
Defines functions double_escape_md make_random_string str_sub_same protect_rd_tags find_all_tag_names find_all_rd_tags find_fragile_rd_tags unescape_rd_for_md escape_rd_for_md

Documented in double_escape_md escape_rd_for_md unescape_rd_for_md

#' Escape Rd markup, to avoid interpreting it as markdown
#' This is needed, if we want to stay compatible with
#' existing markup, even if markdown mode is switched on.
#' Fragile Rd tags (tags that may contain markup that
#' can be picked up by the markdown parser), are replaced
#' by placeholders. After the markdown to Rd conversion
#' is done, the original text is put back in place of the
#' placeholders.
#' The list of protected Rd tags is in `escaped_for_md`.
#' Some Rd macros are treated specially:
#' * For `if`, markdown is only allowed in the second argument.
#' * For `ifelse` markdown is allowed in the second and third arguments.
#' See also `roclet-rd.R` for the list of tags that
#' uses the markdown-enabled parser. Some tags, e.g.
#' `@aliases`, `@backref`, etc. only use the
#' standard Roxygen parser.
#' @param text Input text. Potentially contains Rd and/or
#'   markdown markup.
#' @return For `escape_rd_for_md`:
#'   A \dQuote{safe} version of the input text, where
#'   each fragile Rd tag is replaced by a placeholder. The
#'   original text is added as an attribute for each placeholder.
#' @rdname markdown-internals
#' @keywords internal

escape_rd_for_md <- function(text) {
  rd_tags <- find_fragile_rd_tags(text, escaped_for_md)
  protected <- protect_rd_tags(text, rd_tags)

escaped_for_md <- paste0("\\", c(
  "acronym", "code", "command", "CRANpkg", "deqn", "doi", "dontrun",
  "dontshow", "donttest", "email", "env", "eqn", "figure", "file",
  "if", "ifelse", "kbd", "link", "linkS4class", "method",
  "mjeqn", "mjdeqn", "mjseqn", "mjsdeqn", "mjteqn", "mjtdeqn",
  "newcommand", "option", "out", "packageAuthor",
  "packageDescription", "packageDESCRIPTION", "packageIndices",
  "packageMaintainer", "packageTitle", "pkg", "PR", "preformatted",
  "renewcommand", "S3method", "S4method", "samp", "special",
  "testonly", "url", "var", "verb"

#' @description
#' It puts back the protected fragile Rd commands into
#' the text after the markdown parsing.
#' @param rd_text The markdown parsed and interpreted text.
#' @param esc_text The original escaped text from
#'   `escape_rd_for_md()`.
#' @return For `unescape_rd_for_md`: Rd text.
#' @rdname markdown-internals
unescape_rd_for_md <- function(rd_text, esc_text) {
  id <- attr(esc_text, "roxygen-markdown-subst")$id
  tags <- attr(esc_text, "roxygen-markdown-subst")$tags

  for (i in seq_len(nrow(tags))) {
    ph <- paste0(id, "-", i, "-")
    rd_text <- sub(ph, tags$text[i], rd_text, fixed = TRUE)


#' Find all fragile tags (int the supplied list) in the text
#' Ignore the tags that are embedded into a fragile tag.
#' @param text Input text, character scalar.
#' @param fragile Character vector of fragile tags to find.
#' @return Data frame of fragile tags, with columns:
#'   `tag`, `start`, `end`, `argend`,
#'   `text`.
#' @noRd

find_fragile_rd_tags <- function(text, fragile) {
  tags <- find_all_rd_tags(text)
  ftags <- tags[ tags$tag %in% fragile, ]

  ## Remove embedded ones
  keep <- map_lgl(seq_len(nrow(ftags)), function(i) {
    sum(ftags$start <= ftags$start[i] & ftags$argend >= ftags$argend[i]) == 1

  ftags <- ftags[keep, ]

  if (nrow(ftags)) {
    ftags$text <- str_sub(text, ftags$start, ftags$argend)


#' Find all (complete) Rd tags in a string
#' Complete means that we include the argument(s) as well.
#' @param text Input text, character scalar.
#' @noRd

find_all_rd_tags <- function(text) {

  text_len <- nchar(text)

  ## Find the tag names
  tags <- find_all_tag_names(text)

  ## Find the end of the argument list for each tag. Note that
  ## tags might be embedded into the arguments of other tags.
  tags$argend <- map_int(seq_len(nrow(tags)), function(i) {
      tag_plus <- str_sub(text, tags$end[i], text_len)
      findEndOfTag(tag_plus, is_code = FALSE) + tags$end[i]


#' Find all tag names in a string
#' Note that we also protect these tags within code, strings
#' and comments, for now. We'll see if this causes any
#' problems.
#' @param text Input text, scalar.
#' @return Data frame, with columns: `tag`, `start`,
#'   `end`.
#' @noRd

find_all_tag_names <- function(text) {
  ## Find the tags without arguments first
  tag_pos <- str_locate_all(text, "\\\\[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*")[[1]]

    stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
    tag = str_sub(text, tag_pos[, "start"], tag_pos[, "end"]),

#' Replace fragile Rd tags with placeholders
#' @param text The text, character scalar.
#' @param rd_tags Fragile Rd tags, in a data frame,
#'   as returned by `find_fragile_rd_tags`.
#' @return Text, after the substitution. The original
#'   text is added as an attribute.
#' @noRd

protect_rd_tags <- function(text, rd_tags) {
  id <- make_random_string()

  text <- str_sub_same(text, rd_tags, id)

  attr(text, "roxygen-markdown-subst") <-
    list(tags = rd_tags, id = id)


#' Replace parts of the same string
#' It assumes that the intervals to be replaced do not
#' overlap. Gives an error otherwise.
#' @param str String scalar.
#' @param repl Data frame with columns: `start`, `end`,
#'   `argend`, `text`.
#' @param id Placeholder string.
#' @return Input string with the replacements performed.
#'   Note that all replacements are performed in parallel,
#'   at least conceptually.
#' @noRd

str_sub_same <- function(str, repl, id) {
  repl <- repl[ order(repl$start), ]

  if (is.unsorted(repl$end) || is.unsorted(repl$argend)) {
    cli::cli_abort("Replacement intervals must not overlap", .internal = TRUE)

  for (i in seq_len(nrow(repl))) {
    ## The trailing - is needed, to distinguish between -1 and -10
    new_text <- paste0(id, "-", i, "-")
    str_sub(str, repl$start[i], repl$argend[i]) <- new_text

    ## Need to shift other coordinates (we shift everything,
    ## it is just simpler).
    inc <- nchar(new_text) - (repl$argend[i] - repl$start[i] + 1)
    repl$start <- repl$start + inc
    repl$end <- repl$end + inc
    repl$argend <- repl$argend + inc


#' Make a random string
#' We use this as the placeholder, to make sure that the
#' placeholder does not appear in the text.
#' @return String scalar
#' @noRd

make_random_string <- function(length = 32) {
    sample(c(LETTERS, letters, 0:9), length, replace = TRUE),
    collapse = ""

#' Check markdown escaping
#' This is a regression test for Markdown escaping.
#' @details
#' Each of the following bullets should look the same when rendered:
#' * Backticks: `\`, `\%`, `\$`, `\_`
#' * `\verb{}`: \verb{\\}, \verb{\\%}, \verb{\$}, \verb{\_}
#' \[ this isn't a link \]
#' \\[ neither is this \\]
#' @param text Input text.
#' @return Double-escaped text.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' "%" # percent
#' "\"" # double quote
#' '\'' # single quote
double_escape_md <- function(text) {
  text <- gsub("\\", "\\\\", text, fixed = TRUE)

  # De-dup escaping used to avoid [] creating a link
  text <- gsub("\\\\[", "\\[", text, fixed = TRUE)
  text <- gsub("\\\\]", "\\]", text, fixed = TRUE)
klutometis/roxygen documentation built on Aug. 2, 2024, 7:42 p.m.