Man pages for kokrah/cbcbSEQ
RNAseq analysis pipeline for UMD CBCB collaborators with batch effect assessment and correction

batchSEQa pipeline for batch correction and mean-variance function...
cbcbSEQhpgltools: a suite of tools to make our analyses easier
combatModCall ComBat function with minor adjustments
filterCountsFilter low expression genes, using independent filtering...
log2CPMCompute log2(quantile counts per mil reads) and library size...
makeSVDCompute singular value decomposition
pcResCompute variance of each principal component and how they...
plotPCPlot first 2 principal components
qNormQuantile transform counts.
voomModCall modified voom on ComBatLoc adjusted data.
kokrah/cbcbSEQ documentation built on May 20, 2019, 12:54 p.m.