj7m-y5uh",
  "COVID-19 Case Surveillance Public Use Data", "CSPUD", "vbim-akqf",
  "Weekly counts of death by jurisdiction and cause of death", "WDC", "u6jv-9ijr",
  "Weekly counts 2014-2019", "WDC1419", "3yf8-kanr",
  "Weekly counts 2020-2021", "WDC2021", "muzy-jte6"

get_nchs_data <- function(url = "",
                             sname = c("SAS", "WSS", "CSPUD", "WDC", "WDC1419", "WDC2021"),
                             fname = "-",
                             date = lubridate::today(),
                             ext = "csv",
                             dest = "data-raw/data",
                             save_file = c("y", "n"),
                             clean_names = c("y", "n"),
                          cols = readr::cols()) {
  sname <- match.arg(sname)
  save_file <- match.arg(save_file)
  clean_names <- match.arg(clean_names)

  target <-  paste0(url, "/", as.character(nchs_tables[nchs_tables$sname == sname, "locator"]),
  message("target: ", target)

  destination <- fs::path(here::here("data-raw/data"),
                          paste0(sname, "_on_", date), ext = ext)

  tf <- tempfile(fileext = ext)
  curl::curl_download(target, tf)

         y = fs::file_copy(tf, destination),
         n = NULL

         y = janitor::clean_names(read_csv(tf, col_types = cols)),
         n = read_csv(tf, col_types = cols)

### --------------------------------------------------
### Data munging functions
### --------------------------------------------------

## A useful function from Edward Visel, which does a thing
## with tibbles that in the past I've done variable-by-variable
## using match(), like an animal. The hardest part was
## figuring out that this operation is called a coalescing join
coalesce_join <- function(x, y,
                          by = NULL, suffix = c(".x", ".y"),
                          join = dplyr::full_join, ...) {
  joined <- join(x, y, by = by, suffix = suffix, ...)
  # names of desired output
  cols <- dplyr::union(names(x), names(y))

  to_coalesce <- names(joined)[!names(joined) %in% cols]
  suffix_used <- suffix[ifelse(endsWith(to_coalesce, suffix[1]), 1, 2)]
  # remove suffixes and deduplicate
  to_coalesce <- unique(substr(
    nchar(to_coalesce) - nchar(suffix_used)

  coalesced <- purrr::map_dfc(to_coalesce, ~dplyr::coalesce(
    joined[[paste0(.x, suffix[1])]],
    joined[[paste0(.x, suffix[2])]]
  names(coalesced) <- to_coalesce

  dplyr::bind_cols(joined, coalesced)[cols]

### --------------------------------------------------
### ISO Country Codes
### --------------------------------------------------

## ----iso-country-codes-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Country codes. The ECDC does not quite use standard codes for countries
## These are the iso2 and iso3 codes, plus some convenient groupings for
## possible use later
iso3_cnames <- read_csv("data-raw/data/countries_iso3.csv")
iso2_to_iso3 <- read_csv("data-raw/data/iso2_to_iso3.csv")

cname_table <- left_join(iso3_cnames, iso2_to_iso3)


eu <- c("AUT", "BEL", "BGR", "HRV", "CYP", "CZE", "DNK", "EST", "FIN",
        "FRA", "DEU", "GRC", "HUN", "IRL", "ITA", "LVA", "LTU", "LUX",
        "MLT", "NLD", "POL", "PRT", "ROU", "SVK", "SVN", "ESP", "SWE",

europe <- c("ALB", "AND", "AUT", "BLR", "BEL", "BIH", "BGR", "HRV",
            "CYP", "CZE", "DNK", "EST", "FRO", "FIN", "FRA", "DEU",
            "GIB", "GRC", "HUN", "ISL", "IRL", "ITA", "LVA", "LIE",
            "LTU", "LUX", "MKD", "MLT", "MDA", "MCO", "NLD", "NOR",
            "POL", "PRT", "ROU", "RUS", "SMR", "SRB", "SVK", "SVN",
            "ESP", "SWE", "CHE", "UKR", "GBR", "VAT", "RSB", "IMN",
            "MNE", "XKV", "GGY", "JEY")

north_america <- c("AIA", "ATG", "ABW", "BHS", "BRB", "BLZ", "BMU",
                   "VGB", "CAN", "CYM", "CRI", "CUB", "CUW", "DMA",
                   "DOM", "SLV", "GRL", "GRD", "GLP", "GTM", "HTI",
                   "HND", "JAM", "MTQ", "MEX", "SPM", "MSR", "ANT",
                   "KNA", "NIC", "PAN", "PRI", "KNA", "LCA", "SPM",
                   "VCT", "TTO", "TCA", "VIR", "USA", "SXM", "BES")

south_america <- c("ARG", "BOL", "BRA", "CHL", "COL", "ECU", "FLK",
                   "GUF", "GUY", "PRY", "PER", "SUR", "URY", "VEN")

africa <- c("DZA", "AGO", "SHN", "BEN", "BWA", "BFA", "BDI", "CMR",
            "CPV", "CAF", "TCD", "COM", "COG", "DJI", "EGY", "GNQ",
            "ERI", "ETH", "GAB", "GMB", "GHA", "GNB", "GIN", "CIV",
            "KEN", "LSO", "LBR", "LBY", "MDG", "MWI", "MLI", "MRT",
            "MUS", "MYT", "MAR", "MOZ", "NAM", "NER", "NGA", "STP",
            "REU", "RWA", "STP", "SEN", "SYC", "SLE", "SOM", "ZAF",
            "SHN", "SDN", "SWZ", "TZA", "TGO", "TUN", "UGA", "COD",
            "ZMB", "TZA", "ZWE", "SSD", "COD", "ESH")

asia <- c("AFG", "ARM", "AZE", "BHR", "BGD", "BTN", "BRN", "KHM",
          "CHN", "CXR", "CCK", "IOT", "GEO", "HKG", "IND", "IDN",
          "IRN", "IRQ", "ISR", "JPN", "JOR", "KAZ", "PRK", "KOR",
          "KWT", "KGZ", "LAO", "LBN", "MAC", "MYS", "MDV", "MNG",
          "MMR", "NPL", "OMN", "PAK", "PHL", "QAT", "SAU", "SGP",
          "LKA", "SYR", "TWN", "TJK", "THA", "TUR", "TKM", "ARE",
          "UZB", "VNM", "YEM", "PSE")

oceania <- c("ASM", "AUS", "NZL", "COK", "FJI", "PYF", "GUM", "KIR",
             "MNP", "MHL", "FSM", "UMI", "NRU", "NCL", "NZL", "NIU",
             "NFK", "PLW", "PNG", "MNP", "SLB", "TKL", "TON", "TUV",
             "VUT", "UMI", "WLF", "WSM", "TLS")

continents <- tribble(
  ~iso3, ~continent,
  africa, "Africa",
  asia, "Asia",
  europe, "Europe",
  north_america, "North America",
  oceania, "Oceania",
  south_america, "South America"
) %>%
  unnest(cols = c("iso3"))

### --------------------------------------------------
### Get the data
### --------------------------------------------------

### --------------------------------------------------
### Get ECDC data
### --------------------------------------------------

### 1. Daily covid cases by country. ECDC stopped reporting this in Dec 2020.
ecdc_daily <- ""
covid_daily_raw <- get_ecdc_csv(ecdc_daily, save = "n")

covid_daily <- covid_daily_raw %>%
  mutate(date = lubridate::dmy(date_rep),
         iso2 = geo_id)

## merge in the iso country names
covid_daily <- left_join(covid_daily, cname_table)

## A few ECDC country codes are non-iso, notably the UK
# anti_join(covid_daily, cname_table) %>%
#   select(geo_id, countries_and_territories, iso2, iso3, cname) %>%
#   distinct()

## A small crosswalk file that we'll coalesce into the missing values
## We need to specify the na explicity because the xwalk file has Namibia
## as a country -- i.e. country code = string literal "NA"
cname_xwalk <- read_csv("data-raw/data/ecdc_to_iso2_xwalk.csv",
                        na = "")

covid_daily <- coalesce_join(covid_daily, cname_xwalk,
                       by = "geo_id", join = dplyr::left_join)

## Take a look again
anti_join(covid_daily, cname_table) %>%
  select(geo_id, countries_and_territories, iso2, iso3, cname) %>%

covnat_daily <- covid_daily %>%
  select(date, cname, iso3, cases, deaths, pop_data2019) %>%
  rename(pop = pop_data2019) %>%
  drop_na(iso3) %>%
  group_by(iso3) %>%
  arrange(date) %>%
  mutate(cu_cases = cumsum(cases),
         cu_deaths = cumsum(deaths))

covnat_daily ## Data object

countries <- covnat_daily %>%
  distinct(cname, iso3) %>%
  left_join(cname_table) %>%
  left_join(continents) %>%
  distinct(cname, iso3, iso2, continent)

### 2. Covid national weekly cases and deaths
ecdc_weekly <- ""
covid_weekly_raw <- get_ecdc_csv(ecdc_weekly, save_file = "n")

covid_weekly <- covid_weekly_raw %>%
  mutate(isoweek = stringr::str_replace(year_week, "-", "-W"),
         isoweek = stringr::str_replace(isoweek, "(W\\d{2})", "\\1-1"),
         date = ISOweek::ISOweek2date(isoweek))

covnat_weekly <- covid_weekly %>%
  rename(cname = country,
         iso3 = country_code,
         pop = population) %>%
  left_join(countries) %>%
  select(date, year_week, cname, iso3, indicator,
         weekly_count, cumulative_count, rate_14_day, pop) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = indicator,
              values_from = c(weekly_count, cumulative_count, rate_14_day)) %>%
  rename(cases = weekly_count_cases,
         deaths = weekly_count_deaths,
         cu_cases = cumulative_count_cases,
         cu_deaths = cumulative_count_deaths,
         r14_cases = rate_14_day_cases,
         r14_deaths = rate_14_day_deaths)

### --------------------------------------------------
### Get US Data from the COVID Tracking Project
### --------------------------------------------------

## US state data
cov_us_raw <- get_uscovid_data(url = "",
                               save_file = "n")

## Drop deprecated measures and unneeded variables
drop_cols <- c("check_time_et", "commercial_score", "date_checked",
               "death_increase", "date_modified", "grade", "hash",
               "hospitalized", "hospitalized_increase", "last_update_et",
               "negative_increase", "negative_regular_score",
               "negative_score", "pos_neg", "positive_increase",
               "positive_score", "score", "total", "total_test_results",
               "total_test_results_increase", "total_test_results_source")

covus <- cov_us_raw %>%
  mutate(date = lubridate::ymd(date)) %>%
  select(!all_of(drop_cols)) %>%
  select(date, state, fips, data_quality_grade, everything()) %>%
               names_to = "measure", values_to = "count")

covus_measure_labels <- tribble(
  ~measure, ~measure_label,
  "death", "Deaths",
  "death_confirmed", "Deaths Confirmed",
  "death_probable", "Deaths Probable",
  "hospitalized_cumulative", "Cumulative Hospitalized",
  "hospitalized_currently",   "Currently Hospitalized",
  "hospitalized_discharged", "Total Discharged from Hospital",
  "in_icu_cumulative",        "Cumulative in ICU",
  "in_icu_currently",         "Currently in ICU",
  "negative", "Negative Tests",
  "negative_tests_antibody", "Total number of negative antibody tests",
  "negative_tests_viral", "Total number of negative PCR tests",
  "on_ventilator_cumulative", "Cumulative on Ventilator",
  "on_ventilator_currently",  "Currently on Ventilator",
  "pending",                  "Pending Tests",
  "probable_cases",           "Probable Cases",
  "positive",                 "Positive Tests",
  "Total number of positive cases measured with PCR tests",
  "Total number of positive PCR tests",
  "recovered", "Recovered",
  "total_tests_viral", "Total number of PCR tests performed",
  "total_test_encounters_viral", "Total Test Encounters (PCR)",
  "total_tests_people_viral", "Total PCR Tests (People)",
  "total_tests_antibody", "Total Antibody Tests",
  "positive_tests_antibody", "Positive Antibody Tests",
  "negative_tests_antibody", "Negative Antibody Tests",
  "total_tests_people_antibody", "Total Antibody Tests (People)",
  "positive_tests_people_antibody", "Positive Antibody Tests (People)",
  "negative_tests_people_antibody", "Negative Antibody Tests (People)",
  "total_tests_people_antigen", "Total Antigen Tests (People)",
  "positive_tests_people_antigen",  "Positive Antigen Tests (People)",
  "total_tests_antigen", "Total Antigen Tests",
  "positive_tests_antigen", "Positive Antigen Tests"

covus <- covus %>%

### COVID Tracking Project Race Data
covus_race_raw <- get_uscovid_race_data(save = "n")

covus_raw_date <-  "%Y%m%d"

covus_race_all <- covus_race_raw %>%
  mutate(across(where(is_double), as.character)) %>%
  type_convert(col_types = cols(date = col_date(format = covus_raw_date),
  state = col_character(),
  cases_total = col_integer(),
  cases_white = col_integer(),
  cases_black = col_integer(),
  cases_latinx = col_integer(),
  cases_asian = col_integer(),
  cases_aian = col_integer(),
  cases_nhpi = col_integer(),
  cases_multiracial = col_integer(),
  cases_other = col_integer(),
  cases_unknown = col_integer(),
  cases_ethnicity_hispanic = col_integer(),
  cases_ethnicity_non_hispanic = col_integer(),
  cases_ethnicity_unknown = col_integer(),
  deaths_total = col_integer(),
  deaths_white = col_integer(),
  deaths_black = col_integer(),
  deaths_latinx = col_integer(),
  deaths_asian = col_integer(),
  deaths_aian = col_integer(),
  deaths_nhpi = col_integer(),
  deaths_multiracial = col_integer(),
  deaths_other = col_integer(),
  deaths_unknown = col_integer(),
  deaths_ethnicity_hispanic = col_integer(),
  deaths_ethnicity_non_hispanic = col_integer(),
  deaths_ethnicity_unknown = col_integer(),
  tests_total = col_integer(),
  tests_white = col_integer(),
  tests_black = col_integer(),
  tests_latinx = col_integer(),
  tests_asian = col_integer(),
  tests_aian = col_integer(),
  tests_nhpi = col_integer(),
  tests_multiracial = col_integer(),
  tests_other = col_integer(),
  tests_unknown = col_integer(),
  tests_ethnicity_hispanic = col_integer(),
  tests_ethnicity_non_hispanic = col_integer(),
  tests_ethnicity_unknown = col_integer(),
  hosp_total = col_integer(),
  hosp_white = col_integer(),
  hosp_black = col_integer(),
  hosp_latinx = col_integer(),
  hosp_asian = col_integer(),
  hosp_aian = col_integer(),
  hosp_nhpi = col_integer(),
  hosp_multiracial = col_integer(),
  hosp_other = col_integer(),
  hosp_unknown = col_integer(),
  hosp_ethnicity_hispanic = col_integer(),
  hosp_ethnicity_non_hispanic = col_integer(),
  hosp_ethnicity_unknown = col_integer()))

covus_race_tots <- covus_race_all %>%
  select(date, state, cases_total, tests_total, hosp_total, deaths_total)

covus_ethnicity <- covus_race_all %>%
  select(date, state, contains("_ethnicity_") & !contains("total")) %>%
    cols = cases_ethnicity_hispanic:tests_ethnicity_unknown,
    names_to = c("measure", "group"),
    names_pattern = "(cases|deaths|hosp|tests)_ethnicity_(.*)",
    values_to = "count"
  ) %>%
    names_from = measure,
    values_from = count

covus_race <- covus_race_all %>%
  select(date, state, !contains("_ethnicity_") & !contains("total")) %>%
    cols = cases_white:tests_unknown,
    names_to = c("measure", "group"),
    names_pattern = "(cases|deaths|hosp|tests)_(.*)",
    values_to = "count"
  ) %>%
    names_from = measure,
    values_from = count


covus_ethnicity %>%
  group_by(state) %>%
  summarize(across(where(is.integer), sum, na.rm = TRUE))

covus_race %>%
  group_by(state) %>%
  summarize(across(where(is.integer), sum, na.rm = TRUE))

covus_ethnicity <- covus_ethnicity %>%
  mutate(group = recode(group, hispanic = "Hispanic",
                        non_hispanic = "Non-Hispanic",
                        unknown = "Unknown"))

covus_race  <- covus_race %>%
  mutate(group = recode(group, white = "White",
                        black = "Black", latinx = "Latino",
                        asian = "Asian", aian = "AI/AN",
                        multiracial = "Multiracial",
                        nhpi = "NH/PI", other = "Other",
                        unknown = "Unknown"))

### --------------------------------------------------
### NYT Data
### --------------------------------------------------

## NYT county data
nytcovcounty <- get_nyt_data(fname = "us-counties")

## NYT state data
nytcovstate <- get_nyt_data(fname = "us-states")

## NYT national (US only) data
nytcovus <- get_nyt_data(fname = "us")

## NYT excess deaths
nytexcess <- get_nyt_data(fname = "excess-deaths/deaths",
                          col_types = cols(
                            country = "c",
                            placename = "c",
                            frequency = "c",
                            start_date = "D",
                            end_date = "D",
                            year = "c", # sic
                            month = "i",
                            week = "i",
                            deaths = "i",
                            expected_deaths = "i",
                            excess_deaths = "i",
                            baseline = "c"))

### --------------------------------------------------
### CDC Data
### --------------------------------------------------

# lc_names <- function(x) {
#   if(is.null(names(x))) {
#   } else {
#     colnames(x) <- tolower(colnames(x))
#     return(x)
#   }
# }

# my_lch <- function ()
# {
#   p <- cdccovidview:::app_params()
#   p <- map(p, lc_names)
#     catch <- p$catchments[, c("networkid", "name", "area", "catchmentid")]
#   age_grp <- p$ages[, c("label", "ageid")]
#   seas <- p$seasons[, "seasonid", drop = FALSE]
#   colnames(seas) <- "ID"
#   .get_one <- function(net_id = 1, cat_id = 22) {
#     body <- unclass(jsonlite::toJSON(list(AppVersion = jsonlite::unbox("Public"),
#                                           networkid = jsonlite::unbox(as.integer(net_id)),
#                                           catchmentid = jsonlite::unbox(as.integer(cat_id)),
#                                           seasons = seas, agegroups = data.frame(ID = 1:9L))))
#     headers <- c(`Content-Type` = "application/json;charset=UTF-8")
#     res <- httr::POST(url = "",
#                       httr::add_headers(.headers = headers), .CDCCOVIDVIEW_UA,
#                       body = body)
#     httr::stop_for_status(res)
#     if (has_bom(res)) {
#       out <- sans_bom(res)
#     }
#     else {
#       out <- httr::content(res, as = "text")
#     }
#     out <- jsonlite::fromJSON(out)
#     out <- as_tibble(out$datadownload)
#     colnames(out) <- gsub("-", "_", colnames(out))
#     out
#   }
#   res <- lapply(1:nrow(catch), function(.idx) {
#     .get_one(net_id = catch$networkid[.idx], cat_id = catch$catchmentid[.idx])
#   })
#   out <-, res)
#   as_tibble(out)
# }

## Get CDC Surveillance Data
## Courtesy of Bob Rudis's cdccovidview package
## cdc_hospitalizations <- cdccovidview::laboratory_confirmed_hospitalizations()

## cdc_death_counts <- cdccovidview::provisional_death_counts()
cdc_death_counts <- my_pdc()

cdc_deaths_by_week <- cdc_death_counts$by_week
cdc_deaths_by_age <- cdc_death_counts$by_age
cdc_deaths_by_sex <- cdc_death_counts$by_sex
cdc_deaths_by_state <- cdc_death_counts$by_state

cdc_catchments <- cdccovidview::surveillance_areas()

nssp_covid_er_nat <- cdccovidview::nssp_er_visits_national()
nssp_covid_er_reg <- cdccovidview::nssp_er_visits_regional()

### --------------------------------------------------
### CDC / National Center for Health Statistics
### --------------------------------------------------

## Get NCHS breakdowns by State, via the CDC
nchs_sas_raw <- get_nchs_data(sname = "SAS",
                          save_file = "n")

us_style <-  "%m/%d/%Y"

nchs_sas <- nchs_sas_raw %>%
  mutate(across(where(is_double), as.character)) %>%
  type_convert(col_types = cols(
    data_as_of = col_date(format = us_style),
    start_week = col_date(format = us_style),
    end_week = col_date(format = us_style),
    state = "c",
    sex = "c",
    age_group = "c",
    covid_19_deaths = "i",
    total_deaths = "i",
    pneumonia_deaths = "i",
    pneumonia_and_covid_19_deaths = "i",
    influenza_deaths = "i",
    pneumonia_influenza_or_covid_19_deaths = "i",
    footnote = "c"
  )) %>%
  select(-footnote) %>%
  mutate(age_group = stringr::str_to_sentence(age_group)) %>%
  filter(!stringr::str_detect(state, "Total"))

nchs_wss_raw <- get_nchs_data(sname = "WSS",
                              save_file = "n",
                              clean_names = "n")

nchs_wss <- nchs_wss_raw %>%
  select(-Footnote) %>%
  pivot_longer(`Non-Hispanic White`:`Hispanic or Latino`,
               names_to = "race_ethnicity") %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = Indicator) %>%
  janitor::clean_names() %>%
  rename(obs_unit = group,
         deaths = count_of_covid_19_deaths,
         dist_pct = distribution_of_covid_19_deaths_percent,
         uw_dist_pop_pct = unweighted_distribution_of_population_percent,
         wt_dist_pop_pct = weighted_distribution_of_population_percent) %>%
  mutate(state = stringr::str_replace(state, "<sup>5</sup>", "")) %>%
  type_convert(col_types = cols(
    data_as_of = col_date(format = us_style),
    start_week = col_date(format = us_style),
    end_week = col_date(format = us_style),
    state = "c",
    group = "c",
    deaths = "i",
    dist_pct = "d",
    uw_dist_pop_pct = "d",
    wt_dist_pop_pct = "d"

# cspud_style <-  "%Y/%m/%d"
# cspud_colspec <- cols(
#   cdc_report_dt = col_date(format = cspud_style),
#   pos_spec_dt = col_date(format = cspud_style),
#   onset_dt = col_date(format = cspud_style),
#   current_status = "c",
#   sex = "c",
#   age_group = "c",
#   `Race and ethnicity (combined)` = "c",
#   hosp_yn = "c",
#   icu_yn = "c",
#   medcond_yn = "c"
# )
# nchs_cspud_raw <- get_nchs_data(sname = "CSPUD",
#                                 clean_names = "y",
#                                 save_file = "n",
#                                 cols = cspud_colspec)
# nchs_pud <- nchs_cspud_raw %>%
#   mutate(current_status = recode(current_status,
#                                  "Laboratory-confirmed case" = "Confirmed", "Probable Case" = "Probable"),
#          age_group = stringr::str_replace(age_group, "Years", "yrs"),
#          age_group = stringr::str_replace_all(age_group, " ", ""),
#          race_and_ethnicity_combined = stringr::str_replace(race_and_ethnicity_combined,
#                                                             "American Indian/Alaska Native",
#                                                             "AI/AN"),
#          race_and_ethnicity_combined = stringr::str_replace(race_and_ethnicity_combined,
#                                                             "Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander",
#                                                             "NH/PI")) %>%
#   rename(race_ethnicity = race_and_ethnicity_combined)

wdc_style <-  "%Y-%m-%d"

wdc_colspec <- cols(
  Jurisdiction = "c",
  `Week Ending Date` = col_date(format = wdc_style),
  `State Abbreviation` = "c",
  Year = "i",
  Week = "i",
  `Cause Group` = "c",
  `Number of Deaths` = "i",
  `Cause Subgroup` = "c",
  `Time Period` = "c",
  Suppress = "l",
  Note = "c",
  `Average Number of Deaths in Time Period` = "d",
  `Difference from 2015-2019 to 2020` = "d",
  `Percent Difference from 2015-2019 to 2020` = "d",
  Type = "c"

# nchs_wdc_old <- get_nchs_data(sname = "WDC",
#                           clean_names = "y",
#                           save_file = "n",
#                           cols = wdc_colspec)

nchs_wdc1419_raw <- get_nchs_data(sname = "WDC1419",
                          clean_names = "n",
                          save_file = "n")

nchs_wdc1419 <- nchs_wdc1419_raw %>%
  pivot_longer(`All  Cause`:`Cerebrovascular diseases (I60-I69)`, names_to = "cause_detailed", values_to = "n") %>%
  janitor::clean_names() %>%
  mutate(week_ending_date = lubridate::mdy(week_ending_date)) %>%
  rename(jurisdiction = jurisdiction_of_occurrence,
         year = mmwr_year,
         week = mmwr_week) %>%
  select(jurisdiction, year, week, week_ending_date, cause_detailed, n) %>%
  mutate(cause_detailed = stringr::str_squish(cause_detailed))

nchs_WDC2021_raw <- get_nchs_data(sname = "WDC2021",
                              clean_names = "n",
                              save_file = "n")

nchs_WDC2021 <- nchs_WDC2021_raw %>%
  pivot_longer(`All Cause`:`COVID-19 (U071, Underlying Cause of Death)`, names_to = "cause_detailed", values_to = "n") %>%
  janitor::clean_names() %>%
  mutate(week_ending_date = lubridate::ymd(week_ending_date)) %>%
  rename(jurisdiction = jurisdiction_of_occurrence,
         year = mmwr_year,
         week = mmwr_week) %>%
  select(jurisdiction, year, week, week_ending_date, cause_detailed, n) %>%
  mutate(cause_detailed = stringr::str_squish(cause_detailed))

nchs_wdc <- bind_rows(nchs_wdc1419, nchs_WDC2021) %>%
    arrange(jurisdiction, year, week, week_ending_date, cause_detailed) %>%
    mutate(cause = case_when(
      cause_detailed == "All Cause"                                                                                        ~ "All Cause",
      cause_detailed == "Alzheimer disease (G30)"                                                                          ~ "Alzheimer's",
      cause_detailed == "Cerebrovascular diseases (I60-I69)"                                                               ~ "Cerebrovascular Diseases",
      cause_detailed == "Chronic lower respiratory diseases (J40-J47)"                                                     ~ "Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases",
      cause_detailed == "Diabetes mellitus (E10-E14)"                                                                      ~ "Diabetes",
      cause_detailed == "Diseases of heart (I00-I09,I11,I13,I20-I51)"                                                      ~ "Diseases of the Heart",
      cause_detailed == "Influenza and pneumonia (J10-J18)"                                                                ~ "Influenza and Pneumonia",
      cause_detailed == "Malignant neoplasms (C00-C97)"                                                                    ~ "Cancer",
      cause_detailed == "Natural Cause"                                                                                    ~ "Natural Causes",
      cause_detailed == "Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis (N00-N07,N17-N19,N25-N27)"                            ~ "Kidney Diseases",
      cause_detailed == "Other diseases of respiratory system (J00-J06,J30-J39,J67,J70-J98)"                               ~ "Other Respiratory disease",
      cause_detailed == "Septicemia (A40-A41)"                                                                             ~ "Septicemia",
      cause_detailed == "Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00-R99)"~ "Other",
      cause_detailed == "COVID-19 (U071, Multiple Cause of Death)"                                                         ~ "COVID-19 Multiple cause",
      cause_detailed == "COVID-19 (U071, Underlying Cause of Death)"                                                       ~ "COVID-19 Underlying",
      cause_detailed == "Influenza and pneumonia (J09-J18)"                                                                ~ "Influenza and Pneumonia",
      TRUE ~ "Other")

## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### Apple and Google
### --------------------------------------------------

## Apple Mobility Data ended April 2022
# apple_mobility <- get_apple_data(save_file = "y") %>%
#   pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("x"),
#                names_to = "date", values_to = "index") %>%
#   mutate(
#     date = stringr::str_remove(date, "x"),
#     date = stringr::str_replace_all(date, "_", "-"),
#     date = as_date(date)) %>%
#   rename(score = index)

apple_mobility <- read_csv("data-raw/data/apple_mobility_report_final.csv") |>
  janitor::clean_names() |>
    pivot_longer(cols = driving:walking,
                 names_to = "transportation_type", values_to = "score") |>
  mutate(score = score + 100) |>
  arrange(country, transportation_type)

### --------------------------------------------------
### Get data
### --------------------------------------------------

stmf_raw <- get_stmf(skip = 2) %>%
  rename(deaths_total = d_total, rate_total = r_total) %>%
  select(country_code:sex, deaths_total, rate_total,
         split:forecast, everything()) %>%
    cols = d0_14:r85p,
    names_to = c("measure", "age_group"),
    names_pattern = "(r|d)(.*)"
  ) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = measure,
              values_from = value) %>%
  mutate(age_group = stringr::str_replace(age_group, "_", "-"),
         age_group = stringr::str_replace(age_group, "p", "+")) %>%
  rename(death_count = d, death_rate = r) %>%
  mutate(approx_date = paste0(year, "-", "W",
                              stringr::str_pad(week, width = 2, pad = "0"), "-", "7"),
         approx_date = ISOweek::ISOweek2date(approx_date)) %>%
  select(country_code:sex, split:forecast, approx_date,
         approx_date, age_group:death_rate, deaths_total, rate_total) %>%
  mutate(country_code = replace(country_code, country_code == "AUS2", "AUS"),
         country_code = replace(country_code, country_code == "NZL_NP", "NZL"))

md_ccodes <- tibble(country_code = unique(stmf_raw$country_code)) %>%
  left_join(countries, by = c("country_code" = "iso3")) %>%
  mutate(cname = replace(cname, country_code == "DEUTNP", "Germany"),
         iso2 = replace(iso2, country_code == "DEUTNP", "DE"),
         continent = replace(continent, country_code == "DEU", "Europe"),
         cname = replace(cname, country_code == "FRATNP", "France"),
         iso2 = replace(iso2, country_code == "FRATNP", "FR"),
         continent = replace(continent, country_code == "FRA", "Europe"),
         cname = replace(cname, country_code == "GBRTENW", "England and Wales"),
         cname = replace(cname, country_code == "GBR_SCO", "Scotland"),
         cname = replace(cname, country_code == "GBR_NIR", "Northern Ireland"),
         continent = replace(continent, country_code %in% c("GBRTENW", "GBR_SCO", "GBR_NIR"), "Europe")
         ) %>%

stmf <- left_join(stmf_raw, md_ccodes) %>%
  select(country_code, cname:iso3, everything()) %>%
  mutate(iso3 = replace(iso3, iso2 == "DE", "DEU"),
         iso3 = replace(iso3, iso2 == "FR", "FRA"))

### --------------------------------------------------
### US Census Population Estimates for States
### --------------------------------------------------

statefips <- read_csv(here("data-raw/data/state_fips_master.csv")) %>%
  select(state_name, state_abbr, region_name, division_name) %>%
  rename(state = state_name)

uspop <- read_csv(here("data-raw/data/PEP_2018_PEPSR6H_with_ann.csv")) %>%
  janitor::clean_names() %>%
  filter(estimate == "est72018", ! %>%
  select(sex_id:tom) %>%
  left_join(statefips) %>%
  select(state, state_abbr, statefips, region_name, division_name, everything())

### --------------------------------------------------
### Write out the data objects
### --------------------------------------------------

## Apple
usethis::use_data(apple_mobility, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")

## CDC surveillance
## usethis::use_data(cdc_hospitalizations,
##                   overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")

usethis::use_data(cdc_deaths_by_week, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")
usethis::use_data(cdc_deaths_by_age, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")
usethis::use_data(cdc_deaths_by_sex, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")
usethis::use_data(cdc_deaths_by_state, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")
usethis::use_data(cdc_catchments, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")
usethis::use_data(nssp_covid_er_nat, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")
usethis::use_data(nssp_covid_er_reg, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")

usethis::use_data(nchs_sas, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")
usethis::use_data(nchs_wss, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")
usethis::use_data(nchs_wdc, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")

## CoronaNet
## usethis::use_data(coronanet, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")

## COVID Tracking Project
usethis::use_data(covus, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")

usethis::use_data(covus_race, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")
usethis::use_data(covus_ethnicity, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")

## Country codes
usethis::use_data(countries, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")

usethis::use_data(covnat_daily, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")
usethis::use_data(covnat_weekly, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")

usethis::use_data(stmf, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")

## NYT
usethis::use_data(nytcovcounty, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")
usethis::use_data(nytcovstate, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")
usethis::use_data(nytcovus, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")
usethis::use_data(nytexcess, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")

## US State pops
usethis::use_data(uspop, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")

## rd skeleton


system("Rscript -e 'knitr::knit(\"README.Rmd\")'")
system("sed -i '' '1,3d'")

kjhealy/covdata documentation built on Feb. 4, 2023, 12:52 p.m.