
################################## GENERIC FUNCTIONS ############################

#' Generic function of calculating the component densities of the
#'     mixture
#' @param m mixture of k components generated by normalmix() or
#'     unimix() or igmix()
#' @param y is an n-vector of location
#' @param log whether to use log-scale on densities
#' @return A k by n matrix of densities
#' @export
compdens = function(m,y,log=FALSE){
#' @export
compdens.default = function(m,y,log=FALSE){
  stop(paste("Invalid class", class(m), "for first argument in",  match.call()))

#' Generic function of extracting the standard deviations of
#'     components of the mixture
#' @param m a mixture of k components generated by normalmix() or
#'     unimix() or igmix()
#' @return it returns a vector of standard deviations
#' @export
comp_sd = function(m){
#' @export
comp_sd.default = function(m){
  stop("method comp_sd not written for this class")

#' Generic function of calculating the second moment of components of
#'     the mixture
#' @param m a mixture of k components generated by normalmix() or
#'     unimix() or igmix()
#' @return it returns a vector of second moments.
comp_mean2 = function(m){
comp_mean2.default = function(m){
  comp_sd(m)^2 + comp_mean(m)^2

#' Generic function of calculating the overall mean of the mixture
#' @param m a mixture of k components generated by normalmix() or
#'     unimix() or igmix()
#' @return it returns scalar, the mean of the mixture distribution.
calc_mixmean = function(m){
calc_mixmean.default = function(m){
  sum(m$pi * comp_mean(m))

#' Generic function of calculating the overall second moment of the
#'     mixture
#' @param m a mixture of k components generated by normalmix() or
#'     unimix() or igmix()
#' @return it returns scalar
mixmean2 = function(m){
mixmean2.default = function(m){
  sum(m$pi * comp_mean2(m))

#' Generic function of calculating the overall standard deviation of
#'     the mixture
#' @param m a mixture of k components generated by normalmix() or
#'     unimix() or igmix()
#' @return it returns scalar
#' @export
calc_mixsd = function(m){
calc_mixsd.default = function(m){

#' Generic function of calculating the first moment of components of
#'     the mixture
#' @param m a mixture of k components generated by normalmix() or
#'     unimix() or igmix()
#' @return it returns a vector of means.
#' @export
comp_mean = function(m){
#' @export
comp_mean.default = function(m){
  stop("method comp_mean not written for this class")

#number of components
#' ncomp
#' @param m a mixture of k components generated by normalmix() or
#'     unimix() or igmix()
#' @export
ncomp = function(m){

#' @title ncomp.default
#' @description The default version of \code{\link{ncomp}}.
#' @param m a mixture of k components generated by normalmix() or
#'     unimix() or igmix()
#' @export
ncomp.default = function(m){

#' Generic function of extracting the mixture proportions
#' @param m a mixture of k components generated by normalmix() or
#'     unimix() or igmix()
#' @return it returns a vector of component probabilities, summing up
#'     to 1.
#' @export
mixprop = function(m){
#' @export
mixprop.default = function(m){

#' @title mixcdf
#' @description Returns cdf for a mixture (generic function)
#' @details None
#' @param x a mixture (eg of type normalmix or unimix)
#' @param y locations at which cdf to be computed
#' @param lower.tail boolean indicating whether to report lower tail
#' @return an object of class normalmix
#' @export
#' @examples mixcdf(normalmix(c(0.5,0.5),c(0,0),c(1,2)),seq(-4,4,length=100))
mixcdf = function(x,y,lower.tail=TRUE){
#' @title mixcdf.default
#' @description The default version of \code{\link{mixcdf}}.
#' @param x a mixture (eg of type normalmix or unimix)
#' @param y locations at which cdf to be computed
#' @param lower.tail boolean indicating whether to report lower tail
#' @export
mixcdf.default = function(x,y,lower.tail=TRUE){
  x$pi %*% comp_cdf(x,y,lower.tail)

#find cdf for each component, a generic function
#' Generic function of computing the cdf for each component
#' @param m a mixture (eg of type normalmix or unimix)
#' @param y locations at which cdf to be computed
#' @param lower.tail boolean indicating whether to report lower tail
#' @return it returns a vector of probabilities, with length equals to
#'     number of components in m
#' @export
comp_cdf = function(m,y,lower.tail=TRUE){
#' @export
comp_cdf.default = function(m,y,lower.tail=TRUE){
  stop("comp_cdf not implemented for this class")

#' Find density at y, a generic function
#' @param x A mixture of k components generated by
#'     \code{\link{normalmix}} or \code{\link{unimix}}.
#' @param y An n-vector of the location.
#' @export
dens = function(x,y){
#' @export
dens.default = function(x,y){
  return (x$pi %*% compdens(x, y))

#find log likelihood of data in x (a vector) for mixture in m
loglik = function(m,x){
loglik.default = function(m,x){

#' @title loglik_conv
#' @description find log likelihood of data in betahat, when the
#'     mixture m is convolved with a normal with sd betahatsd
#' @param m mixture distribution with k components
#' @param betahat an n vector of observations
#' @param betahatsd an n vector of standard errors
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @param FUN default is "+"
#' @export
loglik_conv = function(m,betahat,betahatsd,v,FUN="+"){
#' @title loglik_conv.default
#' @description The default version of \code{\link{loglik_conv}}.
#' @param m mixture distribution with k components
#' @param betahat an n vector of observations
#' @param betahatsd an n vector of standard errors
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @param FUN default is "+"
#' @export
loglik_conv.default = function(m,betahat,betahatsd,v,FUN="+"){

#' @title compdens_conv
#' @description compute the density of the components of the mixture m
#'     when convoluted with a normal with standard deviation s or a
#'     scaled (se) student.t with df v, the density is evaluated at x
#' @param m mixture distribution
#' @param x an n vector
#' @param s an n vector or integer
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @param FUN default is "+"
#' @return a k by n matrix of densities
compdens_conv = function(m,x,s,v,FUN="+"){
compdens_conv.default = function(m,x,s,v,FUN="+"){
  stop(paste("Invalid class", class(m), "for first argument in",  match.call()))

#' @title log_compdens_conv
#' @description compute the log density of the components of the
#'     mixture m when convoluted with a normal with standard deviation
#'     s or a scaled (se) student.t with df v, the density is
#'     evaluated at x
#' @param m mixture distribution
#' @param x an n vector
#' @param s an n vector or integer
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @param FUN default is "+"
#' @return a k by n matrix of log densities
log_compdens_conv = function(m,x,s,v,FUN="+"){
log_compdens_conv.default = function(m,x,s,v,FUN="+"){

#' @title dens_conv
#' @description compute density of mixture m convoluted with normal of
#'     sd (s) or student t with df v at locations x
#' @param m mixture distribution
#' @param x an n vector
#' @param s an n vector or integer
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @param FUN default is "+"
dens_conv = function(m,x,s,v,FUN="+"){
dens_conv.default = function(m,x,s,v,FUN="+"){
  colSums(m$pi * compdens_conv(m,x,s,v,FUN))

#' @title comppostprob
#' @description compute the posterior prob that each observation came
#'     from each component of the mixture m,output a k by n vector of
#'     probabilities computed by weighting the component densities by
#'     pi and then normalizing
#' @param m mixture distribution
#' @param x an n vector
#' @param s an n vector or integer
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @export

#' The old default version of \code{\link{comppostprob}}.
#' @inheritParams comppostprob
#' @export
old.comppostprob.default = function(m,x,s,v){
  tmp= (t(m$pi * compdens_conv(m,x,s,v))/dens_conv(m,x,s,v))
  ismissing = (is.na(x) | is.na(s))

#' @export
comppostprob.default = function(m,x,s,v){
  lpost = log_compdens_conv(m,x,s,v) + log(m$pi) # lpost is k by n of log posterior prob (unnormalized)
  lpmax = apply(lpost,2,max) #dmax is of length n
  tmp = exp(t(lpost)-lpmax) #subtracting the max of the logs is just done for numerical stability
  tmp = tmp/rowSums(tmp)
  ismissing = (is.na(x) | is.na(s))

#' @title compcdf_post
#' @description evaluate cdf of posterior distribution of beta at c. m
#'     is the prior on beta, a mixture; c is location of evaluation
#'     assumption is betahat | beta ~ t_v(beta,sebetahat)
#' @param m mixture distribution with k components
#' @param c a scalar
#' @param betahat an n vector of observations
#' @param sebetahat an n vector of standard errors
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @return a k by n matrix
#' @examples
#' beta = rnorm(100,0,1)
#' betahat= beta+rnorm(100,0,1)
#' sebetahat=rep(1,100)
#' ash.beta = ash(betahat,1,mixcompdist="normal")
#' compcdf_post(ash.beta$fitted.g,0,betahat,sebetahat,NULL)
#' @export
#' @export
  stop("method compcdf_post not written for this class")

#' @title cdf_post
#' @description evaluate cdf of posterior distribution of beta at c. m
#'     is the prior on beta, a mixture; c is location of evaluation
#'     assumption is betahat | beta ~ t_v(beta,sebetahat)
#' @param m mixture distribution with k components
#' @param c a scalar
#' @param betahat an n vector of observations
#' @param sebetahat an n vector of standard errors
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @return an n vector containing the cdf for beta_i at c
#' @examples
#' beta = rnorm(100,0,1)
#' betahat= beta+rnorm(100,0,1)
#' sebetahat=rep(1,100)
#' ash.beta = ash(betahat,1,mixcompdist="normal")
#' cdf0 = cdf_post(ash.beta$fitted.g,0,betahat,sebetahat,NULL)
#' graphics::plot(cdf0,1-ash.beta$PositiveProb)
#' @export
cdf_post = function(m,c,betahat,sebetahat,v){
#' @export
#' @title vcdf_post
#' @description vectorized version of \code{\link{cdf_post}}
#' @param m mixture distribution with k components
#' @param c a numeric vector
#' @param betahat an n vector of observations
#' @param sebetahat an n vector of standard errors
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @return an n vector containing the cdf for beta_i at c
#' @examples
#' beta = rnorm(100,0,1)
#' betahat= beta+rnorm(100,0,1)
#' sebetahat=rep(1,100)
#' ash.beta = ash(betahat,1,mixcompdist="normal")
#' c = vcdf_post(ash.beta$fitted.g,seq(-5,5,length=1000),betahat,sebetahat,NULL)
#' @export
vcdf_post = function(m,c,betahat,sebetahat,v){
#' @title pcdf_post
#' @description ``parallel" vector version of \code{\link{cdf_post}} where c is a vector, of same length as betahat and sebetahat
#' @param m mixture distribution with k components
#' @param c a numeric vector with n elements
#' @param betahat an n vector of observations
#' @param sebetahat an n vector of standard errors
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution (scalar)
#' @return an n vector, whose ith element is the cdf for beta_i at c_i
#' @examples
#' beta = rnorm(100,0,1)
#' betahat= beta+rnorm(100,0,1)
#' sebetahat=rep(1,100)
#' ash.beta = ash(betahat,1,mixcompdist="normal")
#' c = pcdf_post(ash.beta$fitted.g,beta,betahat,sebetahat,NULL)
#' @export
pcdf_post = function(m,c,betahat,sebetahat,v){

#output posterior mean for beta for prior mixture m,
#given observations betahat, sebetahat, df v
#' postmean
#' @param m mixture distribution with k components
#' @param betahat an n vector of observations
#' @param sebetahat an n vector of standard errors
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @export
postmean = function(m, betahat,sebetahat,v){

#' @export
postmean.default = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v){
  colSums(comppostprob(m,betahat,sebetahat,v) * comp_postmean(m,betahat,sebetahat,v))

#' @title postmean2
#' @description output posterior mean-squared value for beta for prior
#'     mixture m,given observations betahat, sebetahat, df v
#' @param m mixture distribution with k components
#' @param betahat an n vector of observations
#' @param sebetahat an n vector of standard errors
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @export
postmean2 = function(m, betahat,sebetahat,v){
#' @export
postmean2.default = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v){
  colSums(comppostprob(m,betahat,sebetahat,v) * comp_postmean2(m,betahat,sebetahat,v))

#' @title postsd
#' @description output posterior sd for beta for prior mixture m,given
#'     observations betahat, sebetahat, df v
#' @param m mixture distribution with k components
#' @param betahat an n vector of observations
#' @param sebetahat an n vector of standard errors
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @export
postsd = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v){

#' @export
postsd.default = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v){

#' @title comp_postmean2
#' @description output posterior mean-squared value for beta for prior
#'     mixture m,given observations betahat, sebetahat, df v
#' @param m mixture distribution with k components
#' @param betahat an n vector of observations
#' @param sebetahat an n vector of standard errors
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @export
comp_postmean2 = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v){
#' @export
comp_postmean2.default = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v){
  stop("method comp_postmean2 not written for this class")
  #comp_postsd(m,betahat,sebetahat,v)^2 + comp_postmean(m,betahat,sebetahat,v)^2

#' @title comp_postmean
#' @description output posterior mean for beta for each component of
#'     prior mixture m,given observations betahat, sebetahat, df v
#' @param m mixture distribution with k components
#' @param betahat an n vector of observations
#' @param sebetahat an n vector of standard errors
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @export
comp_postmean = function(m, betahat,sebetahat,v){
#' @export
comp_postmean.default = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v){
  stop("method comp_postmean not written for this class")

#' @title comp_postsd
#' @description output posterior sd for beta for each component of
#'     prior mixture m,given observations betahat, sebetahat, df v
#' @param m mixture distribution with k components
#' @param betahat an n vector of observations
#' @param sebetahat an n vector of standard errors
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @examples
#' beta = rnorm(100,0,1)
#' betahat= beta+rnorm(100,0,1)
#' ash.beta = ash(betahat,1,mixcompdist="normal")
#' comp_postmean(ash.beta$fitted.g,betahat,rep(1,100),NULL)
#' comp_postsd(ash.beta$fitted.g,betahat,rep(1,100),NULL)
#' comppostprob(ash.beta$fitted.g,betahat,rep(1,100),NULL)
#' @export
comp_postsd = function(m, betahat,sebetahat,v){
#' @export
comp_postsd.default = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v){
  stop("method comp_postsd not written for this class")

#find nice limits of mixture m for plotting
min_lim = function(m){

max_lim = function(m){

#plot density of mixture
plot_dens = function(m,npoints=100,...){
plot_dens.default = function(m,npoints=100,...){
  x = seq(min_lim(m),max_lim(m),length=npoints)

plot_post_cdf = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v,npoints=100,...){
plot_post_cdf.default = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v,npoints=100,...){
  x = seq(min_lim(m),max_lim(m),length=npoints)
  x_cdf = vapply(x,cdf_post,FUN.VALUE=betahat,m=m,betahat=betahat,sebetahat=sebetahat,v=v)
 # for(i in 2:nrow(x_cdf)){
 #   lines(x,x_cdf[i,],col=i)
 # }

############################### METHODS FOR normalmix class ###########################

#' @title Constructor for normalmix class
#' @description Creates an object of class normalmix (finite mixture
#'     of univariate normals)
#' @details None
#' @param pi vector of mixture proportions
#' @param mean vector of means
#' @param sd vector of standard deviations
#' @return an object of class normalmix
#' @export
#' @examples normalmix(c(0.5,0.5),c(0,0),c(1,2))
normalmix = function(pi,mean,sd){

#' @title comp_sd.normalmix
#' @description returns sds of the normal mixture
#' @param m a normal mixture distribution with k components
#' @return a vector of length k
#' @export
comp_sd.normalmix = function(m){

#' @title comp_mean.normalmix
#' @description returns mean of the normal mixture
#' @param m a normal mixture distribution with k components
#' @return a vector of length k
#' @export
comp_mean.normalmix = function(m){

#' @export
compdens.normalmix = function(m,y,log=FALSE){
  d = matrix(rep(y,rep(k,n)),nrow=k)
  return(matrix(stats::dnorm(d, m$mean, m$sd, log),nrow=k))

#' @title compdens_conv.normalmix
#' @description returns density of convolution of each component of a
#'     normal mixture with N(0,s^2) or s*t(v) at x. Note that
#'     convolution of two normals is normal, so it works that way
#' @param m mixture distribution with k components
#' @param x an n-vector at which density is to be evaluated
#' @param s an n vector of standard errors
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @param FUN default is "+"
#' @return a k by n matrix
compdens_conv.normalmix = function(m,x,s,v,FUN="+"){
  	stop("method compdens_conv of normal mixture not written for df!=NULL")
  sdmat = sqrt(outer(s^2,m$sd^2,FUN)) #n by k matrix of standard deviations of convolutions

#' @title log_compdens_conv.normalmix
#' @description returns log-density of convolution of each component
#'     of a normal mixture with N(0,s^2) or s*t(v) at x. Note that
#'     convolution of two normals is normal, so it works that way
#' @param m mixture distribution with k components
#' @param x an n-vector at which density is to be evaluated
#' @param s an n vector of standard errors
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @param FUN default is "+"
#' @return a k by n matrix
log_compdens_conv.normalmix = function(m,x,s,v,FUN="+"){
    stop("method compdens_conv of normal mixture not written for df!=NULL")
  sdmat = sqrt(outer(s^2,m$sd^2,FUN)) #n by k matrix of standard deviations of convolutions
  return(t(stats::dnorm(outer(x,m$mean,FUN="-")/sdmat,log=TRUE) - log(sdmat)))

#' @export
comp_cdf.normalmix = function(m,y,lower.tail=TRUE){

#' @export
  	stop("Error: normal mixture for student-t likelihood is not yet implemented")
  k = length(m$pi)
  #compute posterior standard deviation (s1) and posterior mean (m1)
  s1 = sqrt(outer(sebetahat^2,m$sd^2,FUN="*")/outer(sebetahat^2,m$sd^2,FUN="+"))
  ismissing = (is.na(betahat) | is.na(sebetahat))

  m1 = t(comp_postmean(m,betahat,sebetahat,v))

#' @export
comp_postmean.normalmix = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v){
  	stop("method comp_postmean of normal mixture not written for df!=NULL")
  tmp=(outer(sebetahat^2,m$mean, FUN="*") + outer(betahat,m$sd^2, FUN="*"))/outer(sebetahat^2,m$sd^2,FUN="+")
  ismissing = (is.na(betahat) | is.na(sebetahat))
  tmp[ismissing,]=m$mean #return prior mean when missing data

#' @export
comp_postsd.normalmix = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v){
  	stop("method comp_postsd of normal mixture not written for df!=NULL")

#' @export
comp_postmean2.normalmix = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v){
  comp_postsd(m,betahat,sebetahat,v)^2 + comp_postmean(m,betahat,sebetahat,v)^2

#' @title loglik_conv_mixlik
#' @description find log likelihood of data, when the mixture m is convolved with l-comp normal mixture in betahat with mixture sd betahatsd, mixture proportion pilik.
#' @param m mixture distribution
#' @param betahat an n vector
#' @param betahatsd an n-by-l matrix
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @param pilik an l vector
#' @param FUN default is "+"
#' @export
loglik_conv_mixlik = function(m,betahat,betahatsd,v,pilik,FUN="+"){
#' @title loglik_conv.default
#' @description The default version of \code{\link{loglik_conv}}.
#' @param m mixture distribution
#' @param betahat an n vector
#' @param betahatsd an n-by-l matrix
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @param pilik an l vector
#' @param FUN default is "+"
#' @export
loglik_conv_mixlik.default = function(m,betahat,betahatsd,v,pilik,FUN="+"){

#compute the density of the components of the mixture m
#when convoluted with l-components normal mixture with standard deviation s
#or C (scale vector) multiplies scaled (se) student.t l-components mixture with df v
#with mixture proportion pilik
#the density is evaluated at x
#x is an n-vector
#s and pilik are n by l matrices
#v and c are l-vectors
#m is a mixture with k components
#output is a (k*l) by n matrix of densities

#' @title compdens_conv_mixlik
#' @description compute the density of the components of the mixture m
#'     when convoluted with l-components normal mixture with standard
#'     deviation s or C (scale vector) multiplies scaled (se)
#'     student.t l-components mixture with df v with mixture
#'     proportion pilik the density is evaluated at x
#' @param m a mixture with k components
#' @param x an n vector
#' @param s normal mixture of sd(s), n-by-l matrix
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @param pilik mixture proportion , n-by-l matrix
#' @param FUN default is "+"
#' @return a (k*l) by n matrix of densities
#' @export
#todo: C is missing for function input
compdens_conv_mixlik = function(m,x,s,v,pilik,FUN="+"){
compdens_conv_mixlik.default = function(m,x,s,v,pilik,FUN="+"){
  for (i in 1:dim(pilik)[2]){

#' @title dens_conv_mixlik
#' @description compute density of mixture m convoluted with
#'     l-components normal mixture of sd (s) or student t mixture with
#'     df v with mixture proportion pilik at locations x
#' @param m mixture distribution
#' @param x an n vector
#' @param s normal mixture of sd(s), n-by-l matrix
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @param pilik mixture proportion , n-by-l matrix
#' @param FUN default is "+"
#' @export
dens_conv_mixlik = function(m,x,s,v,pilik,FUN="+"){
dens_conv_mixlik.default = function(m,x,s,v,pilik,FUN="+"){
  colSums(rep(m$pi,l) * compdens_conv_mixlik(m,x,s,v,pilik,FUN))

#' @title comppostprob_mixlik
#' @description compute the posterior prob that each observation came
#'     from each component of the mixture m,output a k by n vector of
#'     probabilities computed by weighting the component densities by
#'     pi and then normalizing,when likelihood is an l-components
#'     normal mixture or student t mixture with mixture proportion
#'     pilik
#' @param m mixture distribution
#' @param x an n vector
#' @param s normal mixture of sd(s), n-by-l matrix
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @param pilik mixture proportion , n-by-l matrix
#' @export
#' @export
comppostprob_mixlik.default = function(m,x,s,v,pilik){
  tmp= (t(rep(m$pi,l) * compdens_conv_mixlik(m,x,s,v,pilik))/dens_conv_mixlik(m,x,s,v,pilik))
  ismissing = (is.na(x) | apply(is.na(s),1,sum))

#' @title comppostprob_mixlik2
#' @description compute the posterior prob that each observation came
#'     from each component of the mixture m and the likelihood
#'     mixture, output a (k*l) by n vector of probabilities computed
#'     by weighting the component densities by pi and then
#'     normalizing, when likelihood is an l-components normal mixture
#'     or student t mixture with mixture proportion pilik.
#' @param m mixture distribution
#' @param x an n vector
#' @param s normal mixture of sd(s), n-by-l matrix
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @param pilik mixture proportion , n-by-l matrix
#' @export
#' @export
comppostprob_mixlik2.default = function(m,x,s,v,pilik){
  tmp= (t(rep(m$pi,l) * compdens_conv_mixlik(m,x,s,v,pilik))/dens_conv_mixlik(m,x,s,v,pilik))
  ismissing = (is.na(x) | apply(is.na(s),1,sum))

#' @title compcdf_post_mixlik
#' @description evaluate cdf of posterior distribution of beta at c
#' @param m prior on beta, a mixture
#' @param c location of evaluation
#' @param betahat the data
#' @param sebetahat the observed standard errors
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @param pilik mixture proportion
#' @return it returns a (k*l) by n matrix
#' @export
#' @export
  for (i in 1:dim(pilik)[2]){

cdf_post_mixlik = function(m,c,betahat,sebetahat,v,pilik){

#' @title postmean_mixlik
#' @description output posterior mean for beta for prior mixture m
#' @param m mixture distribution
#' @param betahat the data
#' @param sebetahat the observed standard errors
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @param pilik mixture proportion
#' @export
postmean_mixlik = function(m, betahat,sebetahat,v,pilik){
postmean_mixlik.default = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v,pilik){
  colSums(comppostprob_mixlik2(m,betahat,sebetahat,v,pilik) * comp_postmean_mixlik(m,betahat,sebetahat,v,pilik))

#' @title postmean2_mixlik
#' @description output posterior mean-squared value for beta for prior mixture m,given observations betahat, sebetahat, df v, from l-components mixture likelihood with mixture proportion pilik
#' @param m mixture distribution
#' @param betahat the data
#' @param sebetahat the observed standard errors
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @param pilik mixture proportion
#' @export
postmean2_mixlik = function(m, betahat,sebetahat,v,pilik){
#' @export
postmean2_mixlik.default = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v,pilik){
  colSums(comppostprob_mixlik2(m,betahat,sebetahat,v,pilik) * comp_postmean2_mixlik(m,betahat,sebetahat,v,pilik))

#' @title postsd_mixlik
#' @description output posterior sd for beta for prior mixture m
#' @param m mixture distribution
#' @param betahat the data
#' @param sebetahat the observed standard errors
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @param pilik mixture proportion
#' @export
postsd_mixlik = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v,pilik){
postsd_mixlik.default = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v,pilik){

#' @title comp_postmean2_mixlik
#' @description output posterior mean-squared value for beta
#' @param m mixture distribution
#' @param betahat the data
#' @param sebetahat the observed standard errors
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @param pilik mixture proportion
#' @export
comp_postmean2_mixlik = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v,pilik){
#' @export
comp_postmean2_mixlik.default = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v,pilik){
  comp_postsd_mixlik(m,betahat,sebetahat,v,pilik)^2 +

#' @title comp_postmean_mixlik
#' @description output posterior mean for beta for each component of
#'     prior mixture m,given observations betahat, sebetahat, df v
#'     from l-components mixture likelihood with mixture proportion
#'     pilik
#' @param m mixture distribution
#' @param betahat the data
#' @param sebetahat the observed standard errors
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @param pilik mixture proportion
#' @export
  for (i in 1:dim(pilik)[2]){

#' @title comp_postsd_mixlik
#' @description output posterior sd for beta for each component of
#'     prior mixture m,given observations betahat, sebetahat, df v
#'     from l-components mixture likelihood with mixture proportion
#'     pilik
#' @param m mixture distribution
#' @param betahat the data
#' @param sebetahat the observed standard errors
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @param pilik mixture proportion
#' @export
  for (i in 1:dim(pilik)[2]){

############################### METHODS FOR unimix class ###########################

#' @title Constructor for unimix class
#' @description Creates an object of class unimix (finite mixture of
#'     univariate uniforms)
#' @details None
#' @param pi vector of mixture proportions
#' @param a vector of left hand ends of uniforms
#' @param b vector of right hand ends of uniforms
#' @return an object of class unimix
#' @export
#' @examples unimix(c(0.5,0.5),c(0,0),c(1,2))
unimix = function(pi,a,b){

#' @export
comp_cdf.unimix = function(m,y,lower.tail=TRUE){

comp_sd.unimix = function(m){

#' @export
comp_mean.unimix = function(m){

compdens.unimix = function(m,y,log=FALSE){
  d = matrix(rep(y,rep(k,n)),nrow=k)
  return(matrix(stats::dunif(d, m$a, m$b, log),nrow=k))

#density of convolution of each component of a unif mixture with s*t_nu() at x
# x an n-vector
#return a k by n matrix
compdens_conv.unimix = function(m,x,s,v, FUN="+"){
  if(FUN!="+") stop("Error; compdens_conv not implemented for uniform with FUN!=+")
    compdens= t(stats::pnorm(outer(x,m$a,FUN="-")/s)-stats::pnorm(outer(x,m$b,FUN="-")/s))/(m$b-m$a)
    compdens= t(stats::pt(outer(x,m$a,FUN="-")/s,df=v)-stats::pt(outer(x,m$b,FUN="-")/s,df=v))/(m$b-m$a)

#log density of convolution of each component of a unif mixture with s*t_nu() at x
# x an n-vector
#return a k by n matrix
log_compdens_conv.unimix = function(m,x,s,v, FUN="+"){
  if(FUN!="+") stop("Error; log_compdens_conv not implemented for uniform with FUN!=+")
  b = pmax(m$b,m$a) #ensure a<b
  a = pmin(m$b,m$a)
    lpa = stats::pnorm(outer(x,a,FUN="-")/s,log=TRUE)
    lpb = stats::pnorm(outer(x,b,FUN="-")/s,log=TRUE)

    lcompdens= t( lpa + log(1-exp(lpb-lpa)) ) - log(b-a)
    lcompdens[a==b,]=t(stats::dnorm(outer(x,a,FUN="-")/s,log=TRUE) - log(s))[a==b,]
    lpa = stats::pt(outer(x,a,FUN="-")/s,df=v,log=TRUE)
    lpb = stats::pt(outer(x,b,FUN="-")/s,df=v,log=TRUE)
    lcompdens= t( lpa + log(1-exp(lpb-lpa)) ) -log(b-a)
      t(stats::dt(outer(x,a,FUN="-")/s,df=v,log=TRUE) - log(s))[a==b,]

#' @export
  k = length(m$pi)
  tmp = matrix(1,nrow=k,ncol=n)
  tmp[m$a > c,] = 0
  subset = m$a<=c & m$b>c # subset of components (1..k) with nontrivial cdf
      pna = stats::pnorm(outer(betahat,m$a[subset],FUN="-")/sebetahat)
      pnc = stats::pnorm(outer(betahat,rep(c,sum(subset)),FUN="-")/sebetahat)
      pnb = stats::pnorm(outer(betahat,m$b[subset],FUN="-")/sebetahat)
      pna = stats::pt(outer(betahat,m$a[subset],FUN="-")/sebetahat, df=v)
      pnc = stats::pt(outer(betahat,rep(c,sum(subset)),FUN="-")/sebetahat, df=v)
      pnb = stats::pt(outer(betahat,m$b[subset],FUN="-")/sebetahat, df=v)
    tmp[subset,] = t((pnc-pna)/(pnb-pna))
  subset = (m$a == m$b) #subset of components with trivial cdf
  tmp[subset,]= rep(m$a[subset] <= c,n)
  #Occasionally we would encounter issue such that in some entries pna[i,j]=pnb[i,j]=pnc[i,j]=0 or pna=pnb=pnc=1
  #Those are the observations with significant betahat(small sebetahat), resulting in pnorm() return 1 or 0
  #due to the thin tail property of normal distribution.(or t-distribution, although less likely to occur)
  #Then R would be dividing 0 by 0, resulting  in NA values
  #In practice, those observations would have 0 probability of belonging to those "problematic" components
  #Thus any sensible value in [0,1] would not matter much, as they are highly unlikely to come from those
  #components in posterior distribution.
  #Here we simply assign the "naive" value as as (c-a)/(b-a)
  #As the component pdf is rather smaller over the region.
  tmp[is.nan(tmp)]= tmpnaive[is.nan(tmp)]

#' @title my_etruncnorm
#' @description Compute expectation of truncated normal.
#' @param a Left limit of distribution.
#' @param b Right limit of distribution.
#' @param mean The mean of the untruncated normal.
#' @param sd The standard deviation of the untruncated normal.
#' @export
my_etruncnorm= function(a,b,mean=0,sd=1){
  alpha = (a-mean)/sd
  beta =  (b-mean)/sd
 #Flip the onese where both are positive, as the computations are more stable
  #when both negative
  flip = (alpha>0 & beta>0)
  flip[is.na(flip)]=FALSE #deal with NAs
  alpha[flip]= -alpha[flip]

  #Fix a bug of quoting the truncnorm package
  #E(X|a<X<b)=a when a==b as a natural result
  #while etruncnorm would simply return NaN,causing PosteriorMean also NaN

  tmp= (-1)^flip * (mean+sd*tmp1)

  max_alphabeta = ifelse(alpha<beta, beta,alpha)
  max_ab = ifelse(alpha<beta,b,a)
  toobig = max_alphabeta<(-30)
  tmp[toobig] = max_ab[toobig]

#' More about the truncated normal
#' @inheritParams my_etruncnorm
#' @export
my_e2truncnorm= function(a,b,mean=0,sd=1){
  alpha = (a-mean)/sd
  beta =  (b-mean)/sd
  #Flip the onese where both are positive, as the computations are more stable
  #when both negative
  flip = (alpha>0 & beta>0)
  flip[is.na(flip)]=FALSE #deal with NAs
  alpha[flip]= -alpha[flip]

  #Fix a bug of quoting the truncnorm package
  #E(X|a<X<b)=a when a==b as a natural result
  #while etruncnorm would simply return NaN,causing PosteriorMean also NaN
  tmp= (-1)^flip * (mean+sd*tmp1)
  # for the variance
  # error report in vtruncnorm
  # vtruncnorm(10,-10,0,1)
  # vtruncnorm(-10,10,0,1)
  # vtruncnorm(3,-3,0,1)
  # vtruncnorm(-3,3,0,1)
  # I am not sure smaller one should be put in the first or not
  # vtruncnorm(-7,-8,0,1)
  # vtruncnorm(-8,-7,0,1)
  # vtruncnorm(7,8,0,1)
  # vtruncnorm(8,7,0,1)
  # vtruncnorm(-8,-9,0,1)
  # vtruncnorm(-9,-10,0,1)
  # maybe we should try ourselves according to some result
  # https://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/presentations/truncated_normal.pdf
  # tmpvar = vtruncnorm(alpha,beta,0,1)
  tmpvar = my_vtruncnorm(ifelse(alpha<beta,alpha,beta),ifelse(alpha<beta,beta,alpha),0,1)
  # for the second moment
  tmp2 = tmp^2 + tmpvar*sd^2

  # if the truncate value is too big
  max_alphabeta = ifelse(alpha<beta, beta,alpha)
  max_ab = ifelse(alpha<beta,b,a)
  # I think here, 8 or 7 is enough for this case. try the following:
  toobig = max_alphabeta<(-20)
  tmp2[toobig] = (max_ab[toobig])^2
#pnorm also have some problems......
# but it is fine since we flip the sign if a and b are all positive in function my_e2truncnorm
#' This version is better than trunvnorm package
#' @inheritParams my_etruncnorm
#' @export
my_vtruncnorm = function(a,b,mean = 0, sd = 1){
  a = ifelse(a== -Inf, -1e5,a)
  b = ifelse(b== Inf, 1e5, b)
  alpha = (a-mean)/sd
  beta =  (b-mean)/sd
  frac1 = (beta*stats::dnorm(beta,0,1) - alpha*stats::dnorm(alpha,0,1)) / (stats::pnorm(beta,0,1)-stats::pnorm(alpha,0,1) )
  frac2 = (stats::dnorm(beta,0,1) - stats::dnorm(alpha,0,1)) / (stats::pnorm(beta,0,1)-stats::pnorm(alpha,0,1) )
  truncnormvar = sd^2 * (1 - frac1 - frac2^2)

#note that with uniform prior, posterior is truncated normal, so
#this is computed using formula for mean of truncated normal
#' @export
comp_postmean.unimix = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v){
#   k= ncomp(m)
#   n=length(betahat)
#   a = matrix(m$a,nrow=n,ncol=k,byrow=TRUE)
#   b = matrix(m$b,nrow=n,ncol=k,byrow=TRUE)
#   matrix(etruncnorm(a,b,betahat,sebetahat),nrow=k,byrow=TRUE)
  #note: etruncnorm is more stable for a and b negative than positive
  #so maybe use this, and standardize to make the whole more stable.

  alpha = outer(-betahat, m$a,FUN="+")/sebetahat
  beta = outer(-betahat, m$b, FUN="+")/sebetahat
    tmp = betahat + sebetahat*my_etruncnorm(alpha,beta,0,1)
  	tmp = betahat + sebetahat*my_etrunct(alpha,beta,v)
  ismissing = is.na(betahat) | is.na(sebetahat)
  tmp[ismissing,]= (m$a+m$b)/2

# as for posterior mean, but compute posterior mean squared value
#' @export
comp_postmean2.unimix = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v){
  alpha = outer(-betahat, m$a,FUN="+")/sebetahat
  beta = outer(-betahat, m$b, FUN="+")/sebetahat
    tmp = betahat^2 + 2*betahat*sebetahat*my_etruncnorm(alpha,beta,0,1) + sebetahat^2*my_e2truncnorm(alpha,beta,0,1)
    tmp = betahat^2 + 2*betahat*sebetahat*my_etrunct(alpha,beta,v) + sebetahat^2*my_e2trunct(alpha,beta,v)
  ismissing = is.na(betahat) | is.na(sebetahat)
  tmp[ismissing,]= (m$b^2+m$a*m$b+m$a^2)/3

#not yet implemented!
#just returns 0s for now
comp_postsd.unimix = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v){
  k= ncomp(m)
#  return(sqrt(comp_postmean2(m,betahat,sebetahat,v)-comp_postmean(m,betahat,sebetahat,v)^2))

#' @title my_etrunct
#' @description Compute expectation of truncated t, the result is from
#'     the paper
#'     "Moments of truncated Student-t distribution by Hea-Jung Kim"
#' @param a left limit of distribution
#' @param b right limit of distribution
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @export
my_etrunct= function(a,b,v){
  mult=ifelse(a>0 & b>0,-1,1) # calculations more stable for negative
  #a and b, but in this case need to multiply result by -1
  aa = ifelse(a>0 & b>0, -b, a)
  bb = ifelse(a>0 & b>0, -a, b)

  A = v+aa^2
 	B = v+bb^2
  F_a = stats::pt(aa,df=v)
  F_b = stats::pt(bb,df=v)
  tmp = ifelse(G==Inf & ABpart==0, my_etruncnorm(aa,bb),G*ABpart) #deal with extreme cases using normal
  tmp = ifelse(aa==bb,aa,tmp) #deal with case a=b
# this is my_e2trunct is wrong function
# my_e2trunct= function(a,b,v){
#   A = v+a^2
#   B = v+b^2
#   F_a = stats::pt(a,df=v)
#   F_b = stats::pt(b,df=v)
#   lG=lgamma((v-1)/2)+(v/2)*log(v)-log(2*(F_b-F_a))-lgamma(v/2)-lgamma(1/2)
#   G=exp(lG)
#   ABpart = (a*A^(-(v-1)/2)-b*B^(-(v-1)/2))
#   # for the second moment
#   EY2 = v/(v-2) + G * ABpart
#   #EY2 = ifelse(G==Inf & ABpart==0, my_e2truncnorm(a,b),EY2) #deal with extreme cases using normal
#   EY2 = ifelse(G==Inf & abs(ABpart)<1e-20, my_e2truncnorm(a,b),EY2)
#   # maybe we also need to deal with extreme case using normal, so I add a truncate normal later
#   return(ifelse(a==b,a^2,EY2)) #deal with extreme case a=b
# }

# we propose a new my_e2trunct function depending on library("hypergeo")
# D_const is a function that used in my_e2trunct, but not been used any more
# D_const = function(A,B,v){
#   f_1 = (A)/(beta(1/2,v/2) * sqrt(v+A^2))
#   f_2 = hypergeo(1/2,1-v/2,3/2,A^2/(v+A^2))
#   part_1 = f_1 * f_2
#   f_1 = (B)/(beta(1/2,v/2) * sqrt(v+B^2))
#   f_2 = hypergeo(1/2,1-v/2,3/2,B^2/(v+B^2))
#   part_2 = f_1 * f_2
#   output = part_1 - part_2
#   return(output)
# }
# this function can be use as any moment calculation, but here we just use it as second moment.
#' @title my_etrunct
#' @description Compute second moment of the truncated t. The result is from the paper "Moments of truncated t and F distributions" by Saralees Nadarajah and Samuel Kotz.
#' @param n is moment, the default is 2 which means second moment
#' @param a left limit of distribution
#' @param b right limit of distribution
#' @param v degree of freedom of error distribution
#' @export
my_e2trunct = function(a,b,v,n=2){
  if(v<=2){warning("my_e2trunct known to be unstable for degrees of freedom v<=2; proceed with caution")}
  aa = ifelse(a>0 & b>0, -b, a)   # calculations more stable for negative
  bb = ifelse(a>0 & b>0, -a, b)  #a and b, because involve cdf(a)-cdf(b)
  a=aa; b=bb; # so switch them where necessary

  # deal with infinity case
  a = ifelse(a< (-1e6),-1e6,a)
  b = ifelse(b> (1e6), 1e6, b)

  # deal with extreme case, use normal
  # this is just for second moment
  if(v >= 1e5){
  B = a
  A = b
  # D = D_const(A,B,v)
  D = stats::pt(A,df = v) - stats::pt(B,df = v)
  f_1 = 1/((n+1)*sqrt(v)*beta(v/2,1/2)*D)
  f_2 = A^(n+1) * hypergeo::hypergeo((1+v)/2,(1+n)/2,(3+n)/2,-A^2/v) - B^(n+1) * hypergeo::hypergeo((1+v)/2,(1+n)/2,(3+n)/2,-B^2/v)
  output = f_1 * f_2

  # deal with same limits case
  output= ifelse(a==b,a^n,output)
  #output = ifelse(Im(output)==0,Re(output),output)

############################### METHODS FOR igmix class ###########################

#' @title Constructor for igmix class
#' @description Creates an object of class igmix (finite mixture of
#'     univariate inverse-gammas)
#' @details None
#' @param pi vector of mixture proportions
#' @param alpha vector of shape parameters
#' @param beta vector of rate parameters
#' @return an object of class igmix
#' @export
#' @examples igmix(c(0.5,0.5),c(1,1),c(1,2))
igmix = function(pi,alpha,beta){

comp_sd.igmix = function(m){

#' @export
comp_mean.igmix = function(m){

compdens.igmix = function(m,y,log=FALSE){
  d = matrix(rep(y,rep(k,n)),nrow=k)
  return(matrix(dgamma(1/d, shape=m$alpha, rate=outer(m$beta,1/y^2),log),nrow=k))

#density of product of each component of a inverse-gamma mixture with Gamma(v/2,v/2) at s
# s an n-vector at which density is to be evaluated
#return a k by n matrix
compdens_conv.igmix = function(m,x,s,v,FUN="+"){
  dens = t(exp(v/2*log(v/2)-lgamma(v/2)


#' @export
comp_cdf.igmix = function(m,y,lower.tail=TRUE){

#' @export
  #compute posterior shape (alpha1) and rate (beta1)
  alpha1 = m$alpha+v/2
  beta1 = outer(m$beta,v/2*sebetahat^2,FUN="+")
  ismissing = is.na(sebetahat)

#' @export
comp_postmean.igmix = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v){
  k = length(m$pi)
  ismissing = is.na(sebetahat)
  tmp[ismissing,]=m$beta/(m$alpha-1) #return prior mean when missing data

#' @export
comp_postsd.igmix = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v){
  k = length(m$pi)
  alpha1 = outer(rep(1,n),m$alpha+v/2-1)
  beta1 = outer(v/2*sebetahat^2,m$beta,FUN="+")

#' @export
compdens.igmix = function(m,y,log=FALSE){
  d = matrix(rep(y,rep(k,n)),nrow=k)
  ig_dens=matrix(densigamma(d, m$alpha, m$beta),nrow=k)
kkdey/ashnet documentation built on May 20, 2019, 10:33 a.m.