
#' Buoy observation to data frame
#' Trim dates and/or aggregate (to a single common timestep) an rB3 working dataframe.
#'     Use 'ctrls' to define how aggregation should be performed for each time-series(column).
#' @export
#' @param rB3in rB3 object to be 'standardized'
#' @param startDate measurements prior to this time will be removed
#' @param endDate measurements after this time will be removed
#' @param varNames variables (columns) to be retained, select by full header name, key characters, or 'All'
#' @param timestep standardise (aggregate) to a common timestep (numeric, in mins, to turn aggregation on) !! NOTE! logs will be reset to NA!!
#' @param aggAll TRUE: aggregate source and qc data separately, FALSE: source data = qc data.
#' @param methodAgg aggregation method; mean, median, sum, min, max, or circular (for averaging direction measurements in degrees)
#' @param pullAgg aggregate data from before/on new timestamp ('left'), either side of timestamp ('centre'), or on/after timestamp ('right')
#' @keywords fileIO
#' @examples stdDF <- rB3stdze(rB3in = rawDF, varNames = wqVars, metaD = metaD, startDate = '2016-07-01 00:00:00', endDate = '2018-06-30 23:45:00', doAgg = TRUE, methodAgg = ctrls$methodAgg, pullAgg = ctrls$pullAgg)

rB3stdze <- function(rB3in,startDate,endDate, varNames, timestep, aggAll, methodAgg, pullAgg){

  ######## defaults ########
  if (missing(startDate)){
    startDate <- min(rB3in$DateTime)

  if (missing(endDate)){
    endDate <- max(rB3in$DateTime)

  if (missing(timestep)){
    timestep <- NULL
    doAgg <- FALSE
  } else {
    doAgg <- TRUE
    timestep <- timestep

  if (missing(aggAll)){
    aggAll <- FALSE

  if (missing(methodAgg)){
    methodAgg <- rB3in[["ctrls"]]$methodAgg

  if (missing(pullAgg)){
    pullAgg <- rB3in[["ctrls"]]$pullAgg

  if (missing(timestep)){
    timestep <- metaD$timestep

  ######## trim unwanted timestamps and vars #######

  outs.idElToModify <- idElToModify(rB3in, startDate, endDate, varNames)

  # decompose the list
  colLocs <- outs.idElToModify[[2]]
  colLocs[1] <- TRUE # make sure datetime is preserved

  # cull the unwanted variables
  rB3trim <- rB3in

  DFs <- c("srcDF","qcDF","logDF")

  for (f in DFs) {
    # trim rows
  rB3trim[[f]] <- rB3trim[[f]][rB3trim[[f]]$DateTime >= as.POSIXct(startDate) & rB3trim[[f]]$DateTime <= as.POSIXct(endDate),]

     # trim cols
  rB3trim[[f]] <- rB3trim[[f]][,which(colLocs)]
        # trim the ctrls variables to match the new DF cols
        rB3trim[["ctrls"]] <- rB3trim[["ctrls"]][colLocs,]

        # remove any NA rows
        rB3trim[["ctrls"]] <- rB3trim[["ctrls"]][!is.na(rB3trim[["ctrls"]]$measVar),]

  ######## aggregation #######

  rB3out <- rB3trim

  if (doAgg == TRUE) {

  #create dates
  dates <- data.frame(seq.POSIXt(from = as.POSIXct(startDate), to = as.POSIXct(endDate), by = timestep * 60))
  names(dates) <- "DateTime"

  # vars to aggregate
  varList <- colnames(rB3trim[["srcDF"]][,2:ncol(rB3trim[["srcDF"]])])

  if (aggAll == FALSE) {
    DFs <- "qcDF"
  } else {
    DFs <- c("srcDF","qcDF")

    for (f in DFs) {

      aggDF <- rB3trim[[f]]

      rB3out[[f]] <- dates

      for (i in 1:length(varList)) {

        aggDF <- rB3trim[[f]] [,c(1,i+1)]

  # set new timestamps for all measurements
       if (pullAgg[i] == 'left') {aggDF$DateTime <- lubridate::floor_date(aggDF$DateTime + (timestep * 60 -1), paste0(timestep,' min'))
       }  else if (pullAgg[i] == 'centre') {aggDF$DateTime <- lubridate::floor_date(aggDF$DateTime + (timestep * 30 -1), paste0(timestep,' min'))
       }  else if (pullAgg[i] == 'right') {aggDF$DateTime <- lubridate::floor_date(aggDF$DateTime + (timestep * 30 -1), paste0(timestep,' min'))
       }  else {aggDF$DateTime <- lubridate::floor_date(aggDF$DateTime - (timestep * 60 + 1), paste0(timestep,' min'))

                if (methodAgg[i] == 'mean') {  funAgg <- function(x) {mean(x)}
                }  else if (methodAgg[i] == 'median') { funAgg <- function(x)  {median(x)}
				}  else if (methodAgg[i] == 'sum') { funAgg <- function(x)  {sum(x)}
                }  else if (methodAgg[i] == 'max') { funAgg <- function(x) {max(x)}
                }  else if (methodAgg[i] == 'min') { funAgg <- function(x) {min(x)}
                }  else if (methodAgg[i] == 'circular') { funAgg <- function(x) {mean(circular::circular(x, units = "degrees", modulo = '2pi'))}
                }  else {funAgg <- function(x)  {mean(x)}

  aggVals <- aggregate(aggDF[,2], by = list(aggDF$DateTime), FUN = funAgg)
     names(aggVals) <- 'DateTime'
  aggVals <- merge(dates, aggVals, all.x = TRUE)

  rB3out[[f]] [,varList[i]] <- aggVals[,2]



  if (aggAll == FALSE) {
    rB3out[["srcDF"]] <- rB3out[["qcDF"]]

  rB3out[["logDF"]] <- rB3out[["qcDF"]]
     rB3out[["logDF"]] [1:nrow(rB3out[["logDF"]]),2:ncol(rB3out[["logDF"]])] <- NA



kohjim/rB3 documentation built on May 10, 2019, 9:51 a.m.